How America’s Second Civil War Starts…

Guest Post by Bill Bonner

PARIS – We spend a lot of time overseas – mostly in Europe and South America.

This is both good and bad.

On the good side, the distance helps give us more – or fresh – perspective. We see how others live. We get to watch events on the global stage… while keeping an eye on the circus in America, too.

But we risk getting… “out of touch.”

Yesterday, we caught up.

American Crack Up

“I spent much of my life in Louisiana,” began a financial analyst we met in Paris. “People there have a very different way of looking at things.”

Our friend was about to explain why he thought America would crack apart in the years ahead.

We pass on his comments without prejudice or comment. But we preface them as follows:

In 1947, India and Pakistan left behind British rule and separated. Though they had lived together more or less peacefully for hundreds of years, the prospect of self-government seemed to inflame the differences between Muslims and Hindus.

In the partition that resulted, some 14 million people were displaced, with as many as 2 million killed in violent confrontations.

“What was that all about?” Westerners wondered.

“There are some issues you just can’t compromise on,” continued our friend. He had left Louisiana many years ago, and lived in New York and Los Angeles, as well as in many places overseas.

But you could still hear traces of the bayous in his speech.

Great Divider

“I mean, Trump is a great divider. People hate him or they love him. It seems to be mostly a matter of class.

“If you went to college and live in a large metropolitan area – or on the coasts – you probably find him repulsive.

“You don’t really know whether his policies will do any good or not. You don’t know whether they are any better than those of Obama or Hillary. You don’t even know what the policies actually are… or how they are implemented.

“All you have to go on is what you see on TV, tweets from the White House, and a few newspaper articles by people who are writing for you…

“And you’re going to hate Trump because you think he stands for values that you think are stupid or evil.

“In practice, he’s done three real things: he’s cut taxes, increased military spending, and begun a war on trade. If you’re an educated person, you’re probably going to think these are pretty dumb things.

“But they’re not that dumb. And if someone else had done them – someone who spoke with a better accent and explained calmly and rationally what he was doing – they wouldn’t have been that terrible.

“Nobody knows what tax rates should be… or military spending… or how trade deals should be negotiated.

“But Trump is a divider. He’s a fighter. He has his people: his fans, his base, his aides, his straight men, and his cronies. Everybody else is an enemy.

“So even when the substance of what he is doing is not that outrageous, about half the country can’t stand him.


“And it gets worse when the issues are “non-negotiable.” I think abortion is one of those issues.

“If Trump gets the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade… a lot of people – those people on the coasts who can’t stand Trump anyway – are going to revolt.

“Again, it’s not an economic or a practical issue. With new drugs, Roe v. Wade probably doesn’t matter so much. In today’s world, women don’t have to have babies unless they want to have them. But it’s a cultural, class thing.

“If you’re an Episcopalian, you’re not likely to be a Trump supporter. If you graduated from college and earn more than $100,000 a year, you’re likely to think Trump is an embarrassment. And if you’ve lived overseas… the odds are extremely high that you’re going to detest him.

“I’ve been at parties in Paris where people – Americans – have come up to me and immediately started ranting and raving about how awful Trump is. These were people I hadn’t met before. But they were so sure I was against Trump, they just opened up.

“I tell them I think Trump may not be so bad, and they look at me like I’m the Devil himself. They’ve never met anyone who wasn’t anti-Trump.

“But if you go to the Southern Baptists – who earn less than $100,000 a year… who live in Abilene or Fort Wayne… who never went to college and don’t have passports – you’ll get an entirely different attitude. He’s their hero.

“They practically worship him. He can do no wrong. And when he does something they don’t understand, they think he has some clever plan… some trick up his sleeve. They see him as their savior. And they regard any attacks on him as fake news.

“It’s class and culture. Two different attitudes. And no middle ground. No room for mutual respect or compromise. They are beyond logic. Beyond reason. Like abortion. Or slavery.

