Decline in the Fall (or Late Summer, Anyway): by Fred Gibbon

Guest Post by Fred Reed

I am not sure why people write columns. Partly from boredom, I suppose, or lack of anything better to do. Partly from exasperation. Yet partly from the hope that if enough people collectively become aware of problems, they might, just maybe, do something about them. I can’t believe this any longer. Today’s crimes, lunacies, and decays  are too many, profitable, and intractable. We are racing out of control toward some as yet dimly limned catastrophe. Hang on and take the ride.

To begin with, America is no longer a country. It is a set of special interests occupying the same place: Corporations, races, ethnicities, faiths, ideologies, foreign agents pretending to be Americans, all at each other’s throats. No cure is possible.

Racial relations are a disaster. Blacks, fourteen percent of the country, are congenitally furious at whites. They neither assimilate nor want to. Whether they should doesn’t matter since it will not happen.

They give their children strange names to differentiate them from whites, maintain a separate language sometimes called Ebonics–blacks in other countries learn to speak normally–and concentrate in huge all-black Sowetos: Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Newark, Trenton , Camden, Atlanta, Milwaukee, East St. Louis, New Orleans. And many others. Horrific crime and horrific schools produce each year a large cohort who, barely literate, will for fifty years be unable to fit into the economy or into white (or  Hispanic) society. This will not change. If it were going to, it would have.

Hispanics, seventeen percent of the population,  have a much higher likelihood of assimilating, and are doing so, but it will not happen overnight and will never be complete. They face intense hostility from much of the white population. Add Somalis, North Africans, Jews, Asians, and various Muslims and you have more than a third of the country.  Their interests are their own interests. This cannot be changed.

Americans no longer have a shared identity, a common culture to hold them together. In 1950 America was overwhelmingly white, European, and Christian. How deeply one believed was not the point. Christianity was a matrix binding all, as Catholicism is in Latin America. Today Christianity is like marijuana–tolerated, barely legal, but better not to get caught. Whites are reviled by those of lesser capacity and, weirdly, by themselves. What do we now have in common? Almost nothing. This will not change before some strange looming denouement befalls us.

Government has changed irrevocably, and changes yet. It no longer consists of executive, judicial, and legislative branches. In  practice the branches are now the Presidency, Wall Street, the corporations, AIPAC, and the media, with overlap and interlocking directors. Elections are play toys to occupy the public. The levers of governance are no longer accessible to the populace. Governments gain power. They do not give it up. This will not change.

“American” corporations no longer are. When Charlie Wilson said, “What’s good for General Motors is good for the USA,” it was. Today’s corporations are free-floating entities spread over the globe, putting down tentacles in countries of convenience and loyal only to their profits. They are too powerful to be reined in. The  prime examples are offshoring and encouraged immigration from Latin America, but many others exist. This cannot be remedied: the corporations needing change own those who might change them.

Wild thought: Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are owned by the government. Ours is a system in which the means of production own the government. Congressmen are commodities and Washington a Coke machine: insert your coins, choose your law, and pull the lever. Voila.

Demographics have consequences. Only whites and East Asians, mostly men, display talent for engineering, mathematics, scientific research, or organization on a large scale. Affirmative action does not put landers on Mars nor program computers. By now it must be obvious that racial gaps in achievement  are intractable. Argument over causes changes nothing. The country depends increasingly on a declining number of white brains. The attacks on both whites and brains will continue.

The country crumbles politically. The Constitution has been interpreted into near impotence, a trend that continues. Congress has abdicated most of its important powers and become a passive bribery receptacle. Trump is close to being our first real dictator. At best you could say that America is an oligarchy with Hulk Trump fronting for the corporations in general, the military industry in particular, and the Israelis. At will he imposes sanctions, threatens war, turns much of the world into enemies, sends troops to Africa–Africa?–breaks treaties, discards environmental protections. None dare tell him no, in America or, as yet, abroad. America cannot be brought back.

Democracy, to the extent that it ever existed, doesn’t. Americans have no influence over what their children are taught, where Christmas carols can be sung, over war and peace, whether they can legally choose their neighbors, who they must hire. All of these things are dictated from far away. This cannot be changed. If you disagree, tell me how.

Social control intensifies. Saying the wrong things about blacks, Jews, feminists or homosexuals has in many places become a firing offense–very Soviet, this. The mainstream media, utterly dishonest, are committed mouthpieces for those who rule. This will not change. Who could change it?

The social media, also organs of government, censor us. The three CEOs of Google and Facebook, unelected, two of them Jewish, control what almost the entire world is permitted to see. Is this not astonishing? Twitter is now in the same category, and all are censoring both covertly and actively. The silenced may win an occasional lawsuit, but the censoring will not stop., It will grow.

The times approach the oozing last years of Rome. We have mixed martial arts, football, boxing, and now legal bare-knuckle. The country throws national tantrums over who can use what bathrooms. Drug use is high from middle school up. A child who can use a keyboard can watch any conceivable sort of pornography. Twenty percent of America thinks the sun moves around the earth. In rotting societies sexual curiosities come forth. Northwestern University, I think it was, offers a course in sadomasochism. paralleling the dominance of a known torturess heading the CIA.

Schooling has declined badly. Genuine education is now regarded as an elitist imposition by dead white men. The young do not recognize the extent of the deterioration as they have known nothing else. Over twenty years ago I went into a middle school in Arlington, Virginia, an upscale white suburb of Washington, and saw a student’s project honoring Italian contributions to science. Below a photo of Fermi it spoke of his work in “Nucler Phisicts.” In letters six inches high. Uncorrected. The academic content, if so it can be called, of instruction is heavy, heavy, heavy, on social-justice propaganda. This cannot be changed.

Would you dare say anything racially incorrect to your daughter who might tell her teacher? We are approaching what might be called the Soviet Union by Disney.

Universities for the most part are no better. We suffer from an odd sort of civilizational autoimmune disease, eating ourselves. Shakespeare is racist, Mozart elitist, grammar a means of oppression. Two and a half millennia of Western civilization, forgotten by a sea of gilded peasants with no retirement plans.  Monkeys chattering over the ruins of a forgotten society. Once the chain of culture is broken, it cannot easily be restored. Anyway, a literate population might cause trouble. We will not have one.

As culture and cultivation die, we equally erase our history. It is rewritten, enstupidated, lied about to children in grade school and up, shouted down by racial mobs who cannot spell it. Statues must be razed, names of historical men removed from buildings and cities. We have a President who cannot pronounce Namibia, Nepal, or Bhutan. Soon we will be a nation of purest Bandar-log, chuckling and pecking at telephones, knowing not when, nor what, nor where, nor why.

Corruption is rife. It is seldom the Mexican briefcase-of-money kind, being legal, hidden, and far more profitable. Student loans are a crafted way of getting the young deeply in debt for many years, very profitable for banks and universities. Most of the students–I want to write “students”–have no business in college, but they are persuaded to take out loans and thus enrich administrators and banks. It is legal. Big Pharma bribes Congress to pass a law requiring the government–e.g., VA hospitals–to pay retail. It is legal, and a goldmine for the pharmaceutical corporations. Military industry bribes Congress to buy hugely expensive and unneeded weapons (my beat for years: I know whereof I speak). It is legal. It cannot be changed. Only those could change it who profit by it.

