Guest Post by Thaisleeze

At least 6 times now Trump has been filmed recently acknowledging supporters promoting ‘Q’. To my mind this proves Q is a ‘thing’, but what kind of thing is a key question.

I am of the opinion that Trump’s team, that showed mastery of social media during the presidential campaign, has come up with another way to get around the mainstream media and that Q is a mouthpiece for him. The amount of conspiracy theory articles about Q that have started to appear in the global msm, with a seemingly coordinated message, support this view. Yesterday the Daily Mail WH reporter directly asked Trump’s spokesperson about Q and she artfully dodged the question. Since first appearing in October 2017 Q has maintained that the purpose of ‘his’ existence is to prepare people for the major shocks to come. To date all has developed as predicted. Trust in American media has never been lower meaning many are receptive to this approach.

If one accepts this view one also has to conclude that Trump is orchestrating a soft military coup against the deep state in America. Since day one it has been widely rumoured that he has replaced the secret service by the Marines in respect of his security. The key player who provided him advance intelligence was Admiral Rodgers, former NSA head, allowing Q to claim ‘they have everything’, which, thanks to Snowden and Assange, we know is probable. To date the military have been the biggest beneficiaries of Trump’s largess. The last president to follow a similar strategy was JFK.

If Q’s claims are true British intelligence with the support of the UK establishment were instrumental in helping to firstly prevent his election and secondly sabotage his presidency. There is ample evidence to support this; Christopher Steele, Stephen Halpern, FBI/DOJ visits to London at key times, the sudden resignation of the head of GCHQ 3 days after Trump’s inauguration plus all the information coming to light in respect of the suspect FISA warrants.

There are now 40,000 sealed indictments in America (normal annual figure sub 2,000). Most of these indictments will be served in a very short window of time. This will be explosive.

With the midterm elections on November 6 being key for Trump’s continued ability to rule I believe we are going to see major fireworks between now and then.

The global deep state is in a literal fight for their lives and careers. Consider that there are already unprecedented strains and anomalies in the world financial system:

Record debt everywhere ($237 trillion per IMF) supported by unprecedented low interest rates.

Trillions of dollars in bonds are receiving a negative interest rate.

Record asset price bubbles everywhere.

Record corporate debt levels and share buybacks.

Central banks owning huge amounts of assets. BOJ owns half the Japanese bond market and 90% of the etf share market. ECB dominates corporate bond market ownership. Swiss central bank is a top shareholder in most major US companies.

Massive Target 2 imbalances in Europe measured in trillions of euros.

Fragility in China is well documented.

Housing markets in parts of the USA are already showing signs of a correction, as they are in the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

Etc etc

It is entirely possible that deep state leaders have concluded that the only remaining way to stop Trump is to engineer a financial calamity a la 2008 before the mid terms in November, or at latest, before the 2020 presidential election. Given that all the world’s leading central banks, commercial banks, the MIC complex and most of the western civil services comprise part of the deep state this could be achieved with relative ease. Indeed, with the US Fed raising interest rates since Trump’s election the stage is already set. The chosen catalyst in my opinion would be a deep state enemy such as Turkey. Note that Russia has introduced many measures in recent years to defend against this; reduced sovereign debt to negligible levels, recently sold all US bonds, abandoned SWIFT, built gold holdings etc. China has also prepared but not as efficiently in my view.

We are at a unique stage in world history. The status quo as we know it will be changed irrevocably over the next 2 years. Even in the most benign of scenarios major turmoil lies ahead.

Notify of
August 2, 2018 9:37 am

Q or Nostradamus.

Which is easier to understand and has the better track record?

May 30, 2020 8:16 am

Q. The future proves the past.

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
August 2, 2018 9:45 am

If I hear the words “sealed indictments” one more fucking time, I’m going to fucking scream. Tick fucking tock.

  Jack Hammer
August 2, 2018 10:49 am

sealed indictments

stop screaming bitch…..

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
August 2, 2018 11:46 am

Who has more likes bitch?!!!!!!!! BLOW ME!!!!!!!!!!

  Jack Hammer
August 2, 2018 11:52 am

…..made ya scream…..didn’t I.

  Jack Hammer
August 2, 2018 11:52 am

Scream away. Grand juries were impaneled to hand down those indictments. They remain sealed until the arrests. 40,000 criminals who don’t yet know their fate. Tick tock, like it or not, they are going down according to a timeline we know nothing about.

Q. A. None
Q. A. None
August 2, 2018 2:11 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 2:13 pm

Hope I live long enough to see it.. won’t be holding my breath though.

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
May 30, 2020 8:24 am

I’ve got a friend that says the same fucking thing to me all the time. You will, unless you have 2-7 underlying health conditions and walk past someone not wearing a mask and start to experience a pyschosymatic death spiral from contracting something that probably won’t kill you anyway. Take a breath…in…out…in…out…better now?

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
August 2, 2018 9:46 am

Excellent opinions censored by the MSM and reft of GSM information which will devastate Civilization regardless of everything else.

Andy Rooney
Andy Rooney
August 2, 2018 9:48 am

Have you ever noticed what happens to Trump’s political enemies?

‘Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, one of the most outspoken members of the anti-Trump ‘resistance’ in Congress, is facing fresh questions about a longstanding controversy regarding how her campaign raises money and how those funds have flowed to her daughter.’


  Andy Rooney
May 30, 2020 8:25 am

Ever notice what happens to HRC’s?

