Guest Post by Ann Coulter

I’m still ticked off at him for not building the wall, but THANK YOU, PRESIDENT TRUMP, FOR POINTING OUT THAT MAXINE WATERS HAS A LOW I.Q.!

And there’s more great news! Contrary to every single New York Times editorial and opinion piece on the president’s “Muslim ban,” this week, the Supreme Court upheld the ban.

Or, as a Times op-ed put it back on Jan. 27, 2017: “(T)he order is illegal. More than 50 years ago, Congress outlawed such discrimination against immigrants based on national origin. …” — “Trump’s Immigration Ban Is Illegal,” by David J. Bier, immigration policy analyst at the Cato Institute.

For your immigration news, New York Times, maybe stop thinking you’re getting “both sides” by going to open borders activists at the International Refugee Assistance Project and, for the opposing view, open borders activists at the Cato Institute.

Last week, in a column that does not misstate the facts and the law about immigration, I covered some typical asylum and refugee admissions to our country, including Beatrice Munyenyezi. She was the Rwandan who got into our country by claiming to be a victim of the genocide that killed nearly a million people, even though she had helped orchestrate it.

Munyenyezi wasn’t the only participant in the Rwandan genocide who’s gotten in as a victim and then been unmasked as a perpetrator. So far, nearly 400 Rwandans granted special refugee status have been convicted of lying on visa applications about their role in the genocide. Great job, U.S. refugee admissions officials!

Courts are dealing with so many genocidal Rwandans who came to America as “refugees” that just last Friday, a federal appeals court upheld the conviction of another one, Gervais “Ken” Ngombwa, who not only lied about his participation in the genocide, but also about his family relationships. (You can’t get anything past our State Department!)

Aside from our immigration authorities missing little things like the Rwandan genocide, what is the argument for taking in millions of people from backward cultures, hotbeds of real racism, pederasty, misogyny — as opposed to the “microaggressions” that are the bane of our culture?It’s one thing to use quotas as a response to slavery and Jim Crow in our own country, but why do we have to have an immigration quota for “people who don’t live here, have never seen an indoor toilet, and rape little girls for sport”?

Liberals act as if they are striking a blow for feminism by importing desperate women from misogynistic cultures to America. But, even to the extent they’re telling the truth, the women aren’t always victims only. They’re often co-conspirators.

Remember the Baby Hope case? In 1991, a little girl’s unidentified body was found in an Igloo cooler alongside the Henry Hudson Parkway. Twenty-two years later, the New York City police finally solved the case: The perpetrator turned out to be Baby Hope’s illegal alien cousin from Mexico, who had raped and killed her when she was 4 years old.

And how had he escaped justice for 22 years? The girl’s mother and aunt, also illegals, helped orchestrate the cover-up. The aunt helped dispose of the body and the girl’s mother never said a peep, despite admitting that she suspected all along that the corpse in the cooler was her unreported, missing daughter.

Hmong girls in Minnesota are regularly gang raped by Hmong men, but the Hmong community — even the girls’ mothers — blame the rape victims, and the attacks go unreported. These aren’t cultures of strong women and criminal men. It’s more like criminal men and complicit women.

(One of the major articles reporting on the Hmong rape culture, helping diversify America, was Pam Louwagie and Dan Browning’s “Shamed Into Silence,” published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune in 2005. It used to be here: The detailed story won first place for In Depth Reporting from the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists, but it seems to have disappeared from the Tribune’s website. Welcome to the Soviet Union!)

In San Francisco, we had the young Indian sex slaves of pederast Lakireddy Bali Reddy testifying on his behalf. Once he was finally busted — not by our fantastic “democracy dies in darkness” mainstream media, but by a local high school newspaper — we found out his child rape victims thought they deserved it. They could not be coaxed to testify against him. Some took the stand on his behalf. They were all given asylum. We didn’t change them; they just moved here, without altering their belief in human slavery or the caste system one iota.

Americans are told we have to understand that it’s part of their native cultures.

Exactly! It’s their culture. We’re not rescuing anybody; we’re bringing in diseased cultures. The alleged refugees don’t float above and apart from their societies. Feminists may see the world as the Boy team versus the Girl team, but in reality, it’s the Civilized team versus the Primitive team. Virtually every woman outside of the First World lives in an abusive society. We can’t take them all in.

How did violent, backward, misogynistic cultures become our problem? Did we take a vote and agree to be the world’s charity ward?

Democrats who claim to be defenders of the weak, the marginal and vulnerable are happy to toss our safe, functioning country aside — as long as they can wreck America (and get their housework done at the same time!). The left’s central political philosophy is based on resentment toward historical America.