California Confrontation

“And California is setting the stage for a whole new level of confrontation. In November, voters will decide if they want to break the state into three new states.

“In itself, I doubt this will mean much. Most likely, the bill will be defeated. The measure on the ballot says Congress would have to approve it, and there’s no way that would ever happen.

“But that won’t be the end of it. California has nearly 40 million people. It’s the world’s fifth-largest economy. It’s not going to be willing to sit in the U.S. Senate as an equal alongside Wyoming and Delaware – which, between them, have less than two million people.

“California has no voice in the United Nations or other international bodies, even though it is larger and more powerful than all but China, Germany, Japan, and the U.S. itself. It has no army of its own, and no way to protect itself if it were invaded by the U.S.

“But like Brexit, I don’t think this Californian independence movement will go away. After November, the cat will be out of the bag. It won’t be easy to put it back in.

“Californian voters and politicians are not going to let themselves be pushed around by a big-mouth politician from Queens that they despise.

“And just wait until the economy goes sour… and the debts come due… and prices rise. There’s going to be a lot of unhappiness.

“And then, Donald Trump will still be the hero of the great unwashed… the untutored, untraveled masses in Flyover Country.

“But others are going to hold him responsible for their troubles. And the country is going to break apart.”

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Big Dick
Big Dick
July 3, 2018 1:09 pm

For a supposed brilliant person like Bonner, it is amazing how many stupid things he says. Then again if you follow his great stock marketers you will lose your ass. Yes that is from personal experience.

  Big Dick
July 3, 2018 2:38 pm

All these folks who think Trump is an embarrassment voted for a woman who is a proven criminal, bribe taker (Uranium One) and mass murderer (Libya). They’re despicable.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
July 4, 2018 2:44 pm

Don’t you mean ‘deplorable’?

July 3, 2018 1:12 pm

I’ll go out on a limb here and say it’s not going to happen.

July 3, 2018 1:18 pm

The US will break apart when the checks stop, not before. The benefits of leaving have to outweigh the perceived benefits from staying.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 3, 2018 1:20 pm

Interesting, but let me say a few things to the chap from Louisiana. I am a bit offended by his facile assumptions about Trump supporters. I am college-educated, master´s degree in political science. I make about $500,000 a year. I live on the coast. I spent more than half of my life overseas. I held very senior posts overseas and am considered something of an expert on Latin America. I am a former military officer. I have held the highest security clearances you can have. I know quite a bit about the world. And I support Trump, albeit with some frustration over many things and doubts about his style. Any American patriot should support him, if only because the only alternative is utterly despicable. The educated and well off should be the first to support him. As for these self-described elites (I saw plenty of these pompous windbags in my career) who refuse to accept the results of a legal, democratic, constitutional election, Americans living overseas who sneer at our president, foreigners living in our country legally or illegally who oppose our government, and those Californians who want to leave the Union, I say, “Go ahead and try”. These traitors and subversives will be soundly defeated and severely punished. If, God forbid, a civil war erupts, the American people will win it and anybody -and mean anybody – stupid enough to oppose them will at the very least lose all they own and their citizenship. This 60 year subversive campaign is going to end and if these people don´t like it, screw them. They can find a country more to their tastes. Marxist ideas and socialism have nothing to do with America and it is high time these folks learned that.

  Southern Sage
July 3, 2018 1:57 pm

Wouldn’t it be ironic if the traitors in states controlled by Democratic Socialists attempt to leave the Union, and the people from the South are many of the ones who fight them and run them out of the country to preserve the Union ? Wouldn’t it be interesting following such of a crisis event that these places are placed under a very strict Reconstruction? On a more positive note, I starting to have my doubts that it would get that far. I figure that our military and security organs already have very complete files on the troublemakers and their followers, and the second they start anything they’ll all get shipped off to America’s very own Devil’s Island, Guantanamo Prison, where they can cause no one any trouble any more.