August 2, 2018 9:50 am

Sounds like Thighsleaze has gone Qbic. Like boiling frogs, we are led down the garden path in what seems like an exposition on the Q phenomenon and then we find ourselves neck deep in Q conspiracy theories. The sky is blue. For now. POTUS will change that. Heaven will be overthrown. POTUS will be the new ruler in heaven. The sky will turn red. Trust the plan.

August 2, 2018 10:59 am

Thighsleaze found his crack pipe.

This is so simple, Trump is a actor, the “Club” does not put other club members in jail, Qeew is a psyop run by the MIC. There is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or Qeew.

If you see a post blathering on in this fashion, it is either a paid MIC commenter or low IQ uninformed maroon. Downers expected.

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 12:35 pm

Fuck! I am so done with this shit. The only CONCRETE thing I have seen is that Issac Kappy was motivated by the Q posts to make pedophile accusations against some A-Listers, and I don’t even know if he is legit.
“Let a man never stir on his road a step
without his weapons of war;
for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise
of a spear on the way without.” Havamal:38

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 3:58 pm

When someone makes a wild, lascivious claim about someone of the elite, it’s not hard to tell if they are telling the truth: “Google” that person’s name, look up news, and if the press is tearing him apart like Hyenas then that man is probably speaking the truth.

August 2, 2018 1:37 pm

Qullshitters are expecting Satan to cast out Satan.
His family and inner circle are Zionist lackeys. Only a Qidiot would think he would pee in his own pool.

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 2:09 pm

True Dat! GCP can give us the bible quote talking about Satan casting out Satan.

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 3:54 pm

After the Pharisees accused Jesus of using the power of evil (the Devil) to perform his good deeds (the miracles), he said to them, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

August 2, 2018 3:07 pm

The “club” has rules, Do whatever you like but don’t get caught.

Most of the Fraternity or the Brotherhood has gotten away with things for so long but fail to realise that the overall synchronization occurring globally warrants aspects of the old, occult (hidden) ways of being brought into public consciousness in preparation for the one world religion promoted by the soon to be out-in-the-open boot on your neck Luciferian one world government.

Many turbulent things are to come, this is not fear mongering just paying attention to the trends and understand aspects of the overall agendas. We shouldn’t be fearful, rather it should embolden us more in our faith in Jesus Christ and our desire to pick up our crosses daily.

[imgcomment image[/img]

This in no way is an exhaustive list but a pretty damn good start.

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 2:12 pm

“The sky is blue. For now. POTUS will change that. Heaven will be overthrown. POTUS will be the new ruler in heaven. The sky will turn red. Trust the plan.”

Wow EC that is Epic!

Not Sure
Not Sure
August 2, 2018 10:37 am

I have been cautious about putting much faith in Q, other than using its info as another source of news, but of lately I have been more and more distancing my self from my daily fix.
Reasons? My main concern is the direction Q has taken recently, with the rush to go mainstream, while at the same time putting out questionable items that are highly suspect. What I think is happening is the whole movement is being subverted by a group intent on bringing down Trump, by increasing the Q base and then putting out information that will be proven wrong and thus tainting the Q movement and by proxy, the Trump administration. Subversion is the way the government rolls today and for examples, just look at every foiled terrorist plot over the past few years and you will see agents who became “Muslim” to lure unsuspecting wannabe jihadists into commiting to planning atrocities that are then stopped by the same agency that planted the informant in the first place. Add to this the fact that there is no face to Q and as such, an easy target to replace a true believer with a convincing yet opposition personality that the masses will never know they have been duped.
Finally, one can be pro MAGA and indifferent to Q, unless you are a Q follower, where if your not wearing the Q tee shirt, you cannot possibly be pro MAGA. If my speculation rings true, this may be the only way the democrats can have a hand in damaging the coming red wave; by discrediting the Q movement with debunked fake news and taking the wind out of the sails of those who want to see Trump continue his draining of the swamp. Your thoughts?

  Not Sure
August 2, 2018 11:00 am

Not sure..
Tainting the Q movement and by proxy the Trump Admin.???
I was the last one to know I was the town drunk.
You are the last one to know they are both seriously tainted.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
August 2, 2018 1:55 pm

Seems to me the Jew haters here are at least equal in possible shitheadedness to the Q folks. Everything is a Zionist conspiracy blah blah burp fart blah!

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
  Harrington Richardson
August 2, 2018 2:29 pm

During the Bolshivek revolution 47,281 churches and 1,010 monasteries were destroyed.
Jewish synagogues destroyed zero. Nothing to see here move along.

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 3:36 pm

Don’t forget this group often overlooked…
An excerpt from the linked article:
“When the Nazis came to power, policy towards the Freemasons was equivocal. Efforts to eliminate the Freemason did not receive top priority. Those lodges that espoused tolerance and equality and had international connections or connections through their leaders to the Social Democrats or liberal democrats were subject to persecution and often pressured into “voluntary” dissolution. A few conservative German lodges that were willing to accommodate themselves to the regime were able to continue some form of existence for only a little longer. Nevertheless, the regime intended to exclude those who refused to give up their Masonic connections.”


This has been a long time in the making. Remember the House of representatives stenographrr who got up on the open mic during the budget government shutdown soap opera under Osama?


