What If…

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for The Burning Platform

Part I: The United States “are.”

 Most of the time what I read (including my own stuff) is long on descriptions and explanations of the problems besetting the nation, but woefully short on suggestions or thoughts on how to fix it. My views regarding the trajectory of the country have been clearly stated on this website and I stand by them. I do not think the country is salvageable in its present form and the odds of avoiding a national nervous breakdown are minimal at best. Having said that, mechanisms do exist for addressing the problems we face. What follows is a thought experiment in (Admin willing) several parts on what it would take to restore this nation without the massive destruction, bloodshed, and chaos which will inevitably engulf us if we continue our present course. I believe the chances of any of the needed reforms I hope to discuss actually coming to fruition are negligible. The alternative, however, is so horrific that we owe it to ourselves and to those we love to give voice to hope.

 The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.

Robert E. Lee

 The states are the key to any significant amelioration of the national dilemma. I am not talking about the states in terms of the people who live in them. I am talking about the states as sovereign entities separate from and opposed to the federal power. The distinction is crucial to what follows.

Prior to Lincoln’s War, national identity was an afterthought. One’s state commanded primary allegiance. This sense of state sovereignty and identity suffered near extinction in the bludgeoning that followed hard upon the South’s refusal to accept federal ascendancy. Its restoration is essential if the states are to have any hope of standing up to the federal leviathan. If any recognizable version of America is to survive, the United States must once again become an “are” instead of an “is.” As a people, we must do something we have not done in a very long time. We must learn to think of ourselves as Montanans, Virginians, Vermonters, Georgians and Minnesotans first and Americans second. State legislators and executives must think and act like the leaders of sovereign states and not like second-string players on the national team.

If the people of any given state wish to rise above the provincial subservience to which the central government has relegated them, they must be willing to pay all sorts of costs that the federal government will seek to inflict upon them. More importantly, they must instill that willingness in their leadership. State politicians must begin to fear the people of their state more that they fear the power of the federal government.

Usually the first tool in the federal bag is the threat to withhold all sorts of federal payments from recalcitrant states. Depending on the severity and duration of the challenge, everything would potentially be on the table. From highway money to Social Security, every form of federal largesse will be included in the threat and the actual withholding of these resources would undoubtedly cause significant disruptions to state operations and genuine pain to the vast number of individuals and families that have become dependent on federal handouts for their very existence. Sorry about that, but a genuine challenge to federal authority must be backed by the willingness to tell the national government to take their money and shove it.

Of course, many of the actions of a state that truly seeks to wrest authority from Washington D.C. would require the nullification of a host of federal laws and regulations. Even now, we see de facto nullification of federal law in the actions of many states with regard to immigration and drug law. California refuses to enforce federal immigration and drug law and suffers no consequences. If that bastion of leftist moonbattery can thumb its nose at Washington with impunity, why cannot Montana similarly invite the central government to piss up a rope when it comes to enforcing oh, let’s say… federal gun laws? The double standard in such matters is comically blatant.

Naturally, politically incorrect nullification would trigger a slew of court challenges certain to spark a chubby in every lawyer from Nome to North Lauderdale. Invalidation by the courts would surely follow. Ultimately, the Supreme Court would be the final arbiter of any challenge deemed serious enough to find its way to the top of the heap. Leftist lips, perennially chapped from suckling on the government teat, are nothing if not persistent. Rest assured that no state challenge to federal mandates regarding diversity, gender equality, second amendment rights, or any other liberty destroying pet projects of the protected classes would go unnoticed or un-litigated. Liberty to the hive mind is like a game of whack-a-mole; wherever it pops up, it must be hammered down. The trouble for tyrants is that like whack-a-mole, freedom, hammered in one place, has the temerity to pop up again somewhere else.  Sovereign states, if they so choose, can provide a place where free men can hold their heads up without fear of the federal mallet.

The essence of nullification is indifference to federal power. Whether that power emanates from the Executive, the Legislative, or the Judicial is of no consequence. If a rebellious…check that…wrong word. If a sovereign state worthy of the name has had enough of federal overreach, the particular source of federal douchebaggery is unimportant. What matters is how willing the state and its people are to go to the wall to reclaim their place in the national discussion.