Overall, America declines into the Third World. The one percent own most of the country while the middle class declines. Retirement plans and health insurance evanesce. The police become more brutal and less accountable. Censorship intensifies. Impunity grows: Nobody went to jail for the subprime scam. Politicians pose in front of The Flag, trumpet democracy but do not practice it.  Surveillance quietly grows: TSA, tracking by cell-phone location records, NSA’s internal spying, social media recording everything we do, and now Alexa and voice-controlled televisions constantly listen in our homes. Civil unrest grows with street gangs of Antifa and BLM fighting white nationalists and defying police.

We know the foregoing, many of us. The takeaway is that none of it is preventable. We careen toward whatever epochal demise awaits us. Slow motion or all at once, it will be a doozy.

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August 16, 2018 12:33 pm

Fred has made very good observations. But this isn’t unique to the US – it’s everywhere. People have gotten really ‘soft’, too much free time.

There is a solution: We need a good old fashioned catastrophe of Biblical proportions. What will be left are the people who ‘can do’, make things happen. This would pull us together again, get us back on track to what is meaningful.

There’s 1/3 of our population that are ‘extra’ people. No one will miss them – except for the social workers that dole out the entitlements, and poverty pimps.

August 16, 2018 1:36 pm

Possibly one of Fred’s best ever. Damn that’s good writing.

I think the “catastrophe of Biblical proportions” is in the works. Who was it, FDR who said “nothing happens by chance? If anything happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” I mean, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this shit out. What you subsidize you get more of. We’ve been growing the FSA for over 50 years now and look what we’ve got. When those SNAP cards don’t work look out. Perfect storm. Divide and conquer. According to the Georgia Guide Stones some 6 billion people have got to go.
And the Christian (so-called) Church is just sitting back waiting on Jesus to come get them in the Rapture. My question is, Why would he do that? The scriptures say he’s coming back for a church without a spot or wrinkle. My KJV bible says that the end days Laodicean church made Him want to puke. Heard a rumor that Jesus got so fed up with His church that he changed His name to Abdul and converted to Islam.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 16, 2018 7:15 pm

@ Unreconstructed… “My question is, Why would he do that?”

Very simply, because it signals the end of this current dispensation of grace and begins the pouring out of Gods wrath on the unbelieving world. God today offers grace and peace to this fallen place. Soon enough it will be judgement and war.

We believers are ambassadors (2 Cor 5:17-21). What do governments do before going to war with another country? They pull the ambassadors out.

I’m not sitting back waiting for the translation of the church. Have no idea when it will happen! I am actively trying to get people to wake up to what God is offering all men everywhere. Free grace.

“The scriptures say he’s coming back for a church without a spot or wrinkle.”

If it is Gods very own righteousness which covers me (not my own as I have none – Rom 3:26), I have no spot or wrinkle. Is Christ Holy and without blemish? Yes. Does His work cover me if I but trust? Yes. God therefore does not see me (my works) He sees Christ in me.

“My KJV bible says that the end days Laodicean church made Him want to puke.”

That church is Jewish. The body of Christ, believers today, do not appear in the book of Revelation. We are not appointed unto wrath (1 Thes 5:9). The translation takes place bfore the revelation of Christ to the world. He’s already been revealed to us by way of Gods Word. Christ already took Gods wrath upon Himself on our behalf. He paid sins ultimate price for us. Please do keep on studying your KJB. If you’re serious I’d be happy to point you in some very compelling directions.

grace and peace…

Col. B. Bunny
Col. B. Bunny
  grace country pastor
August 17, 2018 5:07 am

God’s conditional love. And don’t mind Satan. The Ruler of the Universe will get around to dealing with him one of these days. Oh,
and sorry about Islam. The perfect vehicle for pain and fanatic ignorance. And socialism a close second.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Col. B. Bunny
August 17, 2018 9:47 am

Col. B. Bunny… Gods covenant agreements with the nation Israel were certainly conditional; based upon if/then statements all. satan is already defeated and he knows it but that’s a different story.

Ex 19:5-6… “Now therefore, IF ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, THEN ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.”

The God of the OT made manifest in flesh that man might behold Him, Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6 KJB – amazing verse!), continues the explanation to those who recognized Him as that God and Messiah.

John 8:31… “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, IF ye continue in my word, THEN are ye my disciples indeed;”

We know that “continuing in my word” means following the commandments by…

John 15:10… “IF ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.”

What THEN is the implication of not keeping the commandments? Not abiding in Christs love. That’s as conditional as it gets. This however is NOT what we see from God today. Something has changed. This is the essence of dispensational Bible understanding.

Rom 5:8… “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

God in time past dealt favorably with those who kept the commandments. Those that did not… not so much. Today He is dealing with sinful men with freely offered, UNCONDITIONAL grace. While we were yet sinners; while we were NOT following the commandments, God commendeth His love toward us!

God extends grace not toward those who follow the commandments (none can – if you think you can read the extreme magnification of the law in the sermon on the mount) but toward His enemies. That means you Stucky, Hollywood Rob, RiNS, diogenes… That “psychopathic God of the OT”; the same Creator God of yesterday, today and tomorrow, Jesus Christ (Col 1:16-17 KJB) is offering you a “get out of hell free” card. Has been since He gave that card to Paul. Hell is where Gods enemies deserve to be. That “psychopath” does not want you to be there. Being the gentleman “psychopath” that He is, He will oblige your choice however. Accept His gift of sin paid in full or pay for them yourself. Your call.

Col 1:21… “And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled”

Wow… unconditional love. It is truly difficult for the human mind to grasp. Yet, there it is.

After the translation of the church which is His body, reconciliation becomes conditional once again. You don’t want that. Take His word for it.

  grace country pastor
August 17, 2018 10:33 am

“That means you Stucky, Hollywood Rob, RiNS, diogenes… That “psychopathic God of the OT” …. is offering you a “get out of hell free” card. ”

You can take your “get out of hell free” card and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

However, if you have a “Delete grace country pastor posts” card, I’ll take 1,000 of those.

  grace country pastor
August 17, 2018 12:02 pm

That Translation/Rapture stuff is just more Hopium/Wishium in a pretty dress. A giant Hoover vacuum is gonna come down out of the sky and suck me outta here so poor little Frankie doesn’t have to endure anything worse than a mild headache. No different than the Orange savior jailing the bad guys and making everything swell again without being inconvenienced too much.
Both encourage complacency.
The Rapture doctrine requires some serious scriptural gymnastics and was fully discredited but has been given a second life by Hagee and the Zionists.
Job would have loved that Hoover treatment when he was scraping his boils with a shard of pottery.
I’m a sorry example of a Christian but I know easy sounding music when I hear it.
Don’t bother offering to explain it to me on the way up.
I’m gonna stay down here and scrape my boils till my supply of inhalers runs out.

August 17, 2018 12:30 pm

Hey Flea …. here is a chart from GCPs own web site.

Yup … there’s some really really really “serious scriptural gymnastics” going on there:

[imgcomment image?w=676&h=478[/img]

August 17, 2018 2:10 pm

Holy shit, if you’ll pardon the pun.
Makes me feel like Vinny Barbarino “Ooooohh my head hurts”.
I avoid scripture debates because I’m no good at it but the Rapture stuff I have to say something about.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 17, 2018 2:50 pm

Stucky I very much appreciate your continuing to post this most excellent Bible chart! Thank you. Simple instructions for understanding it can be found here…

Bible Chart

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 17, 2018 2:47 pm

Whatever you say flea… I ain’t no zionist and clearly am not complacent either. Nor do I see giant vacuums in the sky. I do see the Lord in 1 Thes 4:13-18 KJB. Whatever I have to endure here in the form of man/satan made tribulation is NOTHING compared to what God will do when He cleans this place up. I know there are some hard roads ahead, especially for Bible believers. I’m not looking forward to it but I’ll deal with it as it comes.

