My Thoughts on QAnon and the Q Movement

My thoughts on QAnon and the Q movement. ?

First, I trust TRUMP over Q,R,A,B,P,L.

Second, I listen to everything for information. Q, Trump, CNN, Tucker, Twitter researchers, etc and I filter out the BS. It’s better that way, IMO. So Q never bothered me. I found it genius.

Third, I never understood why people are trying so hard to discredit, especially people on our team. It makes no sense. Gathering millions of people together to fight a common enemy and teaching them how to think and research again is only good in my book. This is a good thing.
The Socratic nature of Q’s posts convinced me that there was something to Q way back in November. Bad people just don’t talk that way – they can’t afford to risk open minded thinking in the listener.
Q is not a “conspiracy theory” and only someone who is ignorant of the meaning of language or is trying to sully the movement would write that. Q is an enigma, an unknown insider or group of them but there is NOTHING THEORETICAL about them.
The posts are real and contain genuine information and obvious disinfo. Why? For speculation, for conversation, and because the good and the evil are watching. As far as conspiracy goes, a conspiracy to stop the corruption and criminality of our government and it’s associated entities including those in private hands is one conspiracy I’m proud to be a part of. Yes, millions of us are sick of being abused by “the system” and we are actively conspiring to SHUT IT DOWN and PUNISH our abusers.

This is a movement of ominous proportions not a conspiracy, and We Will Not Be Stopped.

The use of conspiracy theory by the msm is to paint us as delusional fringe crackpots in order to discourage others from joining our movement.

It is an incorrect application of the term in 1. Who is Q conspiring with? 2. What theories has he/ they postulated? Q gives us riddles, clues etc. We are left to do the theorizing. I see Q as more or less a “bird dog.”

They point us in the right direction to make our own discoveries and draw our own conclusions…

What the MSM wants you to think is that ‘conspiracy theory’ is the same thing as ‘false’.

By any reasonable measure, Q is presenting a conspiracy theory.

Also, by any reasonable measure, it appear to be *true*.

The Great Awakening has been focused on nothing less than the emancipation and unification of all peoples in their pursuit of common goals.

We are the well-wishers of all. We cherish freedom for all, and reject corruption in all it’s forms.

We are here to seek truth, and to examine history and world events. Anyone who wishes to do the same is most welcome. Not left vs. right but good vs. evil. Very simple idea.

Who are the real conspirators? Those of us trying to get the truth out of our government, or those in government/msm trying to cover up that truth?

We haven’t had a free press in decades. We have to do the ground work ourselves.

And guess what, all of it is open source and freely available. They should never have given us the internet. It will be their downfall. They use the exact same language. The same talismanic persuasion filters.

Not a single one thinks, well, let’s look into this. This will be fun to debunk.

They just dismiss the entire thing with smearing language. Conspiracy. Crazy. Loony. Wild. Right-wing. Pizzagate. Far-Right. Internet Trolls.

It’s obviously a threat to the powers that be.

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Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 3, 2018 2:12 pm

“And here lies the real purpose of Q. Give well intentioned and otherwise intelligent people something to believe in, a nice distraction to drool over while the status quo plows onwards. They aren’t demanding Trump actually do anything to get rid of all these criminals, because they are listening to some internet mystery man who tells them to be patient and just wait. It also gives deep state stooges like this WaPo writer a nice brush to paint those who question things as being crazy.”

Comment by -Gator –

Best comment I have seen on this subject so far!

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 3, 2018 2:47 pm

A tree is known by its fruit.

August 4, 2018 7:18 am

A tree is known by its bark. Not all trees bare fruit.

August 4, 2018 12:09 pm

trees are known by their leaves. Many trees have similar bark but each type of tree has its own unique leaf. However, not all trees bear fruit. Some bear nuts….

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 3, 2018 7:33 pm

Ya, I’d love to be wrong about that, but I don’t think I am. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to come on here one day and humbly apologize to those true believers on here, admit they were right, I was wrong, say I shouldn’t have ever doubted them, all that shit. Because me being wrong would mean we could finally see these assholes get perp walked, and end their reign of evil for good. But, none of that has happened. As of me writing this, not one person has been indicted that I’m aware of. The status quo marches onwards, mostly the same as before. Sure, a couple flunkies like Strok have been drug before congress, but nothing has actually been done to anyone. I’m not saying Trump hasn’t done some good things, at the very least we haven’t started a war with NK yet. But all the talk surrounding Q revolved around handing out a bunch of indictments and cleaning these people out, and they haven’t even started yet. Until at least something like that happens, I will remain a skeptic and unbeliever. An open minded one, to be clear, but I have been waiting for some actual evidence that its real, and I haven’t seen any yet.

I understand the arguments made by HSF, among others, that he/they are at least making people think and question things, and thats true. But I’d argue that many of the people who were already thinking and questioning things have been lulled into a sense of complacency by this, and are just sitting around drooling on their keyboards, waiting for something to happen. The next election isn’t far away, and trump is far from a shoe in for 2020. If something is going to happen, it needs to start soon.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 4, 2018 6:21 am

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

  hardscrabble farmer
August 4, 2018 1:02 pm

I get that, and as always I appreciate your perspective on this and any other subject. Usually I agree with you, but on this I don’t. I understand that this Q thing has been that first step for many people. But I still question the utility and worth of someone that keeps insisting we be patient, wait around for something to happen. What, exactly, we are waiting for isn’t even clear. Has the Q thing started more people on this journey than it has made others who were already questioning things let their guard down, lulled into a false sense of complacency? Poorly worded question, I guess, sorry. I have a small child that will not stop climbing on me at the moment.

August 3, 2018 2:18 pm

I never trust anyone named Francis

August 3, 2018 2:23 pm

“First, I trust TRUMP over Q,R,A,B,P,L”

Ouch! It’s hard for me to keep reading anything else someone says after this being the 1st sentence .

Trust in Trump?!

I’m speechless

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 3, 2018 2:35 pm

@ Plato

D-O-N …. A-L-D… T-R-U-M-P
Donald Trump … Donald Trump
Forever let us raise our banners High… High… High … High!
Come along and sing this song and join our family
D-O-N …. A-L-D … T-R-U-M-P

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 3, 2018 2:57 pm

It is really something when Admin and his idolators come in with their faces all scrunched up in disgust that people actually think Trump and Q and those few in Congress and the many in the alternative media are all assholes and stupid it burns, whatever the hell that means. Are you all happy now that the MSM and you are perfectly aligned?

Scores of articles ridiculing all things Q have come out simultaneously on TV and in newspapers all over this land. And Admin and his idolators are suspicious of Q? Ha ha ha. So ridiculously funny.