  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 4:52 pm

I am not trying to be argumentative, just curious. That’s a dramatic claim. What is the source of your information, and how do you know it is true? In the chaos of the revolution and its aftermath in the early 20th century, what entity was accurately counting and identifying types of burned-out buildings?

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 4:57 pm

It’s in Mike Walsh’s book “Trotsky’s White Negros” pg 33.

  Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 6:13 pm

Thank you.

  Harrington Richardson
August 2, 2018 2:55 pm

Harry .
It’s not a conspiracy and it’s not a Jew hating thing. It’s a Kahzari Zionist Faux-Israeli war against mankind.
Your cutesy one liners have as much thought and fact behind them as a CNN pundit.

Not Sure
Not Sure
August 2, 2018 8:16 pm

Your looking for purity? Good luck with that .

Trump is the best ( maybe only) shot we got.

Darrell Dullnig
Darrell Dullnig
August 2, 2018 10:47 am

An entirely useless piece of fluff, full of unsupported opinion and conjecture, apropos of all things Q.

22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
  Darrell Dullnig
August 2, 2018 11:10 am

I second the notion… pure fluff!

August 2, 2018 10:48 am

Hey you Q haters…..how do you like your crow?

For anyone who wants to ‘fast forward’ through the cryptic Q posts – go to neonrevolt.com and start from a few months back. It is THE site for normal people to learn about the epic, glorious, and fan-fucking-tastic Q revolution and the draining of the swamp. You’ll understand why, exactly, the process had to be done methodically and carefully. Lastly, like a storm, nothing really happens till it does – then you’re either safe or your not. They are not, because as everyone knows….they never thought she would lose.

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
August 2, 2018 11:48 am

Good work Tommy! Have some more.

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Jim Jones
August 2, 2018 11:53 am

I will, thanks!

  Jim Jones
August 2, 2018 1:40 pm

Priceless just priceless.

August 2, 2018 11:36 pm


Best comment this week!

Too funny..

August 2, 2018 11:58 am


Maybe you could answer a simple question: Why do Q believers never seem to want to answer a direct question about Q and his/her/its statements with something specific and verifiable?

August 2, 2018 12:18 pm

4o minutes of Q proofs for you, Anonymous:


August 2, 2018 12:39 pm

I’m supposed to watch 40 minutes of video from some commentator with a slant to get the simple answer to one question? And even then it is aimed at trying to make me draw a conclusion the true believer commentator wants instead of simply answering the question.

Get a life, answer with your own words or don’t answer at all and try to waste my time.

August 2, 2018 1:41 pm

You asked for verification, it was given, and then you refuse to look at it.

What does that say about you?

August 2, 2018 3:10 pm

I’m 15 minutes in and it has some interesting things in there, I’ll give you that. I’ll watch the rest when I get off my hamster wheel later tonight.

Carry on Q’s

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
August 2, 2018 5:06 pm


August 2, 2018 12:38 pm

Because you’re asking a question which presupposes a specific answer to a prior question……for the ‘I only deal with verifiable facts’ crowd I ask how can the official narrative be challenged then, I mean EVER. The phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ itself was created by the government to crush ANY dissent, doubt, or other over their carefully crafted message known to all as ‘operation mockingbird’. You – or folks who need proof before they commit to anything – are playing the fool, not the one you accuse of the same. I did my research, I did my vetting – while you and yours make ‘sound rational decisions’…….all from a collections of lies presented to you. Do you see it? While you sit staring at a screen on a website that challenges the status quo (go Jim!). So why are you here and not at cnn.com? Because while you can’t prove each and everything is bullshit with names/dates/sources/facts – you know you know.

I understand the reluctance to believe in good. I really do – but caution that locks up a mind to the point of doubting hope, and in this case hope with a actionable kick ass team of powerful people motivated to take on the deep state and honestly….pure evil as a back stop, is worthless. You’re in a fox hole and their mortars have you ‘zeroed in’. You stay here, you die. There is a leader with a bold plan and it involves pain and sacrifice. What do you do?

August 2, 2018 12:46 pm

So, are you saying Q gives nothing specific and just intends for everyone to read into it whatever they want to be seeing and hearing instead of making specific statements that are verifiable and relative to the real world of facts and events?

Nostradamus did that too, but I find it of little use in my life.

August 2, 2018 12:55 pm

Do me – do yourself a favor. Just swing by neonrevolt.com for a few minutes. Let me know what you think – it’s very interesting. It can’t hurt, but give it an honest look.

August 2, 2018 1:09 pm

Looks like the MIC/CIA entertainment dept. has set up a new Qeew website to keep pushing this dead horse psyop the way good ole’ Tommy keeps posting this neonrevolt. Hell, that name even smells of alphabet agencies.

August 2, 2018 5:29 pm

Just swing by neonrevolt.com for a few minutes.

amd when you done smoking the hopium don’t forget to buy a hat

Introducing… #QAnon HATS!

August 2, 2018 5:31 pm

that anon was me

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 2, 2018 11:52 pm

Tommy says: Do me – do yourself a favor.

Does that line really work?

  EL Coyote
August 3, 2018 12:46 am

EC -What was the guy’s name that complained about his deck boards for almost a year? It wasn’t RiNS, was it?

  EL Coyote
August 3, 2018 9:58 am

It’s that guy that steals the ILuvCO2 moniker.