You mention Job. How did things end up for him in chapter 42? I’ll mention Enoch and Elijah as examples of men “translated” out of this world. It’s happened before. It will happen again. The doctrine of the translation requires an understanding of the mystery God revealed to Paul, not scriptural gymnastics.

“No different than the Orange savior jailing the bad guys and making everything swell again without being inconvenienced too much.”

In regards to Trump or any other president I am in complete and total agreement with you.

You write… “I’m a sorry example of a Christian”

Are you saved? Or, are you basing your “Christianity” on your performance here on earth?

Addendum to above for any interested. Compare Isaiah 9:6 KJB with 1 John5:7 KJB, a verse the new translations say does not belong in scripture. Very interesting!

Also, above I wrote “…the same Creator God of yesterday, today and tomorrow, Jesus Christ…” to which I’d like to add that God, His Holy Nature, does not change but the way He deals with sinful mankind throughout the ages clearly does. This is the essence of dispensational study.

  grace country pastor
August 17, 2018 4:26 pm

I said that doctrine is no different than waiting for Trump to bail us out.
You are going to see it your way regardless of what anyone says so go ahead and be right. I don’t have time to waste on it when I can waste it on my own fantasies.
Wisdom can always justify her children.

  grace country pastor
August 17, 2018 3:33 pm

“His enemies. That means you Stucky, Hollywood Rob, RiNS, diogenes…”

GCP pretty arrogant on your part. You don’t know a damn thing about me. If you are talking about the Jewish god of the OT (yaldabaoth) damn straight I’m that grumpy bastard’s enemy. However, my God, The Aeon Sophia loves me like a son, and she can’t wait to take you archon asslickers down. Sophia’s Correction is coming and holier than thou assholes, like you, are in the crosshairs.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 17, 2018 4:41 pm

“If you are talking about the Jewish god of the OT (yaldabaoth) damn straight I’m that grumpy bastard’s enemy.”

You contradict yourself when you say I know nothing about you. Not arrogance at all. You admit you are His enemy. You have made that clear in many of your posts. I knew that. Simple.

  grace country pastor
August 19, 2018 7:57 am

It’s a shame when verses of the bible are used/twisted out of context and additional thoughts are added to fit ones situation. Rom 6:1-6 clearly states that we cannot continue in sin “so that grace may abound”. Gods grace IS conditional on keeping His commandments. He is no different today than He was at the beginning of time. And a rapture? Look closely folks, NOWHERE is that word used ANYWHERE in the bible. Very plainly spelled out, Christ will return “as a thief in the night….not the angels in heaven nor the Son himself know when the time will be”.
2Pet 3:10; 1 Thes 5

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  grace country pastor
August 17, 2018 11:52 pm

Snap out of it people , pointless rituals and mindless superstitions are not the power or fabric of fair faith minded people . Should some divine supreme being return to take control and pick winners and losers in this conglomeration of scum and villainy so be it we all stand alone when our book is read . To assume even for a second that any of us have some glimpse of a master plan that gives us a leg up on the rest of humanity is at best fool hardy and at worst dangerous considering the skulls of mush just waiting to be lemmings lead off a cliff !

  Boat Guy
August 19, 2018 11:06 am

Just because some watery tart lobbed a scimitar at you, doesn’t mean you’re king. I never voted for you!

  grace country pastor
August 19, 2018 7:38 pm

You guys need to get out more. People have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of the world. Our age is not unique. It’s just ours. Do you think the Romans didn’t feel the same way? Do you think the Russian nobles didn’t feel the same way in 1917? Or the Soviet nobles in 1987? It’s always the end of the world.

August 16, 2018 1:47 pm

Correct you are, the catastrophe will be the cure. People with resources, both mental an physical will lead the way. It’s a shame that the good times will not last. It’s been a hoot all of my 70 years, some regrets, but mostly a blast. The camels back is heavy with straw!

August 17, 2018 5:16 am

Evil, brings good men together.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
August 16, 2018 12:56 pm

Wow! Talk about hitting the nail on the head in a brief all inclusive manner, with which I have only one quibble: the sun *does* travel around the earth — or at least the earth is not the globe we’ve been told it is, spinning in endless space. When you decide to really look into it, you’ll see, as most of us do! ?

  Ghost Who Walks
August 16, 2018 2:15 pm

You’re going to one of the first ones to go.

August 16, 2018 5:48 pm


Col. B. Bunny
Col. B. Bunny
  Ghost Who Walks
August 17, 2018 5:11 am

And the Hubble telescope is really in a plane.

August 16, 2018 12:58 pm

“To begin with, America is no longer a country. It is a set of special interests occupying the same place: Corporations, races, ethnicities, faiths, ideologies, foreign agents pretending to be Americans, all at each other’s throats. No cure is possible.”

Looks like Fred won’t have any input on Trump’s next State Of The Union Speech …… which will be, of course, one in which Trump says the absolute opposite of what Fred is saying because, don’t you know, America is greater than ever before and Herr Golden Gollum made it all possible.

One of Fred’s doomiest articles — because it is so grounded in reality.

Regarding this quote bolded above, even as recently as two years ago I would have written a strong rebuttal to his claim that “America is no longer a country”, and a scathing one about there being “no cure” — especially on a day where I was filled with the Holee Spirit.

But, no longer. I’m all in on this not being a country. I’m all-in, plus 100% moar, that there is no cure. All we can do is prepare for the coming Biblical-ish disaster.

August 16, 2018 1:05 pm

Why all the doom and gloom? It is always darkest before the dawn. After Trump has locked up all the very bad bad evildoers and taken their ill-gotten wealth it will be a dawn of a new age!
Trust in the Plan!

late starter
late starter
August 16, 2018 8:03 pm


August 17, 2018 9:20 am

WHAT plan?

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
August 16, 2018 2:02 pm

Stuck, you said so much when you couldn’t come up with a definition of ‘American culture’. Old Pangloss said that every group acts out but when the folks on the fringe act out, they stand out and are quickly censured. Now, in a weird inversion, the fringe is in the center and the normies are censured for acting up in protest.

August 16, 2018 5:45 pm

Stuck, I’m quibbling a little but USA is a country but not a nation.
Fred did real good on this essay. Stack food and lead I think we are going to need it when the crazies cut loose.
Don’t fight the Army and Police. It’s a losing proposition.

August 17, 2018 11:58 am

Ya, just look at the success the full might of the US military has had in Afghanistan….

I don’t want to fight anyone, to be clear. I am not advocating such a thing. But if the military hasn’t been able to pacify a country like Afghanistan, which is mostly populated by people that would be classified as falling close to retarded on the intelligence scale, what makes anyone think 10s of millions of intelligent people armed like the American right in a landmass the size of the US would be helpless?

August 17, 2018 3:03 pm

Join the discussion..

.A large percentage of the Afghan males want to fight. Forget about reasons they were and are highly motivated for good or evil, but they are willing to take punishment and casualties while following some type of leadership and adhering to some level of organization. Add in an active sanctuary where they can fade away and more importantly be resupplied with standard caliber ammo and explosives and they have something we don’t have. Sure we have nearly 100 million privately owned firearms, but these need many different types of ammo and production can quickly be prohibited. Even purchases of gasoline in gallon cans will be monitored by cameras. Sure we have abundant resources scattered about, but where is the leadership that can put them to effective use? Maybe in 1950 or 1960, yes, today? Your guess is as good as mine, but it is like drawing to an inside straight, at best.

