Holmes, Uncle Clunk, and and Epic Con Job: How American Business Apparently Sometimes Works

Guest Post by Fred Reed

OK, book report time. I have just finished reading Bad Blood, by  John Carreyrou of the Wall Street Journal. Good read, fascinating story. It is the saga of Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos, the miraculous blood-testing company of Silicon Valley. Holmes, formerly said to be worth 4.5 billion, ended up under criminal indictment for fraud as of 2015. I suppose many have heard vaguely of Theranos, as I  had, but the actual story is astonishing.

Holmes, 19, drops out of Stanford to start a medical-instrumentation company. She is very smart, very driven, very self-confident, very glib, very cold-blooded, very manipulative, very willing to take risks, very pretty, and very ruthless. Everything about her is very. If the foregoing resembles the clinical description of a psychopath, there is a reason.

She also knows almost nothing of the sciences, and nothing at all of electronic or mechanical engineering, or of medical instrumentation. That is, she has no qualifications in the field. She is just very–that word again–smart and pretty and talks a swell show. And yet…ye gods and little catfishes, what she managed to do.

Her goal was to invent a medical blood-analyzer that could do a large number of tests on a single drop of blood from a pricked finger. It was a bright idea. If it had worked, it would have been a (very) big deal. This of course is also true of anti-gravity space shps and perpetual motion machines. Making it work required nothing beyond difficult mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, programming, microfluidics, and a few things that were impossible. She knew none of these fields.

But holy smack-and-kerpow, Batman,  could she talk. Soon she had investment money pouring in. On her board she got–yes–Henry everlovin’ Kissinger and James Mattis (uh-huh, that one,) and former Secretaries of State and Defense and just about every heavy hitter except Pope Francis. More money rained down. I mean with people like that vouching for her, Hank the Kiss and Mad Dog Mattis, it had to be legit–right? She even managed to cozy up to the Clintons and Obama.

Meanwhile the wretched blood gizmo wouldn’t, didn’t, and couldn’t as it turned out, work. It was a metal box with inside it a glue-gun robot arm out of Jersey–I am not inventing this–that made grinding noises and could do only a few tests with wildly unreliable results. You might think of it as Uncle Clunk. Just the thing you want your life to depend on. And lives do depend on good lab results.(“OK, lady, Uncle Clunk sats you got brain cancer. We have to remove your brain.”) Heh. Oops.

So Holmes, who could talk the bark off a tree, faked it. To be fair, she probably thought it would work or hoped it might and turned to chicanery only when it didn’t. Anyway, many of her deceptions were clearly fraudulent–well, clearly if you knew about them. For example, most of her results were obtained using commercial analyzers from outfits like Siemens instead of Uncle Clunk. Financial projections were wildly dishonest. Many employees quit over ethical concerns–but they were bound by sharp-fanged nondisclosure agreements they had to sign to be hired. It was nonsense. Nothing worked. But nobody knew.

Thing was, across America there was a terrific will to believe. Her story was just too good to pass up. People wanted a female Steve Jobs, a girl to join the boys in a startup world of wunderkind guys like Gates and Jobs and Wozniak and Zuckerberg and all. There just weren’t any girls. Sure, a few, sort of, a little bit, like Marissa Mayer at Google, but Page and Bryn were the real starters-up. Holmes was beautiful, smart, so very appealing and just a dynamite entrepreneur. She had this astonishingly successful company.

Which didn’t have a product.

Note that most of the dazzling university dropouts who became billionaires are in software, not biological sciences. The few in hardware brilliantly put together readily comprehended pieces, like CPUs and memory chips. There is a reason for this. Programming takes a lot of brains and little knowledge. Medicine takes reasonable intelligence and lots of knowledge. Molecular biology takes a lot of brains and a lot of knowledge. A (very) bright kid can learn Python or C-pus-ñlus  in a couple of months in mommy’s basement and actually be a programmer. It doesn’t work with complicated multidisciplinary computerized micro-fluidized gadgets involving robotic glue-arms. At least, it didn’t work.

I wonder why nobody thought of this. When asked for evidence, she ducked, dodged, lied, said the check was in the mail, and any day now.

The  non-disclosure agreements saved her, for a while. All employees had to sign them. Her  lawyer, who was also on her board, was the scary super lawyer David Boies. If you were a midlevel lab worker, and knew that reagents were out of date, that bad results were being hidden, that Uncle Clunk didn’t work–and said so, a savage law firm with unlimited funds and, as events proved, not a lot of ethics, would litigate you into sleeping in alleys. Consequently much was known, but little was said.

