Doug Casey on the Space Force

Via Casey Research

Image result for funny space force

Justin’s note: Last Monday, Donald Trump announced that he’s establishing a new, sixth branch of the military known as the “Space Force.”

It sounds like a joke. But Trump’s dead serious about this. Here’s what he said:

Our destiny beyond the Earth is not only a matter of national identity, but a matter of national security…

When it comes to defending America, it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance in space.

It’s one of the strangest stories I’ve ever come across. So, I called up Doug Casey as soon as I heard it, to get his take…

Justin: Doug, what do you think about the creation of a Space Force?

Doug: I thought there was an understanding amongst governments that they weren’t going to militarize space, as much as there’s an understanding that Antarctica won’t be militarized. Nice ideas. Ideally you want the smallest militaries possible, in the fewest places possible—instead of large militaries absolutely everywhere. In fact, my ideal would be to limit the size of the military to the head of state and his cabinet, and their area of operations to an octagon, or a small arena someplace.

But that’s unrealistic. Weak old men prefer to have foolish young men fight for them, at taxpayer expense.

That said, anything that can be militarized will be militarized in today’s world. So an American Space Force was inevitable. And there’s no point in kvetching about the inevitable. But it takes risks and expenses up to the next level.

Once space is militarized, the Space Force could—is intended to—destroy any or all of the thousands of satellites in space for communications, science, and all sorts of worthwhile things. Causing trillions of dollars of direct and indirect damage. But that’s far from the only thing that Space Force would do. Like any military organization, the purpose is to kill people and destroy property.

This news reminds me of the conversation we had a few weeks ago about the so-called “Rod from God.” That, again, is basically a tungsten rod, a foot in diameter and 20 feet long, that can be dropped from orbit. It would use only kinetic energy, so there’s no radioactive fallout. But it would be ultra-accurate, ultra-fast, ultra-stealthy, and as devastating as a small nuclear explosion.

Ever since the days of the cavemen, warriors have striven to control the high ground—and space is the ultimate high ground.

So this is ramping up the arms race in a big way. And I don’t see how you can stop it. Governments get in wars with each other for a living; it’s their raison d’etre. It’s been that way for thousands of years. No different from Game of Thrones, to use an analogy that’s more meaningful to the average sports fan.

So, the fact that they said they wouldn’t militarize space long ago meant nothing. It sounded good because nobody was in a position to do it. The cat’s out of the bag now.

Justin: How might other countries respond to this? Do you think they’ll announce plans for their own Space Forces?

Doug: Unquestionably—if they can get hold of the technology. You’ve got to look at who’s space-capable. The Russians are very space-capable. Now that the US has acted, they’re almost forced to do it as a simple matter of self-defense. The Chinese are also space-capable. So, they’ll do it as well. The Indians are becoming space-capable. And, of course, the Europeans. Soon we’re going to have two, three, many different forces in space.

It reminds me of the excellent Stanley Kubrick movie Doctor Strangelove, which is totally brilliant and one of my top ten favorites. It’s about the start of World War III.

You may recall that in the early ’60s, when it’s set, there was said to be a “missile gap” between the Soviets and the Americans. In the War Room, the Americans are discussing a gigantic megabomb the Russians have set off, and that there’s no way to survive but to hide in mine shafts. One general reflexively says, based on nothing, “Mr. President, we must not allow a mineshaft gap!” So the Americans shift their efforts from building nuclear missiles, which are now worthless, to digging mineshafts—in order to ensure the survival of high government officials.

This is just the way these things happen. Somebody does A and somebody else has to do B to counter A. Then somebody else does C to counter B.

It’s part of the human condition. One group of chimpanzees around the watering hole discover that they can use sticks to brain their opponents. Then, chimpanzees on the other side of the watering hole figure how to put a rock at the end of the stick to make it more effective. Another group, watching them, decides sharpening the rock will give them a further edge. It becomes a question of who will strike first, while they’ve still got the edge.

Whenever we’re talking about governments and their militaries, the Golden Rule is “Do unto others—but do it first!”

That’s exactly what’s going to happen in space, now that Donald has decided to act as the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, in a vain hope to MAGA. The situation will only escalate, the way the nuclear arms race did. Fortunately, we seem to have dodged that bullet… maybe. This race could be much more deadly.

