They Work To Manufacture Consent Because They Need It. So Don’t Give It To Them.

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

Plutocrat-owned news media outlets lie constantly. When I say this I don’t mean that everything they say is false; many of the events reported by mass media are for the most part factual. Whenever it’s convenient for the loose alliance of western plutocrats, the political establishment those plutocrats own and operate, and the secretive government agencies with which they are allied, the plutocratic media tell the truth to the extent that it advances plutocratic agendas. But only telling the truth when it suits one’s agendas is the same as lying constantly.

A good liar doesn’t simply say the opposite of what’s true all the time; nobody does that. A good liar tells the truth enough of the time to gain a reputation as an honest and trustworthy source of information, and then, when the truth poses an obstacle to their agendas, they put the slightest spin possible on it to nullify that obstacle. They tell half-truths, they omit key pieces of information, and, with really important maneuvers like manufacturing consent for a strategic military destabilization in the Middle East or new cold war escalations against a nuclear superpower, they shift accountability for factual reporting from themselves onto secretive military and intelligence agencies. In this way they keep full control of the narrative and still ensure that the public supports agendas which do not serve the public interest.

This is evidenced by the fact that the public has continued collaborating with a system which kills the ecosystem we depend on for survival and allows people to die of poverty while spending trillions of dollars in needless wars overseas and an ever-expanding Orwellian surveillance network. Everyone besides the most powerful and their lackeys is aware on some level that the current system is not working for them, and yet the overwhelming majority of people keep playing into it by supporting mainstream parties that are fully owned and operated by wealthy oligarchs, and then shrugging and sighing when things keep getting worse.

This is because their consent has been successfully manufactured. Due to the fact that the governed will always vastly outnumber their government, any government necessarily depends upon the consent of the governed. The entire American populace could theoretically wake up tomorrow morning and decide they want to literally eat everyone on Capitol Hill, and there’s not actually anything anyone could do to stop them. The only thing holding existing power structures in place is the fact that the public consents to it, and, in a system which does not serve the interests of the public, the only thing holding that consent in place is the ability of those in power to manufacture it.

So if there’s ever any doubt that international network of ruling elites would pour billions of dollars into controlling public narratives, remember that their power (and potentially their very lives) fully depends on their ability to manufacture the consent of the governed. Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. If they lose control of the narrative, they lose everything.

For this reason it is absolutely essential that consent remains seamless and unbroken throughout every step of the march toward greater and greater oligarchic dominance. If they are unable to manufacture consent for a new war or a new escalation in domestic surveillance or what have you, then they don’t get to have it. This is why no full-scale intervention has happened in Syria or Iran for example, despite relentless mass media propaganda campaigns against the governments of those nations. They work so hard to manufacture consent because they absolutely require that consent, and they can’t move forward with their agendas until they get it.

This is not to suggest that an Iraq-style invasion of Syria or Iran would likely cause a revolutionary war or anything like that; that would be naive. If the US and its allies launched such an invasion the people in those allied nations would be outraged, but they would not be outraged enough to kill and die over it. What would happen, though, is a total collapse in their ability to manufacture consent. And that would be just as fatal to their rule as a full-scale violent revolution.

The invasion of Iraq had broad public support, but after it was discovered to have been a catastrophic, immensely costly intervention based on nothing but lies, it is now looked upon unfavorably. If they tried to force another Iraq-style invasion through, the public would not accept the narratives they were fed about it, and they would see the MSM lie factory for what it is. This collapse of the public’s trust in anything the talking heads on TV say would make everyone impossible to propagandize, and thus impossible to rule over. The people would begin telling their own stories about what’s going on, in a way which better reflects reality and better serves themselves instead of the alliance of sociopathic billionaires. If this happened, the old power structures could be shrugged off like a heavy coat on a warm day without anyone firing a shot, simply by the public deciding to rewrite the rules in a way which benefits the public.

This is absolutely essential to be aware of, because it means that we can collectively prevent any agenda from being advanced as long as enough of us refuse to consent to it. And all that needs to happen for that consent to be withdrawn is the exposure of the lies that the mass media is spinning to advance a given agenda.

