Is The Media Deliberately Trying To Spawn Civil War 2.0?

Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

Everyone is talking about a looming civil war on American soil, but they’re all blaming the “other” side. The media is deliberately trying to stir things up with breathless headlines about how awful the “other” side is. And it’s working so well it could lead us right to Civil War 2.0.

The fact is, both the Left and the Right are to blame, threatening those who don’t have the same worldview. What it’s essential for us to keep in mind is that these are the opinions of the extremes of both sides. We in America have had conservative and liberal points of view along with everything in between for decades without the constant, looming threat of violence.

Here are some examples.

For example, Wendy Wolfe Herd, CEO of the dating app Bumble and a member of Forbes Magazine’s 30 Under 30, was the victim of a cyber attack launched by a “neo-Nazi organization” that posted Herd’s personal details online, as well as the contact information of her staff.

The cyber attack occurred a couple of weeks after the Charlottesville rally last August, in which a man was with charged with a federal hate crime after driving into the crowd of counter-protesters. Herd released a statement saying that her company was “joining forces to ban all forms of hate from Bumble including racism, hate speech, and bigotry.” She believes this is why she and her employees were targeted. Herd now travels with bodyguards.

At the same time, the Far Left is also stirring the pot and threatening dissenters with violence. Some guy named Hamilton Nolan recently posted an article on the “progressive” website Splinter that seemed to have referenced the politically-motivated bombings that took place during Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford’s administrations in response to the Vietnam War.  While some of his points about the warmongers in Congress are legitimate, he goes way, wayyyy off into the ether in his calls to action. Here are some excerpts from his essay, entitled “This Is Just the Beginning.”

This is all going to get more extreme. And it should. We are living in extreme times. The harm that is being done to all of us by the people in the American government is extreme.

… I do not believe that Trump administration officials should be able to live their lives in peace and affluence while they inflict serious harms on large portions of the American population. Not being able to go to restaurants and attend parties and be celebrated is just the minimum baseline here. These people, who are pushing America merrily down the road to fascism and white nationalism, are delusional if they do not think that the backlash is going to get much worse.

…Read a fucking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively fuck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours. (source)

Who even is this guy and why does he have such a platform? Literally, nobody I know has ever heard of him before this essay that is getting so much press, although apparently, he used to work for Gawker. He even got to post a follow-up essay with some of the familiar hatred from people who were outraged by his first essay. (And while I wholeheartedly disagree with Nolan, I can completely relate to the hate mail – the internet breeds some craziness and people think nothing of threatening your life and the lives of your loved ones.)

There was also an NYU professor who was proclaimed a “hero” by AntiFa for doxxing employees of ICE. I don’t like ICE anymore than these folks but posting their personal information and addresses online is nothing but a call for violence.

And after the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia asked Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave, some guy from West Virginia vandalized the place, allegedly throwing animal poop at the establishment.

Politicians are getting in on the hate-mongering too.

Politicians are getting media attention from the hullabaloo as well.

Most notably, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who I swear is only famous for her sh*t-disturbing ways, has said that anyone who disagrees with her should be treated horribly, particularly those who work for the current administration.

If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” (source)

Threats against Republican politicians have skyrocketed, leading to speculation that this is the impetusbehind quite a number of sudden early retirements.

I’m not really a fan of Democrat OR Republican politics, but the pattern here seems to lean toward the threatening behavior coming from the Left side of the aisle. If anyone has some credible links about Republican members of Congress recently making calls for incivility against the Democrats, please post them in the comments and I’ll update the article.

And big surprise, the media is pushing this narrative.

It’s essential to note that the threats and anger have been going on for quite some time now. But it seems like there is a whole lot more of it because it’s the topic du jour in the mainstream of late. Just like Selco warned us in his recent article, the media has an agenda and they are playing us like a violin. If there is a Civil War, you can be sure that those in the MSM are every bit as responsible for stirring up the hatred and division as the people who hacked Herd’s website and the dude who wrote the essay I cited.

Look how neatly they are making us hate and fear one another.

I guess my question is, are you going to let yourself be manipulated?

  • Are the other parents of kids on your son’s baseball team actually the enemy because they voted for someone different, or are they just the folks who select the really good, name-brand popsicles when it’s their turn to bring the treats?
  • Is your next door neighbor who had the campaign sign for the candidate you detested in her front yard during the last presidential race actually the antiChrist or is she just the one with the best tomatoes on the block?
  • What about the guy at the dog park with the two sweet-natured Golden Retrievers? Did you think he was pretty cool before you saw the unfortunate bumper sticker on his SUV?

If we are directly threatened, we absolutely must defend ourselves. It’s our natural human right to do so. But politics? Bumper stickers? Don’t be a snowflake. You don’t have to engage in the hate.

We need to look at the individual people and we need to ignore the media that tells us they’re the enemy. Maybe they want to drum up a war, but we can be the majority who stops it. We can refuse to participate and take the bait.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 29, 2018 6:55 am

When you declare which side you are on you paint yourself into a proverbial corner.