July 3, 2018 4:56 pm

Yes, but let me tell you how I ends. With someone printing the Democratic party voter registration roles and handing out the pages to conservatives.

July 4, 2018 7:55 pm

I am sure there are files in the computers of our security organs and one of them is on Southern Sage. In any situation contemplated here, He will be among the first rounded up and sent to Gitmo. Sad unfortunitately but true.

  Southern Sage
July 3, 2018 2:39 pm

Likewise…And I’m better educated than 99% of these poofs, most of whom couldn’t find water on the seaside.

  Southern Sage
July 3, 2018 10:44 pm

Just because you’re an outlier doesn’t make his generalizations any less accurate. Smarty-pants college grads generally don’t like Trump and lower-class red-staters do. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just a reasonable generalization. Just like the more education you attain, the more likely you are to be liberal, anti-religious, and anti-capitalist. Republican yankee males are statistically more likely to tip and tip better than other groups. Not all, but enough to make it a reasonable generalization.

July 3, 2018 1:30 pm

I want California to secede. Then we need to wall them off.

July 3, 2018 2:26 pm

And start sending them all the illegals. In fact, we should start doing THAT now. Put all the illegals on a bus to their sanctuary cities and then build a wall around the entire state so they can’t leave. Oh, and pull all our border guards off their southern border.

July 3, 2018 10:45 pm

BULLY to you, too!
[imgcomment image[/img]

July 3, 2018 1:44 pm

well said, S.S…

July 3, 2018 2:00 pm

Bonner proves yet again, he has no clue. That’ll be $20, please. At least I know what I guy he talked to thinks?

July 3, 2018 2:18 pm
Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 3, 2018 2:31 pm

The person from Louisiana needs to get his money back for his education.

I stopped reading when he said all Trump supporters are ignorant rednecks. (I’m paraphrasing here.)

What an asshole, his comments are full of generalities and assumptions.

July 3, 2018 2:34 pm

Spot on Southern Sage. My wife and I both are college educated and make very good money, we also have lived in urban centers and now solid midwest area – still college educated and still making great money – and we know considerably more educated and well off than us and we can appreciate Trump. I will say I was cautiously optimistic about him but he has proven if anything he is resolved to do what he feels is right to MAGA.

As far as this friend – if it were mine we wouldn’t be friends for long. Long on words, short on logic. Filled with plenty of biased opinions and its obvious this “friend” is splitting folks among classes with his division being wealthier educated more urban elitist versus the fly overs (and not said was less educated and poor) and it couldn’t have been any further from reality. Whoever this friend is needs to buy a clue. I could wax poetic but I’d rather just say stay the frak out of the country we don’t need you, and take a few more of your kind with you please – and showing my own bias I find it funny he is in France

July 3, 2018 2:58 pm

…Misfit71, let’s empty the “shit filled ” streets of San Francisco and Los Angeles of all the vagrants, actually the whole coastline of California and send them to France for a better life within the muslim occupied towns…..maybe they can find Nirvana with all the frogs.

July 3, 2018 8:10 pm

Nah just bus them up to Canaduh. Save them the hassle of organizing their own logistics.
Cheaper and easier them sending them to Germany even though both countries deserve a tidal wave.

Justin welcomes asylum seekers with open arms as do so many other signallers up there. His post national country has room for all.

GEOTUS should even make it part of the tariff dispute…. “Hey Canaduh you take all our illegals and we’ll lower our tariffs on your exports. But only a little bit. And we’ll put the MS13 guys on the first bus, cream always rises to the top”

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
July 3, 2018 2:51 pm

Bonner implies he has studied Americans and snidely proclaims the differences between Trump Supporters and Trump Haters; he actually displays he’s the ignorant fool leading Useful Idiots into a ditch where we will less ceremoniously bury such snobs and jerks.

