Google is the Cesspit of the Internet

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) August 2018

We now see the organs of the state moving to eliminate freedom from our country.  Some argue that companies are free to do whatever they want, but this is clearly a misrepresentation of what is happening.  These are not companies.  They are fully owned subsidiaries of government.  They do not do the governments bidding out of fear; they do it because they must.  But what is this government of which you speak?  We all seem to think of the government as a thing.  It is not a thing.  It is a group of people who have banded together for their own protection and profit.

Years ago some decided that full spectrum intelligence was necessary to protect them from their enemies…that would be you and your stupid ideas.  Dick Cheney warned you that they were going to do it and you ignored him.  Many have warned that you are giving up your freedoms and yet, millions freely downloaded programs into their computers and phones and tv sets.  Were they unaware?  Many were.  Were they stupid?  Many were.  But the real reason that they did it was because the immediate benefit of the program that they downloaded seemed to out way the risks.

Now the risks are becoming abundantly clear.  All can see that they have given Dick Cheney exactly what he wanted and he didn’t even have to pay for it.  It was paid for by you, and then handed over to “private enterprise” who sold you to the highest bidder.  Hell, they sold you to every bidder.  And what were they selling?  They were selling absolutely nothing.  They had no product.  They controlled the flow of information that you freely gave them.  All of it.

So what is this cesspit that is social media?  Why do people get banned?  Shadow banned?  Tossed down a memory hole into oblivion.  Don’t ask me, I am not social enough to want to have social media, but I do use google and youtube a lot and I am glad to see boating videos, owl videos, woodworking videos.  They are all great, but what do I have to give up?  Even though I have already paid for the programs that I use and the internet that I view the information over, they still need more.  They want to know what shoes I buy.  What gun parts I buy.  What cigars I buy.  And they want this for my benefit.  Yeah sure.  If they were so concerned about my benefit they wouldn’t take down Alex Jones.  They wouldn’t put up with racism from Korean sluts at the WSJ.  They wouldn’t ban conservatives for saying exactly the same thing that liberals said time and time again.

The (((liberals))) who run these (((companies))) know exactly what the plan is.  They have been paid to implement the plan.  Once they have been told to tighten the screws to ensure that the blue wave is created, they will tighten the screws.  This does not cause them to lose sleep at night.  It is the reason that they sleep well at night.  They know that the system will protect them no matter the cost because they know that the system bought them to do the job that they do.  Community standards and guidelines mean only what they declare them to mean and only on the day that they deem it to be necessary.  How can they let the WSJ publish reams of violent lies inciting to hatred and then shut down a conservative for doing much less.  How can google, the parent company of youtube, claim to have any standards when it publishes the worst trash on the internet.

I know that most of you would never consider doing a google search for depraved images but just give it a try.  You will not believe what google, that great bastion of civic morality, is happy to deliver to your computer screen.  They store it, they curate it, they search it, and they offer it to you for your consideration.  Now my sexual appetites are most likely pretty pedestrian and perhaps I don’t have the most creative mind when it comes to such things but I will offer you this;

Do a search on google images for “hentai age difference.”

I was shocked.  I suspect that you will be too.  How can a company that is run by our government (my supposition, perhaps not literally true) be allowed to define the moral standards of our discourse when they promote such things as this?  Where does their mandate come from?  How about facebook and twitter?  Do they provide access to such filth as well?  It seems to me that the only way to force the social media giants to allow all viewpoints on their platforms, their government platforms, is to expose them as the hypocrites that they are.

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Eric Bauer
Eric Bauer
August 7, 2018 1:55 pm

I love how almost one in two articles re-posted here (and on many other blogs, news sites and gold-bug sites) feature ((( ))).

These ((( ))) are the real reason that (((the powers that be))) are shutting down anything remotely nationalist, anti-globalist, right-wing, libertarian or otherwise anti-status-quo. The goyim are figuring out who is behind the destructive left-wing push in our culture and what the end-goal is: (((J)))-run soviet communism in the US and across the world.

August 7, 2018 2:10 pm

There’s two old phrases: You don’t get something for nothing / There’s no free lunch.

The Internet / Google / Facebook / YouTube – you name it – it’s all for ‘free’. Free my ass, they are selling / mining / extracting all the can from you in order to sell advertisements, and now we learn for political forecasting, maybe even profiling you (surely this happening now). If these sites are free – then you have no constitutional right to say what you want.

It costs money to have the servers / management / infrastructure. The free days of the internet are waning. Only ‘shit’ is free. It’s time for another internet – paid for – up front – no monkey business.

AC this is broken
AC this is broken
August 7, 2018 2:38 pm

comment system doesn’t work

August 7, 2018 2:59 pm

Yeah. But did you see the finale of the Bachelorette last night? Best. Season. Ever.

Bachelor Nation Reacts to Becca and Garrett’s Engagement

August 7, 2018 3:10 pm

comment image

August 7, 2018 3:14 pm

comment image

  Hollywood Rob
August 7, 2018 3:26 pm

I googled hentai age difference, but wish I hadn’t. I knew better, but yet curiosity got the better of me.

  Hollywood Rob
August 7, 2018 6:28 pm

It’s the whole point:

comment image

August 7, 2018 6:30 pm

Looks like gifs don’t post under the new plan. The internet is breaking.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 7, 2018 4:08 pm

I’m not googling anything that I have been forewarned that I will wish I hadn’t. I don’t have eye bleach handy. It should go without saying that gulag does not care about anything except what might be a threat to the status quo. I think Alex Jones is a test and more is to come. The more I learn about people that get put in parenthesis, the more I distrust them.