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 3, 2018 3:21 pm

MSM is just late to the party. Admin, and many others on this site having been calling BS on the Q-blah-blah-ists for months. Ever consider that Q is a well planned psyop that can be used to tarnish those on the “Right”.

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 3, 2018 5:20 pm

You say Admin has been calling BS on Q-blah-blah-ists for months and now Admin says he hasn’t said a word on any of these threads. Shouldn’t he threaten you with extinction as he has with me?

August 3, 2018 3:38 pm

Fuck you bigdouche. I haven’t said a fucking word about Q on any of these threads and you want to motherfuck me. One more word from you and your finished on TBP. Go ahead. Make my fucking day.

August 3, 2018 3:55 pm

Let the record show that myself, BL, and Peakmaster were the first ones to come out against the Qews. It was a few months later that Admin decided to enter the fray. So to call us idolators is complete bullshit. Even the Qews who were there can attest to this and Francis can too.

August 3, 2018 5:54 pm

I guess what I said does imply you followed Admin. Yet it does seem to me that your being first and your being an idolator are not mutually exclusive.

So you remember that Admin entered the fray? He says he hasn’t said a word.

August 3, 2018 6:07 pm

Your an obtuse idiot. I haven’t said a word on the three Q posts in the last day. Keep pushing me. Go ahead. Your choice.

August 3, 2018 7:22 pm

He said he hasn’t said a word on the last three recent Q threads, which is true. Admin is interested in subjects that have value namely the Fourth Turning and the economy etc. I believe he considers the Qew BS as not worth wasting his time on, But he can correct me if I’m wrong. We all have our own minds, and I don’t think ANYONE on this website is a follower or a worshipper of any other commenter.

August 3, 2018 4:36 pm

Sasquatch says,

Trust the plan…

If someone or some Thing, Q tells me to trust the plan, trust him/her….all kinds of red flags go up and my shields are immediately deployed.

CONfidence men!

Like I said, I trust George Webb’s analysis waaaaay more than the Qster and even then I don’t fully trust Webb either…Q hasn’t come up with anything original that hasn’t already been covered, just piggiebacking the TRUTH movement…

Sorta like the revelations Edward Snowden has been praised for ….
Nothing new was revealed that previous whistleblowers hasn’t already shared and been punished for…Thomas Drake and Bill Binney come to mind.

  Francis Marion
August 3, 2018 8:17 pm

Good article and I like your tone, FM. I picked your post to read this day.

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 3, 2018 7:55 pm

I don’t really have any input about QANON issues, since I literally watch no news these days for a greater good: I am Walden Ponding it here with my cast of animals in Narnia.

But, I LOVE the Mickey Mouse theme for Donald Trump, who did keep us from having to look at Hillbitch all the damn time.

He’ll make it great! Just you wait! All for you and me!


Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!
Your as welcome as can be,
Forever man who holds those banners high! High! High! High!

Am not up to this today. I hauled hay and am sunburned flatass tired. So, if EC is around and has any compassion for this old redrope buddy, he will turn this into a parody worth of TBP and salvage whatever might be left of my hillbilly bunny thumping reputation around this place.

Who’s the leader of the club,
That’s made for you and me?
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-you-S-E!

Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!
Your as welcome as can be,
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-you-S-E!

Mickey Mouse!
Donald Duck!
Mickey Mouse!
Donald Duck!

Forever man has held a banner
High, high, high. High!

Come along lets sing the song
And join the jamberre!
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-you-S-E!

Mickey Mouse Club!
Mickey Mouse Club!

Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!
Your as welcome as can be,
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-you-S-E!

Mickey Mouse!
Donald Duck!
Mickey Mouse!
Donald Duck!

Forever man has held a banner
High, high, high. High!

Come along lets sing the song
And join the jamberre!
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-you-S-E!

Yay Mickey!
Yay Mickey!
Yay Mickey Mouse Club!

August 3, 2018 8:38 pm

I_S here.

Walt Disney was a huge pedo and CIA helped him create disney world. Massive pedo activity still goes down there.

August 3, 2018 9:13 pm

I drove my stepson home to Brookfield, a somewhat dreary little town up north near KC. We drove through a childhood home of Walt Disney there…

Weird, huh?


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 4, 2018 1:29 am

News flash, Magita, I did that one a long time ago.

  EL Coyote
August 4, 2018 8:44 pm

So, old chum (and I mean shark chum as in shit stirrer extraordinaire)… shall I name my little girl goat Magita or do you have a favored name of a grandchild (and I will look it up in translation, you sneaky, sneaky beaner buddy, to make sure I’m not calling my little pygmy goat something nasty in some language native to the Zuni Indian tribe or some shit like that.) I already have Stuckmeister to talk to and Simon and Mary Bess (nods to MC, who will now be bound to take a side trip to meet the nanny goat who shares her name in Narnia, Southeast Misery.) So, a little goat I plan to pair with a Nigerian Dwarf up the country (as we say round these parts) could be the namesake of your grandchild, or, by default, she will become Magita in the flesh as well as moniker. Haha!

Believe me or not, I truly think I GET the Q Anon business. I think it is a brilliant move by a group of people not unlike those crazy preppers I used to chum with around the Air Force Base in Oklahoma. That was long after I’d given up the red rope for red wine and the VFW Hall sold J. Lohr Merlot by the glass for $4.50 and the bartenders at the VFW Hall figured a glass full should be a glass FULL and they didn’t realize that bottle cost $18-20 dollars at the Class VI store on base, not $5 like the horrid bottles of Sutter Home or, gasp, Gallo they picked up for their wives back in the day. We Family of Families, aka Maggie’s crazy prepper pals from Okie land, met once a month in the back meeting room, beside the closed bar. Nick didn’t like to go there because we’d quit smoking in 2006 and, as you know, the likelihood of VFW members honoring a NO SMOKING sign is close to nil. It didn’t bother me… I kind of liked the secondary smoke accompanying my cheap bottle of good wine. The meetings lasted about two hours, so my prepper buddy Lyn and I could share a bottle and then have soda and drive home after discussion the topic of the month. (We would get two glasses, filled to the brim… it cracked me up that the bartender made a big show of finding wine glasses large enough to accommodate the two of us splitting an entire fifth of wine for $9! No tax! Let’s face it… military men are used to spending that gubment monopoly money. There is no such thing as wasting money to a military guy, unless it is HIS money.)

So, for a few meetings, we did communication networks. How to “plant” information in ways that could attract the best sort of attention … our assigned reading (it was also like a book club!) was Samuel Adams: A Life (available at Walmart… buy it through the TBP link to support the site!) /Samuel-Adams-A-Life/10971339

So, as the QAnon network has settled into place in exactly the way our “guest speakers” from a couple of even weirder groups than ours who claimed to have done some pretty interesting work during the Reagan years, I have often wondered if perhaps I should have laid off the Merlot and paid attention to what very possibly may have been someone it would have been good to know. Ah, well… the story of my life is composed of the people I knew who grew up to be somebody.

