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July 6, 2018 8:37 am

Although Mises didn’t quite live long enough to see it, this quote applies beautifully to Gerald Ford’s moronic “WIN” (Whip Inflation Now) buttons. The only question in my mind is whether Ford was smart enough to get it or was he simply a deceitful propagandist. Perhaps his wife did and that drove her to drink…

July 6, 2018 9:41 am

Virtually every problem that seeks, requires, or demands more money to fix or fund it further because of skyrocketing costs can be traced back to 1913 for the beginning of the decline in the U.S.

But, way earlier in history the strategy was discovered and gradually grew, like cancer, by the family R in other parts of the world. Insider information on the outcome of an old war hatched wealth plunder schemes that continue to this day.

Many instances between then and 2018, where the hidden agenda has been to slowly erode the currency’s purchasing power by inflating it.
Bretton Woods gave the US an edge for a while, but…

So many of society’s ills are directly and indirectly affected by this subtle plundering of the 99% of working stiffs, by the banking elites.
Find and review, with appalling realization, the list of all the worlds central banks that trace back to the family R., who also seem to direct social policies and more wars, besides debt enslavement of the masses.

Evil of the highest degree.

Way past time, to pull back the curtain, and call a spade a spade, and bring about their demise,
a seemingly impossible task.
One possible tool: the spread of truthful information via the www.
Even there, is a push to control and eradicate knowledge and understanding of the scam for what it really is.