Rick in Colorado
Rick in Colorado
July 3, 2018 2:52 pm

If you want to call it a class division, Bonner, then might want to meet some of the Trump supporters out there. Why in an upscale neighborhood in a college town is there still a 50-50 split between Trump haters/supporters? It’s not about education or wealth. Those who are the most insulated from what I’ll call ‘real life’ are those who aren’t going to be a fan of MAGA. Are you on assistance, do you have a guaranteed job where you are maybe underperforming by 60% against someone who’s mortgage is on the line, or someone who was raised on the value hard work? Chances are you can’t stand Trump. Come to think of it, it seems to me this is more a values/no-values division. Anything goes Christianity? Hate Trump. Discipline your kids – Trump Supported. Perhaps instead of calling us supporters the great unwashed, you should call the haters the great valueless.

July 3, 2018 3:14 pm

Libs gonna lib, haters gonna hate, Bonner gone off the deep end.

July 3, 2018 3:15 pm

Nearly all of my close friends have degrees, or multiple degrees. They are all Republicans of various stripes. Some barely support Trump, some are decent fans. None of us love Trump, but were wholeheartedly for him vs. Hitlary. The notion that its just folks with no college background is a massive overshoot. Maybe with younger people there are more College Educated Commie’s that are against Trump, but it certainly seems more split with the rest.

Hard to imagine that Abortion would be the tipping point for a civil war. I don’t even like that term, it reminds me of our civil war and it wouldn’t look anything like that. People aren’t devotees to their states like the old days. It would basically be mega cities and larger cities on the West/East coasts vs. everyone else. I would love for San Fran and LA to become their own city-states. They can continue their commie crazy there, pay the US for protection and for water. Clearly the 3 state CA thing is a bunch of bullshit and no way the constitution is getting re-written to add splinter states and extra Senators to the mix. Splitting it in part and willfully letting some of the coastal cities leave is probably the more likely situation. But more than anything tipping points will likely just cause more and more erosion and 3rd world type areas in the US. If things we know will eventually happen, happen sooner such as massive Earthquakes and such, it will just speed up the process.

I just can’t imagine people from CA doing battles with people from Iowa. But I wouldn’t want to be a non-commie in a whole host of cities already, its down right dangerous and that will only get worse. Eventually the 3rd worlder commies might get more pissed at the rich pretend commie virtue signalers.

July 3, 2018 10:13 pm

Not sure where you came up with the idea that the Constitution would need to be re-written. The Constitution does not define the several states. Vermont seceded from New Hampshire in 1777, Maine separated from Massachusetts, and West Virginia split off from Virginia. There is no reason why California could not fracture.

July 3, 2018 11:27 pm

cali should actually have it’s statehood revoked by congress and be governed by a governor appointed by washington until they clean up their act–

July 3, 2018 4:33 pm

Boner shoots his wad again and it ends up on his face. To bad his hand didn’t slip off and pop him in the forehead .

July 3, 2018 4:53 pm

Yes, but let me tell you how I ends. With someone printing the Democratic party voter registration roles and handing out the pages to conservatives.

July 3, 2018 5:47 pm

My mother-in-law was shocked that my wife and I were going to choose Trump over Clinton. After all, we were college educated professionals and the media told her that demographic would never vote for Trump. I told her not to believe everything she hears on MSNBC and CNN. After all, she loves country music so by their analysis she should be a Trump voter, not a Clinton voter. She didn’t like that, and I’m not sure, but she may have given up country music.

old mc donald
old mc donald
July 3, 2018 7:36 pm

Several years ago the respected professor of economics from George Mason University, Walter Williams, postulated that Americans are so polarized in their ideolgies that there was no longer hope for compromise. He suggested that secession was the only solution. Quite a bold proposal from a black professor. My proposal is that we split the country down the Mississippi river and that US citizens get 3years to decide where they want to live, then the borders get sealed. The socialists can start the Peoples Republic of North America, and the rest of us will be governed by the US Constitution as it is written.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
  old mc donald
July 3, 2018 10:28 pm

No deal. Offer the Communist New England and a sliver of the Left Coast. If they decline, drive them into the oceans.