Meanwhile–this is crazier than Aunt Sadie, that we kept in the attic–she got freaking Safeway and Walgreens to bite on putting Theranos booths in their stores so customers could get quick fighter-prick analyses for very little money. Both companies bought into this, and actually built the booths at considerable expense, without insisting on seeing proof of her claims. I wonder what she was thinking. The scam obviously was going to collapse at some point. And did.

A better question might be what her board members and the chain-store executives were thinking. The latter were bosses of huge corporations and presumably astute. How did she get away with it? I will guess. Most of those gulled were old men, or nearly so. Note that old men, powerful men, rich men, and famous men, are nevertheless…men. Holmes was a honey, slender, very pretty, well-groomed, appealing, smart, and maybe  the daughter or girlfriend or mistress that her prey would have liked.

Andrea Dworkin. Finally, a cure for self-abuse. Would the old guys on Elizabeth’s board have been as smitten by Andrea?

As the Wall Street Journal closed in, and Theranos got wind of it, things became ethically interesting. Holmes of course knew that Theranos ws endangering lives, and had already established a lack of morality. Some of the board came to suspect and quietly bailed. The employees were intimidated, though several talked to the Journal anonymously.

But superlawyer David Boies and his associate Heather King among others at the firm knew. They tried every legal means, or maybe I mean lawyerly means, to block publication of the story. When federal regulatory agencies issued a long, detailed investigative report making it absolutely clear that Theranos did not even come close to legality, and was therefore endangering live–Boies and King tried to suppress that too. Their success was not great as the Journal put the whole gorgeous taco online, but they tried. It is a curious fact, but a fact, that lawyers are often accessories to crime.

Anyway, great fun, great read.

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June 27, 2018 9:23 pm

“Holmes was a honey, slender, very pretty, well-groomed, appealing, smart, and maybe the daughter or girlfriend or mistress that her prey would have liked.”

They saying “Sleeping your way to the top” is still alive and well…even if not all women are spreading their legs for powerful men. Just looking good opens a lot of doors. And I think it works both ways, ugly men aren’t exactly making it to the top by faking it. I’ve seen it my entire professional working life where less than talented women who look good beat out more talented women who look homely. Not all men are great executives but of the women who have made it to the top I’ve heard a lot of horror stories and my take is most of them probably jumped ranks more than a couple times based on gender and looks.

I find it truly fascinating how many women refuse to see the advantages that they have by just having lady parts. Instead they claim victimhood while I watch them use their “assets” with the boss to get a step ahead. Hey, this chick did a better job to get millions out of her crusty old men.

Fix the problem by getting rid of the dirty old bastards in the c-suite.

June 27, 2018 11:19 pm

In a hat tip of sorts to el hombre, who always seems to post good music vids on the heels of some monkey’s comment, I couldn’t resist this, after reading Aquapura’s comment,
which I agreed with.

For those who disagree with the tune, and who are fortunate have a beauty who respect you as a life partner, I salute your success, as well.

But there are some who’ve been burned by the hotties, like Jimmy Soul.

“Hey man, I saw you wife the other day.”
“She sho is uuuugggLeeeeeeee”
“Yeah, but she sho can cook.”

June 27, 2018 10:21 pm

She almost has to be a tribe member or banging one (or more?) of the Clinton family. Anyone else would be in jail already.

June 27, 2018 10:41 pm

Some may howl and pshaw about it, but Fred, I did hear of her before.
Didn’t know a lot about her, but I did read one short blurb. About 3 months ago.

Something along the lines of “Research Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos. Dig deep.”
From that suggestion, a Wiki search gave information about her, the company and their connections to other shady people. Raised suspicions.
I can’t remember the other topics surrounding the tip to look into her, but it may have been during the other tips about the Red Cross, and some shady things going on in that .org

The tip came from . . . ready?
A post by Q, 3 months ago. Not a theory from an Anon on 8chan.
Make of that what you will, or dismiss it as bunk; nobody may care.
But I’ll betcha that at least one around here knows about that old Q-post, if not about Miss Holmes and Theranos, and other related, shady characters.
Back me up, T.

June 27, 2018 10:46 pm

My wife and I have a combined nearly 50 years experience in the In-vitro Diagnostics business (what blood testing is called in the industry). We have worked for some of the largest players in positions ranging from R&D to the FDA submission group, to marketing and sales. When we heard of this product of hers, we knew it was complete bullshit from the get-go. Multiple tests from ridiculously small samples has been the “holy grail” of the industry since automation was introduced in the mid to late 70s. It is especially critical in patients like premature infants and even regular infants who are not only hard to draw blood from, but who also don’t have a ton to give up, especially when testing needs to happen over and over in a crisis, etc. In an industry filled with tens of thousands of minds hard at work trying to solve the challenge, some upstart sure as hell wasn’t going to be able to do it (using sophisticated wavelength measurements of samples or even directly of the skin – like in Star Trek – appears to be the likely breakthrough that will achieve such goals). And then there are other issues. First, blood in the capillaries of the fingers is NOT the same as that freely flowing in the veins. Tissues at the capillaries are busy absorbing the very things you want to test for, while they circulate unimpeded in the veins. Secondly, with too small a sample size, you risk not accurately measuring analytes that are in very low concentration in the body in the first place. We looked over her web page and her claims, and not only was she claiming this “magical” breakthrough, but she was claiming that even the normal ranges of measurement were the same with her technology….something both the sample size and the finger stick blood draw made incomprehensible.