August 18, 2018 1:12 pm

You are welcome here Stuck

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
August 16, 2018 1:06 pm

Its true, 1950 was a great time for USA. Altho I was only 12 yo at that time. I have witnessed the slid downhill of this once great country. If I make the claim that on all levels the decline of the USA was mostly the jewworldorder (they hate goyim) I will get badmouthed. If I state the obvious,,black on black crime is sky high, black on white crime ditto. White crime on black is very small. Oh, you are a damn rasist!! Well, I have the facts to back my claims. Check prison pop percentages.

Bat Guano
Bat Guano
August 16, 2018 1:06 pm

A lady asked Ben Franklin: Well, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy. A republic replied Franklin if you can keep it.”

Spot on Fred, we the people have not cared enough about it to keep it.

It’s on us. It can be taken back but it’s well past the point of being done peacefully.

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
  Bat Guano
August 16, 2018 2:42 pm

Well, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy. A republic replied, Franklin if you can keep it.”

Ha ha.

  Filomeno Reyes
August 17, 2018 11:21 am

Filo- Today the question would be,”What do you have a republic or a shit show”? A republic we would reply, if anyone wants to keep what is left after the actors are done.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
August 16, 2018 1:21 pm

This is why Chuck is one of my favorite writers.

Donald Trump And The GOP Are Exploding The Growth Of Deficit Spending
By Chuck Baldwin
August 16, 2018

Anyone who believes that the Republican Party is conservative, especially in the area of federal spending, is seriously deluded. I have said for years: The only difference between Democrats and Republicans is Democrats want to tax and spend, and Republicans want to borrow and spend; but both parties want to SPEND. And Donald Trump is no exception.

This recent business report states:

It’s Huuuuuge: US Budget Deficit Under Trump Rises 21%, Widest Gap in Six Years

The US is headed toward its largest annual deficit in six years, according to reports, and new facts released by the Fed point to Trump’s tax laws and heavy military spending as the reason for the spiraling vortex of national debt.

The Trump White House sharply altered its current US deficit estimates up — way up — last week, now projecting that the annual deficit will rise above $1 trillion for the first time since 2013, even as the Fed noted a $76.9 billion deficit for July alone, primarily a result of increased military and government spending as well as deep tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy.

The US Treasury Department — headed by Steve Mnuchin, a Trump pick that many in Congress have dubbed the ‘foreclosure king’ — has observed that in just the first 10 months of the 2018 fiscal year, the US deficit totaled $684 billion, a startling 20.8 percent rise over the same period in 2017.

US government revenue is up just 1 percent in 2018 to date, according to the Fed, as a big drop in corporate tax payments at the hands of the Trump administration has seen tax earnings for the Fed drop significantly.

Total government spending — particularly by the US military — has risen 4.4 percent, according to reports, after Congress boosted corporate-friendly programs and now suffers under the rapidly rising cost of financing an enormous debt, cited by

As interest payments on US national debt jumped an astonishing 41 percent in July, many are wondering whether the system can sustain — nevermind correct — itself, according to

US congressional budget analysts have estimated that the 2018 deficit will be some 19 percent larger than that for 2017.

Republican-authored tax laws and spending boosts approved by a Republican-controlled US Congress are noted to be the drivers of the rapidly increasing national debt, as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has now predicted that trillion-dollar US deficits will return by 2020 at the latest.

Another report states:

A government spending spree of potentially historic proportions will play out over the final seven weeks of fiscal 2018, as federal agencies look to spend $140 billion more than they thought they’d get before Congress passed and President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill.

Without a budget agreement in place, agencies spent cautiously through the first two quarters of fiscal 2018 before the omnibus—signed six months late in March—obligated an additional $80 billion for defense and $63 billion for civilian agencies.

Federal agencies, now flush with cash, must obligate that money before the fiscal year ends on Sept. 30 or lose it to the Treasury Department. Analysts believe the federal market will see a monumental effort among procurement officials to spend as much on contracts as possible.

“If agencies are going to spend the extra money in fiscal 2018, it’s going to have to be at a much higher percentage in the fourth quarter than it has been historically,” David Berteau, president of the Professional Services Council, told Nextgov.

And, of course, President Trump just signed the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law that approves a $717 billion budget for so-called defense-spending. According to CNBC,

The 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, includes $616.9 billion for the Pentagon’s base budget, $69 billion for overseas contingency operations.

“Overseas contingency operations” means America’s ongoing “War on Terror,” otherwise known as “Wars For The New World Order” or “Wars For Globalists” or “Wars For The Deep State” or “Wars For Israel.” For all intents and purposes, the terms “New World Order,” “Globalists,” Deep State,” etc., all include the same entity: the Zionist State of Israel.

Speaking of the “War on Terror,” if you have not ordered Christopher Bollyn’s blockbuster new book The War On Terror: The Plot To Rule The Middle East, I encourage you to do so quickly. This book dispels the myths and destroys the lies about who and what was behind the 9/11 attacks and what America’s “War on Terror” is really all about. Bollyn is a researcher and investigative journalist who has dared to expose the lies that have cost trillions of dollars and millions of lives—lies that are still the basis of America’s foreign policy and ongoing “War on Terror.” This book is MUST-READING.

And while we are on the subject, the American taxpayers continue to shell out billions of dollars for Benjamin Netanyahu’s Apartheid State. Stephen Lendman reports:

Israel is Washington’s largest recipient of foreign aid. It’s mostly for militarism and belligerence – billions of dollars annually, far more than to any other nation.

The Jewish state’s imperial wars, occupation harshness, and apartheid high crimes don’t matter – nor its flagrant violations of international law, not even its abusive spying on US military and other operations.

The CIA earlier called Israel its main regional spy threat. The FBI once uncovered a large-scale US-based Israeli spy ring – still active the agency believes.

The Pentagon accused Israel of “actively engag(ing) in military and industrial espionage in the United States.”

Israel tries stealing everything it can get its hands on, including US military and industrial secrets, its main ally and benefactor.

The FY 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes $500 million for US-Israel missile defense cooperation, $50 million more for the Jewish state’s war on Gaza’s tunnel economy, wanting vital goods it supplies cut off, further strangling its beleaguered people.

The measure authorizes an additional billion dollars to stockpile US weapons in Israel – available for its killing machine, used to terrorize Palestinians, to terror-bomb Gaza and Syria, to partner in Washington’s imperial aggression.

Like America, Israel’s only enemies are invented ones, no others. Both nations wage endless wars without declaring them.

For the first time, the FY 2019 NDAA establishes a cooperative US/Israeli R&D program to enhance countering unmanned aerial vehicles.

On August 1, Senate members passed S. 2497: United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018 – unanimously without a roll call vote. Rubber-stamp House passage is certain.

The measure amends the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act and Arms Export Control Act. It authorizes additional funding for Israel’s killing machine, “and for other purposes” related to militarism and warmaking.

Congressional support for Israel is virtually unanimous. Both countries partner in each other’s high crimes.

New US funding for the Jewish state’s killing machine increases the Obama regime’s 2016 $38 billion package through 2026 – $3.8 billion annually, up from $3.1 billion a year earlier.

Most often, whatever Israel wants it gets – from the pockets of US taxpayers.

They’re largely unaware how their taxes are misused – for militarism, war-making and corporate handouts at the expense of other vital homeland needs.

All of Trump’s talk about draining the swamp and reining in the federal government is just that: TALK. Trump is spending money like a drunken sailor. No, that’s not really true. A drunken sailor spends his own money—money he has; Trump and his fellow miscreants in Washington, D.C., (from both parties) are spending OUR money—and it is money we don’t have.