August 2, 2018 1:58 pm

To hope for something grownups need to see at least a remote possibility of it happening.
Are there any records or ancient myths of an orange haired Saviour.
Trump may introduce some new species of critters to the swamp to eat some of the weaker ones but you Qorons are asking him to pee in his own pool. That’s hope???
Didn’t we just finish up 8 years of Hopium.

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 2:02 pm

@ Tommy
Thanks for admitting you’re a hopeium addict. Admitting you have an addiction is step 1.

August 2, 2018 11:29 pm

Tommy –
The clowns’ phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ …

WOW! Half a century old! I thought it was a cheap ad hominem fallacy when I first heard it in my teens, like adolescent name calling. Reading it in Slim’s Times re: Q finally hit home just how amateur the reporters and their owners’ Owners are. I’d like to say “intellectually bankrupt”, but that implies an intellect …

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 2:36 pm

According to Stormy Daniels, it was’nt the swamp Donald was looking to drain.

Tommy's Wife
Tommy's Wife
August 2, 2018 10:51 am

Tommy, you’re the smartest guy here! You’re awesome!

  Tommy's Wife
August 2, 2018 11:02 am

Nurse Rached is looking for you, time for your meds.

August 2, 2018 10:55 am

With 90% of the MSM news on Trump being negative, his outlets are limited. This may be one reason behind the Q “drops”. His rallies are also a brilliant tactic to take his message directly to the people to bypass the MSM.

There will always be fringe lunatics within any movement, the Q phenomenon being no different. However, the majority of “anons” who research Q drops on 8chan are not lunatic fringe.

As to those sealed indictments…let’s hope they are mostly upper echelon cronies (both gov and private) who need to be held accountable. Too many have been allowed to roam free since this Russiagate crazed political witch hunt began under the orders of Obummer/Brennan/Comey, etc.

A change was made to military tribunal court procedures that becomes effective in January, so watch for some of those indictments to be held until then. Sedition/treason charges can be brought before a military tribunal court.

August 2, 2018 11:41 pm

RS –
Didn’t the Qanon boards suggest this strategy is like a four legged table?

Hannity on Fox – an ally get all those geriatrics all riled up.
Congress – generate some controversy appearing to do something. Friends and enemies therein.
Trump’s Tweets – troll the media, keep them off balance looking for his next folly.
Qanons – spread the message underground via attention starved apolitical/anti-political nerds who keep trying to make it go viral for viral’s sake.

With 95% of the Mockingbird Mouthpieces (media), HolyWood, the universities, the SES, and even half of the employees of big.gang.guv at all levels are all not just against him, but irrationally hating him; playing at conservative nice guy would have already been fatal. He’s stepped out of the box so well that all his enemies can’t stop shrieking at him like toddler tantrums. And they rage at knowing they are preaching only to their own choir. Deplorables are inoculated. And every new ‘tactic’ (the Internet Post Office Bitch) they try just looks Dumb and Dumber. They’re probably even secretly reading this looking for new strategies. 🙂

Their Narcissist Projection Disorder is Priceless!

August 2, 2018 10:56 am

Got tinfoil to cover your MAGA hat?

Trump is too effing stupid to make plans for a coup. What he is genius about is promoting and expoiting hatred and anger, and that seems cover about 40% of the population.

August 2, 2018 11:05 am

yeah……the 40% deranged left that represents losing, failure, self-loathing, and hatred. Socialism in one sentence, ‘I hate you if you’re more successful than me’.

Fuck, is it me or have the bots invaded our burn? Waaaaaay too many new names that hate Trump, Q, et al. Obvious as hell.

August 2, 2018 1:10 pm

Ummm No, bots work for .gov Tommy.

August 2, 2018 3:01 pm

This used to be a nice white blog until Admin yielded to diversity pressure from the leftists. O, Yohimbo, we should have written our own articles, picked our own cotton, so to speak.

22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
August 2, 2018 11:05 am


I can think of no other man on Earth who could simultaneously divide the country to this extent- while shamelessly PANDERING to the right.


Obama divided the country irreconcilably.

Trump is just showing us what he did.

FWIW, it was Obama’s divisiveness of shutting out half the population from any say so in government, and engendering hate of them among the other half, that got Trump elected.

You fail to see the difference because the conservative half was civil about it during Obama and the Leftist half is being hysterically uncivil about Trump being in office now that Obama is gone.

Trump has done one thing no one else ever has, he’s made everyone show exactly who and what they are and what they want to do and stand for.

August 2, 2018 4:47 pm

this is gonna hurt, but……I agree with that. you’re still a dick though, never forget.

August 2, 2018 11:19 am

Paulo, shouldn’t you be spending time commenting at Huffpost?

You call Trump stupid? He knocked off over a dozen competitors for the R nomination, is a multi-billionaire businessman, and is taking down the status quo with no help from his own party.

Methinks I know who the stupid one is here.

August 2, 2018 11:43 am

The tinfoil goes on the INSIDE of your MAGA hat.

August 2, 2018 3:51 pm


+1000 ?

Nicely done!

22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
August 2, 2018 11:02 am

Everything Q… such as “trust the plan”, “justice is coming but not until the right moment”, and “the military is going to round up all the bad guys in government” has been around in various forms for as long as the internet has been around.

This fairytale has been rehashed more times than the friggin’ Bible.


yup, it’s been a marathon if you’re just staring at that pot to boil. But again, there’s a reason – legitimate reasons. If you haven’t, I guarantee you will love neonrevolt.com and the analysis. Plus, the guy is smart writes really well making it enjoyable and more. It makes sense out of the excessively cryptic Q, imho.