  Robert H Siddell Jr
July 3, 2018 10:48 pm

Offer them whatever they want, let them all move there, and force them into the ocean, anyway. Why surrender the lands our forefathers died to win?

July 3, 2018 7:40 pm

I live in Northern California. Jefferson. If California attempts to succeed many counties will not go with. You will end up with a strip of beach front property, and maybe Sacramento that succeeds. The open warfare will be counties against the state.

July 3, 2018 9:37 pm

Education has nothing to do with IQ, as proven in the write up at the top of this page…..

July 3, 2018 9:48 pm

The end will come, not when the debt becomes too large (it already is so) but when the collective mood embraces a new narrative.
The old narrative was, quite frankly, “we’re so wealthy that it doesn’t matter if the collectivists-du-jour heap scorn on us, we’ll just turn the other cheek and keep working & paying our taxes.”
The coming narrative will be, “I’m suddenly poor, and if you think I’m going to keep turning the other cheek, you’d better don body armor and a helmet.”
Employed, tax-paying white males are the backbone of essentially everything needed to make essentially everything run. They are in the process of realizing that the promises to which they believed themselves entitled (Play by the rules and you’ll be taken care of) were all just lies.
There aren’t enough women-who-act-like-men and competent minorities to keep the lights on and the water flowing, the internet alive or the trucks moving.
The men who have been getting humiliated by the old narrative are seething mad about it, but have SO FAR chosen to avoid confrontation.
Confrontation is coming. And the people North Americans should fear inciting the most are white males. Once unleashed, that genie will not be re-bottled until all hell has broken loose.

The parasites whom sit in air conditioned government offices, or the ‘artists and musicians, the leisure libertarians have no understanding to the sheer amount of taxes that have been paid, nor the physical labor employed to raise the western world. They believe they assisted in that effort, yet talk to the truck driver running 3000 miles a week and driving 11 hours a day who has paid into the system to find liberalism and BS in the schools and the TV screens- which lays opposite to all of his values. A new paradigm of recognition is coming, but the liberals will not understand until a military boot is applied to their posterior.

Civil War II book
CWII- Thomas Chittum (free pdf online)

July 3, 2018 10:52 pm

Thomas Chittum is a brilliant man with some very valid realworld experience. My only surprise is how long it has taken for reality to catch up with his prognostication.

The scariest part for me was his prediction of a 50 mile-wide No Man’s Land running from sea to shining sea and around every ethnic enclave, 50 miles being roughly double the max range for modern arty.

July 3, 2018 10:16 pm

When war starts everything goes out of control. Confusion runs extreme and human nature shows it’s worst.

Let’s hope sane judgment prevails and people do not get seduced into the mentality of war. It is a destructive mentality.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 3, 2018 10:32 pm

Depends on who’s Ox gets gored.

It just doesn’t matter.
It just doesn’t matter.
July 3, 2018 10:40 pm

Trump was not a politician before, he was a successful business man.
‘Nuff said.

Dr. Doom
Dr. Doom
July 3, 2018 11:42 pm

What’s the difference between degreed “experts” and monosyllabic minorities? When they parrot opinions, not much. These “experts” can bloviate like cow farts, cause their massive egos hide the fact that monosyllabic buffoons agree with THEM.
“Flyover country” is called America. These coastal egotists are provincials that parrot the opinions of welfare queens with the same smug attitude.

July 4, 2018 12:10 am

15 Insights…from Don Koenig


Has a civil war already begun in America?

1. Mike Adams, Alex Jones and some others are now saying a civil war has already begun in America. According to the polls about a third of the people in America believe we are near a civil war. I understand why they say that, but I do not think a real civil war can happen as long as American patriots control the White House.

