Guest Post by Ron Paul

Are you stunned by what has become of American culture?

Are you confused as to how every moral principle could be turned on its head so quickly?

Well, it’s not an accident.

You’ve probably heard of “Cultural Marxism,” but do you know what it means?

Marxists, after the tremendous failure of their *economic* ideas, decided to change their angle of attack. There was no way that people could be convinced that Socialism is economically superior to Capitalism.

Socialism produced tyranny and death in the hundreds of millions, while Capitalist nations were bursting with wealth.

So, Marxists shifted to targeting culture instead of the economy.

If Cultural Marxists could *destroy the culture* of Capitalist nations, *then* they would try to use the opportunity to change the governments and economies to their Socialist utopia.

If the people can’t think straight, perhaps then Socialism could be shackled onto them.

Marxists just shifted their targets.

Their original argument of workers being *exploited* by capitalists, didn’t sell. It’s obviously not the case.

So Marxists just shifted their “exploitation” schtick to culture:
— women exploited by men
— gays exploited by heterosexuals
— The old exploited by the young — and vice-versa
— This list goes on and on.

Anything that is true is to be twisted like a pretzel — to the point where people can’t tell what is true anymore.

How do you think they’re doing?

Had enough yet?

Then don’t be afraid to stand up for truth, and speak it!

Otherwise, history can most definitely repeat itself.

And the history of Socialism is as nasty and brutish as it gets. Nothing compares to it in terms of human suffering.

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July 2, 2018 8:01 pm

“Marxists, after the tremendous failure of their *economic* ideas, decided to change their angle of attack.”
Can you name these Marxists and tell us where they met to make that decision?

July 2, 2018 8:31 pm

There was a meeting or 10 at the Frankfurt School inside that ivy league tower ,then there was the strategic Soviet plan to undermine America through its institutions and intelligencia..add a few union meetings after the communist conventions and the policy shifted.
One just has to grasp the small tidal effects in the ebb and flow of history .

July 3, 2018 7:56 am

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July 3, 2018 5:06 pm

You’re just a damned troll. But, you’re pretty good at it.

Ron Jones
Ron Jones
July 2, 2018 9:53 pm

Communism has for decades targeted our youth via three modes:
2) drugs
3) rock music
With the help of our CIA, the “War on Drugs” has ensured that the CIA’s competitors are held at bay; the drug money is laundered through the Vatican and through our major banks (several have paid large fines, but there is never any prosecution.) Those days are numbered as President Trump is currently overseeing over 40,000 sealed indictments (to be processed in Federal District Courts). It’s about to get VERY interesting! BTW, the Vatican had a special branch that assisted in transporting Nazis out of Germany at the end of WWII, as they printed new identities for them.

  Ron Jones
July 2, 2018 10:10 pm

Well they sure as hell knew what I liked. The motherfucken blues. How about Duane Allman, something from ’71. Settled on Buffalo Trace as d of choice. Being eighteen and thinking with your pecker. What could possibly be better than that?

  Ron Jones
July 3, 2018 11:13 am

Music and muses rocked my world too. Ever since 1956 when I received an Elvis Presley 45 rpm record player. Made chronic by transistor and diode radios. Allman Brothers in Piemont Park the first half of the ’70’s and rambling the roads and hitting highway 41 often, but never in a Greyhound Bus. And traveling it from Atlanta to Lake City Florida with regularity. Sometimes stopping in Macon where I have relatives and where Gregg Alman was laid to rest one year ago today.

My uncle owned a BBQ joint near the junction of 41 and Highway 90 known by every trucker in the US, at least until interstate 10 was built. A food boon to secular diaspora “Tryin’ to make a livin’ the best they can”. FM radio in the car was educational and inspirational as it played the soundtrack of ‘Merica.

So my life has been corrupted by rock music. I listened to Bolero too, further teaching me musical magic to escape convention . I celebrate celebrations to the tunes of boomers and sometimes to the crooners of the 40’s and 50’s. Sinatra, Bennett… I swang’d to Benny and Cab. Guilty as charged.

But this is evident:

“So Marxists just shifted their “exploitation” schtick to culture:
— women exploited by men
— gays exploited by heterosexuals
— The old exploited by the young — and vice-versa
— This list goes on and on.”

Let my music be.

  Ron Jones
July 3, 2018 2:29 pm

Nope, just one – government monopoly run education facilities.

Mad As Hell
Mad As Hell
July 3, 2018 5:51 pm

Mr. Liberty, let me shorten that for you – government monopoly. On money, on force, on whatever. Government IS the problem, as it is the weapon of choice of the highest bidder today. Be it socialist, communist, crony capitalist, or useless worker in a cubicle.
If there was no gun of government coercion shoved in people’s faces, those that wish to not participate would simply….stop participating, and those that wished to force you to (insert special ideology here) would simply be told NO, and that would be that.
This is why all of this strife is bad now. As the cronies continue to forcibly insert themselves further and further in to people’s personal life, more people have to become involved because they are being forced to stand up for themselves. There is no end to this until the cronies push too far, and people start pushing back forcefully in enough size that the cronies and coercers are forced back down. The money printing has just magnified the power of the coercers to such a level that those that want to be just left alone, can no longer support themselves decently and honestly anymore.

July 2, 2018 11:08 pm

I Love the blues and was lucky enough to seek the Allman Brothers in 76.

Buffalo Trace is good.

Guy White
Guy White
July 3, 2018 7:12 am

On the fallacy that is Marxism, read and understand Karl Popper’s The Open Society and Its Enemies (Princeton, 2 Vols. 1945, 1 Vol. 2013). In a word, the dialectic fails for mankind having free will.

Notice how the craven George Soros co-opted the title.

  Guy White
July 3, 2018 8:31 am

I read the wiki article on this book. It could not be more obvious its jewish propaganda to discredit Popper. I am going to have to read this book now.

July 3, 2018 9:36 am

Guess the original picture was a little too truthy…

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July 3, 2018 11:27 am

Marxists, after the tremendous failure of their *economic* ideas …

What makes him think it’s a failure?
What makes him think consequences are unintended?
What makes him think these people aren’t death worshipers?

Does the author think politeness works? Not calling things by their true names?

Some successful future society will understand the nature of basic ideas, and future people exhuming and regurgitating the abominations of Kant, Hegel, Marx, their spawn, and other forces of entropy merely for the self satisfaction of vandalizing that which they could not build; will promptly be introduced to the town square, a stake, a rope, sticks and matches. So society can stay successful.

July 3, 2018 12:16 pm

I suggest Ron Paul add a few more lines to his verses, like:

Cultural Marxist are confused, emotionally damaged individuals, who wish to bring everyone down the their level of dysfunction.

They are led by a group of greedy old money men, who realize it is much easier to lead a beast by appealing to the lowest common denominator, aka they see all humans as dumb cows that need to be managed, and they use the base human instincts to organize and stamped the herd.

After the herd destroys it’s own environment, then the greedy money muckers will be able to make a profit, out of the chaos they create.

I think that is a fairly rational explanation of what is going on today,
brought to you by a bunch of NGOs sponsored by Soros and his ilk of Marxists scum.

July 3, 2018 12:33 pm

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July 3, 2018 2:32 pm

Another great Garrison cartoon on the subject:

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July 3, 2018 5:55 pm

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