That is, in my best attempt in weeks, if not months, to take the longest way I can to say hello and tell you that I must wean the little lamb (kid) soon. She’s getting FAT and little Stuckmeister is trying to, well, you know. They need to be separated, so she has to move out to the briar patch to clear brush separated from Mary Bess and Stuckmeister, who tried to mount his mother the other day and got his ass kicked by Simon. I don’t know if all families of pygmy goats are this tame and easily handled (Simon just needs to see the bottom of my boot now to remind him I know how to use it), but these were really just pets and are a lot of fun. Well, fun for me anyway. Which is what it is all about, you know…

August 4, 2018 9:02 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Is my Nanny, Mary Bess (winks at MC… email me for the joke.)
Little Itty Bit is behind her, trying to nurse. She is too old to nurse and eat and she is now getting FAT. And, she has to be separated from Stuck… who never got to nurse due to an undescended testicle. Rejected by his mother at birth and bottle fed by grandkids and doting grandparents, poor little Stuckenheimer doesn’t know they are his mother and sister. And, since his testicles seem to be hanging fine, I’d better get them separated before I end up with cross-eyed lumberjack looking goats that never quit rubbing themselves in a disgusting manner, as Simon and the little meister tend to do. And good God, who knew a goat can bend its back like that!

I realized I’d posted that image a week ago and someone gave me shit for the leggings. I was going to post another photo, but then I realized I needed to make sure it included a picture of my back. I know how much you like to see my back.

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 4, 2018 1:31 am

Hmmmm…… I suspect it’s more like:

“F-U-C…… K-E-D…… A-G-A-I-N”……

August 3, 2018 2:48 pm

Not really, and a shame you aren’t.

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 3, 2018 2:50 pm
August 3, 2018 2:48 pm

Here’s the simple Q verification of authenticity. CNN and the rest are attacking Q . Get it?

August 3, 2018 3:00 pm

Tommy,I could say water is wet/fire can burn you and cnn and the rest of the msm would attack/belittle me,of course,would take that attack as a badge as it means I annoyed them!

So,water is wet and fire can burn you!

August 3, 2018 3:24 pm

and if my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle… what.

August 3, 2018 4:44 pm


I wonder Which pronoun would you use?
Bruce or Caitlyn?

August 3, 2018 5:17 pm

Those are proper nouns, not pronouns. – Mr. Pangloss to you

August 3, 2018 6:11 pm



I think que got the drift….pardon xe

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 3, 2018 9:51 pm

Yes, they’re attacking Q, but also Trump-supporting people who talk like idiots on TV about Q. And they’re being made to look like idiots on purpose.

August 3, 2018 2:51 pm

@ Mario,

On Thaisleeze’s “Q is a Thing” thread, Gayle asked:

It is kind of strange how defensive – and dare I say it – angry – the unbelievers are. I lean towards the psyop view, but keep checking the Q posts to see what’s up. Whatever it is, it stays interesting.

To which one of the “Uns” responded thusly:

I think it’s because the unbelievers are horny for some action and they are looking at Q as a fridgid virgin who only wants to talk dirty while wearing a cardigan and tight pants. The mixed signals can be frustrating, ya know?

Which is kind of how I view it as well. I’ve have written here many times as to how “by their actions we can know them”. Actions, not words. In many ways, and in my opinion, it seems – that when I was 12 or 13 years old – I had junior high girlfriends put out more than Q, ya know?

But, on the other hand, I do respect many of the regulars here who are looking at Q as the real deal. I will also admit these folks (like I.S., T4C, and others) who have studied the phenomenon more than I have. And, yes, it is indeed a veritable phenomenon that is now making inroads in the collective conccious of the U.S. body politic. The Washington Post in now writing about it, it was mentioned in the August 1, 2018 White House Press Briefing, and brought up by Rosanne Barr and others.

Speaking of I.S. – an internet eon ago, down in the thriving underworld that was the comment section of some long-forgotten post, Indentured Servant and I debated the efficacy of voting. He continually challenged me by asking me to prove how voting ever made a difference during the long descent into the malodorous mire (paraphrased).

At that time, my argument was two-fold:

1.) Defensive buttressing at the local and state levels


2.) Slowing the national degradation by degree (i.e. lesser of two evils)

Back then, if cynicism were a superpower, Indentured Servant could leap tall buildings. Quite honestly, I am more than a little shocked by I.S.’s enthusiastic embrace of Q. But, at the same time, I respect him enough to know there might be something there.

I DO believe in the “Trumpening effect” because it motivated me to start writing articles in support of the Deplorable Movement; even when I actually thought the Harpy was going to win. I was wrong. Trump won, and that was a case where hope prevailed. The stormtroopers were stalled on the way to my front door. At least for awhile, and for that, I am grateful.

So – in the case of I.S. & T4C and others, I trust they really do see actualities regarding Q & the anons and I won’t judge them for their “hope”.

In the end, for me, it comes down to this: Is Q a psyop, or not? It has to be one way or the other because, in this particular scenario, it’s impossible to be a little bit pregnant.

Will it be a stillbirth? Or the dawn of a new day?

I remain pessimistic, but only because I’ve been denied so many times before.

And that’s all I have to say about that. For now, at least.

August 3, 2018 7:26 pm

“So – in the case of I.S. & T4C and others, I trust they really do see actualities regarding Q & the anons and I won’t judge them for their “hope”.”

It’s not even faith or hope that I have in Q. First off, Q gets too much attention or adoration in general and I know Q thinks so because he has told the anons not to glorify him. The thing I have faith, hope and belief in is the tangible facts and information the anons dig up that I can also verify for myself. If I couldn’t do that then I’d be in another camp entirely. Hell, that’s what made TBP so attractive when I stumbled in here close to 12 years ago now. If you spouted bullshit you got called on it. Anyone that remembers Smokey knows exactly what I’m talking about. It was an awesome eyeopener for me. That’s what the anons do 24/7. They dig up info, sauce it and post it in the blazing light of day to be picked apart. When it can no longer be picked apart it is deemed truth. Then it gets memed (effectiveness of memes is picked apart too) and is ready for distribution.

At the end of the day, the entity Q, whether one or a group is irrelevant. It’s the truth and spider web of connections the deep state uses to control our country and the world that is important. This is why I told Yoji that the Deep State is NOT brilliant yesterday. Their just human and criminal scum at that. Their advantage is that they’ve worked for thousands of years to build and improve a giant deception that is hidden right in front of us. THAT is what the anons, POTUS and Q are going to reveal. MI/NSA will eventually sauce it and the deep state is fucked!