Indifference to federal mandates requires the national government to initiate some sort of action, though, once again, that appears to depend on the political leanings of the state in question. If no federal action is forthcoming, then nullification has achieved its purpose and has fundamentally altered the federal/state relationship without violence or bloodshed. This appears to be the case in states like California and Colorado. However, if there is direct federal action to compel state obedience the response must be commensurate with the severity of the federal riposte, up to and including armed resistance. I believe that any serious attempt by the states to restore their sovereignty would likely escalate until both the states and the federal government would be faced with essentially the same choices faced by the country in 1860. Here we get to the meat of the matter.

Any state challenge to federal authority must carry with it the explicit threat of secession. Otherwise, the whole exercise is pointless. The possibility always exists that the federals will blink when they once again stand eyeball to eyeball with a state that has rediscovered its backbone. When (or if) the brink is reached, secession must once again be on the table. Most Americans likely think that secession is somehow illegal, or simply unthinkable. It is neither.

The right to withdraw from a voluntary association is implicit in the very concept of such an association. Secession from a voluntary association, which is antithetical to the interests of one or more of the constituent members, is implicit in the original agreement; therefore, unless and until the original agreement is altered in such a way as to make withdrawal illegal, the right of secession still exists. It likely exists as a natural right in any case, but again, that is a discussion for another day.

As much as we might revere the Constitution, in essence it is nothing more than a contractual agreement between sovereign entities. There is in it no explicit prohibition on withdrawal from the agreement; therefore, the conditions noted above still apply. I believe that the South had the absolute right to secede, but was denied exit from the Union by force of arms. The Union victory in Lincoln’s War did not abrogate the right of secession, it only compelled the submission of the unwilling. The right of secession still exists and the several states need to remember that fact, as does the federal government.

The restoration of state sovereignty to its rightful place in the national debate is crucial if this country is to have any chance at a peaceful resolution of the growing conflicts we face. Our own history shows us the perils of such a course of action. I do not believe the federal government has the stomach to initiate a second civil war, but if the people of any given state utterly reject further association in the American Union, the only option left to the federal power is to compel their submission. As things stand now, Washington holds the whip hand and the lickspittle representation of most states would likely fold at the first federal threat to withhold government cheese.

It is clear that restoring state identity and sovereignty is largely a subjective process. The people of any given state must rediscover what it means to chart their own course. The risks inherent in opposing the federal beast we have allowed to run rampant are significant, but so too are the potential rewards. A re-ordering of the Union as something more akin to the original Articles of Confederation would allow states who wish to follow a socialist path to suffer the consequences of their foolishness without encroaching on the rights of those states that choose the freedom road. A vastly diminished federal government would have little power to continue to impose a one-size-fits-all credo on states wishing to go their own way.

The federal government of the United States, as presently constituted, is a suppurating lesion on the American body politic. It is orders of magnitude more overbearing and intrusive than anything the Colonial era opponents of central government could have imagined. If not brought to heal by the sovereign states, what remains of American liberty will not survive its depredations. The power to restore the nation resides primarily with the legislative power of the sovereign states. Among other things, it is within their power to repeal Constitutional amendments, or call an Article V convention. The states are not federal lapdogs. They never were. Neither were they to become the enforcers of federal edicts, or the collectors of federal taxes. The government of a genuinely sovereign state exists to guard its people from the overreaching pomposity of a self-aggrandizing central government.

If there is to be the slightest chance of avoiding the horrors of internecine strife that are looming on the national horizon, the states absolutely must reclaim their rightful place in the original vision of the Founders.

Next up: Article V Convention, Amendment repeal, demoting the Supreme Court, Abolishing the withholding tax, and other impossible tasks.

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Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 1, 2018 9:29 am

OK. Here we go. This is the most important post I have seen here because it starts a serious dialog into what to do. What are the actually activities that you can take part in? Thank you Tim.