Even the way Trump enacts tariffs is dishonest. After levying tariffs on foreign imports—ostensibly to balance the playing field in order to protect American trade interests—Trump turns around and gives billions of dollars to U.S. farmers that are hurt by those tariffs. Where do those billions of dollars come from? The U.S. taxpayers, that’s who. This is nothing more than old fashioned Crony Capitalism.

I’m telling you, Donald Trump doesn’t have an honest bone in his entire body. Like every other statist politician in Washington, D.C., Trump is bankrupting America to finance his Big-Government, Militaristic, Police State, Zionist agenda—all of his outsider, conservative rhetoric notwithstanding.

And still Republicans love him, and evangelical Christians adore him. Go figure.

Truly, no one can get by with out-of-control federal spending like Republicans. No one! Republicans in DC spend money the way Democrats talk about spending money.

As I said, the only difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats want to tax and spend, and Republicans want to borrow and spend. And borrow and spend is exactly what Donald Trump and the Republicans in Washington, D.C. are doing—like there is no tomorrow.

P.S. I, again, urge readers to get Christopher Bollyn’s new blockbuster book The War On Terror: The Plot To Rule The Middle East.

Christopher Bollyn—along with Professor Steven Jones and others—is one of the foremost investigative researchers of the 9/11 attacks whose findings have decimated the official story that 19 Muslim terrorists attacked the Pentagon and took down the Twin Towers in New York City.

In his book The War On Terror, Bollyn shows that the 9/11 attacks were actually part of a much larger international conspiracy and the culprits were not al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or militant Muslims in general. Bollyn’s book proves who the real culprits were and also shows how these conspirators have masterminded a perpetual “War on Terror” that is serving several nefarious purposes, including the destruction of America’s liberties.

From the book’s back cover:

The government and media have misled us about 9/11 in order to compel public opinion to support the War on Terror.

Why have we gone along with it? Do we accept endless war as normal? Are we numb to the suffering caused by our military interventions?

No. We have simply been propagandized into submission. We have been deceived into thinking that the War on Terror is a good thing, a valiant struggle against terrorists who intend to attack us as we were on 9/11.

Behind the War on Terror is a strategic plan crafted decades in advance to redraw the map of the Middle East. 9/11 was a false-flag operation blamed on Muslims in order to start the military operations for that strategic plan. Recognizing the origin of the plan is crucial to understanding the deception that has changed our world.

If you don’t read any other book in 2018, read Christopher Bollyn’s new book The War On Terror: The Plot To Rule The Middle East. Order it here:

The War On Terror: The Plot To Rule The Middle East

© Chuck Baldwin

  Jack Lovett
August 16, 2018 2:31 pm

Holy cow Jack. You should have sent that to Admin as a separate post.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
August 17, 2018 11:51 am

Yeah, sorta long

  Jack Lovett
August 16, 2018 2:42 pm

As if Trump could do anything about it, with almost every Federal program on auto-pilot, and Trump being hated by nearly everyone in both parties.

August 16, 2018 7:14 pm

And the source Baldwin uses for his numbers are the Fed ( notice they don’t mention after 8 years of ZIRP for Obama they have raised rates 4x this year–maybe the biggest factor in the % of budget shortfall increase as the FED’s rate hikes automatically add billions ( $253 billion annually has jumped to $310 billion with current rate hikes)

Note: SSI payments are $987 billion in 2017, Medicare $582 Billion, Medicaid an additional $400 billion–when added to our interest on the $20+ Trillion debt trump inherited and the tens of billions our country loses in global trade tariffs–we are screwed. Something has to be tried even if it brings some pain for a few years. The alternative is complete annihilation, inevitable collapse and the nation in a conflagration…if the “orange Gollum’s ” efforts fail, all he has done is expedite the process–and I say let’s get on with it. I’m more of the “go down fighting” type than slow decay and despair….

August 17, 2018 12:03 pm

That is true, of course. But whats the solution? Keep rates at or near zero forever? Thats hardly sustainable. To be clear, letting the market decide what interest rates should be, rather than the fed, would result in a massive economic calamity. But thats exactly what we need. Let natural market forces work their magic, clear out all the bad debt, and stop creating more of it. It is going to happen eventually, regardless of what we try to do to prevent it. The longer we try to delay the inevitable, the worse it is going to be. Might as well just get it over with, as you said.

  Jack Lovett
August 16, 2018 3:33 pm

Jack said,

“As I said, the only difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats want to tax and spend, and Republicans want to borrow and spend.”

Brilliant! So true….where it truly counts the 2 parties are two sides of the same coin.

Bollyn is the man when it comes to 911 research. A wealth of knowledge…
But many just want to be told what to think instead of diving in for themselves and trying to figure out the truth…

  Jack Lovett
August 16, 2018 4:05 pm

Yea buddy, I follow Baldwin too he does not chew his cabbage twice…

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
  Jack Lovett
August 16, 2018 4:37 pm

Jack, I really like Chuck also. Here’s another great article that he penned.

America’s Burgeoning Civil War

  Grizzly Bare
August 16, 2018 5:51 pm


Thank you for the link to that article…

From the article,

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is getting ugly FAST. And I think that is exactly what the power elite had in mind when they handed the victory to Donald Trump in 2016. They knew Trump would incite a civil war; in fact, they intended that Trump would incite a civil war.”

BINGO! somebody who gets it!!! I’m adding Baldwin to my MUST follow and read list. Thank you.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
August 16, 2018 7:25 pm

Plato, I think the globalist agenda is obvious. The plug has been pulled on the US a long time ago. When our manufacturing jobs went to China and our tech jobs were offshored to India the fix was in. Why the pivot to Asia? because they have a complacent, obedient, conformist population who are used to taking orders without questioning them. Obviously there were economic advantages as well, driving the price of labor down for instance, but I think the main goal was the ascendance of a tightly controlled society. Conservative/libertarian Americans, with their Declaration of Independence, Constitution, natural rights, ideals of individual liberty and free thinking non-conformist attitude are the one and only thing keeping this Agenda 21 NWO one world goverment from moving forward. We understand natural God given rights, and we ain’t giving them up. For the NWO to go forward something has to be done to remove the roadblock that is the conservative/libertarian American.

  Grizzly Bare
August 16, 2018 8:27 pm

This is why all the deception and identity politics, hateful rhetoric red team blue team RA RA RA crap is happening to Americans..

Those of us who understand our natural rights vs. privileges bestowed by the State are the targets…
As Baldwin eloquently pointed out in your linked article, Maxine Waters and Donald Trump don’t care about the Constitution or our natural rights, they, like most of the Congress critters have caved or turned a blind eye to the erosion of the Constitution and the constant attack on liberty and our unalienable God given natural rights.

Thank you again for the link . Someone i don’t think I had every heard of that discusses many of the same issues I think are tatamount…

We must be realistic in our understanding of what we can and can’t change like you mentioned on another comment. Everything else I leave to my faith.

August 17, 2018 7:39 am

I agree with all except the plight of those poor innocent black people. For Christ’s sake, crime is in their DNA. Black communities are waste grounds of low IQ, helpless idiots whose lives must be managed and paid for by the rest of us. They are incapable of managing their own lives. Look around the world and the story is the same.

