Bannon, Salvini, And A Powerful Catholic Cardinal Are Gunning For Pope Francis

Via ZeroHedge

As the populist wave continues to rise throughout Europe – most recently in Italy where refugees are now being turned away, prominent conservative Catholics are coming together to take on Pope Francis.

At the center of the intra-faith efforts are Steve Bannon, along with Italy’s new interior minister Matteo Salvini and American Cardinal Raymond Burke – all of whom are staunchly opposed to liberal open-border policies advocated by the Pope.

Francis is a harsh critic of secure borders, and an advocate of unchecked migration – calling President Trump “un-Christian” for wanting to build his wall (which would be around 30-feet, the same height as the wall surrounding the Vatican).

It is no secret that Francis, whose first ever apostolic voyage was to the Italian island of Lampedusa to give support to the hundreds of thousands of migrants who have crashed onto the shores there, supports an open-border policy. He has celebrated mass on the Mexican border with the United States, and he has warned world leaders to prioritize the acceptance of migrants over national security concerns and to avoid “discrimination, racism, extreme nationalism and xenophobia.”Daily Beast

Burke, Bannon and Salvini have railed against these policies, with Bannon calling the Catholic Church “one of the worst instigators of this open borders policy,” adding that “The Pope – more than anybody else – has driven the migrant crisis in Europe.”

The three conservative Catholics came together earlier this month when Bannon was in Rome to celebrate Italy’s new populist coalition government run by Salvini, along with Five Star Movement leader Luigi Di Maio and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. During his visit, Bannon took a side-trip to the 800-year-old Trisulti monastery under development by conservative UK catholic Benjamin Harnwell.

Harnwell runs a conservative Catholic organization, the Dignitatis Humanae Institute – which was “founded to help Christian politicians defend their faith in the public square.”

The monastery will host events with speakers like Bannon and Burke and conservative Christian leaders.

Harnwell and his organization are an important connection between Bannon and Burke. Harnwell is the one who first introduced the two, according to a New York Times article that is displayed on Harnwell’s website. Bannon spoke at one of Harnwell’s’ conferences by grainy video link back in 2014 during which he warned that the migration exodus would lead to a rise in populism. Burke was the keynote speaker the year before. –Daily Beast

Burke, meanwhile, is one of the pope’s harshest critics – openly challenging Francis’ ability to lead the church while campaigning for limitations on papal powers. Burke has openly called Islam a threat, and is an open supporter of President Trump.

Burke has been getting closer to Salvini, who visited him this week in Rome. It was not their first meeting. Salvini, meanwhile, closed Italian ports to NGO rescue ships this month – forcing several ships full of asylum seekers to divert to Spain and France.

Salvini also told an Italian television station Monday that he plans to conduct a census of the Roma community, and will kick anyone out of the country residing there illegally.

“Irregular foreigners will be deported via agreements with other countries … But Italian Roma unfortunately we have to keep.”

So it should come as no surprise that Bannon is a giant fan of Salvini – calling his policies an example for the rest of the world.

Salvini, meanwhile, is enjoying a boost in popularity within Italy, reinforced with a photo op with Cardinal Burke.

Francis, pushing back against the mounting Catholic coalition against his open-border policies, has been particularly vocal of late on the issue of migrants – both in regards to Italy’s closed ports and the US-Mexico border controversy over migrant children being separated from their families (meanwhile 80% of migrant children are unaccompanied – meaning their parents chose to separate from them when they shoved them across the border with a human trafficker).

I would like to point out that the issue of migration is not simply one of numbers, but of persons, each with his or her own history, culture, feelings and aspirations,” Francis said this week. “These persons, our brothers and sisters, need ongoing protection, independently of whatever migrant status they may have.”

We look forward to demolition crews tearing down the “un-Christian” Vatican walls so that all those persons who need ongoing protection can seek shelter in the ever-loving and charitable arms of the Catholic church. Especially the children.

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June 21, 2018 9:27 am

Just place his infallible ass amongst those loving Muzzies he cares for so much for an hour or two. That oughta do it.