The MSM is all in and whether or not they under some delusion about the righteousness of their efforts- thus the need to corrupt the very profession they have chosen in order to see it through- or for reasons of venality, there’s no room for them to move until we reach the climax.

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June 29, 2018 7:22 am

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The media is HARD LEFT..
Doesn’t matter what Trump, or for that matter anyone that would have been in his place, does.
He’s always wrong and the bad guy.
You will have another civil war.
But thats the least of your worries as you’ll learn by the end of 2018.

June 29, 2018 7:51 am

They, along with the rest of the Leftists, are pushing for the violence and civil war they are pushing for because they believe their side is the one that will win.

The same way they thought Hillary would win the last election.

Sometimes our beliefs get interrupted by reality.

June 29, 2018 8:39 am

The left won’t be happy until there is gunfire and blood running in the streets.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 29, 2018 8:50 am

This leftist cunt posing as a disinterested centrist needs a dose of her own medicine. She is, as all of her ilk must be, so lost in her own fog that lying and deceitfulness are actually all that she knows how to do.

How did she end up on TBP?

Steve C
Steve C
  Hollywood Rob
June 29, 2018 9:20 am

You actually prove her point better than she does HR.

Take a step back and think about it.

Even Nixon figured it out…eventually.

“…Remember, always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty. Always remember, others may hate you. But those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself…” — Richard M. Nixon

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Steve C
June 29, 2018 7:38 pm

HAHAHA…you one funny guy steve. She fell off a trail. She is too stupid to walk and then she writes an article about falling off a trail. Anyway, I really don’t care if you think I proved her point or not. Once the bullets start flying it won’t be the preppers who can’t walk who survive.

  Hollywood Rob
June 29, 2018 10:29 am

Bogus story entirely, including the Bumble anecdote…Charlottesville was a group of lefties and cops trying to deny protestors their constitutional rights, and a morbidly obese woman dying of a heart attack. And how does she know that the attack on Bumble was by neo-Nazis, most of whom are FBI informants anyway?
Conservatives want to be left alone, leftists want to control your life and put you in camps…but that ain’t happening in America.

robert blake
robert blake
July 2, 2018 2:48 pm

…and two pack a day smoker to boot.

June 29, 2018 9:33 am

I have always said the powers that want to be would love violence to break out on a large scale,let us kill/demoralize ourselves and then come in as the supposed saviors via martial law what have you.

Thus,do not engage in violence unless you or others actually attacked,till then exhaust all peaceful means for change.

Violence does break out remember/identify who the enemy is to best of ability and deal with them,their minions are just roadblocks.

June 29, 2018 10:33 am

Conservatives never want violence–we just want to be left alone to live our lives…But we will defend ourselves, given the fact that 200 million people who didn’t have been murdered by their own governments in the last century.

June 29, 2018 10:01 am

They are not trying to start CW II. They are trying to create a climate of fear and loathing that will justify using the government to criminalize their opposition. They are cowardly chickenshits who want to hire their thugs with government money to do their dirty work.

What they do not understand is that after the thugs put the right into FEMA camps, they are next.

Ham Roid
Ham Roid
June 29, 2018 10:30 am

The media is the fourth estate. Unelected. Almost always biased. It has reached the point where voters feel that they need to elect officials willing to fight the media just to try to salvage what remains of their freedoms.

Is there animosity from both sides? Of course. It’s just that a large part of America, including myself, has asked one side to speak up on our behalf against the constant, one-sided attack that is what the media has become.

Return the media to the journalistic principals that they falsely claim to have, and then I will support reduced hostilities from other sides.

But I don’t see that in the programming at CNN.

June 29, 2018 11:01 am

Just a thought here,
who owns this MSM everyone seems to be a talking about?

no, that is not allowed, nobody is allowed to point the finger at the press, the MSM, or their owners..
they just print the news as they see it.
they are just following orders.

now, where did I hear that excuse before…

June 29, 2018 11:03 am

The GOV’T is the left the COP’S are left we as ppl are screwed I at one time believe now I don’t trust or believe none of there crap.

June 29, 2018 2:00 pm

For years the majority of liberals seemed mostly harmless. They would mouth off and march, but they were peaceful. I don’t know how it happened, but now the majority of liberals, including people I considered to be relatively normal before this, believe that instigating violence against their “enemies” is not only appropriate, but to be encouraged. They believe that anyone who does not agree with their beliefs is a Nazi. When asked for proof their answer basically comes down to “I know a Nazi when I see one”. Nazis, in their belief, are violent. After all, didn’t we go to war against Nazis because they killed 6 million Jews? So instigating violence against Nazis is not instigating violence since apparently Nazis are inherently violent. It comes down to liberals are now encouraged to mislabel, malign, and punch (or worse) anybody that disagrees with them.

Conservatives haven’t changed much. There are still a few conservatives who instigate violence, and most conservatives will defend themselves willingly, but the vast majority will not throw the first punch.