August 17, 2018 12:10 pm

Ya, he kinda lost me there too. Im not a big fan of cops, but nearly all of these high profile cases of cops shooting some poor innocent dindu turn out to be bullshit upon close inspection. The only one Ive looked into where I thought the cops actions were unquestionably wrong was the Tamir Rice case. How the police responded to it, and the cops actions, were unquestionably wrong, and nothing happened to the cop, legally speaking anyways, that I’m aware of. But thats ONE case, in a country of 330 million people. Hardly evidence of a systemic problem. And if there were more such cases, we’d have heard about them. Its also an easily verifiable fact that black people are actually shot by cops at a rate LOWER than would be expected based on the amount of crimes they commit. Pretending otherwise is counterproductive, especially by someone as intelligent and reasoned as the writer of that article. Rather than focusing on how many are shot by cops compared to their percentage of the population, the numbers of dindus shot should be compared to the % of violent crimes they commit (murders, armed robbery, rape, assault, etc). In that context, they are shot at a disproportionately lower rate than would be expected.

August 17, 2018 3:48 pm

the cop should be in jail,at least–philando castile in minnesota–

August 16, 2018 1:28 pm

Sarcastically I sometimes tell those that will listen. I have to tip my hat to those that have caused this to happen. They have done a fantastic job of destroying this country,and most people went along with it. They have infected every institution with their Liberal/Progressive policies. Even then all most can muster is the 1000 yard stare. When cognitive dissidence takes them over. All I can leave them with is “If you only knew what these people have done” If nothing else comes out of the Trump Presidency. At least he has made these people take the masks off. They are now showing what they are,what they have done and what they stand for. Like Fred said….I am afraid it is to late to change it.

August 16, 2018 2:35 pm

The melee in Donnybrook will commence shortly!?

August 17, 2018 9:33 am

Anything short of this and you’re right it is too late…

Pause/stop both legal and illegal immigration – PERIOD. Build the wall. End the war in Afghanistan. Bring the majority of our troops home from all but a select few strategic overseas bases. Focus on balancing our budget and rebuilding our infrastructure. Out and prosecute deep state actors who have subverted the constitution and rule of law… Chip

August 16, 2018 2:47 pm

Outstanding post by Fred, despite some minor swipes at Trump…When America is in a hole, we dig deeper….and anyone who criticizes such mad behavior is punished….America is not a nation or a culture anymore, so the looters will do whatever they want until the whole mess collapses, then separates.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 16, 2018 2:48 pm

Since I am on the front end instead of the rear end of this post, can I ask how many believe this will come to the spilling of blood? Not the beatings you see happening to people who are wearing Maga hats and shirts. Something more widespread and organized. It would help me with an essay. Sort of like Uncola did where he asked for a poll for his essay a while back.

Up if yes, down if no.

It would be much appreciated.

  Mary Christine
August 16, 2018 4:07 pm

MC….Rivers of blood

August 16, 2018 4:21 pm

Hopefully starting with the ones as a poster put have dropped their masks.

I would be gratefully ecstatic to be wrong as long as being wrong does not include say majority of population killed by a govt. plague ect.

  Mary Christine
August 16, 2018 6:51 pm

I don’t know what the trigger will be, but when it gets pulled, rivers of blood will be an understatement. Robespierre would be appalled. The Reign of Terror, of the French Revolution, will look like a Sunday School conflict over a cupcake between four years-olds.

An entire generation of incomprehensibly angry young white men are realizing they have nothing to lose, everything to gain, and that there is literally no one capable of stopping them when they act collectively – and for the first time in our history, we have collectively recognized the Enemy.

The last time we were genuinely angry with a non-white race, we developed an entirely new class of weaponry, and incinerated two of their cities. We were nowhere near as angry with the Japanese then, as we are with another Tribe now.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Mary Christine
August 17, 2018 10:31 am

Well, I didn’t expect that to be quite so lopsided. Did the optimists leave the building?

  Mary Christine
August 17, 2018 10:54 pm

I think they were chased out by the armed realists.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
  Mary Christine
August 17, 2018 11:03 pm

Optimists? Maybe you should read the article again. It doesn’t leave much room for optimism.

RT Rider
RT Rider
August 16, 2018 3:20 pm

We are way past the point of change, or reform, by politics. Trump is the change agent for the proles – not because he will accomplish any meaningful change (as we have witnessed so far, anything meaningful will be stymied by the deep state) but rather by fully revealing the futility of change by politics to the masses, particularly in the face of escalating economic and social collapse. The disillusionment will be crushing to long held beliefs.

I fully suspect that the criminals and traitors in charge, having had their way for so long and filled with conceit and arrogance, won’t hesitate to crack down on any dissent by the proles, against the status quo and their rule. They will take it to us without hesitation if they feel threatened. That will be their biggest, existential mistake, and what many are patiently waiting for.

Bob P
Bob P
August 16, 2018 3:20 pm

Hard to disagree with any of this. Seeing it all summed up is rather depressing, the message that there’s no hope to fix any of it more so. We’re in a nightmare and there’s no waking up. About the best that can be said is it’s utterly fascinating watching the slow motion destruction of Western society–at our own hands, no less.

  Bob P
August 16, 2018 4:25 pm

Eh,am not giving up and taking a plane for a final FTW ride,still believe the country and perhaps a republic can arise from the ashes of it’s self immolation like the mighty phoenix.

You disagree then I might as well drink/drug meself silly like me youth to a degree as nothing matters,am not there though when it kicks off for real will have a couple of shots and a final turn of some music before the play time begins.

  Bob P
August 16, 2018 5:10 pm

Trump with all his faults is still better than any damn progressive .He is trying to stop this invasion from the third world shit holes.Fred is Right .Our collapse will be the train wreck of the century .We have been lied to so much for so long it’s hard to believe anything our so called leaders tell us. This is all by design. When you begin to understand the occult powers within the secret societies around the world it all begins to makes sense . This is the Luciferian doctrine being brought into the public mind. These people control our world .Hard to believe but these very wealthy elite people around the world believe Lucifer is the good guy.They worship him as god and from what I can tell it works. ” Then the devil , taking Him up on a high mountain showed Him all the kingdoms of the world IN A MOMENT IN TIME and the devil said to Him .All this authority I will give You ,and their glory ; for THIS HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO ME ,AND I CAN GIVE IT TO WHOMEVER I WISH . THEREFORE IF YOU WILL WORSHIP ME ALL WILL BE YOURS “. Luke 4:5-7 .
This is what these men have done and Lucifer has given them control. We are seeing the ANTICHRIST BEAST SYSTEM coming alive right before our eyes. I pray for our nation and and the people on this blog . Other than that I don’t know what else to do. At times it just seems hopeless.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 17, 2018 9:57 am

Right on BB.

2 Cor 4:3-4… “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

“I pray for our nation and and the people on this blog . Other than that I don’t know what else to do. At times it just seems hopeless.”

All we can do is deal with individual people. For many there is still incomprehensible hope! We just need to focus our energies in the right direction. We know how the Book ends. There is no changing that. All we, as Gods ambassadors can change are individual minds. One mind at a time.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
August 16, 2018 4:33 pm

I have turned my focus from noticing the mess and pointing out the mess, to surviving the shitstorm created by the mess. What is not viable or sustainable will not continue. I’m working on disengaging myself from what is not viable or sustainable. At some point we will have to make some order from the chaos. The future of humanity, the future of natural rights and individual liberty depend on what we replace this corrupt tower of Babel with after it implodes, but we won’t have a chance to affect that one way or the other if we don’t survive to come out on the other side.

August 16, 2018 4:46 pm

A catastrophe of biblical or any other proportions won’t fix or restore anything. It will certainly change things though.
Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
RT Rider summed it up. “They” will not hesitate to take it to us if they feel threatened and the unrest “they” have baked into the cake is just to get the fire started. Just read a summary of the whitewashed Govt. version of the Phoenix Program complete with goon squads. The only difference will be the increase in germs and chemicals and the means of delivery. To add insult to injury, we paid for the development of it all.
We made for some really fine “Useful Idiots”, now we are expendable. What little of our brainpower they still need is already wrapped up and secured. Now the rest of us can be replaced with the Brown Hordes from the south.
Sure I have a plan, but its only to make me feel good until TSHTF. How many here have seen Napalm in real life. Google fuel air bomb videos and watch one. Ever been on the receiving end of an experienced rifle squad. They now have at their disposal a wide assortment of aerosolized germs and viruses. What about Sarin Gas. The point of trying to depress you is that it may help someone realize that faith in God is the only real hope if things break down. Whether you believe in Odin or Buddha or Jesus is not my affair but I don’t see how anyone will hold up without some kind of faith.

August 16, 2018 8:42 pm

Have a bible handy, with the insanity comforting words will help. It has brought me back from the brink more than once!

August 17, 2018 10:59 pm

I have put away two cases of inexpensive paperback Bibles in my preps…the catch phrase: “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”may come back in style.

August 16, 2018 5:10 pm

I’m going to be positive today by first saying that Fred Reed is full of shit on his total outlook on America; he is too negative. He is wrong on lumping the whole country into his screed of our problems, for much of the country is still full of normal, patriotic people who live as positively as they can and look forward to a future where their children prosper.
Those people who live in “flyover” country, which amounts to about 85% of our counties and 50% of our population, are still good people, and are pretty damn tough considering that the people ( of the other 15% of the counties containing the other 50%, the Big Cities) who run everything have managed to destroy any possibility of new economic growth in Flyover Land. Yes, those places have opiate drug problems but a positive is there is a die-off going on right now. Within 10 years all of the druggies there will be dead. Their core will remain strong.
Now if you live in the 15% of the counties that Mr. Reed describes accurately, which happen to have all of the attention for economic growth that happens to be fiat debt-based, your end of the world may be fine, but it won’t be like that much longer. This national debt problem will eventually eat away everything for everyone, and the 15% counties will become a living, rotting, and dying hell for its inhabitants. If you continue living there much longer you probably won’t be living at all.
The Flyover People will not tolerate much foolishness for they are armed to the teeth. Anyone there causing the problems will eventually not be around to cause further trouble. They will maintain civilization. Their homes and towns will remain. They will be viewed positively for they will be recording the history.
The Big City folks will likely have societal collapse amidst the ruins of formal splendor. They will be remembered for their evil and their folly.

August 17, 2018 4:27 pm

No worries, if it goes down here, we can go to Mexico where all the highly skilled IT people live, at least that’s what Fred “balls deep in Mexican pussy” said.

August 17, 2018 11:03 pm

Coal…I’m with you on that outlook, and prepared to do my share to make it a reality and know many around me who are as you described armed to the teeth living in fly-overland.

August 16, 2018 5:14 pm

“Racial relations are a disaster. Blacks, fourteen percent of the country, are congenitally furious at whites.”

Except for our hair. A lot of black women seem to like our hair. It seems like some are congenitally furious at having pubes on their head.

August 16, 2018 5:58 pm

America is still a culture, there are many of us who will not run.
Fuck off.

August 16, 2018 6:15 pm

Fred mentioned over twenty years ago… I too, over twenty years ago was sent to navy headquarters in D.C (Arlington) to sit on the top two enlisted ranks selection board (senior and master chief petty officer). It was an eye opener. Navy commands (non sea going) are tasked with sending Master Chiefs, Chief Warrant Officers and junior officers to fill the selection seats.
At the start a black Lieutenant stood up and said that he wanted to squash the notion that blacks were given more favorable selection than whites. The female officer in charge of assigning us said that it is true that blacks get favorable selection as well as females because once the candidates are selected the board must go deep into the non-selectees and find the first black and female to look again as to why they were not selected and given a second look.
My executive officer said he picked me as he knew I would provide an unbiased scoring (assignment of points) when I looked at the candidates record. Most commands do not fill these mandatory requests with their hot runners but with people that they could easily do without. I had the most important job on a floating drydock and was lucky that a ship was on the blocks for a longer duration than I would be away and the officer I had relieved was still aboard.
I noted that the selection board was filled with minorities in far greater weight than they made up in the overall navy demographics never mind the American population. One safeguard on the scoring of records was that if a record was scored too much higher than others scored it was thrown out and sent to another to score. The navy then and I am sure now has ratings that are heavy with ethnic groupins, storekeepers and disbursing clerks as a couple examples. The filipino mafia and the blacks took care of their own.
I have seen an entire watch section made up of blacks to their advantage. They were mentored by a black senior chief that would take these young sailors that had former lives an gang bangers and burglers and make electricians out of them. That was a good example. I saw more poor examples. One hard charging black Lt. on my command said the other two black officers made him and all the black enlisted look bad. On a prior command I asked a black naval acadamy graduate Lt. what the National Naval Officers Association was all about. He responded that I would be discouraged from joining as it was an association of black officers. Selection boards for officers do not present a picture or racial demographics. It was just a way that the officer could mention participation in that association to let the ranking officer know they were black. Kind of a “help a brother out”.
So, yes the system that Fred wrote his screed about has been run by cultural marxists throughout society foar the last 50 years.

August 16, 2018 6:28 pm

anon was me.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
August 16, 2018 6:27 pm

All of the problems listed here have one common denominator. They cost money. They pull more money out of the system than they put into it. They’re on the cost side of the ledger and not the profit side. So when we do have our big reset, whenever the Fed overshoots, and it will, a lot of this stuff will just disappear for lack of funding.

How many feminist studies professors in tier three universities will still be employed when the student loan bubble goes?

How is big pharma going to charge retail to Medicare when it financially implodes?

How are the poor going to react to recent immigrants when their welfare checks stop?

I always come back to money, because it literally is the both the oil pressure and gasoline in this monstrous machine.

One day, smart people will be needed again.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
  JR Wirth
August 16, 2018 7:34 pm

It will be the mechanics, welders, carpenters, construction crews, miners, loggers, farmers and engineers that get this mess fixed.

  Grizzly Bare
August 16, 2018 8:00 pm

No mention of educators?

I’d like to think I’ve been doing something to wake people up so they don’t fall for what is to come for a decade or more now…

I don’t know of any profession that is demonized and less respected than teachers…
I know I know, ALL teachers are Marxist liberal scum!

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
August 16, 2018 10:22 pm

Believe it or not this high school dropout used to teach a motorcycle mechanics course for adult education. Yes, for sure teachers too. I left out thousands of skill sets to keep it short. We’ll also need vintners, brewers and distillers.

August 16, 2018 10:28 pm

“I don’t know of any profession that is demonized and less respected than teachers…”
Lawyers. Barely.

August 17, 2018 1:38 pm


August 17, 2018 11:04 pm

Lying…omitting Journalists?

  Grizzly Bare
August 16, 2018 8:31 pm

Griz – all valued trades. But I beg to differ. It will be leaders that arise and get this thing fixed, otherwise it will never get fixed. Right now, I see collapse coming, but I do not see anything to take its place.

Without great leaders – think Washington, Franklin, etc. – there will be no coming back. These leaders need great intellect, character and vision. Those attributes are rare. I do not see many running around.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
August 16, 2018 10:13 pm

I agree, that collapse is coming. The question is what will arise from the ashes? You never know who will step up as leaders until they are actually tested under fire.