Neonrevolting.biz thanks Tommy
Neonrevolting.biz thanks Tommy
August 2, 2018 2:44 pm

Enter in the code “TOMMY” at checkout too to receive a 30% discount on your Alex Jones vitamins. A limited time offer for all neonrevolt.com subscribers!

  Neonrevolting.biz thanks Tommy
August 2, 2018 4:49 pm

You never mentioned if you received your “I’m with Her” apparel?



Great comment.
I wonder who will round up the bad guys in the military since the military will be busy rounding up the bad guy politician civilians?


you forgot that they must hide most of the truth from us to,, us weak minded daft eaters are not sophisticated enough to handle the truth… or was it to avoid the people from trowing the ENTIRE government and their proxies, just that answers who`s side Q is on…
Unless we know the full truth how are we supposed to make sane decisions about them for our children? but i guess keeping the government in place is far more important than civil rights, freedom and such useless things for us eaters stealing the food out of the mouths of billionaire babies…

August 2, 2018 11:14 am

The Q Project has been ongoing since late October. Many forecasts have come to fruition, and access to Trump was revealed from the get go.

Now Trump is publicly acknowledging Q supporters, and the implication is that he will verify the Q Project to some extent. The identity of “Q” is said to be known to less than 10 persons with only three being non-military. Sarah Sanders would NOT be one of those three.

Soon, POTUS Trump will be asked about Q directly, and he will divulge what he chooses to at that time.

But it will prove all the naysayers wrong, especially the MSM which is adamant in the “Q as Conspiracy Theory” camp.

Q Research is not for everyone, and there are shills and outright enemies of Trump and the Project there. I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to put the time and effort in to it. It has been rewarding for me, in learning new things and techniques, so I didn’t mind.

I agree that the time is drawing nigh for “heads to roll” in the run up to the Midterms. I can’t wait to see the perp walks begin!!

August 2, 2018 11:39 am

Mid-terms are coming soon, they’re going to have to start red-pilling hard and fast…..the normies don’t want/care about Q revelations – they need the salacious stuff to capture the minds of the sheep.

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
August 2, 2018 11:52 am


[imgcomment image[/img]

  Jack Hammer
August 2, 2018 12:45 pm

Well it’d be boring if we all agreed. I wish the ghost of Smokey would return and be pro-Q. You Q hating fuckers wouldn’t know what hit you.

Best line on TBP ever…..”You’d have better luck jacking off a mountain lion in a phone booth full of barbed wire than fucking with me!”
per Smokey

August 2, 2018 1:02 pm

That was weak, Tommy. Resorting to a tired Smokey quote means you have no octane in your tank. Time to change your moniker from Tommy to Timmy.

August 2, 2018 1:30 pm

Well sport, I’ve said my piece – I patiently wait for the day when the likes of you and your entourage will have to submit. Time is my friend. Wanna try again? As a side note, let me guess – you also think voting is/was a waste of time?

August 2, 2018 1:32 pm


August 2, 2018 4:14 pm

You sound like an intelligent guy. You make many sound judgments yet have yet to respond to any of my comments on this thread.
I know I know, it’s easier to ignore the TRUTH until it becomes deafening and one must acknowledge then attack….i wonder which forms of attacks my prose will receive?

Courage Valhalla Gothi
Courage Valhalla Gothi
August 2, 2018 4:40 pm

You talk about truth in your reply to Tommy. Yet your first two lines blowing smoke up Tommy’s ass are complete lies.

August 2, 2018 11:20 am

I don’t usually watch the MSM news but last night the TV was on NBC and Lester Holt did a piece on Q. He was basically saying it is a group of people that are making up shit about celebrities (never Trumpers I’m assuming) and falsely accusing them of being pedos. I’m not a Q-head, but when it gets talked about on those news shows, I’m thinking they are over the target and causing some anxiety. I’ll put one point on the Q side just for that.

August 2, 2018 11:33 am

Q followers and supporters know the real message of him/her/them. The MSM also know but will never admit it, but rather report on the darker side of the message (pedo reveals, etc.).

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0557ab No.2407847 ?
Aug 2 2018 02:24:15 (EST)
Welcome to the mainstream.
We knew this day would come.
(glimpse)(what to expect)
>POTUS’ twitter comments
Liberal Democrats
Fake News WW
Fake MAGA supporters
Bandwagon shills
Paid shills (Media Matters)
Intel infiltration (neg dissemination).
MSM infiltration (neg dissemination).
Twitter bot attack (twitter controls dir/fake accts)
(FB/Twitter/etc create massive amounts of fake user accts for SP (fake user growth %)/bot use etc).
All activated past 24hrs.
Full attack mode (brute force).
False ‘violent’ narrative push.
Ask yourself, why?
Enjoy the show!

August 2, 2018 11:27 am

Or it was a slow news day Tony.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 2, 2018 11:27 pm

Funny that CNN also ran a hit piece on Q. Which actually makes me believe it’s a psy-op. They’re just trying to make people who follow that conspiracy Q look stupid, which was the plan all along.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Vixen Vic
August 2, 2018 11:30 pm

I think you might be overthinking this. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  Francis Marion
August 3, 2018 3:15 pm

In the Roy Potter video I watched last night, he agrees with my deduction, so I guess I’m not in bad company. Potter says it was the real deal until December, which could be true, and that it was taken over by the DNC and the deep state after that for the very same reason I gave above.

