The Gangster State

Guest Post by The Zman

The defining feature of gang life is personal loyalty trumps all else. This is true for low level street gangs, as well as highly complex organized crime gangs. The rules are not written down or agreed to by consensus. They are imposed top-down by a group of men loyal to one man. The head of a drug cartel has lieutenants to enforce discipline on the the sub-groups down the line. The rules within those groups are similarly enforced by lieutenants loyal to the guy in charge of the group. This continues down to the street level gangsters.

The effect of this is a chaotic lawlessness. The punishment for the exact same transgression may be wildly different in two different cases. It all depends upon the relationship between the boss and the offender. While all criminal organizations have rules against betraying confidences, there’s no hard and fast rule on the punishment, despite what you see on television. Baltimore gangsters rat on one another all the time to get better prison terms, without facing a universally applied death penalty for snitching.

Consider what we are watching with our government. News brings word that the US Attorney is dropping charges against the terrorists, who went on a rampage during the inauguration last year. They announced this in a holiday week, so it would get the least amount of news coverage. Now, they certainly could have looked into who financed the riot, who helped organize it and then went after the shot callers, but they never bothered to do that. Instead, they sat on it until people forgot about it and then dropped the case.

Now, we have mountains of laws for dealing with self-defined criminal groups. The Feds could go after a Lacy MacAuley, who details her activities on-line, in order to figure out who pays her rent. Then they could go after that person or group. This is basic police work. At the very minimum, the people financing these terrorists would know they have some exposure, but that never happens. You see, everyone knows who finances Antifa and other terrorists operations and they have friends in high places.

Here’s another example. Peter Strozk is the focus of a very serious criminal conspiracy to subvert the last election. A mountain of evidence pointing to his guilt has been in the public domain for a year, yet he was just recently fired from the FBI. He has not been charged with anything and it appears he will never be charged. In fact, he is now telling Congress he has no intention of testifying. It is not that he plans to take the fifth. He is not going to show up. Their silly laws no longer apply to people in his gang.

Again, this gets to the way in which gang life operates. There may be rules, but what matters is who enforces the rules and on whom the rules are to be applied. In this case, the wide ranging criminal organization known as the Democratic Party will never let their people get punished by the Republicans. Those rules about complying with a subpoena from Congress only apply when the gangsters with power can enforce them and they will only enforce them when it suits their interests. This is gang life. This is the gangster state.

This becomes more obvious when looking at the whole criminal enterprise that is currently called the FBI. There’s no question that the people at the top engaged in a wide-ranging criminal conspiracy to spy on the Trump campaign and engineer a criminal investigation of his administration, for the purpose of removing him from office. This is the one explanation that explains the mountain of evidence piled up in the public domain. This is so obvious that no one bothers to deny it. Instead, the game is to avoid discussing it in public.

Lurking in the secret FBI files can be only three possibilities, with regards to this conspiracy. One, there is proof they cooked the whole thing to help get Hillary Clinton elected. The other is some out of left field explanation for the mountain of data, that points to an innocent motive. The final option is a massive hole in the system where the damning proof used to exists, but has now been destroyed as part of the cover-up. To date, the FBI and DOJ refuse to comply with Congressional subpoenas to answer this question.

Again, we’re back to the gangster model. The people inside these agencies have a primary loyalty to the gang, not to the laws of the country or the alleged institutions charged with promulgating and enforcing the laws. In gang life, you are first loyal to the gang and that’s what we see with this case. Rod Rosenstein was sent to Congress in order to deliver a threat to Congress, if they persisted in their interference with the gang’s business. In a prior age, Devin Nunes would have found a black palm print on his door.

Of course, that seems to be what has happened to Representative Jim Jordan, who is now having to answer questions about a sex scandal from 30 years ago. He was an assistant coach at Ohio State, when another coach supposedly had homosexual relations with some his players. The claim is it was molestation, but adult males cannot be molested. That’s ludicrous. Even so, the liberal media is running with it, because they are told to go after Jordan. The reason? Jordan went after Rosenstein at a hearing.

You see, Ohio State hired a law firm to investigate the matter. That law firm is named Perkins Coie, a mammoth firm with global operations. Coincidentally, they were the law firm at the heart of the phony dossier the FBI used to get secret warrants on the Trump campaign. Perkins Coie was the Hillary Clinton campaign’s firm and they hire FusionGPS to put together the fake dossier, then gave it to the FBI, the media and scoundrels like John McCain. It’s not hard to connect the dots here, with the Jordan story.

What appears to the rest of us to be corruption and lawlessness, is actually the natural functioning of gang life. It is the ultimate expression of who? whom?, in that everything revolves around who is enforcing the rules and against whom they are being applied. The first and only question anyone cares to answer is “how is this good for us?” Everything follows from that answer. The people in the DOJ and FBI are only concerned about what’s good for the gang. This is gang life. This is the gangster state.

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July 8, 2018 9:23 am

No consequences for your actions means no restraint in what you do.

