“The Old Order Is Over”: Trump To Adopt “Confrontational Tone” At G-7 As Macron Plans On “Standing Up” To US President

Via Zerohedge.com

Ahead of what is shaping up as the most confrontational G-7 meeting in history (the first meeting took place in 1975), we reported that Germany chancellor Angela Merkel already was setting the ground for the Toronto showdown among the world’s top political leaders – where Trump will also be present – vowing to challenge Donald Trump on virtually every issue, from trade to climate, and warning that the lack of room for compromise means leaders may fail to agree on a final statement, an unprecedented event at a summit of the world’s 7 most advanced nations.

Speaking before German lawmakers on Wednesday, two days before the G-7 summit starts in Canada, Merkel said that Trump’s “America First” doctrine shows that “we have a serious problem with multilateral agreements.” She added that failure to reach common ground could lead to the highly unusual step of host Canada issuing a concluding statement not agreed by all participants, according to Bloomberg.

Merkel said she plans to speak to Trump specifically about trade at the G-7. “There will be some controversial discussions” at the gathering, she told lawmakers. Germany will make sure that what was agreed on trade and climate at the last G-7 summit and at a G-20 meeting will be maintained in joint statements from the two-day meeting in Quebec “if any are agreed.”

Commenting on Merkel’s warning yesterday, we said that “we doubt Trump will be too “burned” by that statement.

And according to overnight newsflow, that is indeed the case and that if Merkel was hoping to “soften” Trump up by warning about the upcoming showdown between the US and the rest of the world, she made a mistake, because wires report that President Trump is said to be planning on adopting a confrontational tone at G7 in response to the other 6 nations collectively pressuring him regarding tariffs.

Which, of course, is hardly a major discover: after all “adopting a confrontational tone” is what Trump does, period. However, now that it has been formalized, this may actually be a G-7 meeting – traditionally boring and slow-moving – worth watching closely, if only for how the world’s 6 most advanced nations + America will try to contain the fall out from what will likely be the first documented failure of globalization.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg reports that France joined Germany in warning US President Trump that they will not sign a joint statement at the G7 summit, with President Macron warning that progress must be made on tariffs and other contentious issues. Macron has concluded that other G-7 leaders must stand up to the American president, according to the Bloomberg source.  Commenting on this particular threat, UBS chief economist Paul Donovan said:

The EU announced a list of products subject to a 25% consumer tax – products all partially made in the US. Ahead of tomorrow’s G6 plus 1 summit, French President Macron indicated France may not sign the statement if the US does not change its approach. Clearly, this is a terrifying threat (though it does rather emphasise US isolationism, which markets may worry about).

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow tried to play down the tension on Wednesday, describing it a “family quarrel” and telling reporters that “Trump is trying to fix this broken system,” adding that “He’s sticking to his guns. He’s going to talk to them. The lines are open.”

Good luck: “The meeting this week will be by far the most dysfunctional G-7,” said Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasia Group, a political-risk consulting firm. “The old order is over. What we are fighting over now, as the new order emerges, is whether the U.S. wants to have the most important seat at the table or not. Right now the answer is no.”

We look forward to the fallout from the acrimonious meeting, and how the market spins as bullish this particular instance of the US and the rest of the world drifting further apart.


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June 7, 2018 10:05 am

Just more proof that Trump is no different than Obama was or than Hillary would be.

One of those “Vote my ass” sort of things.

June 7, 2018 10:21 am

The US has been “for sale” for decades. Just take a look at how the US consumers and US workforce has been “sold out” over and over again. It’s pretty obvious to me that Trump understands that these countries need us much more than we need them. They’re acting ‘tough’ because they’re scared, very scared.

June 7, 2018 1:28 pm

Absolutely! Who benefits from the status quo. Screw France and Germany. They an’t have their tariffs and other trade barriers and unfettered exports to the USA. They have been serving us a shit sandwich with a smile for a long time but even with the smile it is still a shit sandwich.

June 7, 2018 3:01 pm

Pretty boy Macron is going to “stand up” to shiv-meister Trump….That should be entertaining.

June 7, 2018 11:15 am

6 most advanced nations + America……………..must be referring to the nations with the most debt.

June 7, 2018 11:22 am

The most important seat at the table happens to be the one with the most economic power that the other 6 seats have been sucking dry.

June 7, 2018 11:23 am

Here is a quote from French President Marcon: None of us who have been elected by the people can say ‘all prior commitments disappear.’ It’s just not true, there is a continuity in state affairs at the heart of international laws. Sometimes we’ve inherited some commitments that weren’t core to our beliefs, but we stuck to them, because that is how it works for nations.

If that isn’t the deep state: because that is how it works

Yeah, we should just keep getting screwed, and shut up.

June 7, 2018 11:36 am

While stupid republican fucks give high fives over the Trump exiting the Iran deal (JCPOA), Europe rakes in the contracts to the tune of 100 billion or more. All hail the Art of No Deal. So much for MAGA. Pray.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 7, 2018 11:40 am

So are you mad that we’re being unfair to Iran or happy that it doesn’t make a difference? Pick one. I probably would have stayed in the deal, but I’m not screaming that the sky is falling over it.

