Trump and the Invasion of the West

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Trump and the Invasion of the West

“It is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart,” says former first lady Laura Bush of the Trump administration policy of “zero tolerance,” under which the children of illegal migrants are being detained apart from their parents.

“Disgraceful,” adds Dr. Franklin Graham.

“We need to be … a country that governs with a heart,” says first lady Melania Trump. “No one likes this policy,” says White House aide Kellyanne Conway, even “the president wants this to end.”

And so it shall — given the universal denunciations and photos of sobbing children being pulled from parents. Yet striking down the policy will leave America’s immigration crisis still unresolved.

Consider. Since 2016, some 110,000 children have entered the U.S. illegally and been released, along with 200,000 Central American families caught sneaking across the border.

Reflecting its frustration, the White House press office declared:

“We can’t deport them, we can’t separate them, we can’t detain them, we can’t prosecute them. What (the Democrats) want is a radical open-border policy that lets everyone out into the interior of this country with virtually no documentation whatsoever.”

Where many Americans see illegal intruders, Democrats see future voters.

And with 11,000 kids of illegal immigrants in custody and 250 more arriving every day, we could have 30,000 in custody by summer’s end.

The existential question, however, thus remains: How does the West, America included, stop the flood tide of migrants before it alters forever the political and demographic character of our nations and our civilization?

The U.S. Hispanic population, already estimated at nearly 60 million, is predicted to exceed 100 million by 2050, just 32 years away.

And Europe’s southern border is more imperiled than ours.

A week ago, the new populist regime in Rome refused to allow a boat full of migrants from Libya to land in Sicily. Malta also turned them away. After a voyage of almost a week and 1,000 miles, 630 migrants were landed in Valencia, Spain.

Why did Italy reject them? Under EU law, migrants apply for asylum in the country where they first enter Europe. This burdens Italy and Greece where the asylum-seekers have been arriving for years.

Of the landing in Spain, Italy’s interior minister Matteo Salvini, a leader of the populist League party, chortled:

“I thank the Spanish government. I hope they take in the other 66,629 refugees (inside Italy). We will not be offended if the French follow the Spanish, the Portuguese and Maltese, we will be the happiest people on earth.”

If the migrants boats of the Med are redirected to Spanish ports, one suspects that the Spanish people will soon become as unwelcoming as many other peoples in Europe.

And Trump is not backing down. Monday he tweeted:

“The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition. Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!”

Whatever European leaders may think of him, many Europeans are moving in Trump’s direction, toward more restrictions on immigration.

In Germany, a political crisis is percolating. The Bavarian-based CSU, longtime coalition partner of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU, is now talking divorce if Merkel does not toughen German policy.

Merkel has never fully recovered from the nationalist backlash against the million migrants she allowed in from Syria’s civil war. A New Year’s Eve rampage in Cologne, featuring wilding attacks on German girls by Arabs and Muslims, cost her dearly.

Among the reasons Bavarians are pulling away from Berlin is that, being in the south of Germany, Bavaria is a primary point of entry.

Virtually every one of the populist parties of Europe, especially of the right, have arisen to contest or to seize power by riding the issue of mass migration from Africa and the Middle East.

Yet the progressives adamantly refuse to act, apparently paralyzed by a belief that restricting the free movement of peoples from foreign lands violates one of the great commandments of liberal democracy.

We are truly dealing here with an ideology of Western suicide.

If Europe does not act, its future is predictable.

The population of Africa, right across the Med, is anticipated to climb to 2.5 billion by midcentury. And by 2100, Africa will be home half of all the people of the planet.

If but a tiny fraction of the African and Middle Eastern population decides to cross the Mediterranean to occupy the emptying towns and villages of an aging and dying continent, who and what will stop them?

Trump may be on the wrong side politically and emotionally of this issue of separating migrant kids from their parents.

But on the mega-issue — the Third World invasion of the West — he is riding the great wave of the future, if the West is to have a future.

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It's Tuesday morning. . .
It's Tuesday morning. . .
June 19, 2018 7:16 am

America, can’t or won’t take care of it’s own, yet cries tears of injustice for those from other countries coming here illegally!
How do you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-A-C-Y?

  It's Tuesday morning. . .
June 19, 2018 7:54 am

hypocrisy, is the correct answer to your question!!!!!!!!!!
(2 spelling errors in one word, fantastic!!!!!)

Go back to school, although I doubt if that will help you.
You uneducated imbecile!!!!!!!!!!
Are you black perhaps?????

Reply to a POS
Reply to a POS
June 19, 2018 8:13 am

Spelling corrective info should be done in a pleasant manner.

But, being a dolt, you miss the entire message.

It's Tuesday morning. . .
It's Tuesday morning. . .
June 19, 2018 8:34 am

Hostile much?
FYI, I was not totally awake(spelling errors), but then I really don’t owe you an explanation.

June 19, 2018 9:07 am

That waz an asshol replie Jon

June 19, 2018 7:28 am

Pat’s ” Death of the West.” was the book that gave me a political direction. Pat accurately saw all this coming almost 20 years ago.