No consequence means, de facto, approval.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 8, 2018 9:26 am

One more time for the people in the nosebleed section.


Remember Shakespeare? The Globe Theater? His plays had to appeal to both the refined and the lowly and so he wrote them with that in mind.

So it is with our current era.

To one group of people it is to keep them in fear and apprehension, to convince them that every utterance and communication is listened in on and data logged. To another it is that nothing is ever kept or recorded and that no crime, no matter how much evidence of it’s existence is brought to light can ever be adjudicated, that no law will ever be applied to them because they never intended to break it or did it for the right reasons.

And to the last group- those smart enough to understand the contradictions and double standards, the hypocrisies and lawlessness of the protected classes- it is a warning not to challenge them because they control the horizontal, they control the vertical.

The problem with a State that has descended to the level of gangsterism, a kleptocracy, is that the smart crowd that gets it will soon figure out that they too can play at the same game and then it’s race to the gallows pole. And as everyone knows, no elite in recorded history has ever survived the end of a societal collapse.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
  hardscrabble farmer
July 8, 2018 10:24 am

Exactly! The Democrats are more angry at the Republican Establishment for losing control of “the game” and allowing Trump to ascend than they are for any particular policy differences. Trump is bad for “business as usual”.

It’s a rare bird like Devan Nunes, a farm boy with nothing in particular to lose, who can really pursue the Deep State here. Most of these guys aspire to K Street or Wall Street. You’re not going to get there rocking the boat. And as you correctly point out, Big Brother is listening……

  hardscrabble farmer
July 9, 2018 12:31 pm

There was a time back in the 60’s when Juarez had a semblance of prosperity. Years later, when the buses disappeared after a strike, and the city was invaded by people from the south of Mexico, my granny commented that in the 50’s there were so many weddings, the streets were always filled with the sound of horns blowing as the procession of cars celebrated the occasion.

The following generation fell into drug use and unemployment. Worse still, when the maquilas arrived, there were no jobs for men, only women. There were few options for self-respecting men; go ‘pa’l norte’ or join a drug cartel.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
July 8, 2018 10:29 am

It will be interesting to see what Trump decides to do after the Midterms. If the Repubs lose the House, you would think he would throw down, fire Sessions and bring in Gowdy to pursue the Conspirators through criminal proceedings.

It’s the only way to expose it. Sessions is protecting the Swampers.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 8, 2018 10:35 am

Congress can’t do shit, so they’re ignored. DOJ and the FBI are under the executive. Trump could theoretically end the obstruction by declassifying everything and ordering its production to Congress, but it may have been destroyed and until recently it would have looked bad to the sheeple who believe the MSM – which still seems to be about 60% of the population. He’s been riding a tiger. Once a majority of people slowly come to see the Trump-Russia thing as a plot within Obama’s DOJ and FBI, he’ll have more latitude to go after the plotters – if there’s any evidence left. Of course, none of them could be convicted within the District, so any trial would have to be elsewhere. We’ll just have to wait for Huber to finish whatever the hell he’s doing.

Meanwhile he’s appointing SCOTUS justices and winning everything in court. I think he’ll eventually get his Wall. And we’ll be bringing a lot of troops back from foreign shores. So, as good as can be expected given the circumstances.

  Iska Waran
July 8, 2018 10:49 am

His wall depends entirely on Congress authorizing and funding it.

Have you written your Congressthings about it to encourage them to do this?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 8, 2018 12:09 pm

I have caught a couple of blurbs on the Jordan “scandal” this morning. As Z correctly points out the people involved were adults and Jordan presumably had nothing to do with it.
I have heard twice now that Jordan “may have heard or been told that teenage boys were being molested by the head coach.” Of course these teenage boys were adult college students. What law was broken? What could he do? That is assuming he knew about it.
The same media told us that when a Dhimmicrat congresscum, Gerry Studds D-MA was actually buggering or bufuing underage teens (congressional pages) theoretically under his protection or direction it was none of our business at all and to STFU! These were crimes unlike whatever happened thirty years ago in Ohio.
We can easily see the opposition is unprincipled filth. They cannot be gotten along with. As Limbaugh always says, resolution can only come with them being defeated.

July 8, 2018 1:51 pm

First this and now that. Coincidence?

The quieter I become, the more I see:

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Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
July 8, 2018 2:19 pm

They are almost done with the corral around all the humans they can wring some value from. Everyone not in the corral is excess and disposable. They are trying real hard to keep us all distracted while the last of the fencing is installed.

That is what all this North Korea, trade war, Thai boys in caves, EPA head resigns, Supreme Court shit is all about: Distraction. While we are watching a staged show of some people disagreeing or fighting, the completion of the fence continues. When it is done, they will drop all the pretense and attempt to put us all to work exclusively for their benefit, all in return for an Iphone and 5G coverage. And it will be successful, for a while.

July 9, 2018 10:05 am

I was going to make a snarky comment on a previous article where the author called Mexico a failing failed state. The point of my comment was going to be this: