Waiting For The Spark

Guest Post by The Zman

I was at lunch last week when I overheard a couple of young women talking about the coming revolution. I thought it was a joke, at first, so I eavesdropped for a little while and sure enough, they were talking about revolution. The bossy looking one was going on about something Trump did, I missed that part, and how it was going to be the thing that “woke people up about what’s happening.” My guess is the part I missed had something to do with Russians or maybe the Manafort Trial. The Left is obsessed with that now.

Since the election, the Left has been dreaming up scenarios in which the results of the election are overturned. For a long time they were sure Trump would be impeached, but that seems to have faded. Last year my left-wing office manager was deep into the impeachment scenarios. Now the talk is of revolution, which probably fits better with their conception of themselves as the heroic resistance. They imagine Trump as a strong man, against whom they must resist until the system cracks, and then the revolution begins.

Most of us think of revolution in the sense of people flooding into the streets to protest the government. Either the government makes an error, causing the mob to turn violent or radicals use unrest to foment a full-on revolt. The two models in the Western mind are the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. Given the make up of the anti-Trump forces, it’s hard to imagine either scenario. The “resistance” is mostly girls and non-whites prone to committing violence against one another. It’s hard to see them leading a revolt.

There is a another model of revolution, that may be what our current rulers have in mind for us. That is the Cultural Revolution unleashed by Mao Zedong fifty years ago. This was a revolution from above, where the revolutionary elite enlisted the masses at the bottom to purge the middle of bourgeois traitors to the proletariat. Mao purged the party of rivals and then used subsequent protests to advance a lurch into radicalism. The complaints about party leaders and administrators were an excuse to start a cultural revolution.

The most famous aspect of it was the Red Guards. This was a student movement aimed at unleashing “a great revolution that touches people to their very souls and constitutes a deeper and more extensive stage in the development of the socialist revolution in our country.” Sinophiles hate the comparison, but this sounds a lot like our billionaire class financing the various radical groups and social justice warriors we see rampaging through the culture today. We are not being sent to the rice paddies yet, but there is still time.

Another point of comparison is the war on the “Four Olds” which were old customs, culture, habits, and ideas. This was both a war on the past, as well as a war on the culture itself. For example, the Red Guards pulled the remains of a Ming dynasty emperor out of his tomb, denounced him and then burned the remains. They went around renaming streets and toppling statues. This should strike a familiar cord. Today’s radicals do the same thing and preach against racism, sexism, homophobia and antisemitism.

No historical comparison is perfect. Again, Sinophiles really hate the comparison, but people are conservative about what they think they know best. There’s also the fact that Chinese culture is remarkably strong and it was largely able to resist the ten year campaign to obliterate it. American culture appears to be brittle and falling apart under the weight of a fifty year planned invasion of aliens hostile to the founding stock. The Chinese did not fill up their lands with hostile foreigners, armed with a ballot by the ruling class.

On the other hand, there are limits to everything. As the outrages from the Left stack up, the average white person in American grows more angry. Talk to anyone sympathetic to this line of thinking and they will tell you they have grown far less tolerant of their remaining liberal friends. I know I’ve lost touch with quite a few former friends, because I will not tolerate their nonsense. I have friends who just a few years ago thought Ben Shapiro was edgy and now think the alt-right is too soft. There is a reaction brewing in the country.

The question is what would it take to move people from yelling at their televisions over the latest liberal outrage to marching in the streets. This is never easy to know. Sometimes, the smallest spark sets of the biggest fire. The reaction to Alex Jones getting purged from the internet has been surprising, given that he is not a serious person. I got questions from people, who never heard of him until yesterday, angry over his banishment. My guess is the percentage of people thinking fondly of Pinochet is at an all-time high right now.

As far as the spark, a move against Trump is good bet. The glue that keeps things from flying apart right now is middle-class white people, who still have faith in the political system. These are the middle American radicals Sam Francis wrote about 30 years ago during the Reagan moment. They will tolerate just about anything, as long as they think they can fight the other side within the system. An effort to remove Trump or even silence his advocates, could be a spark that gets these people into the streets.

Extra-political efforts to ban guns are another possible spark. The coordinated efforts to cut off gun makers from the financial system is not unnoticed by the 2A people. They follow this stuff and there are a lot of them. The pink pussy hat people think they have numbers because billionaires will bus fifty thousand of them into DC. The NRA could get a million people in the streets if there is ever a real threat to gun rights. A big part of gun culture is the idea of the patriot bravely taking up arms to resist tyranny.