But, as I said, it’s completely inevitable. At least until we change the basic human psyche, and clear it of its numerous aberrations. Or perhaps purge humanity of psychopaths, narcissists, and criminals. Or defang the institution of government, which naturally attracts those types. You have to remember that history is mainly a catalog of wars between governments.

So, there’s nothing to be done about this. Even if Trump doesn’t create a Space Force first, because the US Government is already bankrupt, the Chinese, Russians, Indians, or Europeans will do it. There’s no way out.

Justin: I can’t imagine that a Space Force will come cheap, either.

Doug: Of course not. This will evolve into another bloated military bureaucracy, that’s for sure. The Space Force is going take up lots more office space, full of cubicle dwellers. They’re going to hire scientists and engineers that would otherwise be creating useful things, not destructive weapons. The Space Force generals will lobby against the other five services, and the 17 or so Praetorian Agencies like the FBI and the CIA, for hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of new resources. This won’t be good from an economic point of view.

Frankly, I’m not sure the government’s even equipped to handle this. After all, it’s not like they have much in the way of launch facilities anymore. They’re no longer in a position to launch—they had to subcontract to the Russians not long ago.

American capability has largely been passed over to the private sector—which is a good thing. NASA, which is supposedly a civilian agency anyway, is not what it used to be in the ’60s. It’s just another bureaucracy—it’s like the Post Office with rockets and telescopes. So, I imagine that they’re going to have to outsource a lot of this to the two US space exploration companies, SpaceX and Blue Origin—who will then become as corrupt and cost-plus as any other military contractor.

I’m very concerned by Trump’s wanting to spend more money on the military—which already almost equals that of all the world’s other militaries combined—when he should be cutting military spending by 50% to 90%. It’s very provocative. And will help bankrupt the US.

But it frankly won’t matter how much money Trump spends on any of this. That’s because the Chinese economy is going to be three times bigger than the US economy in 20 years. Wars are won or lost based on economic strength.

How do you fight an adversary that’s triple your size? You can’t, unless you’re writing a fairy tale. Or, at least, you’re an idiot to try. It would be very much like the Japanese trying to compete against the US in WW2. Not likely a winning proposition.

Recognize I’m not being defeatist in saying these things. The US could be fine 20 years from now—if it does the right things. But it’s not imitating itself from 100 years ago. Or Singapore today. It’s imitating Argentina under Perón and the Kirchners.

Justin: What might the introduction of a Space Force mean for international cooperation in space? Will the International Space Station and other joint efforts like this fall apart?

Doug: That’s a problem, isn’t it? Countries will probably stop cooperating on projects like the International Space Station once they start to view each other as military adversaries in space.

It’s not like you’d expect the Americans and the Chinese to do joint military exercises together today, or even scientific cooperation. The Americans and the Russians cooperated in space a few years ago. But once you militarize space, the odds are about as good as their doing joint military operations together in the Ukraine. They’re antagonists. And that atmosphere will transfer itself to space when we have Space Forces.

It’s not a good trend. It’s not going to win the US any friends, or stem its decline.

Justin’s note: If you enjoy Conversations With Casey, you’ll want to get your hands on Totally Incorrect Volume 2. It’s Doug’s most controversial book yet… and you can get it for free. This book isn’t available anywhere else right now. Learn how to get your copy right here.

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john prokovich
john prokovich
June 25, 2018 5:13 pm

Fix Planet Earth first.

Martin brundlefly
Martin brundlefly
June 25, 2018 5:21 pm

War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures

-ron paul

I wonder how effective of a weapon a tesla dropped from space would be? Even at 100k a pop thats still cheaper than most of our missiles and bombs. They sure explode and burn nice, and i read they drive themselves(right to the target).

June 25, 2018 5:28 pm

Earth First! (We’ll fuck up the other planets later)

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
June 25, 2018 5:48 pm

The cat was out of the bag already. Russia had the vision and wisdom to create a Space Command before us; and they have deep bomb shelters for most of their citizens already but we don’t (but we do have taxpayer funded DUMBs for our Oligarchs). We are playing catch up with them again. But as for the weapons in a Space Battle Ground, we are all equally guilty; it would be stupid suicide for either country to let the other gain a major edge anywhere.

June 25, 2018 5:51 pm

I’ll worry about it when it happens, which it won’t…..Doug Casey is a joke.

June 25, 2018 6:02 pm

The pillars of the earth are the Lord’s and He set the world on them. 1 Sam 2:8
The world is firmly established ,it will not be moved.Psalm 96:10 . Fix Flat Earth, none spinning ,non rotating around the sun , sitting on pillars as its foundation.