2. There has been a cultural civil war against moral values in this nation for a long time but few have found need for any call to violence. Leftists thus far had little reason to use violence because when good men do nothing they win the cultural battles by default.

3. A civil war will only take place in America when the left runs the show and they weaponize government to try to take out those they hate. We were closer to civil war under Clinton and Obama. If Hillary were elected, a real civil war probably would have become a reality.

4. Radicals have taken over the leadership of the Democratic Party and the news media but any calls for violence will backfire on them. It will just show how out of touch these leftist subversives really are. As things stand now, government would crush any civil insurrection coming from radical leftists.

5. “Liberals” in America are far too soft, selfish and dependent on the government to make the sacrifice that is required to carry out a civil war. There are people on the left calling for violence and even carrying out violence but I am sure government informers also are among them. If they resort to violence, at some point those breaking the laws will be rounded up and the organization’s funding the subversion will be shut down.

6. Riots and insurrection could only take place in blue cities where leftist mayors order the police to stand down. Even so, if things get out of hand, martial law will be declared. Then a police state becomes a far greater danger than any civil war between the left and the right. Having said that, if the electrical grid goes down, there certainly will be civil war but leftist ideology will have little to do with the reason for the war. It will be a fight for survival.

7. The belligerent protests in this nation are being orchestrated by radicals and their useful idiots who think global communism will provide for their material and spiritual needs. This also happen in the 1960’s and 70’s. Nevertheless, the vast majority of people in America are aware of the dangers of communism and they certainly do not want the bloodshed that would accompany a Marxist revolution in America.

8. There are a lot of young people who have been indoctrinated to believe socialism is a better system than the free enterprise system but they are just spouting what their mentors tell them. They have never given the negative side of socialism any real thought. Socialists always think they can do it better than the previous socialist failures, but they never can. Socialism only works in dreamland where people imagine that government and other people are going to want to provide for their own needs. That does not happen in the real world. Socialism by nature is tyrannical and when it runs out of taking other people’s money the whole collective spirals into poverty.

9. Communists today like to identify those on the right as fascists. However, if people on the right were actually fascists they would be leftists just like them. They do not realize that fascists are kissing cousins of communists. The main difference between Hitler and Mao was their race. Both were all-powerful central government socialists.

10. A lot of powerful elitists are pushing for Chinese style global Communism. They have been subverting our constitutional republic for a long time. Using money and power they took over mainstream media, the universities, the Democratic Party and the minds of the Clinton’s and Obama’s. These socialist globalists recently put a fellow traveler named Obama in office to bring America to its knees. Hillary Clinton was to finish the job. She failed, and they failed to subvert the nation through any semblance of a democratic process, so now communist radicals want to incite a violent revolution. They find plenty of useful idiots out there. but most leftist Americans are not going to put their lives on the line for the socialist cause.

11. Much of the resistance we see taking place in America against President Trump is orchestrated to take the focus off those that were committing crimes under Obama. They know they need to get rid of Trump or they risk getting thrown in prison. They use secrecy laws to cover their illegal unconstitutional doings. That is why Congress does not get the documents that they ask for. And if they do get them, they are so redacted that they are useless. Congress can really blame themselves because secrecy laws were passed by them. The only way to now control these rogue agencies is for Congress to pass laws to reign in the secrecy.

12. Black secret agendas have existed since before World War II but it really grew into a monster during the Cold War and especially after 9/11. What did people expect to happen when they gave government such controls over everyone? How do we know that the shadow government did not even orchestrate the events that would get people to give up their freedoms for security?

13. The whole Russian collusion accusation was created to divert attention from the treasonous felonies committed under the Obama administration and to protect Hillary Clinton. Muller and Comey go back to the days when the Clinton’s governed Arkansas. The Clinton crime syndicate put people that they can control at top levels of the deep state. That is why Hillary has been untouchable.

