Paris is a mess: Up to 400,000 illegal immigrants live in just one suburb

Via Voice of Europe

A new parliamentary report shows that the number of migrants living in a Paris suburb may be nearing 400,000, according to Paris Vox.

The report of the deputies François Cornut-Gentille and Rodrigue Kokouendo says that the French Republic is failing in the Seine-Saint-Denis suburb, which is north east of Paris.

Between 150,000 and 400,000 illegal immigrants live in the Paris suburb under bad conditions. The poverty rate is 28% while the unemployment rate stands at 12.7%, well above national averages.

French newspaper Le Figaro says the report describes the situation as: “the incredible deterioration of social, economic and security conditions” in the area.

Migrant camp in Northern Paris – Image: Harriet Hadfield /

The very high numbers of poor and unemployed illegals also causes problematic behaviour, such as trafficking and forms of delinquency.

The illegals now make up a fifth of the population of the Seine-Saint-Denis and are severely straining public services and creating social tensions, according to the parliamentary report.

After the clearance of the jungle camp in Calais, several migrants moved to Paris and near 550 migrants a day are still arriving in the city. Many of them come from Italy, as there are no structural border checks between the countries.

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July 6, 2018 1:20 pm

Saint-Denis and its surrounding areas are infamous in France for their crime rate. In 2005 it had 150.71 criminal incidents per 1000 inhabitants, far higher than the national average (83 per 1000) and higher than its department of Seine-Saint-Denis (95.67 per 1000). Police efficiency has been reported as very low, with only 19.82% of crimes solved by the police.

Spoiler alert: it’s a black neighborhood.

July 6, 2018 2:04 pm

Unemployment rate 12.8 percent, are they drawing unemployment and actively seeking jobs as in US definitions of unemployed?
What about the 87.2 percent who are not listed as unemployed?
What kind of jobs do they do?

July 6, 2018 1:27 pm

Open borders, unlimited immigration, and a welfare state… what could possibly go wrong?

Just want to know. . .
Just want to know. . .
July 6, 2018 3:10 pm

“Open borders, unlimited immigration, and a welfare state… what could possibly go wrong?”

I have to wonder what idiot down voted you for this statement.

Generic globalist / ghost of koudenhove-kalergi
Generic globalist / ghost of koudenhove-kalergi
July 6, 2018 1:35 pm

No such thing as “illegal immigrant.” You must mean refugees, or that hateful term “undocumented migrant.”

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter

I understood that ALL immigrants are illegals unless they are refugees. These guys are from central Africa mainly and are economic migrants. This is my understanding. Do you know better?

Generic globalist / ghost of koudenhove-kalergi
Generic globalist / ghost of koudenhove-kalergi
  Austrian Peter
July 6, 2018 4:46 pm

You severely lack in reading comprehension and sarcasm-discernment skills.

Your Austro-American cousin Stucky would be ashamed.

I misspelled the name, but you should nonetheless have been able to look it up:

Der Nordrhein Deutscher Ubermensch
Der Nordrhein Deutscher Ubermensch

For fuck’s sake, Coudenhove-Kalergi had an Austrian father, whose connections enabled his evil. See the same article above.

“Austrian” Peter, you are like a German who’s never head of Bismarck. Or of that other famous German leader, who was actually Austrian.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
  Der Nordrhein Deutscher Ubermensch
July 7, 2018 1:45 am

Well, you guys are well ahead of me at present but I am willing to learn and shall endeavour to keep up. I certainly missed this one though and I am thoroughly ashamed.


Generic G. I immediately recognised your sarcasm. The burning platform readers aren’t the brightest stars in the night sky.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
July 7, 2018 1:52 am

This may be so, but even the dull and ignorant have their story……

I continue the joy of learning through my earth-walk.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter

First off, thank you so much for enlightening me and for the link which I have now read and my comprehension has improved no end. I am a simple soul and often miss innuendoes, so I missed the reference you made in your handle. You clearly have some very interesting insights into our new world order plan; it all makes sense.

Second, my soubriquet, ‘Austrian’ refers to the Austrian Economics school of thought which emphasises sound money and free markets which is what attracted me to them in the first place. I have recently been educated further and now see that there is no such thing as ‘sound money’ and markets can never be ‘free’ and will always contain elements of manipulation.

I am working with others of similar thought and your link is a most welcome addition to our research.

The Man of 10,000 Facials. Errr, Faces.
The Man of 10,000 Facials. Errr, Faces.
  Austrian Peter
July 7, 2018 10:37 pm

Peter, welcome to TBP. Showing up here as the FNG is like entering a Guatemalan prison prison naked, but once you get accustomed to it you’ll come to like it.

As for Austrian Economics, it is not nearly as wrong as Keynes, but I am skeptical of it or any other purported theory of economics. I fearlessly predict that 50 years from now, practicing economics for hire, or to advise any business or government, will be a major felony, if not a capital offense. There may some bumpiness in the road between here and there.

My take on economic theory – human behavior is neither consistently rational, nor predictable. The most likely useful tool of prediction is statistical analysis based on past reactions to stimuli, but history doesn’t repeat in mirror image so this will at best be an “art” that merely uses scientific statistics incidentally.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter

Thanks John, for your careful analysis and I entirely agree with your take on economics in general. I have always said that it can’t be a science but is much more an art relying as it does on human behaviour.

Jim Rickards has much to say about this in his book: “The Road to Ruin” which I enjoyed very much and liked his explanations about human action, complexity theory and statistical analysis, just as you say. Well worth a read. His ICE 9 concept is very believable.


“Your Austro-American cousin Stucky would be ashamed.”

Yes, I might be ashamed.

Just to let you know that I do not identify as a hyphenated American. I’m just a plain old American …. who happens to be of Austrian heritage.

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
July 7, 2018 2:13 pm

That’s nice , Stucky, and I am pleased that your heritage suits you. I explained to others earlier that I am not Austrian, merely an erstwhile supporter of Austrian economics, but now I am having to revisit my views on this having acquired more information, so there is no telling where I will go next – maybe even Austria! :-)))

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 6, 2018 1:48 pm

The French had a perfectly good candidate available to them in Marine Le Pen. Instead they voted for that fag Macron who tries to prove how tough he is by having a tight handshake. What does he care about the future? It’s not like he has any kids.

July 6, 2018 2:34 pm

Send them a case of deodorant.

July 6, 2018 5:39 pm

Send them a case of smallpox.

July 6, 2018 4:17 pm

Hmmmm.,seems you can camp in Paris seeing all the tents there,perhaps time to visit and camp at the Louvre/set up a mess kit at the Eiffel ect.

I would say in one form or another there will soon be genocides in Europe,who comes out on top not sure.

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
July 6, 2018 5:23 pm

Looks like Seattle.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 6, 2018 11:57 pm

And of course, the Muslim immigrants are camped right in the area around the Basilica of St. Denis, a famous historic Catholic Church in Paris. I wonder how many worshipers get to attend services now with a bunch of heathen Muslims waiting to cut their heads off.

  Vixen Vic
July 7, 2018 8:16 pm

“The Spirit, I am certain, will help us today to preserve an attitude of trusting openness, which will allow us to overcome every barrier and scale every wall… The encounter with migrants and refugees from other confessions and beliefs is a fertile ground for the development of a sincere and enriching ecumenical and interreligious dialogue.” — Pope Francis

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 8, 2018 2:26 am

Yes, Pope Francis is a Jesuit Social Marxist trying to rush his dreamed-of Apocalypse, a Biblical interpretation I don’t believe in. Jesuits appear to be the reason for the downfall of the Catholic Church.