It is tempting to think this will all blow over. I was in the camp until recently. Now, I just don’t see how it will ever be possible to make peace with the Left. They hate us and will use any means necessary.The lack of code is the critical part. How does one make peace with someone that will never abide by the rules? Whether this results in revolution, counter revolution or civil war is hard to know, but the number of people thinking the gap cannot be bridged is growing every day. Now we wait for the Cossak’s wink.

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August 7, 2018 12:59 pm

The “Red Gaurds” of the cultural revolution did not face a to a large degree armed and pissed off populace,will be different here in the US.Sucks to have to even give this any serious thought,the alternative though could be worse.

August 7, 2018 5:28 pm

Cute,we have a “Red Guard” fan on board it seems due to neg I received.

Door. Ass. Bang
Door. Ass. Bang
August 8, 2018 5:33 am

Xhe probably is 300 lbs. has purple hair and smells like urine and rotting cabbage

August 7, 2018 1:23 pm

I agree with the conclusion. I disagree that Jones in not serious. He is very serious and anyone who listens for more than a day knows that he has been responsible for a great deal of ‘woke’ people. If anything he is too soft on minority types. He still thinks we can ‘overcome’ the Left (Elite Globalists). I am afraid he is too late. They will not give up. They want a fight and they will do anything to grab power.

When a critical mass of regular people loss all faith in our corrupt system, especially the judicial side, the real ‘S’ will hit the fan.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
August 7, 2018 2:23 pm

I suspect the only thing that will stop the “revolution” or civil war is an economic collapse. When people need to start worrying about their jobs, paying their rent/mortgage, and losing their life savings, suddenly all the SJW bullshit is irrelevant to both sides.

  Trapped in Portlandia
August 7, 2018 10:44 pm

Actually an economic collapse would hasten the topic

  Trapped in Portlandia
August 7, 2018 10:46 pm

Then you misunderstand who is behind this, how they are capable of using any contrived crisis, and what their end goals are.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
August 7, 2018 2:56 pm

When will you stand up and fight for your rights? What will it take for you to do something? Anything. Talk is cheap. Action takes balls. Do you have balls?

Go after them now. Hit them where it hurts. Go on youtube and report every liberal video you can find. There is no limit. It’s easy to do. They are doing it and it got AJ booted. You can do it too. You don’t need your mom to let you do it. Just have at them. Give them a dose of their own medicine. I personally would start, and have started, with the WSJ. I have reported a dozen or so as offensive. How about some help here girls.

  Hollywood Rob
August 7, 2018 3:10 pm

Rob,would rather they killed themselves and got folks to move to alts like bitchute/gab ect.Hell,to bitch at any of these sites I have to sign up,just increases their numbers and thus supposed value,not going to do that

I spent hours last week pushing codeisfreedom/and the TM 31-210 manual on many sites(thanks to a poster here for TM manual),i would rather arm people whether literally with this info. or alt. sites then waste time on sites I want and enjoy to see killing themselves.

That said,you already signed on these sites,then fight like hell,good for you,and best of luck,we all fight how we see fit.

Scott halloween
Scott halloween
August 7, 2018 5:13 pm

Mass flag TYT this Friday. Bury them with their own rules.Copy/paste this everywhere.

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
August 7, 2018 8:44 pm

It will be a complete slaughter when it starts to unfold.
Take this statement to the bank.

I casually went to local gun ranges on my trip around the western US (Nevada, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona) in the last two weeks. The long, long-range guns are coming out in force and being zeroed in… wink-wink, nudge-nudge. Everywhere I went the sentiments were identical (not leftists FYI).

The latte-lappers, the wine-swizzlers, the butt-buddies of the leftist ilk have no idea what is in store for them when this starts to break out into the open.

These fools actually believe that police and military will join them in their struggle. They actually believe that if they occupy some edifices of government they can make laws and pulls the levers of power and that their dictates will be obeyed… how fucking wrong can they be.

After talking to police in my AO (southern California) they know what is likely to unfold–and they are NOT going to be led into a meat grinder by the dictates of some leftists wielding butter-knives and using harsh language. These people by and large are going to step aside (and only deal with the hardened criminals) while the truck-loads of bubbas from the non-urban areas and out of state round up the radicals and give them the opposite of a safe space and a hug and a kiss.

I have gone from thinking civil unrest as being possible but very, very unlikely in the last several years, to thinking that it is now only very possible but very likely given the right kinda’ spark… I think we are past the 50/50 point of this thing actually happening.

My number one theory on what sparks it off is thus: Muller and his gang of lawyers/cunts-in-suits are building up to something that they are going to spring in the fall. I think this ‘something’ will spark a massive constitutional crisis. These pin-heads are going to allege some massive criminal conspiracy involving Trump along with more salacious sexual allegations against the president (cleverly designed to fool the Christian evangelical dim-wits out there who are easily fooled BTW).