They’re just like the feminists willing to forgive Bill Clinton for rape. Well, you know, taking in the totality of his contributions … Today, it’s: Who cares what kind of society we become — provided America is no more.

Primitive people will not stop trying to come here until America is no different from Calcutta. Then, liberals’ work will be done. And there will be no charity ward left for anyone to flee to.

That’s how much liberals care about women and children.

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 3, 2018 5:42 pm

Oh boy : as Kurt Russell said in the movie “SOLDIER”
“I’m going to kill them all sir”!
What is really left for citizenry when their government fails at nearly all its constitutional duties and responsibilities assured to the citizens and by what was allegedly a sacred oath of honor and integrity by those elected to represent Americans citizens interests with in and concerning government and actions taken on the citizens behalf ?????

July 3, 2018 6:51 pm

“Primitive people will not stop trying to come here until America is no different from Calcutta. Then, liberals’ work will be done.”

Ann well tells it, in a nut’s shell.

July 3, 2018 10:20 pm

That shell is your cranium, Krazy Soze.

July 4, 2018 7:29 am

I was thinking more that Ann is a shell to receive my nuts’ spunky funk.

‘Empower women, protect children’ echos in her written words.

July 3, 2018 9:43 pm

this is the ann we know & love–
this is a bit off topic but since the guy was an immigrant,i’ll put it here–
it looks like imran awan may skate–from breitbart

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 3, 2018 10:02 pm

Anyone in the Ring that turns the other cheek will get knocked out. Anyone that surrenders to ISIS will get their head cut off, or to a Communist will get it blown off. Sometimes you must line them up and say: “Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do…Fire!”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 3, 2018 10:06 pm

You morans (KS and Boatfag) should go back and read HF’s excellent dissection of the Hollywood dungeon caper. There was a time when folks here could read just like HF. They were so good that they could detect the faintest nuance of insincerity, the weakest scent of misinformation.

Nowadays, folks are conditioned to react to specific stimuli; illegals, Trump bashing and liberals. You can spot them in any thread, they are the ones who are incensed and in a snit over the gentlest criticism of Trump or a comment in the least bit sympathetic to the travails of the poor immigrants.

Folks nowadays swallow a camel whole and choke on a mustard seed. If folks practiced being discerning they would see that they are reading a liberal women’s libber beating men over the head about their conservative values. She bashes men for failing to resist women’s liberalizations while she enjoys the benefits of the women’s lib movement. Here is a woman who can check into a hotel without being accompanied by a husband. Instead, she is in the company of her lover whom she calls a bodyguard. This is not a reflection of conservative values.

To each his own. Honest women used to get married and keep house. Leftist libertines were out in public mingling with men, smoking and drinking and acting like the equals of men, sharing their bed with all comers.

Hypocrisy, wrote La Rochefoucauld, is a tribute vice pays to virtue. I’m not sure that this bitch even knows of her hypocrisy, the current definition of conservatism is such that it is far from the conservatism of the 50’s. Conservatives today are cool with abortion, gays, free love, extra-marital sex, even occasional gay sex, deficit spending and Russians. Conservatism now is only concerned with race, immigrants and Trump. So it’s easy to see how she could miss her own contradiction. She is a women’s libber pretending to be an old-line conservative.

To make matters worse, she uses that conservative cloak to bash men over the head with the customs of gallantry and chivalry that she herself rejected. She wants to be equal to men, free to live according to her whims and desires but holding men to the standards of old. Women and children last, she screeches, demanding men do something; sacrifice themselves for women. Wait, isn’t this bitch equal to men? But she still wants preferential treatment due to her old minority status?

HF said he didn’t take advice from folks who live messy wild lives. That sounds like a conservative idea to me. It’s time to flush this bitch.

Maybe jFish will see fit to include this comment in one of his opusses (opi?).

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  EL Coyote
July 3, 2018 11:47 pm

Name calling there El Coyote I have struck a nerve in your liberal skull of mush

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Boat Guy
July 3, 2018 11:58 pm

Maybe you did in another article. I owed you one and took a shot. No hard feelings. I took a cue from T4C’s crew that call themselves Q-fags or something like that, it’s a badge of honor to them.

Also, you are name calling when you refer to my liberal skull of mush.