But I must admit that when I heard of her issues with the FDA, I certainly was open to the possibility that the big crony-capitalist players who control the FDA were simply using their attack dog to remove the competition. In all honesty, the marketplace should be quite happy that the forces of Kissinger and others were not put to bear to protect her incompetence and her criminally-negligent testing device. From my experience in the market, I can say though that everyone is looking for the competitive edge, and if that means doing the necessary testing to show inaccuracies and the like and expose fraud, they will do it (I used to do it). A competitive marketplace, even one this heavily regulated by the FDA, definitely polices itself quite well.

June 27, 2018 11:14 pm

She’s not pretty.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 28, 2018 5:01 am

And there’s physiognomy again.

I came across an interview of her four or five years ago and my very first thought was “she’s crazy”.

I didn’t try and analyze what kind of crazy, I just saw in her eyes, saw it in her body language, and in her demeanor, and heard in the tone and meter of her voice that something was broken. My take was that she was deliberately placed in the position to take advantage of set-asides, I missed that she was the grifter in charge. Hiring a guy like Bois was a great play- sociopathy confirmed, but no one watching more than a minute or two of her will miss the signs unless they deliberately want to skip over them.

Listen, most people don’t have to be told to treat all dogs the same way, they have an instinct to make a decision on whether it’s a nice doggie or a threat in something under a second. That’s all the time you need because if you stand around much longer and the dog has bad intentions? You’re going to get bit. With humans we’ve been brainwashed into accepting every freak and whack-job as if they were your own flesh and blood and God forbid you say something critical, you’re the one going to thought jail. There’s nothing wrong with judging human beings based on your gut. If something feels off, it’s probably a good indicator that something is wrong and you should trust it. The people who fell for this two-bit shyster with the conflicted body language, the overly scripted sound byte poopy-talk, testosterone fueled voice, and sanpaku eyes deserved it. They wanted to believe what they knew instinctively was bullshit because WOMEN IN SCIENCE!


  hardscrabble farmer
June 28, 2018 11:46 am

Even bat shit crazy Annie doesn’t have eyes like that.

Bunny teeth, no upper lip, bulging eyes, receding forehead, mickey mouse ears (well, at least one of them), puffy cheeks, and dry wispy hair ……… ol’ Fred needs eye surgery.

Charles Coombs
Charles Coombs
June 28, 2018 7:06 am

TBP always gives me something to think about. Didn’t even know a book about Theranos had been written, thank you Admin… Just ordered it.
It has an” ENRON”ish feel about it…..
Bernie Madoff vibe.?

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
June 28, 2018 10:55 am

As a textbook psychopath, Holmes biggest mistake was trying to be an entrepreneur rather than a politician. Her ability to lie, commit fraud, and screw people without remorse are the qualities of all powerful politicians. She could have been the next Hillary.

June 28, 2018 11:34 am

she blinded me with science….

June 28, 2018 11:44 am

That’s NOT science you are smelling.

As the great T-shirt of the 70s once said
“If you can’t blind them with brilliance,
baffle them with bullshit!”

June 28, 2018 12:07 pm

Someone once told me that girls with deep voices take it in the back door. I choose to believe that that is true.

June 28, 2018 5:07 pm

I’m not 100% sure she’s actually a woman.

June 28, 2018 11:55 pm

There are a couple of interviews of her when she is not wearing a turtleneck, and I swear you can see a bit of an adam’s apple.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
June 29, 2018 1:16 am

I think we’re forgetting that the woman was wildly successful. Sure, she didn’t succeed in building what people claim she wanted to uild. But she got the consolation prize of separating rich dumb fucks, many likely jewish, from billions of dollars. A billionaire in her 20’s…that’s not succeeding? Not mention, staying out of jail. Most would settle for that.

Silicon Valley is full of hucksters whose metric of success is getting other peoples’ money to spend. It’s a scaled down America. Those with the money are greedy dumb assholes; those after the money are greedy smart assholes. If you love America, what’s not to love about Silicon Valley?