Edit: That was Vixen Vic. Don’t know what I ended up Anonymous.

  Francis Marion
August 3, 2018 3:17 pm

And speaking of cigars, it depends on what “is” is.

Edit: That reply was from Vixen Vix as well.

August 2, 2018 11:40 am

LOL. I find it interesting how the mere mention of Q creates a visceral emotion in some folks who firmly believe they are fully “redpilled”. Myself, I try to take all information with an open mind and attempt to glean the nuggets of truth (as I see it) that may be present.

“I am of the opinion that Trump’s team, that showed mastery of social media during the presidential campaign, has come up with another way to get around the mainstream media”

This is the nugget that I see. Trump, prior to announcing his presidential candidacy, was labeled a “Birther” for questioning BO’s birth certificate, and he was also vocal about 9/11. Therefore, he’s proven himself to be “in tune” with some on the “conspiracy theories”, especially those that I consider having quite a bit of merit. Using a “conspiracy theory” method of getting his message out is precisely in his wheel-house, and this theory to my mind has very good merit. I’m not saying that Q is anything more than this, but having spent some time in the Military Intelligence sector, I can say definitively that Q has the ‘feel’ of MI.

Just sayin……

August 2, 2018 11:58 am

@Gilnut – Bingo!

August 2, 2018 11:55 am

Q is a time robber and that’s all it is.

Carry on.

August 2, 2018 12:00 pm

Only if you don’t have the intellect to grasp it.

Joey bag O donuts
Joey bag O donuts
August 2, 2018 12:12 pm

Grasp what? If grasping what garbage is, then hats off to you Sir.

  Joey bag O donuts
August 2, 2018 4:18 pm

RS and Joey

Well in California, soon we won’t even be able to grasp at straws! Better to do it now then

August 2, 2018 4:57 pm

The above didn’t have a ‘reply’ button. I haven’t dodged your questions anymore than you’ve mine. Maybe your questions aren’t that good? I dunno. Shoot.

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
August 2, 2018 6:59 pm


August 2, 2018 1:13 pm

Only if you are a low intel or troll would you believe in it.

Fixed it for ya RS.

August 2, 2018 1:36 pm

It’s more than that – ignorance precludes the effort to look and see for themselves. They just sit in their soiled diaper telling you that’s just the way it is.

Q. A. None
Q. A. None
August 2, 2018 2:17 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 2, 2018 12:00 pm

The ol’ “pretense of gratification via titillation” loop. Strippers are well familiar with the mechanism. We all want the criminals held accountable. Q is a mere distraction. Fool’s gold if you will.

Mark H
Mark H
August 2, 2018 12:41 pm

Seems to me this Q thing is real, but probably not in the way that the Q fans think…..

Trump’s super-power is disruption. He likes to make people very unsure of their positions, or better, goads them into adopting nonsensical ones. That confusion gives him the edge when it comes to getting the thing that he actually really wants.

Strikes me that Q is just another way to keep “the enemy” disorientated. Nothing much that Q has predicted (or rather what has been interpreted as what Q predicts) has actually come to pass (so far). The fact that it is being widely talked about though gives it value – as it makes (should make) a LOT of people very anxious. It’s a lot easier to get the better of someone who is anxiously looking over their shoulder rather than who’s completely focussed…….

So, yes, Q’s a thing but I’m not holding my breath that the various predictions about flushing the swamp will actually come to pass. I’m guessing Q has a role until the midterms and then quietly goes away. Of course I would also like the more extreme Q predictions to be true, but then I’d also like there to be a Santa Claus and a Superman….

  Mark H
August 2, 2018 1:20 pm

T4C sounds like a bible thumper posting a thousand verses when he has no good argument.
The argument is that you need faith.

  Mark H
August 2, 2018 1:31 pm

Q doesn’t make “predictions”. They are statements. Many questions are asked (and sometimes answered).

Socratic method, used as redpilling.

  Mark H
August 2, 2018 4:25 pm

I’ll give the author a gold star for that brilliant piece of detective work…

Q is a “thing”

Q tippers think Q is special knowledge bestowed upon them…

More than likely a MIC pied piper operation in the larger Global Gleichschaltung That I believe we are living through.

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 2, 2018 12:46 pm

The only Q I’m interested in listening to is Jim Quinn.

August 2, 2018 1:15 pm

Qtippers lost again……..so solly. We know you will keep trying.

August 2, 2018 1:21 pm

Is that a Quip?

August 2, 2018 1:28 pm

Q is a thing. What type of thing remains to be seen.

August 2, 2018 1:39 pm

The main point is NOBODY CARES. Give it up, it’s boring as hell. You can’t keep propping this idiocy up. OR save it for the middle school autistics on “The Boards”……now there is your target subjects. Tommy is on their level ,he can lead the way.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
August 2, 2018 2:27 pm

It will be interesting to see how the Q-Ballers square it as part of the plan when Trump sets off the shooting war with Iran.

August 2, 2018 3:05 pm

Says the brick.

Tommy's Hot Wife
Tommy's Hot Wife
August 2, 2018 3:21 pm

‘says the brick’……lame-o-la. Before this is over, could you please be insightful just once? You’ve tried the snarky thing, you really don’t have it down. Nothing is o.k. too.