June 26, 2018 9:21 am

It is a figure of speech, BB.

June 25, 2018 6:03 pm

He can’t even get the wall built.

June 25, 2018 6:19 pm

With a flat Earth there is no global earth circling the sun at vast speeds through the far reaches of space. Without this there is no Big Bang , without the Big Bang no evolution without evolution ,there are no Ancient Aliens who have evolved into gods. Without all these lies and deception you stuck with the biblical God.Oh shit.
All these scientist are just dress up witch doctors.Their speculations are worthless. All of this shit comes out of the Mystery schools and occult religions that go back to Babylon and Mr.Nimrod.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
June 25, 2018 9:07 pm

Speak it BB…! The levels of deception are incredible.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
  grace country pastor
June 25, 2018 10:46 pm

When it comes to science, unfortunately you guys are spouting some 3,000 year old ignorance. Your high schools really let you down. The writers of Samuel and Psalms etc wrote what they knew but they did not know Astronomy; some ancient verses conflict with reality and past Church Experts wound up with a lot blood on their hands because of the wrong way they handled it. You could turn some young people off from Christianity who understand basic science and their blood would be on your hands. Maybe watching Youtube “From the Big Bang to the Present Day Documentary” will provide some facts, but you’d need some Basic Science 10x classes to better explain how we know those established facts are actually correct. A good science teacher will allow you to object and try to explain any error in your hypothesis; and admit when there is scientific uncertainty. Sometimes he may suggest ya’ll go into details after class if it will be lengthy.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  robert h siddell jr
June 26, 2018 8:44 am

1 Timothy 6:20 KJV… O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

I learned a lot of things in school I’ve had to unlearn. Been one heck of a wild ride…

June 25, 2018 6:56 pm

Maybe the P.T.B. know about things we don’t understand for sure, such as space ships the size of football fields and smaller ones that maneuver in ways indicating a technology we know nothing about. All the time they’re shutting off the live video feed on the International Space Station within seconds of some extremely large or radically maneuvering object popping up, and they’re obviously not ours.
Several years ago in late June multiple objects appeared simultaneously and momentarily on the video feed that were making 90 degree turns at obviously high speeds. This went on a day or two. On one of those nights I myself and a neighbor saw a high altitude object that had so many unusual characteristics that it would take me several paragraphs to describe it. What in the hell are they?

June 25, 2018 8:05 pm

Taint Boil
Taint Boil
June 25, 2018 10:36 pm

Riiiiiight …….

June 25, 2018 9:17 pm

Coal , that’s be fallen angles.One other thing . The earth is a closed system. All ? s are ?s.

June 25, 2018 10:41 pm

That’s what you have in your house if you’re hearing footsteps or loud knocks, seeing a door open by itself, or a radio comes on by itself, and these things happen in front of multiple people. The dead know nothing.

June 25, 2018 10:10 pm

Over the years we’ve had our share of Space Cadets on this site .

BL - RiNS crazy uncle
BL - RiNS crazy uncle
June 25, 2018 11:02 pm

That’s just fine for El Trump to have his Space Cadet Force but DC better not cut one dime from Social Security payments for the old folks. If we have money for Space Cadets, we have PLENTY of money for the elderly…….period. (a 25% cut is planned by 2025)

I’m still wondering why we need this added expense, we managed for 200+ years without a f’ing Space Force.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  BL - RiNS crazy uncle
June 26, 2018 12:57 am

I’d heard of Uncle Fester but Uncle Bea?
How’s that going to play in Peoria.
Are you still looking at Mexico or Scotia?

  EL Coyote
June 26, 2018 6:45 am

EC- RiNS says I am the crazy uncle he never had. Rdawg says I am (out there) on my posting about the frequency of the human body which is fact. They don’t understand my material so they just declare that I’m a few bricks short of a load.

To answer your question, Mexico. This casa works for me, what do you think?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 28, 2018 11:05 pm

Your asking the guy who is impressed with Days Inn. There are some well-traveled folks here, I’m not one of them. The place looks marvelous.

  EL Coyote
June 28, 2018 11:20 pm

EC- For what Stucky pays in NJ, this is how you could spend the winter months. Jalisco area blows me away, I think people misunderstand what a lot of Mexico is about. There is a place higher up in that area (8000 ft) that is very much like Switzerland with log houses.