14. The constant demonizing of President Trump by the shadow government directed media is the only hope they have of removing Trump before all the treason is exposed. As that fails, and as the sins of their deep state agents are revealed, Clinton and Obama cronies are resorting to calls of violence. I am sure they will influence some gullible people but the power that really counts is controlled by Donald Trump. If the leftist radicals continue to cross the line into violence, the Trump controlled government will come down on them like a ton of bricks.

15. Having said that, if the left gets control of government again, there could be a real civil war in America. People in the rural conservative Christian areas of America are not going to put up with socialist tyranny. It would not take much to cut the power to the liberal cities and when the light go out the infrastructure dependent city people would soon destroy themselves. Leftists living in blue cities better hope that there is never a real civil war because they are in no position to win it. And no, Americans in fly over country are not going to suddenly want to join with any communist revolution. Attack American patriots and they will just turn the lights off and then watch all the fireworks.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
July 4, 2018 1:59 am

I’ve been hearing a lot about the looming civil war lately. I was alarmed at first, because the idea of it just curls my hair. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about what this Civil War 2.0 might look like. What will be the battlefield and who will be the combatants? After much thought I still have no idea. It made me reflect back to my eleven bravo days when I was a paid warrior for Uncle Sam. What it was like being out in the field soldiering and what it took to keep us out there. There was a well oiled machine that kept us fed, watered, fueled, maintained, supplied with ammo, coordinated with other units and mission focused.

I try to imagine what sort of entities can equip, mobilize and support an army. National governments of course, but I don’t think the federal government is interested in fighting a civil war, except to tamp down brush fires as they flare up. I could be wrong, but I just don’t see that. George Soros is out there paying the man-bun fags to stir up shit, but they are certainly not soldiers and they don’t comprise a viable fighting force. There are a lot of pissed off conservatives who would like to shoot them some commies, but realistically what can they do? They have their own AR15s, and maybe a good stockpile of ammo, but how will they be able to coordinate into a cohesive fighting force? How will they mobilize? How will they be able to sustain battlefield presence without a dedicated supply chain? How would they protect that supply chain if they could somehow manage to put it together? Do they really think that the federal government and the pentagon will stand idly by, spectating while they go to war with the soy boy man-bun fags? How will they establish commo without the NSA intercepting it? How do they evade satellite surveillance? How do they keep from being droned, or just flat out carpet bombed? I could see some kind of guerilla underground fighting force that pulls off a little bit of sabotage here and there popping out to blow a bridge or some such and then retreating back into hiding as fast as they popped out, but I doubt they can do it without eventually being discovered. The technology is so much more advanced now than back in the days of Ho Chi Minh. And really how effective will they be at turning back the tide of cultural marxism destroying one bridge at a time? I see more likely more and more demonstrations flaring up into violence. The extent of that violence remains to be seen, but I doubt it will amount to all out war.

I think about how very difficult the logistics of a civil war would be, and then I wonder what will the battlefield look like? Urban? Farm land? Woodland? Desert? Will the locals in these environments welcome these combatants and support their efforts or work to get them out and gone? And just exactly who will these combatants be? I think most of the keyboard commandos on the internet who advocate for the civil war are overweight, out of shape, retirement age and have zero experience as foot soldiers. They aren’t going to leave their climate controlled McMansions to go crawling around with the ticks, chiggers, black flies, punkies, mosquitoes, copperheads, cotton mouths, rattlers and other assorted bloodthirsty creepy crawlies. They are trying to inspire others to take up the flag and do the fighting for them. Or perhaps they think they’ll pull up to the battlefield with their RVs and fight a little and then retire to the air conditioned comfort of the motor home for a nap and a scotch, before returning to the battle refreshed and ready to resume being a lean mean fighting machine?