  EL Coyote
July 4, 2018 8:01 am

Two issues for you……Why are you so uncomfortable reading a beautiful woman’s essay? Have you ever considered using facts and historical references in your writing?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 4, 2018 1:42 pm

Turdlock, you can easily find HF’s comment on the college prof article. Because I didn’t want to bore you with a backstory, I did not mention that Ivanka Trump dished that Annie was banging her bodyguard. I referenced Pavlov; a white man and therefore indisputable fact. And that’s straight up!
Her article was directed, in catty fashion, at the liberal defense of ‘colored’ immigration; you know, useless eaters. I pointed out that there are no true conservatives nowadays (except at HF’s village). We are all liberal now. The only distinction is that one group favors white folks and calls itself conservative and the other group calls itself liberal and favors colored people and sexual deviates.
That’s it, conservatism now is little more than virtue signaling. I pointed out that conservatives approve of and engage in things that would have provoked conservatives in the 50’s to grab pitchforks and torches.
It’s ok to have the occasional ‘here,here’ rah-rah sisboombah two minute Trump love. But the comment thread is also useful for providing criticism of the article. Was it Uncola who said that an unexamined article is not worth reading? That’s all he does, examine stuff; trends, news, where the hell we’re all going.

It just doesn’t matter.
It just doesn’t matter.
July 3, 2018 10:29 pm

Oh howl at the moon, coyote, you are just frustrated.
She is no more wrong than a male observing the same primitive third worlders. Why do you insist on harming the messenger.?
Men and women can be good and not good.
Exploiting humans below your station will never ever change.
Some advice…be the best you can be. Work, toil and pay the man (taxes).
Find your place in family, society, community, church, school, etc and abide.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  It just doesn’t matter.
July 4, 2018 12:06 am

I read her article, I know what it’s about -> same old same old.
I was going on about her sarcastic twist on the old phrase, women and children first.
Logically speaking, if women insist on equality, then they don’t deserve any preference when leaving a sinking boat. She rants about liberals without recognizing that she has the same beliefs as the liberals she criticizes. She’s unmarried, engages in pre-marital sex, travels around with no regard to the proprieties of conservatism, probably demands a man’s pay, who the heck knows how many abortions she’s had. Oh, don’t give me that, if HF can conjecture that man had a dick up his ass when he died, I can surmise that Ann has terminated a couple of inconvenient pregnancies.

  EL Coyote
July 4, 2018 1:50 am

I once read in a fortune cookie that assholes and cunts should always beware in rooms full of dicks.

Not sure how that applies to this conversation; or if it even does at all.

But what if she truly desired a land where women and children were placed first? Instead, she is forced to assume an Unsinkable Molly Brown persona, and rage like a drunken sailor, on a doomed venture sinking into a sea of male apathy.

“Where hath my country gone?” she exclaimed while exhaling through the smoke of her cigar; and where are the men with balls larger than mine, she wondered.

It could be her zeal and commitment were birthed from fears of being assraped by Somali refugees, from below decks, who would be Jacks to her Rose. This, while still suffering the sting of rejection as her real Jack refused to build her a great wall of protection. She now weeps, jilted and alone.

Will anyone please show mercy to this poor woman? Anyone?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  EL Coyote
July 4, 2018 9:01 am

To be fair, my conjecture was based on the evidence provided in the story. The gimp was not a sous-vide, he was, in the words of the ‘journalist’, a playmate. Hef made damn sure we all know what that implies.

And while it is a disappointment- considering her stance on several primary areas of US policy failure- EC is spot on about Ms. Coulter. She is everything she rails against- cosmopolitan, feminist, a libertine- but she writes about the world of her fathers with a fondness and sincerity that appeals to the traditional Heritage American psyche. I get it, I really do, the pressures and insistent drumbeat of the post modern world are as relentless as the sea and they appeal, in many ways, to those instincts that made us the shining city on a hill; Truth, compassion, altruism, and humor in the face of adversity. The problem isn’t in our makeup, but in the direction we incline when we seek only to feed our hunger. There has to be more, values that transcend our immediate wants and desires and allow for us to endure suffering, rancor, hardship and opprobrium in order to serve the future generations. The lifeboat metaphor is apt because the truth is they are only designed to save a finite number of souls. Too many swamp the gunwales and all is lost and as the flow and direction of immigrants and refugees should imply, to even the dimmest of bulbs, just which culture and values the vast majority of people are inclined to embrace.

You guys miss a great deal if you dismiss EC/Anonymous. His insights go deeper than my observations and he is usually spot on.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 4, 2018 11:06 am

What I appreciated most was how EC’s presented points were contemporaneously cerebral and heartfelt. He’s a diamond in the rough. A real gem. Truly.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 3, 2018 11:39 pm

I shut down the thread. Winning!

middle-aged mad gnome
middle-aged mad gnome
July 4, 2018 6:37 am

I think El Coyote over thought Coulter’s article. Coulter’s clear point was that third world immigration is all about “infecting” our present culture with third world cultural poison and is evil. The specific kind of poison really isn’t the point. However, El Coyote’s assertions about “women’s liberation” and the acceptability of depraved immoraility taken apart from its misapplication is profoundly true and deserves its own article. Write it El Coyote!