You could spend as little as 400-600 a month for a very decent house with a pool and comes with a housekeeper and gardener. But hey, I love to go to Vera Cruz and eat the fine food and drink good coffee and just drink in the atmosphere, just thought Ajijic looks interesting.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 29, 2018 1:05 am

I should do some traveling. The sexy mulatta said she went to Veracruz. Her mom was a maid in Beverly Hills and the owner took both of them (the rest of the siblings were still in Salvador) to several places in Mexico.

  EL Coyote
June 29, 2018 1:28 am

EC- Almost bought the farm landing in a small aircraft in Veracruz one time, high winds scared the BeJeebus out of us. Can’t believe you don’t go to Mexico El, are you pulling my leg? If I lived in SoCal I would be down there regularly.

June 26, 2018 12:52 am

Why does a space force sound stupid?
I’ve read claims the Russians and Chinese put weapons in space. The US allegedly put weapons in space, too. Didn’t the USAF already orbit some kind of secret RC spacedrone for a year 2-3 years ago? I don’t believe anyone else observes treaties without oversight, like the Open Skies Treaty. I’ve read in the past the Soviets were violating the anti-ballistic missile treaty as soon as they signed it.
Look at your history. Billy Mitchell wrecked his career trying to convince the US military and the govt air power was the future of warfare. Air Power was considered a joke until the technology caught up and showed you could bomb the shit out of stuff from overhead. The Brits even passed on advanced fighter engines, which the Germans were all too happy to adopt. The Germans showed you could use dive bombers to really fuck up ground forces, too. Nobody believed torpedo planes and bombers could take out a battleship until the Brits lost the Prince of Whales and Repulse to the Japs at the start of the Pacific War. The US Navy was run by The Gun Club, as it was called, until aircraft carriers showed the days of battlewagons were over. Now, the Navy refuses to admit even the carriers are obsolete in an age of tiny ship-killer missiles and nuclear torpedoes.
So mocking the idea of a space force is just short-sighted. It’s not a great leap to imagine the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, and others having, or planning to have, weapons in space and needing an offensive/defensive forces to counter them. Just having remote satellites ready to shoot down everyone else’s satellites in time of war would be a realllllly good thing to have. And let’s not forget- one of these days, we’re going to be bringing in meteroids full of valuable minerals. What’s to stop someone else from seizing them, like some kind of space pirates? I wouldn’t mind if it were a multinational space peacekeeping force, but that sounds even more science fiction than a space miltiary force.

BTW- has anyone ever seen Wings of Honneamise: Royal Space Force? It’s odd to hear the arguments from the movie in real life…

[imgcomment image?itok=bWh4gze9[/img]

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 26, 2018 1:01 am

I’m sure an Air Force sounded crazy so soon after Kitty Hawk and Mahan had to sell the idea of a controlling the world by controlling the seas – we are being tested in the South China Sea at the moment to dispute that assertion. Who knows, Trump may get credit for the idea that whoever controls space controls the world.

  EL Coyote
June 26, 2018 1:40 am

On the other hand, the technical breakthroughs that come with renewed govt spending on space might be worth the effort. NASA is essentially dead, thanks very much to Obama. The aerospace scientists I met years ago in FL at a trade show were sad to admit it, but they had given up on NASA for private space and educational programs, because all NASA was doing was launching cell phone satellites and looking inward, not outward.

June 26, 2018 8:41 am

Well said gilberts

Space was weaponized a log time ago. Mocking the silly name of “space force” keeps the sheeple calm and blind. The Chi-coms and Russians have already developed systems to take-out our satellites and are improving them all the time. Sure hope the Pentagon has thought of a way to make all of our super-fancy, obscenely-expensive GPS guided bombs and weapons work after our satellites get blasted. Or, let a few tungsten rods fall on our major cities, and maybe they’ll get it then… oh wait, they’ll be dead, Oh well.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
June 26, 2018 3:50 pm

I used to work in satellites at Hq SAC. Both sides launch “sleeper” satellites to replace the ones that will be blown up but the USA needs a lot more. We also spend a lot of effort searching for and tracking their satellites, esp their sleepers. Whenever one of their satellites falls, we try to recover it and study it.

June 26, 2018 7:36 am

Trump effectively “outed” the secret space program with the declaration.

June 26, 2018 8:50 am

Utterly stupid movie, but this clip makes the point about the tungsten rod weapons

June 26, 2018 10:30 pm

Astrophysicist, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson on Trump’s Space Force