I have a problem with putting faith in leaders. Human nature usually overcomes the most noblest intentions of even the most honest of people. Besides that, movements will start with great leadership and then they get infiltrated and co-opted by TPTB. Tea Party and the Occupy movement are two good recent examples. Positions of leadership are usually positions of great power. The problem with that is the fact that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Most often charismatic leaders end up on top of tyrannical police states. We can’t afford to sit around and depend on someone else to come along and save us. Each and every one of us needs to step up and be our own leader.

Of necessity, by virtue of the technology we face, our battles will have to be decentralized. Everything is watched, everything is monitored, everything is infiltrated. You might be able to trust a handful of guys you grew up with since elementary school. Maybe.

randy from the andes
randy from the andes
  JR Wirth
August 17, 2018 1:10 pm

this is not about money … it is about control … the 95 pct { the cattle} do not make problems … killing or enslaving them is easy. The critical thinking people … will be a bit tougher … the real fun begins when the enlightened ones turn on each other.

August 16, 2018 6:56 pm

The die have been cast…Fall should be a doozy…

An excerpt:

Trump’s shutdown warning — which he has made before — escalates the stakes ahead of a Sept. 30 government funding deadline, raising the possibility of a political showdown before the Nov. 6 midterm elections that Republican congressional leaders had hoped to avoid. A funding fight also could prove a distraction from Republican efforts in the Senate to confirm Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh by Oct. 1.

“I would be willing to ‘shut down’ government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall!” Trump tweeted. “Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to system of Immigration based on MERIT! We need great people coming into our Country!”


All this divisive rhetoric and the elections this fall and geopolitically trade wars and currency wars, the dumping of the dollar is beginning to accelerate,

In the eye of the storm indeed….

22winmag - Stop breaking crosses off war memorials
22winmag - Stop breaking crosses off war memorials
August 16, 2018 7:50 pm

Mr. Truman drops atomic bombs on women and children and it my father who is posthumously adjudged a war criminal.

At Yalta with a sweep of a pen, a senile president condemns a third of the world to communism.

Europe with the zeal of a missionary gone mad, hands over the wealth and resources of Africa to savages who have barely learned to beat a drum.

Then you give them tanks and arms to replace their bows and arrows.

And when your freezers arrive, they use them to store their enemies until their Sunday dinner.

I have the grace not to mention Vietnam.

All over your brave new democratic world, inflation spirals as literacy drops.

And in America? They vote for law and order whilst shooting down Presidents, schoolchildren, and rock stars in the streets.

Johann von Tiebolt
The Holcroft Covenant (1985)

August 16, 2018 9:03 pm

Preaching to the choir.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
August 16, 2018 10:04 pm

What if you’re all wrong… what if this rigged, plastic piece of shit, fuck you in the ass economy, stumbles along with a walker, shitting in a bag for 10 more years? Bullshit numbers, faked news the endless lies and spooge backed up with printed money worth less and less each breath you take, what’ll you do then? String up Wells Fargo bankers from telephone poles? Whine like Yuppies? Pretend your kids and grandkids aren’t already fucked and bankrupt from the corrupt and incompetent ruling class, fed commie globohomo bullshit from kindergarden on up? Fuck the corporations, fuck the government, stop feeding the monster serving death on a platter to all us peons, serfs, slaves, each and every one of us.

  Dennis Roe
August 16, 2018 10:31 pm

What, no mention of over-educated, sissy, college boyz?

Dennie, you’re slipping.

August 17, 2018 4:16 pm

Soy creamer in his coffee???

August 17, 2018 3:13 am

“Americans no longer have a shared identity, a common culture to hold them together.”

That’s because identity is based on race. Accept it if you haven’t yet. The world view that race doesn’t exist or can be ignored is WRONG and un-natural.

Monica Bey
Monica Bey
August 17, 2018 3:46 am

I think this article probably sums up how a large percentage of folks in the country feel. Agree with 95 percent of what’s in it. Disagree with the Trump-dicatator thinking. I think Trump is the last gasp in trying to achieve some sanity in the country. Let’s revisit why he was elected: Jobs, immigration & trade. You may not like his brusque, take-no-prisoners NY style, but he knows what’s wrong with the country — all the things listed.

Taxation is Theft
Taxation is Theft
August 17, 2018 9:38 am

I just read Bill Kauffman’s, “Ain’t My America” and really enjoyed his perspective on the foundation of our nation and it’s anti-democracy, pro-freedom founders who essentially kept this shitstorm at bay somewhat in our nation’s first 100 years. Republics are never going to work when they are grabbing land and have expansionists with empire in mind. We have no nation, but we SURE as hell have an empire governed by kleptocracy. Early conservatives and libertarian-leaning, citizen-to-public lawmakers understood very clearly the danger of foreign entanglements and empire building. Now that we have a population that can vote for whatever they want that does not belong to them, the results are ugly and predictable. We have no commonality as Americans living in widespread areas as geographically removed from each other as they are politically. The productive are shackled to the useless eaters. Freedom does not prosper in captivity.

Big Dick
Big Dick
August 17, 2018 7:21 pm

It’s nice to piss on the parade and shit on the occupants. What do you suggest that we the stupid and downtrodden white dummies do now?

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
  Big Dick
August 17, 2018 11:14 pm

It’s pretty obvious. Prepare for what’s coming. Know that we’ll have to fight to survive, like it or not. Burying your head in the sand won’t work.

A good analogy is the position of white farmers in South Africa right now. They were hoping everything would turn out OK, it hasn’t. Now they’re getting killed in their beds. I hear many are leaving, for Crimea. Nice to have that option. We won’t. We will shortly be the white farmers, with no Crimea to escape to…what do we do? Cower, beg and die? Or fight like fuck?

  Big Dick
August 17, 2018 11:14 pm

As a Christian, American and the Leader of my Family I would say:
2. Worship
3. Witness
4. Prep
5. Arm
6. Unite- Church/Community
7. When the time comes FIGHT

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 17, 2018 11:32 pm

The American Republic is circiling the drain and as we become shallower the speed and the suction become inescapable . The fact that inferior sub species who’s average IQ falls below 85 only 10 points above mental retardation are deemed equal in all parts of our society and the square peg is forced into that round hole and we all cheer for the success of the fit . Then reality jumps up and bites you in your affirmative action ass where really trained qualified experienced trained people are left unemployed while some dim wit affirmative action token gets their extra points and a pass to move up to a position where they can ultimately do the most harm .
We are headed for a wall , it’s just tough to tell , will we hit it at 200 MPH or 198 MPH . Either speed it’s gonna hurt and leave a big scar . Many will not survive this one !

August 18, 2018 8:55 am

Pump up the doom porn baby………except, he’s spot on.

Ms. Cescero
Ms. Cescero
August 18, 2018 9:52 am

Sowetos? Good grief, why didn’t Fred just say Pine Hills, Florida??? I had to research Soweto. Honestly, who the hell ever heard of Sowetos?

August 19, 2018 11:42 am

Imagine believing that you could actually understand how things work!

August 19, 2018 7:53 pm

I believe Fred is reiterating what was written in Civil War II, mainly that multiculturalism is a curse and no multicultural empire or nation has avoided racial, ethnic, and religious chaos as the competing groups all fight for dominance over the government and seek to use it as a tool to beat the other groups. Yugoslavia is a great example to work from. Glad I’m living in a place that is less diverse. Now all I gotta worry about is the religious wackos who decide it’s their time to act out their fantasies and go on a rampage.