“Darwinian adaptation to environment applies not only to nature but also to society. Just as you don’t find eagles living in the ocean or fish living on mountain tops, so you don’t find leftists concentrated where their ideas have to stand the test of performance.”

Thomas Sowell

“Can anyone explain why, when someone dies, most of what he has saved up over a lifetime should be turned over to politicians, rather than to his heirs?”

Thomas Sowell

“Your problem is that you are trying to understand it as an economic story. Once you think of it as a crime story, you’ll get it.”

Insider to Matt Taibbi early on in the subprime crisis

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1 Comment
August 7, 2018 9:59 am

I always enjoyed this mans writings,a smart dude.While sorry he no longer writes at least publicly on a regular basis has left a lot of good stuff to be read and certainly earned a nice retirement.