August 2, 2018 3:16 pm

The author wrote,
“Since first appearing in October 2017 Q has maintained that the purpose of ‘his’ existence is to prepare people for the major shocks to come. ”

And I have said before, between the mainstream use of “Deep state” starting in earnest during the 2016 primaries and the Q phenomenon beginning in October 2017 , a year AFTER George Webb began his “Where is Eric Braverman” YouTube open source investigation…it shouldn’t be a stretch of the imagination that Q has pulled attention away from George Webb’s content and by leaving breadcrumbs like a good pied piper , developed credibility and trust with his followers.

Then the author said,

“If one accepts this view one also has to conclude that Trump is orchestrating a soft military coup against the deep state in America. ”

That is a monumental leap in logic if you ask me. First of all, Trump isn’t orchestrating shit. C’mon man!
Do I believe that sealed indictments will be unleashed before the elections.
I have said it before, that although I believe Q is a pied piper op I do believe arrests will happen. It does into my understanding of the DESTABILZATION campaign being waged on American society from the “Deep state” Trump is supposedly at war with.

You can’t fake arrests or heads rollin…but let me tell you that Brand Trump knows that the average American wants to see the Rule of law enforced on those in the halls of government and its various agencies…so in draining a portion of the swamp will radicalized and fanatacize those among us who are falling for the false narrative being pushed!

Then these fanatics will March in step to enforce the Rule of law on their neighbors in their holier than thou pride and hubris as more and more of the Public is doxxed and made transparent.

Just wait for the freemason witch hunts and military tribunals.

Don’t worry Erik Prince and DynCorp will save us from ourselves.


August 2, 2018 3:40 pm

They will be doing the world a favor by stringing me up. Tommy and sage will preside over my trial.

August 2, 2018 8:09 pm

Excellent observation on the George Webb connection.

Carry on.

August 2, 2018 3:54 pm

From the article “Given that all the world’s leading central banks, commercial banks, the MIC complex and most of the western civil services comprise part of the deep state this could be achieved with relative ease. ”

We got a warning from Brad Sherman that those in power could wreck things in a day or so on the economic scale. Like the Great Depression or what happened in Cyprus those in the know will be forewarned in advance as to the collapse. Those who were warned will reap handsome dividends like those who were forewarned of the Great Depression . But then again there may not be anything to reap but misery when it happens this time .

Everything I see these days prods me to buy more ammo….especially now that I have a new target to shoot at via the NYT .

August 2, 2018 6:10 pm

Did you tell him it’s a .gov psyop?

August 2, 2018 7:08 pm

“It is entirely possible that deep state leaders have concluded that the only remaining way to stop Trump is to engineer a financial calamity a la 2008 before the mid terms in November”

This is no longer possible. It takes many months of withdrawing liquidity to cause a 2008 style event. People like Denninger would have been all over that. They arent even removing liquidity AT ALL yet. They are simply adding less.

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 2, 2018 8:45 pm

Q follower helps thwart Trump attacker. POTUS acknowledges her at Wilkes-Barre rally and brings her on stage.



[imgcomment image[/img]

And she’s quite the looker!

[imgcomment image?quality=65&strip=all[/img]

22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
  Rise Up
August 2, 2018 10:43 pm

Some knucklehead trying to impress a chick (who probably enticed and baited him) by showing up with a gun hardly qualifies as THWARTING AN ASSASSINATION.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e71266 No.2422155 ?
Aug 2 2018 21:09:14 (EST)
Anonymous ID: d379f0 No.2422143 ?
Aug 2 2018 21:08:47 (EST)
Now we know why Q didn’t post before rally
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: e71266 No.2422097 ?
Aug 2 2018 21:06:43 (EST)
Threat received.
USSS acted appropriately.
This is not a game.

“When I attended then-candidate Trump’s rally in New Hampshire, back in the fall of 2016, the Secret Service set up a tremendous perimeter and had everyone go through a very large scanning machine. At that Portsmouth, NH rally (held at Portsmouth Toyota) nobody was allowed to bring in ANY home-made signs. So tonight was standard operating procedure, as far as I can tell.

This means that TAMPA WAS THE ANOMALY, guys. At the Tampa Rally the Secret Service obviously ALLOWED all those signs and cutouts. So that was intentional. Tonight was too, but I just want to point out that Tampa’s many Q signs and cutouts were NOT normal.

Something’s up, and I LOVE IT. I love how President Trump and Q team are playing the crooked, criminal MSM.”

  Rise Up
August 3, 2018 11:07 am


Was Kate the actual assasin? And this guy was just a method to get VIP access?


level 2
Promises made. Promises kept. – Q
19 points
2 hours ago
Yeah, I’m beginning to think that, too. Something just doesn’t add up with Kate.


level 3
Promises made. Promises kept. – Q
14 points
1 hour ago
Peter Strozk had a coke bottle during his testimony with the name Kate on it. I remember because that stood out for me and a lot others.


level 4
Promises made. Promises kept. – Q
6 points
43 minutes ago

Kate may have had VIP access, but until recently Strozk had Top Secret clearance.

The additional press that showed up for an assassination attempt were trolled by the POTUS.


level 5
2018 will be GLORIOUS! – Q
6 points
30 minutes ago
Holy… The media being trolled because Trump knew they were there to see him assassinated. -that’s mind blowing stuff right there!

22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask certain persons which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
August 2, 2018 9:48 pm

An earlier commenter said Q is just a big time waster.

