Peterson on ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Training in Kindergarten: ‘Appalling’ That Schools Are ‘Pushing This Nonsense’

Via Fox

Canadian psychologist Prof. Jordan Peterson shared his views on a University of Wisconsin-Whitewater professor’s argument that “toxic masculinity” should be taught to children as early as kindergarten.

Kathleen Elliott argues in an issue of “On The Horizon,” an academic journal, that there are “consequences of simplified, toxic forms of masculinity in schools and society.”

Campus Reform reported that Elliott wrote that the media promotes “aspects of toxic masculinity such as physical strength, dominance, and heterosexual prowess.”

Peterson said that “you’d have to be a fool” to teach young children such a concept.

He asked Tucker Carlson why “toxic masculinity” is being discussed at all, and called the term “terribly defiant.”

“I think it’s appalling that faculties of education are pushing this sort of nonsense,” he said.

He went on to say that children that are exposed to such “idiot social justice pseudo-education,” they should be pulled out of their schools.

“Everything about the idea is ridiculous,” he added.

Peterson called Elliott’s goal to teach it “absolutely hopeless.”

According to Campus reform, Elliott cited a now-disbanded University of Wisconsin-Madison “Men’s Project” and said such programs “challenge simplified definitions of masculinity.”

Peterson added that it’s difficult to even define what “toxic masculinity” is.

“Where’s the crisis?” he asked. “Why would we turn the education of our children over to idiot ideologues?”

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June 21, 2018 12:34 pm

Why are we surprised??
The school system has always been pushing social engineering since the 70s. They don’t care about the ability to perform math, science, and literacy (thus our low international standing). What they do care about is that the children graduate into politically correct automatons.

When White flight escaped declining neighborhoods of Philly, Newark, Bronx, (… etc etc), these refugees had a mistaken belief that they can now entrust their kids to the suburban school system. They all repeated the same mantra, “oh my school system is good where I am”. They were grossly mistaken.

The school system inculcated their children with white guilt from mythological white privilege. Their children have no idea the chaos their parents escaped from. They instead believe in utopian garbage like communism, socialism, and anarcho libertarianism (none of which is rooted in reality, nor can be demonstrated to have worked in the recorded history of mankind, beyond Dunbar’s number).

Now that radical afro americans have white males feeling guilty, they want to ensure their helpless response to afro aggression by destroying their masculinity. The end result is that not only will they REFUSE to fight back because of white guilt, but also UNABLE fight back because of lack of masculinity. Add gun control to this equation, and you have a perfect condition for helplessness.

When the economy becomes bankrupted, and the racial balkanization leads from a de facto race war to a hot one, there will be a great amount of die off. The school system made most millennials completely ill-equipped to the realities of what is coming, thus ensuring their eventual demise.

No one is truly focused on the problem: I even see it here with anarcho whiners complaining about copfuks, because they got a traffic ticket in cupcake land, like it was a trip to the soviet gulag. Thats their biggest problem in cupcake land, where they pontificate from afar without the authority of life experience. They keep on peddling collectivist guilt nonsense (wow out of 400,000 cops throughout the nation, with tens of millions of interactions with the public, there are some atrocities occurring… no kidding genius).

What these cupcake land anarchos don’t realize that the real everyday atrocities of radical afro ghetto behavior against Whites (which to these radicalized afros includes asians, and hispanics, because they do not make such distinctions), as compared to police atrocities, is like comparing a match to an inferno. And this is readily apparent to all except clouded ideologues.

And unlike cupcake cops, ghetto cops are keeping this front line racial insurgency somewhat contained (something you cupcake anarchos are doing nothing about). Why don’t you guys bring up all the ubiquitous violence that radicalized afros commit against the rest of us (because you feel threatened by afros, and are afraid of being called racist by leftist progs, thats why!… willing to sell out the rest of us with theoretical make believe … what a pathetic joke).

Just as New Left progressives ruined establishment liberals, the pathologically naive anarchos have ruined paleo libertarianism, and as a result Paleo Conservatism is generally the only answer left, but it is a bitter medicine that no one wants to take. Thus the end is ensured. Be prepared and do not listen to nonsense ideology that is not firmly rooted in reality (and the personal experience to back it up).

Martin brundlefly
Martin brundlefly
June 21, 2018 1:48 pm

Toxic feminism might be more accurate.

June 21, 2018 1:50 pm

Scary stuff, the few indoctrination sessions I have seen. Little kids 4-5 years old all being told how to play. Form circles, find a partner, give him/her a hug. Hold their hands, now turn the other way and hug your new partner. Sing a happy happy song of peace, love and unity (like with guitar strumming commie bastard propaganda lyrics). Actually, kids don’t come into this world with prejudice or any agenda, they pick it up off their parents early on. Somehow this job of raising children which includes making their own decisions and mistakes is now seen as defective and needs fixing. Who’s responsibility is it to raise kids, who has the right? It’s still parents and even they don’t have all the lessons. Some of those lessons are just going out into the world and experiencing it without a political body saying “Your doing it wrong.”

June 21, 2018 10:05 pm

Well, the interviewer is a bit of a moron, because the good questions are:
1) Don’t and haven’t always men and women had different roles to play in joint survival?
2) Since resources are always limited, isn’t it better on a team if some people do some things better than others, and they better than them at other things?
3) Can men ever have babies, can women ever let the men raise them from birth alone?
4) Aren’t there always some differences between all people, and some of these differences can be both a good or bad thing depending on the situation?
5) Isn’t survival always about adjusting? Isn’t being the same as everyone else go against this?
6) Since differences in people are real, shouldn’t the smarter people good at leading lead whoever they are?

June 21, 2018 6:53 pm

What is more appalling is that parents continue to willingly send their children to these day prisons despite everything they have done to children in the past and the clear and obviously plans for the future. Unless YOU are paying directly for the service (or providing it yourself – homeschooling), YOU have NO say in what is being taught. Keep your kids OUT. Pull your kids OUT, and work to end the government monopoly/socialist schooling farce that is destroying America faster than any other force around.