We’ve already seen this happen with Syria. There was a stretch in April of this year where the mass media machine was cranking out attack editorials on alternative media voices who’d cast doubt upon the establishment Syria narrative, because there was so much opposition to what we were being told to believe about the Assad government that the alliance of plutocrats and intelligence/defense agencies were unable to manufacture support for a large-scale invasion. All they got out of their massive MSM propaganda blitz in April was a meaningless bombing which accomplished essentially nothing, and now the Syrian government is recapturing its territory from the violent jihadists who had seized it with western backing. Had the “think of the children!” propaganda campaign succeeded in the wake of the highly suspicious Douma incident, we would likely have seen a very dangerous and costly western regime change intervention in Syria by now.

We can do this with literally anything. The people don’t need to consent to another idiotic war. The people don’t need to consent to a two-headed one-party system which pretends that domestic espionage is acceptable or that wanting the US to stop facilitating the slaughter of Yemeni civilians is some crazy, radical fringe position. The people don’t need to consent to the persecution of Julian Assange. The people don’t need to consent to the rule of the oligarchs at all. By collectively withdrawing our consent for those things in our own self-interest, we can make them unsustainable.

And of course, our rulers are acutely aware of this possibility. This is the reason for the current moral panic about “Russian bots”, “Kremlin propaganda” and “fake news”. It’s the reason for the smear campaign against WikiLeaks and the attempts to imprison Julian Assange. It’s the reason for the tightening corporate censorship we’re seeing with Google, Facebook and Twitter. Our rulers are aware that any of their agendas can be thwarted simply by their failing to manufacture consent for them, so any voices which disrupt that consent-manufacturing machine are in the crosshairs for attack and silencing.

But they can’t be too ham fisted about their censorship attempts, because the public would never consent to full-scale totalitarian censorship out in the open. The illusion of freedom and democracy would be shattered, trust in the propaganda machine would die, and the oligarchs would completely lose control of the narrative. The nice guy mask needs to remain firmly in place for any consent manufacturing to take effect; as soon as they remove it they lose the mechanism of manipulation and control that their entire system of rule is built upon. This buys us some time. Not a lot of time, but some.

So the time to strike is now, while the iron is hot. Disrupt the consent-manufacturing machine at every opportunity, because it’s the only thing holding the bars of our cage in place. The new media environment is still ripe for a grassroots campaign to expose the lies of our rulers and shine light on the puppeteers of the kabuki theater using facts, information and intelligent arguments.

So let them have it with both barrels. Blog, tweet, make videos, make memes, engage in debates; any day you can weaken the trust that even one person has in any part of the deception machine is a gain in this battle. Fight their lies with truth and their evil with good will. When you are opposing a depraved power establishment which relies on deceit to sustain its rule, you have truth and light on your side. So fight with absolute certainty in yourself, and give them everything you’ve got. This might be humanity’s last chance.

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August 4, 2018 4:29 pm

All well and good,but why is the truth not told here? That 100% of the news media is owned by jews. As an example, lets say the mass media advertise a pharma product (an industry also tottaly jew owned) Do you think we will see bad press? Perhaps we need a new movement,,goy against jews. Diddo social media, like the jew sucktheberg and the jew influenced youtube,google etc.

August 4, 2018 5:59 pm

I posted that and it comes up as anonomous?? What s going on here?

August 4, 2018 4:43 pm

Good stuff. Whether you come from the ‘left’ (like her) or the ‘right’ doesn’t really matter at this point. We have a common enemy bent on enslaving us all. What better example of ‘consent of the governed-I’d say more accurately ‘permission of the slave’ than voting? As long as THEY can concoct one more ‘most important election of our lifetimes’ THEY win. Remember that when you tell me, “at least he’s not hillary.”