Not coincidentally, that’s exactly what intelligence services strive for- wasting the enemies time- just as comrade Bezmenov said- 85% of the KGB’s budget was spent on demoralization, misdirection, and OBFUSCATION efforts, with only 15% or so spent on James Bond spy shit.

By the time the holdouts cave in and finally realize Q is a psyop- they’ll be so obfuscated, misdirected, and demoralized, they’ll either just lie down and die or go into self-imposed exile (exactly as planned).


Conversely, it may be a valuable tool/method to wake up the sheeple.

August 2, 2018 9:49 pm

OH MUH GERD!!! Indented Servitude has finally arrived, the day is complete. Are you going to push neonrevolt like the day shift?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 3, 2018 10:23 pm

Bea, that sounds suspiciously like BW. Just sayin…

August 3, 2018 12:03 am

Read thru thread. Remain unconvinced it is real. Like Jack Hammer I am sick to death about the multitude of sealed indictments. Time for Q to giddy up. It is August and Mid terms loom. If this crackdown is gonna matter it has to be done before fall sets in. Otherwiee its just too late. Worse if Dems end up winning the house..

Not Sure
Not Sure
August 3, 2018 6:55 am

The finish line for me will be November. I also want Q to be true, but have seen the progress devolve instead of evolving into some significant convictions. Its been a long wait, but well worth the trip. After this election, either Q will jell into an unstoppable swamp drainer, or deliver to the Dems the majority of the legislative branch to draw and quarter the current administration.
I respect the supporters of Q and am glad they are on the side of MAGA and I continue to hope with them, but do not appreciate the vindictiveness of the Q attackers. Their venom spreads from Q to its supporters and I don’t see the need for that. I may seem to write as a detractor of Q, but only hold such a view that since the brains behind Q remains a mystery, I would move cautiously in where I put my faith, as until the mystery is revealed, it may be a black hat OP to navigate Trump supporters into a kill zone.
Anyway, November seems to be the finish line, I hope the evil gets exposed and the Q believers are vindicated. Just keep in mind if Q is found to be corrupted, MAGA is still MAGA and must continue to be supported, as all other options are not so good for the deplorables.

August 3, 2018 12:03 pm

Nice enjoyable shitfests in this thread.

OTOH, kind of a sad commentary that yet another Q post gets 200+ comments when original writings by many of our top notch authors here hardly ever reach that plateau no matter how great their content. (Yes, I regret that this post adds to the comment totals.)

Oh, yeah. About Q …..


August 3, 2018 12:26 pm

Stuck, the proposition that Trump is Q is not too far-fetched. Both apply indirect methods to arrive at a goal, neither state a coherent policy but leave it up to the counterparty to guess at the desired response. Women find this guessing game fascinating since they too have a tendency to make assumptions and then go looking for validation (“Like all men, he’s a jerk, sooner or later, he will stick out his left foot.”)
The most famous case of this woman’s penchant for guessing games was Monica Lewinsky. She even involved her frenemy in the game. From that, we learn that women love to play multi-player guessing games. Which is why Q-unts look for allies to compare notes. The feature of ‘drops’ in the game is similar to Tetris, a game that is more popular with women. It could be the constant movement (cats are fascinated with moving objects) of drops is what keeps women entertained. Like a cat playing with a mouse, as soon as a male is comfortable and quiet, women lose interest in him.

August 3, 2018 12:48 pm

Hmmmmm … verrry interesting points and analogy you make there. Honest.

August 3, 2018 12:56 pm

Here’s another insight: YoBo can’t buy one while Q has got them begging for more. Why?
(Damn, I could be a Q-anon!)

Women may dislike being chased (or not, bear with me) but they love it when you string them along. YoBe’s mistake is in chasing allies, he should practice teasing.

It’s not the strip, it’s the tease. – Mrs. Pangloss

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
August 3, 2018 1:22 pm

A bold move that isn’t creepy works wonders, and yes, stringing them along is magic. Tell them you have a secret and the hook is set.

August 3, 2018 1:49 pm

Mrs. Pangloss,

DID I hear Yo state correctly that you live in Northern California?

I thought most of the TBPers were East coast or Southerners …
Nice to know California is represented with some class.

August 3, 2018 2:12 pm

Platonic, Mrs. Pangloss in this instant is Mrs. Rollins, Sophomore English, Austin HS, El Paso 1971.

The Panthers, not the Maroons

August 3, 2018 9:38 pm


Related to this Rollins?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 3, 2018 10:21 pm

Look, Platonic – there is no Pangloss. I took the name from Voltaire so I could avoid attributing quotes to people you never heard of. These are folks I have run across over the years, teachers, doctors, cops, vagrants, gangbangers, queers…If they said something worth remembering, I may still remember it.

BL who is residing in the back of the bus due to maroons
BL who is residing in the back of the bus due to maroons
August 3, 2018 10:54 pm

EC- In the beginning, I was stumped as to why you were speaking about the doc in present tense when I knew he had been dead for three hundred years give or take. It took me a little while to understand and enjoy the memories from your life attributed to Pangloss.

August 6, 2018 11:46 am
August 3, 2018 1:45 pm

Gonz from the Face Like the Sun YouTube channel thinks he might have been approached by Q in 2013

he also has a warning for Christian Qsters

May 30, 2020 8:14 am

Mark Twain said that it is easier to fool people than it is to show them that they have been fooled.