Guest Post by Ann Coulter
The fact that the media responded to the nomination of a Supreme Court justice by obsessively covering Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Russia and NATO proves that Trump has checkmated them with Brett Kavanaugh.

Liberals know they can’t stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation, so they’d just as soon not hear any news about it at all. Please cheer us up with stories about Paul Manafort’s solitary confinement!

But there was one very peculiar reaction to the nomination. The nut wing of the Democratic Party instantly denounced Kavanaugh by claiming that his elevation to the high court would threaten all sorts of “rights.”

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., tweeted: “Our next justice should be a champion for protecting & advancing rights, not rolling them back — but Kavanaugh has a long history of demonstrating hostility toward defending the rights of everyday Americans.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., tweeted: “If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court it will have a profoundly negative effect on workers’ rights, women’s rights and voting rights for decades to come. We must do everything we can to stop this nomination.”

If only these guys could get themselves elected to some sort of legislative body, they could pass laws protecting these rights!

Wait, I’m sorry. These are elected United States senators. Of all people, why are they carrying on about “rights”? If senators can’t protect these alleged “rights,” it can only be because most Americans do not agree that they should be “rights.”

That’s exactly why the left is so hysterical about the Supreme Court. They run to the courts to win their most unpopular policy ideas, gift-wrapped and handed to them as “constitutional rights.”

What liberals call “rights” are legislative proposals that they can’t pass through normal democratic processes — at least outside of the states they’ve already flipped with immigration, like California.

Realizing how widely reviled their ideas are, several decades ago the left figured out a procedural scam to give them whatever they wanted without ever having to pass a law. Hey! You can’t review a Supreme Court decision!

Instead of persuading a majority of their fellow citizens, they’d need to persuade only five justices to invent any rights they pleased. They didn’t have to ask twice. Apparently, justices find it much funner to be all-powerful despots than boring technocrats interpreting written law.

Soon the court was creating “rights” promoting all the left’s favorite causes — abortion, criminals, busing, pornography, stamping out religion, forcing military academies to admit girls and so on.

There was nothing America could do about it.

OK, liberals, you cheated and got all your demented policy ideas declared “constitutional rights.” But it’s very strange having elected legislators act as if they are helpless serfs, with no capacity to protect “rights.”

It’s stranger still for politicians to pretend that these putative “rights” are supported by a majority of Americans. By definition, the majority does not support them. Otherwise, they’d already be protected by law and not by Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s latest newsletter.

On MSNBC, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said people storming into the streets and making their voices heard about Kavanaugh is “the remarkable part about a democracy.”

Actually, that isn’t democracy at all. Liberals don’t do well at democracy. Why don’t politicians run for office promising to ban the death penalty, spring criminals from prison or enshrine late-term abortion? Hmmm … I wonder why those “I (heart) partial-birth abortion!” T-shirts aren’t selling?

Unless the Constitution forbids it — and there are very few things proscribed by the Constitution — democracy entails persuading a majority of your fellow Americans or state citizens to support something, and then either putting it on the ballot or electing representatives who will write it into law — perhaps even a constitutional amendment.

Otherwise, these “rights” whereof you speak are no more real than the Beastie Boys’ assertion of THE RIGHT TO PARTEEEEEEEE!

Gay marriage, for example, was foisted on the country not through ballot initiatives, persuasion, public acceptance, lobbying or politicians winning elections by promising to legalize it. No, what happened was, in 2003, the Massachusetts Supreme Court suddenly discovered a right to gay marriage lurking in the state’s 223-year-old Constitution — written by the very religious John Adams. (Surprise!)

After that, the people rose up and banned gay marriage in state after state, even in liberal bastions like Oregon and California. The year after the Massachusetts court’s remarkable discovery, gay marriage lost in all 11 states where it was on the ballot.

Everywhere gay marriage was submitted to a popular vote, it lost. (Only one state’s voters briefly seemed to approve of gay marriage — Arizona, in 2006 — but that was evidently a problem with the wording of the initiative, because two years later, the voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional ban on gay marriage.)

Inasmuch as allowing people to vote resulted in a resounding “NO!” on gay marriage, liberals ran back to the courts. Still, the public rebelled. The year after the Iowa Supreme Court concocted a right to gay marriage, voters recalled three of the court’s seven justices.

A handful of blue state legislatures passed gay marriage laws, but even in the Soviet Republic of New York, a gay marriage bill failed in 2009.

And then the U.S. Supreme Court decided that was quite enough democracy on the question of gay marriage! It turned out that — just like the Massachusetts Constitution — a gay marriage clause had been hiding in our Constitution all along!

Conservatives could never dream of victories like this from the judiciary. Even nine Antonin Scalias on the Supreme Court are never going to discover a “constitutional right” to a border wall, mass deportations, a flat tax, publicly funded churches and gun ranges, the “right” to smoke or to consume 24-ounce sugary sodas.

These are “constitutional rights” every bit as much as the alleged “constitutional rights” to abortion, pornography, gay marriage, transgender bathrooms, the exclusionary rule and on and on and on.

The only rights conservatives ever seek under the Constitution are the ones that are written in black and white, such as the freedom of speech and the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Mostly, we sit trembling, waiting to see what new nonexistent rights the court will impose on us, contravening everything we believe.