I have lots of not so wonderful memories of being an infantryman. Freezing my ass off like you can not even imagine, spending nights in fighting positions in -50 degree weather on the beaches of Denmark with the wind howling in off the North Sea at 60 mph with wind chill temp of minus 100. Slogging through the mud at Hohenfels and Sennelager. Digging fox holes at Ft Polk in sand that fills with water when you get 2 ft deep and starts caving in when you get 3 ft deep and spending days and nights in those holes with your wet soggy boots and BDUs packed with sand and crawling with fleas. Doing live fire missions on Peason Ridge, running five miles full tilt nonstop up and down hills on hot August days wearing MOPP4 and full combat gear in 100 degree heat and getting my balls busted for trying to get a drink of water. Freezing nights and blistering hot days getting sand blasted at NTC. Eating two day old green eggs and feeling lucky to have them. That was 40 years ago and I have absolutely no desire to do it again, especially not as some unsupported rag tag band of revolutionaries.

How many folks are out there with enough sand in their craw to fight this civil war likely with no support, living like Eric Rudolph, bushcrafting and stealing to stave off starvation? Going weeks or months in the same set of filthy clothes. In today’s climate of spoiled, screen addicted, basement dwelling softies I don’t think you’ll find very many takers. Of those who may think they’re up for it, how many know the difference between a range card and a Jack of clubs? How many know how to effectively bound and maneuver? Who knows cover from concealment? Land navigation? How many know how to set up defensive positions with enfilade fire? How many know how to make improvised munitions or booby traps? How many know how to make a usable fighting position? How many know how to guard or patrol or ambush?

Maybe after the shit hits the fan there will be enough people out there with nothing left to lose that think a civil war sounds better than what they are living, but I think they’ll be so preoccupied with fending off starvation that they don’t have the energy to fight, unless they are fighting for something to eat.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Grizzly Bare
July 4, 2018 9:12 am

Lots of interesting and thoughtful questions, Grizzly. Your comments are always thoughtful.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
  Mary Christine
July 4, 2018 4:44 pm

Thanks MC. I’m no expert on anything except my own life. I try to do the best I can with the information I’m able to gather. I try to come up with answers for how to live my life in this crazy world, but beyond that I have mostly just questions. I’m also a believer in looking before leaping.

July 4, 2018 10:02 am

AS a southern gentleman with no college education, I out worked and out smarted the Ivy Grads and was hired by the worlds largest banks and investment companies in my mid twenties. Because I was down to earth, smarter than them, and was effective. Been making incomes of mid 6 figures since then until Obummer when a 100k was nearly impossible. I’m back and going to make 7 figures this year, thanks to Trump.

People realize banks control everything. What they don’t realize is the populace and birth rates are declining in first world countries and that strikes fear in the banks. Their models of modern serfdom via interest and loans don’t work. They look shortsighted to next quarters dividends and thus need immigration to hold the numbers. The well to do will have massive inflation and interest rates to provide the tax base to support the immigrants until their third generation is acclimated and they too buy into the so called middle class serfdom And buy homes,cars etc. The issue is all about them maintaining control always and never seeing a bad quarter. Immigration, legal or not must occur or they lose their clout. That is what you are seeing. Their predictive models, albeit mostly wrong, is their bible. Many don’t understand how we reappropriate first world assets to third world. It goes like this: the corps and banks make laws, use social justice to enforce them, via paid politicians, until they set up base of operations to entrench themselves in third world countries to export the products via manual labor back to first world countries making huge profits. This is why so many companies became global all at once. It’s a boom of third world countries labor markets and they are paid well but it’s pennies to these corps. Their labor costs are minuscule to hiring first world labor. You will see immigration to third worlds by first world immigrants in 25 years. Then, the uptopia of one world order and rule is complete. Then the banks have no method other than dictatorship to control everything to make it try and work. Because equalization of everyone is false utopia. The earth hasn’t enough resources for everyone to live middle class and that is what these sjw do not understand. The earth has barely enough resources for us all to live in mud huts and one meal a day if we were all equal. Until then the banks will keep on their path.

July 4, 2018 12:44 pm