So claiming that both sides are equally to blame is BS. I don’t really agree with either group, but I’m currently aligned with the conservatives because the liberals have gone bat shit crazy.

And do your research on the man charged with the federal hate crime in Charlottesville. He was attacked multiple times and tried to get away multiple times before driving into that crowd. He was surrounded by a mob, people were attacking the back of his car, and he was afraid for his life if he didn’t get the hell out of there, what would you do?

Steve C
Steve C
June 29, 2018 2:19 pm

“…So claiming that both sides are equally to blame is BS…”

Annie – What you say is true, but that’s not what Daisy said in her article.

In just the second paragraph she says,

“…The fact is, both the Left and the Right are to blame [not equally, but both sides are to blame – which is exactly what Trump said about Charlottesville], threatening those who don’t have the same worldview…”

She then says a few paragraphs down,

“…I’m not really a fan of Democrat OR Republican politics, but the pattern here seems to lean toward the threatening behavior coming from the Left side of the aisle. If anyone has some credible links about Republican members of Congress recently making calls for incivility against the Democrats, please post them in the comments and I’ll update the article…”

She is asking that we return to civility. Why does anybody here have a problem with that?

  Steve C
June 29, 2018 2:53 pm

The fact is, after “The fact is, both the Left and the Right are to blame, threatening those who don’t have the same worldview. ” I skimmed rather than reading every word. She started out putting the left and the right on the same footing regardless of weasel wording later in the essay. A big part of the problem with this country is the amount of “compromise” that we’ve had that consisted of both the right and the left moving further to the left (not necessarily real left but the current bizzaro interpretation of what the left is).

Steve C
Steve C
June 29, 2018 3:52 pm

You commented (and harshly) about an article that you admit you didn’t even read.

I tried to explain to you politely about what the article is actually about and you double-down on stupid with your comment about Daisy using ‘weasel words.’

You are on a slippery slope Annie. Remember that you become what you hate, and then as even Nixon finally figured out – you destroy yourself.

You can’t make extremists be civil, but if you let them make you become just as uncivil as they are then they have brought you down to their level.

Not a good place…

  Steve C
June 29, 2018 4:55 pm

You’re making way too much about a few comments triggered by this less than stellar essay. “So claiming that both sides are equally to blame is BS. ” in response to “The fact is, both the Left and the Right are to blame” is overly harsh for you? LOL You’re the one who’s blowing a gasket bigtime. Or is it just that you’ve got a thing for Daisy so you’re trying (not terribly well) to do the white knight thing? Why don’t you stop the absurd hyperbole and just chill out?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Steve C
June 29, 2018 11:52 pm

Let it go Annie. Steve is an antifa troll. He pretends to be calm and considered but he would just a soon cut your throat because you are a nazi. Well of course, he is the National Socialist so he is the nazi but what the hell does he care for facts. He has his purple haired harpy to sing him to sleep at night. No sex of course, as that would be racist.

June 29, 2018 3:29 pm

As I recall, I believe it was Obama that incited his base and told them to “Get out there and vote against your enemies.” Maybe I’m just not as passionate as some, or perhaps naive, but prior to that I don’t really recall the two sides claiming that the other was their enemy. Obama the commie knew well what he was doing when using those words.

June 29, 2018 5:32 pm

HELLo YES! “If it bleeds, it leads” – nothing else matters, especially to the corp-owned media-monkeys. And where do ya think such POS’s will be when/if anything “goes hot”? Cowering in their “cubicle” – work or restroom.

June 29, 2018 11:05 pm

I don’t think both sides are to blame. The left are the violent fucking animals, while the right sits on their hands and takes it on the cheek and turns their other cheek. Had they been violent back from the start, maybe we wouldn’t be here. If the right was out burning down DNC offices and beating lefty rioters and vandalizing their property and firing them and boycotting them, maybe we wouldn’t be here. If they were suing every lefty business owner who refuses to treat a MAGA customer or repube official, maybe we wouldn’t be here. If we resorted to the exact same tactics every time we got them, maybe we wouldn’t be here. Sitting on our hands and getting cheated and beaten and abused by the left does not seem to be a recipe for success, even if you get to pat yourself on the back in private because you were the “bigger man.” That’s why we lose bigly most of the time. That’s why the repubes win the govt and still lose. And the left keeps pushing.

Even this article- the author engages in the same kind of lefty propaganda as the lamestream commie media. Equating white nationalists to conservatives is right out of the fakenews playbook.

July 1, 2018 12:29 am

From the article: “I don’t like ICE anymore than these folks”

Score another one for leftist propaganda. ICE or an eventual apocalyptic wasteland – your pick.

robert blake
robert blake
July 2, 2018 3:03 pm

They’re a net-negative, arriving with little to no assets, education, or skills, and relying heavily on (in CA nearly twice as likely to be using) social services funded by citizens. Several studies show they cost the US roughly a net 120 billion a year. Not an asset, a detriment.