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
August 4, 2018 5:19 pm

It’s not Harpy and if you are not thankful to God and the Patriots that we got to vote for Trump over Bush etc and then for Trump over Harpy, then you are probably not helping to solve the problem.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
August 4, 2018 6:02 pm

I posted t
his several hours ago and it shows up as anonomus?

August 4, 2018 at 4:29 pm
All well and good,but why is the truth not told here? That 100% of the news media is owned by jews. As an example, lets say the mass media advertise a pharma product (an industry also tottaly jew owned) Do you think we will see bad press? Perhaps we need a new movement,,goy against jews. Diddo social media, like the jew sucktheberg and the jew influenced youtube,google etc.

August 4, 2018 6:22 pm

So let them have it with both barrels. Blog, tweet, make videos, make memes, engage in debates; any day you can weaken the trust that even one person has in any part of the deception machine is a gain in this battle.

If I could draw, I wouldn’t need to write, because cartoons are such an effective means by which to assault the delicate sensitivities of humorless and obstinate folks.

A cartoon smacks you right in the brain on many levels, without any warning, and with zero effort to engage. This means one’s worldview is challenged before any defenses are raised.

If I could do no more, I would share the creations of artists like Branco, Jim Garrison, Ramirez (?), et al, with all of the snowflakes in my circle. They can’t get mad, right? It’s just a joke. Or is it?

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Capn Mike
Capn Mike
August 4, 2018 8:22 pm

So, her web site urges me to vote yea or nay on her positions. I click on that and it says, do so through Google or Facebook!!!

22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
  Capn Mike
August 4, 2018 8:54 pm

Ummmm well, controlling the narrative doesn’t win wars.

Not at least since ‘Nam when I was in diapers.

August 4, 2018 8:27 pm

Speaking of manufactured consent?

Helping my kid move. They go running. I sit back and flip the channel to AMC along with a glass of water. The disaster flick “Deep Impact” is on. I don’t remember the film, but judging by the technology it looks to be around late 1990s.

Do a quick internet search.

Release date May 8, 1998

So, I think: “OK, old movie, what kind psyopic programming might be going here?”

The narrative alludes to a potential affair between a girl named Ellie and possibly the president of the United States.

Jan 1, 1998 – Drudge Report breaks Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky story.

In film, the reporter who breaks the story works for MSNBC.


In real life, MSNBC was launched on July 15, 1996; making the fledgling Network 22 months old at the time it received a ton of free advertising in a blockbuster popcorn flick.

The reporter’s name is Jenny Lerner (played by Tea Leoni). I think Lois Lerner? Obama, IRS?

In the film, the “Lerner’ reporter “learns” of the scandal after the Treasury Secretary resigns (played by James Cromwell), who asks the reporter to bury the story. Lerner, IRS, Treasury Secretary, cover-up.

Then we meet the president in film. The president is black and played by Morgan Freeman.

Deep Impact. 1998 film. First actual black president elected 10 years later.

Turns out the scandal wasn’t an affair. Ellie was not a woman. It was E.L.E. which stands for Extinction Level Event.

Sending a spaceship called “Messiah” up to outer space to save humanity.


I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried

Family back now. Back to work…

22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
August 4, 2018 9:05 pm

Yes indeed. Movies have been full of spooks and psyops for as long as I’ve been around.

Have you watched any of the following films? The Living Daylights (1987)- gas pipelines, KGB, and global chess, Clear and Present Danger (1992)- rogue CIA and data deletion, or Swordfish (1999)- cyber terrorism and TREASON?

They take on a whole new meaning today.

They all have heavy COMMUNIST, TERRORIST, TREASONOUS, and TOTALITARIAN overtones written into them—> that most people have absorbed and forgotten.


Indeed. It seems life imitates art.

Speaking of which – As we worked away, I left the TV on to see the end –


As the spaceship Messiah, and all those on board, sacrificed themselves in order to save the entire world, America was decimated by a gigantic blue wave.

[imgcomment image?w=300&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&s=968fc2adfebc34b8937f5a73a07c38e3[/img]

No shit.

The End.