June 21, 2018 9:38 am

The present stance of the Catholic Church on uncontrolled immigration would not have been possible in the pre-Vatican II Ecumenical Council Catholic Church. This (and any) “pope” has no authority beyond spiritual matters and should stay out of politics and out of the “open-borders” brouhaha.
The “beginning of the end” of traditional Catholicism was sealed with the infiltration of the Catholic Church “Vatican II Ecumenical Council” of the 1960s by Jews and Protestants who were involved in the “modernization” of the Catholic Church.
Much Catholic ritual was discarded, as well as the promotion of the absolution of the Jews for Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and death, despite vitriolic Jewish hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity which exists to this day. The fact is, the Jews DID get the Romans to crucify Jesus Christ and DID accept full responsibility for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. As is the case today, they got others (Pontius Pilate) do do their “dirty work” for them…
Abandoning the use of Latin in the Mass destroyed its “universality”. Previous to Vatican II, one could attend Mass anywhere in the Roman Catholic world and understand the meaning of the Mass.
Prohibition of the celebration of the Tridentine Mass (except by special ecclesiastical permission) pushed many Catholics away from the new “Modern Mass” and the New Church, in general…It took a brave Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X to “push back” against Vatican II and re-legitimize the celebration of the pre-Vatican II Tridentine Mass and other Catholic rites.
In pre-Vatican II times, the priest (celebrant of the Mass) was considered to be a part of the congregation, and a representative of the people.
By turning the priest around to face the congregation, the priest was no longer a representative, but an “actor”, diminishing his status and importance.
One area where the Catholic Church could improve itself involves celibacy, which is NOT Church “dogma” or doctrine. Celibacy was put in place during the middle ages in order to keep Church property from being inherited by family and relatives of priests and bishops. Celibacy was based on purely financial considerations–nothing more. It is interesting to note that Episcopal (Anglican) priests who convert to Catholicism can bring their families with them to the Church while Roman Catholic priests are denied marriage.
It was a grave mistake by the Church to de-legitimize pre-Vatican II principles.

June 21, 2018 11:50 am

The priest prays to the congregation to come back next week, and bring more money.
Might as well be a banker for all the likelihood of their leading you to God.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 21, 2018 9:45 am

The real pope (Benedict XVI) has no illusions about the musloid infiltration. Too bad he was too chicken to stand up to the gay cabal who demanded his (illicit) resignation. I’d love to see “Pope” Francis get offed by a musloid terrorist.

June 21, 2018 10:00 am

The pope is all for taking in migrants in the Vatican, as long as they are boys under the age of 14.

June 21, 2018 10:34 am

The election of a NWO Jesuit Queer shows that Catholics have a much bigger problem than just this Pope. They have undergone a 21st Century Reformation from Hell and should start burning their Cardinals at the stake.

Buck P.
Buck P.
June 21, 2018 11:03 am

“Pope Francis , Tear Down Your Wall!”

June 21, 2018 11:11 am

They’re “gunning” for him? Please, Dear Lord, I hope they mean that literally.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
June 21, 2018 11:30 am

The problem with Catholicism is that its power structure. A hierarchical pyramid is not reformable. You see this with not just religion but in the secular world as well. Companies like GE, Sears, etc., will all end up in the dustbin, their assets auctioned.

Pyramidical power structures, once created, don’t age well. Look at Apple, a new CEO who doesn’t have the vision of the last one is already harming the company, as it puts the finishing touches on its Spaceship headquarters down the road from me.

I’ve visited the Vatican twice, and I recommend to anyone who’s in Rome to go there. The art is incredible. Even a reformed protestant can appreciate it. However, there’s one thing I take away from the place. As I stared up at the interior of St. Peter’s, I said to myself, “so this is where it all started going down hill.” Indeed the church was at its height when the Vatican was constructed, and already on the downslide.

Before the Catholic church was housed in the Vatican, it was located at St. John Lateran. A very old church, with stone stairs supposedly taken from Ponticus Pilot’s residence in Jerusalem. St. John housed the Popes before they became the Popes we’ve known over the past several hundred years. It still has the title, “mother basilica” because it’s basically was the focal point long before Michelangelo was around.

I have way more sentiment walking into St. John Lateran than the Vatican. Looking up Pilot’s stairs, I said to myself, “so this is where it all hit the upswing, where it strengthened.” Years from now we’ll be saying that about Apple. Ex-employees, driving past the old headquarters, will take a deep sigh, remembering the good times, when the company strengthened, and as they pass the new Spaceship Headquarters, with a floor just for EEO issues, a cold chill will run down their spines, with feelings of weakness and ineptitude, and anger towards a decaying organization.

As human beings we have to recognize that all is decay. Governments, religion, businesses, social organizations, etc.. They create their own stiff, insular traditions that repel outsiders and new blood. They are, as Jesus said, old wineskins. This is the greatest gift that the Protestant Reformation, 500 years ago this year, gave us. The ability to start over. To create new start-ups, full of the life and vigor that old behemoths can never have. Many of those start-ups, even most, never make it. Nonetheless, this is the heart of business innovation, and it’s also the heart of Christianity, the most liberating and invigorating gift ever given.

June 21, 2018 11:45 am

Good! I hope they bring enough pressure to clean out that nest of vipers in the Vatican, and depose this fraudulent “Pope.” He’s a joke… the man cant formulate a coherent thought other than to spew his Marxist programming. How much more of this anti-Christ, Globalist nut will Catholics tolerate???

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
June 21, 2018 12:32 pm

The Pope, like Jerry Brown (a Jesuit seminarian), is a communist. It’s the nature of the Jesuit order.
BTW, that was an excellent comment by anarchist.

kerdasi amaq
kerdasi amaq
June 21, 2018 4:29 pm

The pope is a revered figure in the Islamic faith.

June 21, 2018 5:22 pm

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June 22, 2018 12:56 am

There’s no problem here that can’t be fixed by burning a lot of commie pederasts at the stake, every week….