  Iska Waran
June 7, 2018 5:02 pm

I thought the point was so obvious that nobody could miss it. It’s not about Iran, it’s about European and US interests diverging. Well, actually it’s about US not following it’s own interests but rather being Israel’s personal bitch and Europe beginning to show some balls (huge sums of money have a way of doing that sometimes). Yeah the tariffs are a part of that too. The way things are going, pretty soon even pressure from the US for Euros to increase military spending to fall in line with NATO requirements will cause them to say, “Why should we? Russia is your adversary, not ours.”

June 7, 2018 6:40 pm

” …. pretty soon even pressure from the US for Euros to increase military spending to fall in line with NATO requirements will cause them to say, “Why should we? Russia is your adversary, not ours.” ——– Zara

Here are the nations that will never say that; Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, England, and Germany —- these nations have true blue RUSSIA PARANOIA on their stupid little brains 24x7x365.

June 7, 2018 11:44 am

Europe has also become a de facto Muslim controlled area and works as hard as it can to keep importing more Muslims.

Something that carries a heavy price with it today, and a price that will greatly increase to the breaking point soon after they no longer have the ability to do anything about it.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 7, 2018 11:38 am

If we just insisted on matching our tariffs to theirs, they’d all have a fucking cow. The only thing Macron can do is try his Kung Fu Grip handshake on Trump. Reminds me of Jeb! “Oh, you’re a tough guy, Jeb”.

< It's worth watching once in a while to remind yourself to get down on your knees and pray every night in thankfulness that we didn't elect that dickless wonder Jebito.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 7, 2018 12:01 pm


June 7, 2018 1:32 pm

Iska,Jeb is not dickless. He reserve it to screw the American middle class.

June 7, 2018 2:33 pm

“a summit of the world’s 7 most advanced nations.” ——– article

Huh? OK, let’s take a quick look …

1)– Canada …. It’s really not even a country. It’s basically America’s National Parks System.

2)– Italy …. Ha! What do you think of when someone asks you about Eyetalians??? Pasta, fast cars, fancy shoes, cheap women, and the Mafia. That’s it. They haven’t been great since Constantine fucked up by converting to Christianity.

3)– United Kingdom ….. They aren’t United. And the mooslimfuks will insure there won’t be a Kingdom. The UK is the biggest HAS BEEN nation on earth today.

4)– France …. Macaroni is the biggest pussified leader in the biggest pussified nation in existence today. They make shitty cars. Shitty airplanes. Shitty tanks (one gear forward and ten in reverse). Shitty perfume. Overrated wine. But, they do make good cheese. But, hear me out. You just can’t make a country part of the G-7 based on fucken cheese.

Those 4 countries ain’t shit. That leaves three legit countries.

Germany …. dirty rotten Krauts

Japan …. slant eyed Nips

USA!USA!USA! …… we already kicked Kraut ass and Nip ass from here to hell and back … twice, in one case … and Trump is gonna kick their asses once again. Believe me!! We have nothing to fear except fear itself. Heil Kaiser Trump!!!!!

June 7, 2018 3:09 pm

One thumbs down already??

Are you Canadian?

  Francis Marion
June 7, 2018 4:12 pm

  Francis Marion
June 7, 2018 4:13 pm

  Francis Marion
June 7, 2018 10:35 pm

There may be hope for Canada yet…Ontario just kicked the Liberals and their carbon taxes and green energy schemes to the curb and put the Conservatives back in power for the first time this century. May Doug Ford make Ontario great again! MOGA!

May this be the first step to Justin Trudeau’s Liberals becoming a one term government and Canadians unite to make Trudeau a drama teacher again.

Not Sure
Not Sure
June 7, 2018 3:22 pm

Who cares about tariffs, G-7 or whatever; I’m just looking forward to the no holds barred fight when the little French guy steps into the ring with Trump. No rooting for the little guy here, just wondering if the little French guy’s wife will step into the ring when she realizes her young little man is getting the sh*t kicked out of him.

June 7, 2018 3:25 pm

Stucky- Canadians are soon to be stoners of the first order. The entire country is to have legal pot or so I read yesterday. That will help them tolerate the Boy Wonder and the mooslimfuk invasion……..poor bastards.

June 7, 2018 3:28 pm

If you’re Trump, just hand them all billing statements for what they owe for NATO as you shake their hand and say, “This is all the billing in arrears to date.” Greatest fucking freeloader, lay-about countries, more like.

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
June 7, 2018 6:28 pm

Trump is gonna adopt a confrontational tone?

That’s so 50+ years ago.

June 7, 2018 8:49 pm

isn’t it always interesting that G7, G20 meetings happening around same time as these Bilderbergers meet…that way certain individuals can slip away and end up at the secretive meetings while others think they are on official state business.

All are traitors to their respective countries and citizens and mankind!

Anything else is noise or kabuki theater!!