August 3, 2018 8:04 pm

“In many ways, and in my opinion, it seems – that when I was 12 or 13 years old – I had junior high girlfriends put out more than Q, ya know?”

I am shocked and saddened to see this admission here. I know I have been absent the platform for a time, turning my little piece of heaven into a real working farm with real live goats and tractors and hay bales and all that jazz, but to return and find my little tadpole advertising his sordid history despoiling young girls in junior high while I have been doing the Lord’s work here in Narnia, well, Unrepentant… all I can do is call upon the Panglossian Scholar to harness his prurient influence on you.

Steve C
Steve C
August 3, 2018 8:10 pm

“…when I was 12 or 13 years old – I had junior high girlfriends put out more than Q…”

I obviously went to the wrong junior high school.


  Steve C
August 3, 2018 8:19 pm

See how easily the prurient interest is piqued?

August 3, 2018 9:51 pm

1st = eye contact
2nd = smile
3rd = holding hands
4th = hugging

And you can take that to the bank from a Boy Scout who got kicked out as a tenderfoot for cussin’ and fightin’. ?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 4, 2018 1:37 am

Hey! He’s the one who shared his smutty tale of the white casting couch. I have no control over Unchaste.
And it’s little late for closing the wide open gates. We already saw those tarty pics at the beach and on the motorsickle.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
August 3, 2018 3:06 pm

This Q shit bores the hell out of me.

  JR Wirth
August 3, 2018 3:17 pm

Oh, that is just awful, JR. Why not tell us of some of your other concerns? I’ll bet you are fascinating, like maybe you are a premature ejaculator or maybe your dolls disturb you with their secret thoughts?

August 3, 2018 4:38 pm

“Third, I never understood why people are trying so hard to discredit, especially people on our team. It makes no sense.”

As far as the MSM is concerned, there is no fucking way THEY want to seriously discuss Q for they know exactly what Q represents to their very existence.

As far as many TBP’ers are concerned……………they are so heavily invested in MUH DOOM and it being unavoidable that there is nothing else to look forward to or hope for. All they have left is blinding fear as they quiver in anticipation of MUH RACE WAR, MUH CLASS WAR, MUH CIVIL WAR, MUH WORLD WAR, MUH NUCLEAR WAR and MUH ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. They have books that tell ’em MUH DOOM is the way and the light. These books hold more sway than the bible on TBP.

Francis, excellent article. Personally I believe Q and more specifically the research done by the anons (I don’t consider myself an anon) regarding Q’s drops, will end up being a well researched, fact based, truthful alternative to the lies that are and will be put out by the MSM as this shit show unravels. They have put together a treasure trove of in your face truth memes to counter the bullshit that the MSM will be spewing forth like a volcano when the time comes. That is what they were tasked with doing in the first place……….nothing more, nothing less. No reward, pay or fame has been promised and none is expected. In short they are doing the work of REAL journalists since the degreed journalists refuse to it.

I also don’t give two shits what anyone thinks of Q either. I’m perfectly content to let people wallow in their own self-reinforcing ignorance. It suits them despite their claim to be woke and aware. And it is funny as fuck how much they now seem to parrot the MSM.

  Francis Marion
August 3, 2018 7:53 pm


August 3, 2018 9:19 pm

Hell, Trump is the Gray Elder, and Q is his court jester! I could care less!

The bottom line the Q Project is moving in the direction of a 4th Turning that won’t be a World War, but have the same effect for the WHOLE WORLD!!

Saving Israel for last, don’t cha know!!???

I don’t know if it was T4C or IS that turned me onto Q on Day One, But I thank them immensely! And my wife even more so!!!

Steve C
Steve C
August 3, 2018 4:39 pm

First: As to ‘The Donald’:

I am grateful to him for two things;

First – He kept that disgusting pig Hillary out of the white house. She belongs in the big house.

Second – Because of their hatred for the man, he has exposed what passes for news media in this country for the lying lowlife’s that they always were, but are now completely shown to be for the entire world to see.

I figure that even if I don’t get another good thing from ‘The Donald’, I will always be grateful for those two.

And I do so love that he pisses off the people that I hate…

Second: As to this ‘Q’ thing.

I am in FM’s camp on this one. I watch and I read as if I were simply downloading a file. I do not accept or dismiss it. I just save it.

If it helps to make people aware of some topics not covered by our lying news media, that’s a good thing.

If it encourages people to just sit on their ass and do nothing while waiting for the knight on the white horse to come and save us, it’s a bad thing.

If it helps people to start re-learning those critical thinking skills that have atrophied in so many and are the first things beaten out of kids in our government child indoctrination centers for schools then that is a good thing too.

What each person gets out of it depends on each person.

If you don’t like the Q postings, don’t read them, but by all means keep posting them.

22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
August 3, 2018 4:52 pm

My thoughts on Q?

You couldn’t possibly design a better psyop to lull the gullible majority on right into believing something is being orchestrated behind the scenes that’s going to set things right. Having WaPo and CNN give Q press and call it a conspiracy theory would be just a routine step in such a psyop. Like throwing raw meat at starving lions- many more hungry people will look into Q and drink the Kool Aid.

When the carpet is eventually pulled out from under the Q-believers, they’ll be so damned depressed, distrustful, angry, ashamed, and despondent they will truly blow their mental gaskets or withdraw from the fray in shame- or both. As comrade Bezmenov said, the ultimate goal of a good intelligence operation is not to bomb your enemy to bits- it’s to drive him mad with misinformation, misdirection, and demoralization. That outcome my friends, would be the most desirable outcome imaginable for the enemies of America.

I would absolutely love to be wrong on this, but I’m not going to hold my breath.

Regarding the enemies of America, here is an oldie but a goodie:


I’m sure Brand Trump is well aware, through data mining endeavors to glean public sentiment, particularly from those who are smart enough to see through how corporately controlled the legacy media has been, for a looooong ling time.

Most Americans on the right and left talk about The RULE OF LAW and how it seems we have 2 sets of laws in the nation…

White collar country clubs and blue collar prisons…

The psy op is that with Brand Trump the Rule of Law is going to be enforced again on everyone…
The lie of course is that it will be selectively enforced.

Behind the scenes whether Democrat or Republican, these individuals and the circles they are members of will influence who is made sacrificial lambs for the Fraternity and who will be spared.

It always starts at the top of the pyramid of power….
Be careful what you wish for.


I wonder if James Alefantis and the Podesta brothers will be thrown to the wolves?
Pizzagate, comet ping pong, Obama ordering hotdogs from chicago…

Even if this shit comes out! Which I would love for it doesn’t mean that Q still isn’t a pied piper op,
For Q autists and anons who profess to have all the answers it seems they fail to see multiple steps ahead in this global game of chess with real living and breathing pieces.

What chess piece are you?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 3, 2018 10:10 pm

Tony Podesta is getting off the hook. He should be charged for committing the same exact crimes Manafort is charged with but Mueller is giving him immunity to testify against Manafort. So what makes Podesta special?

  Vixen Vic
August 4, 2018 12:10 am

We wonder about the lack of arrests/unsealed indictments. If the judicial system is as corrupt as it seems, it would be possible for someone like Peter Strojk or however you spell it to be indicted and then have charges thrown out by a liberal judge. That would be profoundly discouraging, and more justice may be achieved by making him sweat it out concerning his future. In this politically charged environment with Mr. Magoo heading the corrupt Justice Dept., for now we don’t really have a legal system that functions.

Morris Lester
Morris Lester
August 3, 2018 5:13 pm

Q must be real. its always being discused on here. Come on Inditemnts! Keep praying evebody!

August 3, 2018 6:32 pm

IndenturedServant says @ August 3, 2018 at 4:38 pm:

As far as the MSM is concerned, there is no fucking way THEY want to seriously discuss Q for they know exactly what Q represents to their very existence.

Which raises another point regarding the August 1, 2018 White House Press Briefing, when the reporter mentioned Qanon with such apparent derision: Doesn’t the fact that the dude was so snide indicate that he, at least, has some indication as to what Qanon represents (regardless of whether Q is true or not)?

And, if that is the case, wouldn’t that mean the guy would have had to consider the possibility that Q could be real? And if Q was real, would not that reporter perhaps harbor some insecurity as to the validity of his worldview as a Hillary & Obama supporter? How could he not?

Maybe, instead of being snide and derisive, the guy is scared. That, in my opinion, would make Qanon a successful psyop regardless of it’s validity.

Which now brings me to something else. It is this:

It appears that those who are now embracing Russian “conspiracy” over Spygate are aware of their deception. They are, in fact, playing politics with the truth.

And – they might even get away with it:

Liberal Website Raises $1 Billion for Democrats

Therefore, if Qanon doesn’t come through – or – even if all those sealed indictments come down and nothing changes (i.e. press covers it up & voters are apathetic) – what happens then?

Think about that.

In meantime, here are two pretty interesting articles:

Why the Left Adores Trump

The Origins of Our Second Civil War

In other words, even if real, how can Qanon provide a political fix to a spiritual concern?

That’s what I’ve been thinking about…

August 3, 2018 8:43 pm

Do you know about Maslow’s Hierarchy?

August 3, 2018 10:04 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 4, 2018 9:38 am

Good comeback.

I have completely ignored current events and news for the past several weeks, hoping to awake one morning and discover the cognitive dissonant wall of delusion the country has erected concerning the complete and utter abuse of power by our elected and appointed leadership and bureaucracy.

My friend was gushing about the Prince Harry wedding and I actually asked her to not talk about it. She gushed a bit about how it was every little girl’s dream to marry a prince and get to wear all the lovely gowns and jewels and have all the fuss about her.

I know what she meant, but when I was a child I did childlike things. I’ve grown up and I know now that the Queen of England and her ilk are responsible or complicit in most of the evils that surround us. But, I don’t have to hear about it in my own home or on my own property.

Not yet, anyway.

Propaganda is just a word for information. The best propaganda masquerades as tradition.

August 4, 2018 10:33 am

That should read “I hope to awake and discover a crack in the wall of the cognitive dissonant wall of delusion …”

Some really bizarre news around here:

The man who cut our hay fields for the first three years was arrested for trying to hire a hit man to kill his wife about 18 months ago, according to the rumor mill. At age 60ish, he lost his mind and hooked up with a 35ish woman whom he started introducing around the area as “his next wife.” -this bit of gossip is from his brother-in-law, so it isn’t really “gossip.”

I was told by one person he was to be sent to prison for 20 years for conspiring to commit murder. I will be honest: I didn’t really know either of them, but I thought him a decent sort when I’d talked with him about the tractor work, so felt very sorry for both he and his wife, who used to drive to work each morning while Geneva and I walked. Jake, my big old white dog, liked to bark at her truck and she was careful to slow down so as to not hit him accidently, so she qualifies as a decent sort, as well.

I thanked her for being careful around the dog when she was stopped at her gate one day. The lines and shadows around and under her eyes told me how very horrible the gossip mill was and my first words, for better or worse, were “I’m not being nosy, I promise. But, I just want to let you know I’m over there in that log home on that hill and I make good coffee.”

She waves when she sees me now, but has never taken me up on my pseudo offer of companionship. I’m relieved.

Well, her husband was released and came home. Just like that.

I looked up his case on the Missouri courts site and found…… NOTHING of note.

He was charged with illegal firearms possession (he has a criminal history of marijuana possession in 2007, which means he isn’t supposed to own guns.)


No attempted or planned murder charges. Nothing other than several counts of illegal firearms, which, I assume, they confiscated from his home.

So, he is home and his wife is still home and what the fuck?

I think he got drunk, got high, got laid and started talking with his little head around town. I think the country bumpkin cops watch a little too many reruns of Matlock or Columbo and literally SET HIM UP. I suspect that he made a few statements out his ass that were overhead by some really deviant people with a bone to pick and now, those people own quite a lot of his really fine farm equipment, taken off his wife’s hands when he was arrested and held without bail.

Since I had a run-in with a different county’s police force around the same time and ended up face down on pavement, handcuffed and in some real pain (and panic) for simply telling a cop it was a free country and I could walk down the street if I wanted!, I am really concerned about the militarization of even small town police forces.

Now, what does this have to do with the Lusitania? Nada, except for one observation I hope is not misplaced:

His wife and he are still living together in that home and apparently, she feels safe enough to live there with him.

What, exactly was the crime that required him to be held without bail for 18 months pending trial which never happened? What kind of a country do we live in where a man can lose so very much and never even be charged with a real crime? (Owning guns illegally you already owned legally is a fucking stretch.)

And, while the connection to the topic of the Lusitania and WWI is tenuous, I hope you get my point, which is this: We have no rule of law in this country. We have rule of force.

Just like it didn’t matter who, what or why the Lusitania sank, the intent was to provide the reason to go to war… it didn’t matter whether the arrest was for valid reasons, the intent was to get the man into jail so his assets could be plundered.

That is, ultimately, all the any government wants of any of us… to get us into a confined situation so our assets and labor can be plundered.

For the good of the children.

EDIT: Just realized I rambled on about the Lusitania on the QANON post. My bad, but honestly… does it matter? I believe the Q drops are valid attempts by insiders to feed us information.

But, for what ultimate purpose?

August 4, 2018 9:25 pm

Guess what? The county sheriff had him sign a document saying he would not sue them. They dropped all charges when he signed and let him just come home.

He isn’t allowed to discuss the arrest or the dropping of charges.

Does it sound like we have RULE OF LAW here?

August 3, 2018 7:10 pm

It seems we sit at a Great Crossroads, like in Uncola’s recent piece….
The American Empire requires growth, perpetual growth. This need for growth has bumped up against China and Russia, the fight for growth has mainly occurred in the periphery zones. But alas our need for growth to service our lifestyle plus debt is going to require direct conflict over core zones. Thus, 2 stark choices;
WW3 and winner take all
It is pretty obvious which route was taken, by who, and which route was declined, and who this angered.
Just like Saddam, and Qaddafi, some fucks are about to get cashed out, it was decided years back now, and this is but the show. All of the dirt we are about to bear witness to, is a gift to Trump, to use to his maximum advantage, as long as he tows the line.
Demilitarization, Bankruptcy, House Cleaning, Buy-in to the next Multi-Polar system…
So ends the Anglo-American Empire.
Best to prepare for what is next now, many are far along in this task.

August 3, 2018 7:28 pm


+ 1000 ?
I think you and I are on the same page and understanding,

I guess the only difference is I feel Q is part of the narrative that Trump is fighting and will defeat the supposed “deep state ” and all of the sudden the jobs will appear and America will be great again…
Apparently The deep state doesn’t include people like Erik Prince , Betsy Devos, Steven Feinberg and on and on and on, most are buddies with Trump.

August 3, 2018 8:16 pm

Against my better judgement I read your comments on this thread and came to the conclusion that you don’t know everything that you think you know. That’s not a put down. Did you ever consider that certain people, even good people have been blackmailed or otherwise hamstrung by the deep state to act, talk and vote a certain way or not talk at all? Not everyone we think is bad actually is bad. Many are stuck between a rock and a hard place and forced to toe a certain line in a govt filled with swamp creatures looking to do them harm if they don’t.

We’ve heard about the dozens of FBI agents begging to be called to testify about the corruption at the FBI but they’ve all signed NDA’s so unless they are given immunity they can’t testify even under oath. That’s a neat little trick the deep state imposed on good people huh? Declare everything secret, force good people to sign NDA’s so dirt cannot be revealed all while they carry on creating more dirt!

Recall that last SOTU address. Remember the point where a significant portion of lawmakers started chanting USA, USA USA? That’s because someone had that group of lawmakers by the balls and Trump signaled to them at that point in his speech that they were now free.

Not everyone is a dirty rat bastard. According to Q it’s fewer than we think. The bad guys have created a little fiefdom they use to control everyone so that everyone appears to be a bad guy or in cahoots with bad guys when it’s not actually true.

August 3, 2018 8:50 pm

I believe it was Uncola who detailed your conversion and promotion of the Q -Brand Trump fighting the liberals and Democrat funded media and cliques within the governmental apparatus (deep state) for the Middle class narrative.

I remember I tended to agree with much of what you wrote when I frequented and lurked years back.

Even what you wrote above , I tended to agree with most of it.

As far compromised through being brownstoned or blackmailed; or silenced through NDAs
“That’s a neat little trick the deep state imposed on good people huh? Declare everything secret, force good people to sign NDA’s so dirt cannot be revealed all while they carry on creating more dirt!”

It’s a nefarious corporate trick.
Citizens United vs. The United States raised the stakes for who is vying for control of the apparatus ,…How many billionaires in Brand Trump’s cabinet?
Not to mention the money thrown at US AMERICANS signed into effect under Dubya, renewed and added to under Osama and Trump via the NDAA for public perception and narrative cultivation/dissemination aka domestic propaganda efforts.

So although I believe many of the FBI whistleblowers and others too, are acting nobly and have been trying to work within the system, that this was going to happen one way or another….it is being co opted to be controlled and steered.
Just as George Webb says often,
All he wants is to let some sunshine in and disinfect.

August 3, 2018 10:11 pm

I believe it was Uncola who detailed your conversion and promotion of the Q -Brand Trump fighting the liberals and Democrat funded media and cliques within the governmental apparatus (deep state) for the Middle class narrative.

@ Plato,

I don’t think that was me? But then again, I’m not exactly sure what you are saying there?

August 3, 2018 10:27 pm

You said,
“Back then, if cynicism were a superpower, Indentured Servant could leap tall buildings. Quite honestly, I am more than a little shocked by I.S.’s enthusiastic embrace of Q. But, at the same time, I respect him enough to know there might be something there”
earlier in this thread,
I was only trying to say that I value I.S. insight before the Q phenomenon even existed and still agree with many of his points …i guess because of his realistic, not so much cynic, perspective.

Sometimes I don’t always word it the right way da first time.

Sorry George…haha

August 4, 2018 12:47 am

Got it. When you said “years back” I thought you were talking about from many moons ago.

Carry on

August 4, 2018 9:45 pm

Aw, c’mon tadpole… you and I are both fluent in hyperbole.

I got it right away… eons ago easily translates to “yesterday on Stucky’s QOTD”…

August 3, 2018 10:50 pm

I_S here. (No point signing in with the goofy shit going on with TBP today.)

“It’s a nefarious corporate trick.
Citizens United vs. The United States raised the stakes for who is vying for control of the apparatus ,…How many billionaires in Brand Trump’s cabinet?
Not to mention the money thrown at US AMERICANS signed into effect under Dubya, renewed and added to under Osama and Trump via the NDAA for public perception and narrative cultivation/dissemination aka domestic propaganda efforts.”

Being rich or even a billionaire is no crime as long as you achieve it legitimately like some certainly have. However, I sincerely think that what Trump and some of his billionaire friends see is that being self made is rapidly coming to an end under the current apparatus. To become a millionaire today you have to be corrupt and go along to get along lest the deep state ruin you.

As others and Trump himself has said, he didn’t need this. (becoming Pres) He had a pretty fantastic life to start with. So why spend all that money, put up with the never ending ridicule, lies, assasination attempts etc just to become POTUS, Not to mention the massive change his entire family had to accept and undergo probably for the rest of their lives?

If he was the corrupt billionaire he is made out to be (yet strangely unproven) why become POTUS? To become more corrupt? I don’t see it. By all appearances he seems to be genuinely cutting through the crippling bureaucracy that hinders business of all sizes. He seems to genuinely love the country that allowed him to build his fortune and expresses a desire to return power to the people where it rightly resides.

All you doubters should post a list of the nefarious shit Trump is doing and include plenty of sauce. I’d love to see proof of his misdeeds and ill intentions.

People may take me as a gullible Qtipper but like Francis stated in his post above, I simply take in info from all comers and let it accumulate then make up my own mind about what is legit. If I couldn’t dig and confirm the info being dug by the anons as encouraged by Q I’d be a huge doubter. What is happening on qresearch has no resemblance whatsoever to pie in the sky fantasy and anybody who spends time there knows this. Go ahead and go over there posting bullshit and see what happens.