August 4, 2018 9:08 pm

TLDR, however… for some unknown reason, TPTB “think” they need consent, hence, false flags. However, I also believe a time is coming when consent will no longer be necessary for the foul stench of globalism to act without regard for hiding their true purpose of destroying all which god created.

I have a theory, which herr schtfuk might appreciate, that Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of eden, in a world full of savages, lfiterally, and it was only through interaction with the adamic line, that man was able to rise above aboriginal existence.

So, unless anyone is able to come up with a better rationale, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

And Jesus answered him, “It is written, “‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.’” Luke 4:8 ESV

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
August 4, 2018 9:29 pm

There are a lot of good theories on where the most modern of men came from, when, who made them etc but DNA proves he has been breeding with many other humanoids like Neanderthals, Denisovians, an unknown African, and unknown unknowns, etc.

  Robert H Siddell Jr
August 8, 2018 1:29 pm

I’m aware of the DNA evidence, however, that doesn’t show spirit, which didn’t exist until God made man in his image, which is spirit. I like the existing humanoid posit, for a couple of reasons. Humans could have certainly existed prior to Adam and Eve. It was the interaction with the Adamic race which cultivated man’s awareness of his surroundings.

Archaeological evidence proves man migrated out of africa 100,000 years ago, or so. Counting the generations in the bible, one arrives at a figure of around 8,000 b.c.e. Humans cut off from the known world, the cosmos, truly were savages, and remained so until colonial times, some might even say to this day, however, God is no respecter of persons, and neither should we be.

22winmag - Trump is an actor, Q-Anon is a psyop, and there is nothing new under the sun.
22winmag - Trump is an actor, Q-Anon is a psyop, and there is nothing new under the sun.
August 4, 2018 9:46 pm

Consent ends the instant white people go en masse to their nearest street corners and town squares with their .308 repeaters and camp out.

Keyword en masse. Guns are on sale.

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August 4, 2018 10:35 pm

she is right.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
August 5, 2018 1:31 pm

The MSM is in full blown panic mode to regain control of the narrative, this article being case in point.

People have enough evidence of conspiracy facts that they no longer care when they’re labelled as conspiracy theorists. I see a day when dissent and a nonconforming opinion will become illegal here in the US as it has become in much of Europe .

August 8, 2018 9:47 pm

My fight is taken to them in my own little way.

I teach economics (in public school) from the Austrian Theory and a Libertarian viewpoint. I don’t get any hassle because most teachers have no clue about econ, so they can’t debate me and if they do they get their ass handed to them.

Liberals, especially, try to argue with me, but they give up because they are dealing with feelings and the way they want things to be, while I am always trying to deal with facts, math, and evidence of human behavior gleaned from history, psychology and philosophy.

Liberals remind me of Communist versions of Neocons, who famously said they make their own reality. Uh, I don’t think so pal. Reality doesn’t give a flying fuck what any of us think.

August 8, 2018 9:57 pm

Occupy Wall Street was a step in the right direction. Everyone was figuring out The Federal Reserve and central banking is the root cause of most of humanity’s problems. Not coincidentally, after it was crushed, the 2 most polarizing candidates ever were trotted out, who may have happened to be buddies (check out Clinton photos from Trump’s wedding, they look like they’re all having a great time together!).

The only time Jesus became angry in The Bible was at the “money changers” aka bankers in HIS temple. They cause dominoing evil with their currency alchemy, creating $ and profit for the rich through creating $ out of thin air (counterfeiting).

Conservatives that don’t see this problem don’t understand Capitalism. You can’t have a capitalist system with a central bank, it is a big part of Karl Marx’s ideology and is a form of Communist control. Capitalists should read Marx’s “Communist Manifesto” to see what not to do and how our system is gravitating towards it, pushed by the non-education Americans get in “public” school.

I am all for abolishing public school even though I’m a public school teacher. Why? Because I’d command a higher salary in a free market where I wasn’t paid less for less years of service. I’d be paid the most if I’m the best teacher. Shitty teachers, especially, love certification (keeps out competition) and the pay scale being set by years teaching.