June 19, 2018 8:51 pm

But when Pat says “migrant children” he’s wrong. These are trafficked children, forced to walk hundreds of miles by the coyotes and/or their parents (if they are really parents).

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
June 19, 2018 8:00 am

With all respect to the former First Lady, the fact that she put up with George Bush is proof enough of her lack of taste and judgement. Bush was a hapless fool who did tremendous damage to the country. It is ironic but true that his gut instincts were not all wrong but he allowed himself to be surrounded by a spider’s web of Israeli agents like Paul Wolfowitz. He was too ignorant to understand what they were up to and swallowed the baloney that he would go down in history as the savior of the world. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.

June 19, 2018 8:24 am

Boo fucking hoo, the little babies separated. When I was in Germany last, 2007-10. A neighbor, upon arrival was promptly deployed to Afghanistan for 15 months. He returned and spent almost a year in the field training for his next deployment. After 12 months “at home” he deployed back for another 15 months. When I was moving back to the states he was getting ready for his 3rd deployment within a little over 3 years. Nobody was concerned about his wife or 2 kids who he got to be with for about 3 months in the span of 5 years. And it ain’t like he was the only one.

June 19, 2018 8:44 am

I have absolutely zero sympathy for any illegals sneaking into this country or any others. Lose your kids for a period of time while your illegal ass is dealt with in legal fashion? Well, isn’t that just too bad! In point of fact, the children being separated from parents at the southern border are probably getting the first decent medical/dental care they’ve ever had as well as a warm place to sleep and decent food. They are likely in a better position now than a great number of the children of the vast welfare army of “citizens” in the country.

Having said that, I also have zero sympathy for your friend who stays in a military that has become little more than the enforcement arm of the American oligarchy. If we would get our fat noses out of everybody else’s business, your friend wouldn’t find himself being deployed repeatedly to every Islamic shithole in the world, a position he finds himself in VOLUNTARILY I might add!

But then, after all…USA! USA! USA!

June 19, 2018 9:11 am

Before Mama and Papa get the kids back, the parents should have one of their ears lopped off to make future identification easier.

June 19, 2018 1:09 pm

Nah, one of these should work very well in identification today as it has before:[imgcomment image[/img]

rhs jr, exOfficer
rhs jr, exOfficer
June 19, 2018 2:21 pm

Xrugger, a million Patriotic long suffering GIs serving their country got screwed but it was because 150 million voters let NeoCons run everything; that’s not their fault, it’s your damn civilian fault.

  rhs jr, exOfficer
June 19, 2018 10:05 pm

rhs jr,
Unquestioning adulation of authority in general and the military and police in particular is antithetical to the concepts of liberty which were the founding framework of this country. When the actions of authority in any form become immune to criticism and complaint, then we are truly become a nation of helots. Placing the blame on civilian voters for the misadventures of a bloated, world-straddling military may feel good, but it does nothing to address the root problem. The root problem is the very existence of a American standing army that has grown far beyond what is necessary for the physical defense of the nation. Incidentally, I was not always one of those civilians you blame for producing the adverse conditions under which our soldiers serve.

The road to tyranny is paved with the good intentions of those whose default position is slavish attachment to the very organizations which, if left unchecked, are potentially deadly to ordered liberty. I trust you are not so foolish as to think that the American military rank and file, as well as the officer corps, are not subject to the same shortcomings and prone to the same lapses of moral judgment as any other organized entity.

It is not appropriate for the American military to be used as a cudgel to impose our idea of freedom on any other nation. Nor is it acceptable for an unquestioning populace to blindly allow that same military to become a danger to liberty at home.

June 19, 2018 9:05 am

No one wants to talk about things like this:

Which leads me to wonder how widespread the problem is.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 19, 2018 9:13 am

Why don’t the Europeans just torpedo the boats 10 miles offshore? That’d put a stop to it pretty quick.

sionnac liath
sionnac liath
June 19, 2018 9:14 am

One way to at least slow down the current immigration wave is to eliminate the array of welfare programs available. That, and stop the ability to transfer money outside the banking system. At least inside banking the amounts and timing can be regulated and limited.

June 19, 2018 9:46 am

My liberal sister and I got in a texting war over this shit. She’s buying the MSM Hitler Concentration Camp BS and saying “this is not who we are”. I told her she was brainwashed and that we’d probably never agree. Also told her this is/was the goal of the Communist/Progressive MSM to divide and conquer us all so we would fail to see our real enemies. Doubtful we ever have a meaningful discussion again. Seems the globalists plan is working… Chip

BTW Trump is enforcing the law brought into existence through the courts during Clinton’s rein. It has been enforced by Clinton-Bush-Obama and now Trump…

Flores Settlement Agreement

June 19, 2018 10:19 am

I’m more worried about Manafort’s separation from his children.

Screw the illegals.

June 19, 2018 10:38 am

Where are these same people when American citizens are detained and separated from their children then ask them questions like are you safe at home, does your dad hit you, what do you identify as…