Once the logjam in the FBI, CIA, DOJ etc breaks loose and Congress gets the info they are requesting, info that absolutely leads to the supposedly missing servers etc, all hell is going to break loose. But, it has to be done in a 110% LEGAL manner otherwise it’s just another turd floating in the swamp. I’m sure you’re old enough and wise enough to remember how slowly the wheels of real (as opposed to corrupt) justice turn. Tryump has to start by cleaning out the corruption in the DOJ just to make the first inroads. This is why things are moving at breakneck speed in the SDNY federal court now. They had to get the corrupt rats like Schneiderman out of the way first because he was a deep state roadblock. Now cases from DC and VA are being referred to SDNY because the corrupt swamp rats there are gone. That’s why we trust the plan. Baby steps at first…..bottom to top, this shit is going to end.

August 3, 2018 11:03 pm

Never said being rich was a crime….but a billionaire ??billionaires have an inordinate amount of influence on other people’s lives you probably will never meet or honestly could care less about….

Take this lil known fact from Newsweek :
“Anybody with $1 billion in net worth possesses a tranche of wealth greater than the gross domestic product of 60 nations.”
More from the article above about the class of people many seem to be worshipping like idols…

“Most of the billionaires Trump has lured to D.C. are, like him, members of the 1980s generation of leveraged-buyout tacticians, junk bond kings, corporate raiders and vulture capitalists. They got rich off of emerging financial tactics crafted to take advantage of Ronald Reagan’s great gift to Wall Street—ripping up the regulations put in place after the Great Depression. Trump adviser and corporate raider Carl Icahn (net worth $16.6 billion) is said to have been a model for Michael Douglas’s “Greed is good” character in Wall Street. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross ($2.5 billion), policy adviser Stephen Schwarzman ($11.8 billion) and unofficial intel adviser Stephen Feinberg ($1.2 billion) all made their fortunes in the kind of investment banking that came into vogue after Wall Street decreed that social responsibility and business—the Jimmy Stewart banker model—were antithetical.

The New York real estate developers now advising the president—Steven Roth (net worth $1.1 billion) and Richard LeFrak ($6.5 billion)—spent their professional lives (as did Trump) in a mosh pit with politicians, city regulators, 50-story crane operators, cement mobsters and the motley crew of characters, unsavory and otherwise, responsible for the New York skyline and the surrounding area’s malls, golf courses and housing developments.”
The art of the deal, Greed is good vultures, yeah…
That aspect of capitalism , monopoly cut throat trickery, lies, and cronyism …has never resonated with me…
Should we take a look at Betsy Devos, Erik Prince, Donald Trump’s deals they be done over the years…betsy Prince marrying a Devos was a neat lil deal in and of itself.
I.S. said,

“As others and Trump himself has said, he didn’t need this. (becoming Pres)”
Yup, Most of America is caught up in the victim role… Trump saying that is a prime example of playing the victim role. He does it all the time. His EGO is what has been used to string him along and continue being President.
Someone somewhere has tweeted in his ear that history will remember him as America’s greatest president because of what is in the cards for Brand Trump over Brand Clinton…

Does sound like a soft coup with the help of Dyncorp….it has such a lovely and peaceful history. Sarc

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 3, 2018 11:24 pm

“Erik” Prince.

Sorry, to do that to you but I’ve seen it misspelled on TBP posts several times today and after a while I feel I have to correct it (even though I misspell a lot on here when in a hurry and/or not proofing). 🙂

August 3, 2018 11:11 pm

The dept of justice got cleaned out under Alberto Gonzales years ago…the cleaning will continue….bit often times the public is told it is for one reason and it is really for a much more nefarious one…
Just look at Imran Awan for a recent example.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 3, 2018 11:16 pm

Why wait for servers when the NSA already has everything? All Trump has to do is allow them to release the information.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 3, 2018 11:17 pm

I.S., you made some good points about Trump.

August 3, 2018 10:58 pm

Major Changes Due for Officer Career Paths in Latest NDAA

Speaking of the NDAA…look at this expansion of it already approved by one house of Congress…

Seems that the Navy is going to get shaken up doesn’t it? An influx of corporate influence within the ranks?

August 3, 2018 11:43 pm

I/S- Do you have a clue as to why Plato frequently refers to Betsy Devos and Erik Prince (Prinz)?
Do you know why Plato refers to Trump as Brand Trump?

August 4, 2018 12:27 am

Doubting you really want to talk about the real subject at hand, is that not what Q is about? To misdirect the real information while the cartel runs rampant over our collective carcass.

August 3, 2018 7:48 pm

Randy Quaid (@RandyRRQuaid) Tweeted:
I Are Q


August 3, 2018 10:31 pm

Did Q attempt to contact Gonz from the Face Like the Sun YouTube channel in 2013?

And Gonzs warning to Christian Qsters

August 3, 2018 11:21 pm


“All you doubters should post a list of the nefarious shit Trump is doing and include plenty of sauce. I’d love to see proof of his misdeeds and ill intentions”

Let’s see, honorary secretary of state Jared Kushner being given security clearance, sounds like a bit of cronyism.. all his billionaire and multi millionaire buddies in the executive branch.and cut throat step on the little goyim guy to get more, more more.

forget the Rule of Law

First sitting president to
[imgcomment image[/img]

Nothing to see here either

[imgcomment image[/img]
Yup the same fucks who supposedly flew commerical passenger planes into rhe Twin TOWERS and the Pentagram.

August 4, 2018 12:13 am

I_S here.
So you know for certain you’re not watching an act? Perhaps Kushner is serving the plan well, perhaps unknowingly, as a useful idiot. Read Sun Tzu. It’s a very short read, said to be one of Trumps favorite books. Deception and misdirection are perfectly valid tactics in war and far less lethal than drafting a generation of kids to fight and die. Do you know for certain that Saudis actually brought the towers down? There’s lots of useful idiots out there of every nationality and color willing to do crazy shit for their own cause or by being duped or used by someone else. Saddam Hussein served multiple useful purposes to further the grand deception on both ends of the extremism spectrum as did Quadafi and the taliban in Afghanistan. All used to further the deception.

To each his own but if you still believe 911 wasn’t an inside job or that an airplane crashed into the pentagon or that jet fuel brought down the towers, you need to revisit those topics in depth on your own so that you can vet the sources.