So when you hear liberals carrying on about all the “rights” threatened by Kavanaugh, remember that by “rights,” they mean “policy ideas so unpopular that we can’t pass a law creating such rights.”

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July 11, 2018 7:45 pm

If Ann is a sith then the Democrats must be jedi warriors drowning in relativity and moral depravity. Is it any wonder why the world is upside down?

Ham Roid
Ham Roid
July 11, 2018 8:15 pm

Unfortunately, this is proof of a flaw in the system that will be exploited until changed or the system collapses.

I’m not sure that there is anyone in the entire judicial system who has the ethics required for the position of Supreme Court Justice

July 11, 2018 10:10 pm

In an extraordinary request, AAG Rod Rosenstein has sent a letter to 93 District Attorneys asking them to help scrutinize Kavanaugh and his decisions. WTF? Where is that cocksucker Sessions? That nutless POS. Why is the DOJ politicizing Trump’s nomination? This is flagrant.

In an Unusual Request, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Asks Federal Prosecutors to Help With Kavanaugh Paperwork …WTH?

July 11, 2018 10:43 pm

strange but perhaps trump/sessions are playing games here & making rosenstein do this,who knows–
i didn’t read all the comments so this may have already been posted but i heard on one of the am talk shows today that kavanaugh was heavily involved in the ken starr investigation & the dems want to go after all the paperwork from that investigation to try & get dirt on kavanaugh–
if rosenstein is acting on his own,this could be the reason he sent the email,since there are probably many career prosecutors who worked on that investigation —

July 11, 2018 10:23 pm

Sessions is the one who’s getting his cock sucked on videotape by some second hand Alter boys.

July 11, 2018 10:40 pm

The number one question right now about Kavanaugh…..is he a “Bonesman” like “W” and Ketchup Kerry. I can’t seem to reach anyone who knows, or is telling.

July 11, 2018 11:38 pm

some sources indicate he joined “Truth and Courage” which appears to parody & lampoon the more formal groups like “Skull & Bones”.

July 11, 2018 11:47 pm

Hey bunny. Haven’t seen you around for awhile. How’s the ambulance chasing biz these days?

You found a boyfriend yet?

July 12, 2018 12:26 am


Airman Higgs
Airman Higgs
July 12, 2018 6:53 am

That seems to be unknown widely. However, he does seem to be a quite regular Swamp Thing.

Filling the Swamp


  Airman Higgs
July 12, 2018 9:36 am

For a swamp thing the swamp sure doesn’t seem to want him in it.

A man is often better known by his enemies than his friends.

July 12, 2018 9:06 am

The Judges role in the cover up of the murder of Vince Foster is how he became a made man in the establishment. He is completely compromised and can be counted on to rule in anyway the swamp desires, just like Roberts on Obamacare.

July 12, 2018 11:02 am

Cavanaugh is no threat to the left. Even Jeff Flake is not going to contest his nomination. ‘Murica better wake up…Cavanaugh is one of “them”. If someone made a deal to get Kennedy to step down, then Cavanaugh’s nomination was part of that deal. It seems like once again the hard working Americans are getting screwed. No vaseline, extra grit. Ouch.

July 12, 2018 11:13 am

You seem to know a lot that could only be known from the inside.

I take it you’re one of them, an insider?

July 12, 2018 12:03 pm

According to Ann Coulter, “Unless the Constitution forbids it — and there are very few things proscribed by the Constitution — democracy entails persuading a majority of your fellow Americans or state citizens to support something, and then either putting it on the ballot or electing representatives who will write it into law…”

This is exactly backwards. I often agree with Ann’s views, but she’s pretty cavalier with the facts. Her description of our government would be accurate in describing a parliamentary system without a written constitution, such as the UK. The Constitution was always understood to LIMIT the powers of the federal government to those enumerated, but, just in case there was any misunderstanding, the 10th amendment was added to the Constitution in 1791:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

In this respect, she’s no different than the lefties she purports to disagree with in wanting a government that can do pretty much anything it wants depending on who’s in power. For example, I’m sure she’s all for the DEA and federal drug laws because, well, the Constitution doesn’t say they can’t do it. Then what the hell was the 18th amendment all about? Nothing in the Constitution said alcohol couldn’t be outlawed, yet our ancestors believed they needed to amend the Constitution to give the feds the authority to pass the Volstead Act. Boy, were they dumb or what?

She’s also got it wrong when it comes to rights, at least to the extent I can understand what she’s trying to say. Unlike the enumerated powers delegated to the federal government, rights are NOT limited to those recognized in the Constitution. Our rights existed before the government and given to us by our Creator. And it IS up to the courts to determine whether a law violates a right whether that right was explicitly specified or not. Just in case people didn’t understand that, the ninth amendment was added to the Constitution, also in 1791:

“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

She is sort of correct, though, about the “rights” invented by the left, but she completely blows the argument. Rights, as discussed in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, are freedoms we enjoy that the government may not infringe on. In her list of “alleged” rights, “abortion, pornography, gay marriage, transgender bathrooms, the exclusionary rule and on and on and on”, I would argue that viewing pornography (the right to privacy, although not enumerated, certainly exists) and the exclusionary rule (right to due process) are the only things that could properly be defended as rights.

So-called “positive rights” (right to a job, right to health care, etc.) are just a con artist’s way of trying to sneak Socialism into respectable conversation and she is right about that when she points out it would be wrong to claim a right to gun ranges.