The well coordinated media barrage of Trump hate and the Russia hoax/investigation has all been designed to lead up to this–not just only an attempt to influence a mid-term election. Wrap your skulls around this fact please and also wrap your skulls around the fact that Jeff (the cheese dick/Jesus weennie) is part of this vast plot.

The constitutional crisis is going to be timed with well coordinated, well funded mass protests against Trump in the major ten US cities (top ten TV markets) and be led along with a well coordinated mass-media, agi-prop campaign the likes of which has never been seen on planet earth. I think it will go so far as to have governors of leftist states activate (or attempt to) their national guards units in some kind of attempt to round up so called “right-wing” extremists, milita-types and so forth (and it will fail BTW).

I would not also rule out a hard-coup attempt against the president, or an attempt to invoke the 25th Amendment against him. In any case they are going to pile on the shit against this man in a manner never before seen in this country… and in the end it will all fail.

When you see Muller come out with these allegations and the protest commence, you had better reach for your Glocks and harden the fuck up.

  Shinmen Takezo
August 7, 2018 9:51 pm

Shin,things turn out as you envision feel this will be 4th gen for a long time to come,with perhaps foreign troops to muck things up further,and,may be playing right into the hands of some plan.

My biggest personal fear is not death in this situation but things get so horrific I become the monster I so rightfully despise.I suppose this is why even though I no longer drink have a few bottles of Jack in me closet,some desperate shots of booze to ease the pain and hopefully keep me partially sane.

So,while not saying this will not happen Shin,nothing personal but hope you are fucking wrong!This and many other situations that could come about is why folks prep,I just really don’t want to NEED the said preps.

  Shinmen Takezo
August 7, 2018 10:20 pm


A thousand up-votes!

Love it!

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
August 7, 2018 10:42 pm

I am preparing something to expand on the the above very soon.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Shinmen Takezo
August 8, 2018 3:20 am

If I remember correctly, the states can’t call out the National Guard without consent from the president. Am I wrong on that?

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
  Vixen Vic
August 8, 2018 12:42 pm

States can call out National Guard if they want to.
The President can “federalize” any guard force he wants to.

What I envision is that the leftist-states coordinate to pull-off a soft-secession-ish move in opposing Trump using the violence and chaos as an excuse…. it will intended to dog-pile on the never-ending pressure against Trump in an attempt to force him to resign. In these states you will in fact see gun confiscation moves against law abiding citizens. None of this will work BTW.

FYI–I recently overheard a Democratic Party wonk commenting that these new gun registration laws in California and other states will be used for “confiscation.”

August 7, 2018 10:05 pm

Shin, I think k that you underestimate the left. If they did not already have their hands on the levers of power our fearless pussy-grabber would be getting much more done. As it stands, he can’t even prosecute proven criminals.
So when the SHTF, they will still control the narrative, and we may not even know what’s really going on.
Don’t underestimate the enemy. Read about the Rsssian revolution, and how a trainload of ideologues and parliamentarians managed to seize power through lies, murder,propaganda, and manipulation. These new lefties are just as dangerous

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
August 7, 2018 10:35 pm

In the Russian Revolution the bad guys did not face an armed population of over 80 million as there is here. Also don’t you think these MSM outlets/talking-heads will remain ‘unscathed’ and allowed to blabber away?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 8, 2018 3:13 am

If I recall, the Chinese didn’t have guns!

Edit: That’s why, not matter what laws are passed, you keep your guns, even if you break the law.

August 8, 2018 6:42 am

“Sinophiles” Learned a new word today. Thanks.

August 8, 2018 7:41 am

As the temperature rises, it is interesting to note how the elite have enlisted victimhood as a powerful lever with which to foment the ire of the whack-a-doodle left.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 8, 2018 8:14 am

Like many Americans, I eagerly await their “revolution”. Shame to let all that ammo go to waste. Re liberals and leftists, I recently broke off contact with a guy I have known for many years, who worked with me in a tough place. He turned out to be not a liberal but something worse, a Never Trumper. I tried to reason with him and make him see that either he supported Trump (albeit passively) or he was objectively supporting Hillary, Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Ellis and the rest of the vermin. There are no othert useful choices, despite what some babbling morons think. He refused to understand that we need every American patriot on our side. His reasons for hating Trump were the usual. Trump is loud, he is uncouthg, he is a bully, he has weird hair, he has done dodgy real estate deals (in New York! ), he is a Russian agent. I deleted this hapless fool from every account. No more Christmas cards or invitations to Thanksgiving for him. Life is too short to spend a minute around liberals and leftists.