I’m not claiming SA is our friend but the current world order is based on blackmail, threats of war, murder, being overthrown etc. I sincerely believe Trump is going to show the world that we can achieve much loftier goals through peace, cooperation and FAIR trade than we can with perpetual wars of choice and do it cheaper as well. He’s going to us them the evils our owners inflict on the world 24/7 and the world will see we don’t need these evil fucks manipulating every detail of our lives anymore and we never did. It’s the one thing the elite fear more than anything else………..truth and light. Once the curtain is pulled back the collective human rage will be the end of them. It’s not a permanent solution though because evil will never be extinguished. It will just go underground for a time to regroup. It will require eternal vigilance by everyone to keep them at bay. A lack of vigilance brought about all the evil you see around us now. All Trump will actually give us if he (we) succeed is a chance. It will be up to the entire world to remain vigilant. My hope is that the depths of the evil to be revealed will be enough make that happen.

August 4, 2018 12:28 am

“but if you still believe 911 wasn’t an inside job or that an airplane crashed into the pentagon or that jet fuel brought down the towers,”

You must be referencing my use of the word supposedly when referring to the Twin Towers Nd Pentagram attacks..

I said supposedly not because I do not believe it was an inside job,
Very much so, the evidence is overwhelming that the official narrative and investigation were a sham.
But some our there believe directed energy weapons were used because of the dustification and that there weren’t any planes that it was photoshopped….
That’s why I said supposedly flew planes into the buildings.
As far as the Pentagram dept of war attack, the later footage looked like a nose cone of a remotely operated missile.

August 4, 2018 10:47 am

I agree, IS. War is a completely inefficient tool to solve disagreements. It only makes money for the weapons makers.

Everyone else loses. Everyone.

August 3, 2018 11:48 pm

And we can’t forget this special visit from the Chabad movement to the oval office no less…
[imgcomment image[/img]

August 3, 2018 11:54 pm

Doubting seriously that the folks around here would know much about Chabad Plato.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 4, 2018 12:30 am

I freely admit I know nothing about Chabad. I’ll have to look that one up.

  Vixen Vic
August 4, 2018 9:52 pm

They look rather Amish to me… did they pull into the White House in their buggies?

August 4, 2018 12:24 am

I_S here.

Again, are we certain we are not watching an act? Trump apparently got enough people to vote for him right? Was that the act? No matter the truth about which way trump truly leans in private, we are watching an act in one way or another right? Which one is the act?

August 4, 2018 12:31 am

When you can honestly answer the Brand Trump question in depth, we will continue. Just call it (B), now start digging B anon.

August 4, 2018 12:36 am

He did host a Reality T.V. show after being a cutthroat vulture capitalist real estate mogul…
So yeah, some of it is an act and some of it is his EGO cuz he thinks he’s a made man.

August 4, 2018 12:40 am

Proxy made-man. For (((their))) benefit..

August 4, 2018 12:09 am

Save Is RA EL for last, Trust the plan indeed
“The president admires the work of the rebbe, and was very keen on recognizing Education Day even though he has so many other responsibilities and concerns to deal with throughout the course of a day,” said Rabbi Levi Shemtov, executive vice president of American Friends of Lubavitch. “He strongly agreed with the rebbe’s approach that even a little light will dispel a lot of darkness.”

Here is an article about Rebbe who some worshipped as God

Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi?

August 4, 2018 12:34 am

I_S here.

I think the plan in saving Is ra HELL for last might be that after he destroys the Khazari fake JOOS who control Is ra HELL he’s going to push them back to their original 1948 border and give the rest back to Palestine. I think he’s going to put the evil fucks back in their place. I’ll even bet they have no actual nukes.

August 4, 2018 12:38 am

I/S best laugh I have had all day. Are you serious? Who do you think it is that buys the high dollar Trump properties? Get outta here you’re killin’ me.

August 4, 2018 1:45 am


I said IS RA EL

[imgcomment image[/img]

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 4, 2018 7:27 am

I’ve pretty much said everything I could think of about it, but I came up with this anecdote to help put this in perspective.

Anyone who has ever raised a child- with a few exceptions I’m sure- has encountered the challenge of getting kids interested in math. I don’t care who you are or what you do, if you don’t see the fundamental truth and beauty of math, then you have missed one of life’s greatest gifts. Everything flows through it; music, the size and shape of all things, how to prepare food, to measure your experiences in life, to keep track of the passage of time and the movement of everything from the imperceptible the atomic world up to the unfathomable Universe. It’s science and magic, language and art, time and space in something so simple you can teach it to a toddler if you can just find the right way to convey it’s majesty. I found that way using the simplicity of the Fibonacci sequence and watched with my own eyes as our children went from abject hatred of math, to a full blown passion for it. All of their teachers with all of their combined degrees and credentials over all the years and uncounted hours were unable to do something that took less than fifteen minutes to demonstrate. I could only conclude that what they really wanted to do was to forever confound and confuse heir charges deliberately in order that no child who passed through their system would ever understand math if they could prevent it.

Those who have managed to gain control of the levers of power understand this and that’s why the educational system was one of the first beachheads they established. They have worked tirelessly for a century or more to make the most profound and simple truths impossible to understand for even the brightest among us, to enshroud the primary lessons in so many layers of complexity and nonsense that only the most determined and driven could get to the truth and only against the greatest odds. They instituted a system whereby the most intelligent and perceptive are driven out of academia and the the compliant and submissive become the next generation of credentialed indoctrinators.

Imagine that someone came along and helped people see how easy and gratifying it would be to see the beauty of something logical and rational- like mathematics- and then make it exciting and worth pursuing on their own by giving them a different way to understand it, in a way they had never been shown before.

Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? Would it matter if the person who found out how to unlock that potential in millions of new eyes was driven by ego or selflessness? Would it matter if they were famous or anonymous?

The only thing that would matter would be that now people could, in their own time and in their own minds begin to see the world in a new light that illuminates things in a way they had never considered in the past, free from interpretation, from degrees or classes, driven by personal desire to know rather than an imposed system that forces them to conform to standards in order to graduate or earn a living.

To think about the corruption of a system that you previously trusted in so that you can understand the motivations and premises of those who have previously misled you, to investigate on your own the false claims and delusional ideologies in your own mind and in your own time for no other reason than your human drive to satisfy our God-given curiosity about the world can only be a good thing.

There is no downside to the ability to think for yourself. And if Q has done that for even one person, it has value. Claims that it somehow places people on the sidelines or makes them dependent upon an outside agency to deliver a result (trust the plan) are enormously inflated against the obvious power of simply getting people to think about the world in which they live for themselves. That is not a passive act and it is filled with more human potential than anyone could ever imagine.

  hardscrabble farmer
August 4, 2018 10:57 am

An aunt gave me this book for Christmas in 1971. It should have been assigned reading for kids.

I agree about the complete destruction of appreciation for mathematics principles in our schools. But how else to convince an entire generation of young people they do not need to keep track of anything.

I don’t read her site anymore (I don’t come online much any more now that I have goats to play with) but Ann Barnhardt has an essay about music in C major that is thought provoking.