Now I personally don’t think that the arguments on states rights are the key to throttling the avarice that infects the federal government, but Tim does and he supports his argument with very careful consideration. I do see the importance of focusing on your local government as it is something that you can have an effect on. Believe what you want, but I have not thought that they even count the votes that you so enthusiastically cast every four years. They set up two candidates. They pick the winner and the loser, and they provide the numbers. But hey, I could be wrong and maybe merkins did actually vote for a muslim two cycles running. Sure, it could have happened.

But what I believe is not actually important. Well it is to me, but not to you. What is important is that we each need action items that we can implement. The discussion of those action items is the most appropriate use of the genuinely smart people who infest this site. Those of us with less ammo in the smart box can only offer opinions but there are plenty of smart people here with a world, literally, of experience and they can help us all to define and refine action items.

So come on ladies. Let’s stop with the kvetching and come up with some action items. I have proposed that a one term limit be imposed by the electorate. It’s a simple rule of thumb and nobody can deny that they were in washington already so they don’t get another term. It doesn’t require term limits. It requires that you get off your fat ass. You stand up, and you confront your friends and neighbors with a challenge. Vote every congressman and senator and president out of office. Every damned time.

So, bad idea. But but Bluto, nobody will listen to me. What can I do? Well, you come up with an actionable thought. You didn’t want to down vote videos from liberals on youtube. You would never step so low. Sure ok, then what is it that you would do? Contribute an action item of your own.

But no more “This Sucks.” We all know it sucks. That’s not the point. What can you do about it. I for one intend to vote out that asshole governor moon beam and his stinking train to nowhere. You can find something else. But solving the problem does not hinge on states rights, or some pie in the sky idea of term limits. It seems to me to only be in finding that collective backbone that Tim mentions and finally taking the government back with the power of our votes. That is if they bother to count them.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
  Hollywood Rob
September 1, 2018 8:07 pm

Who fukkin down voted this?? And WTF are they doing on TBP???

  Capn Mike
September 1, 2018 10:16 pm

See my comment to Hollywood below, Capn

  Hollywood Rob
September 1, 2018 10:14 pm



I joined and tried to help promote the KTAO project ten years ago. People in the Family of Families group (the prepper squad) were all for it until they realized I meant Coburn, Inhoffe, and the rest of the Oklahoma contingent as well. I told them all that I believed Lankford would NOT serve just ONE TERM to try to make a difference, returning “home” to minister to the youth of Oklahoma again if he saw he could not make a big difference. So, having made a tremendous difference in the House, he grabbed Coburn’s Senate seat (wink, wink, nod, nod doctor I came face to face with you too at the secret squirrel “pre” convention and you didn’t like talking to mags either, didya? I got the distinct impression you thought you were too important to answer my questions about integrity and honor.) and I suspect he’ll be there until the Lord calls him home, like shitstain.

And, what did I ask Jimmy? “What if you discover the corruption is really that bad?”

Why, he would come right home after one term,unwilling to compromise his own fine Baptist principles. Right… you can read all about how he keeps the faith in a faithless town all these years later, fighting the “good and principled” fight as he brings home the bacon to Oklahoma on his page.

No, people tend to NOT like to be around me when they are liars and show character flaws I refuse to accept as necessary to “play the game.” I’m blunt and rude when speaking truth to power. Now, Hollywood, good luck on getting rid of moonbeam, but I got to tell you that is as likely to happen as HRC being arrested and hauled off to jail for treason for having a server DESIGNED to blind courtesy copy those who paid to play. We all KNOW she and Bill peddled US secrets for money. Yet, Congress Critters just can’t find the time to gather the right evidence. They never will. They are on the tit.

Do I want to drink the Q hopium? Yes. Do I think it will ease the pain or cure the damage? Not really, but as long as we all know that at the end of the day, someone is going to have to stand up and fight and I know I will be front lined by necessity, I think I can hope all I want.

There are different rules for thee and me, buddy. And stop calling all the cowardly monkeys “ladies.” It is an insult to me.

I consider myself a lady who intends to do everything I can to try to preserve what remnants of liberty for my son(s) and grandchildren, should God grace me with the honor of more babies to help raise and call my very own. I have stood face to face with powerful people who slammed their fist on the table in my face to startle and frighten me and have spoken truth to power in ways you can’t imagine. Then, turned and walked out of the boardroom and escaped out the back door to find myself trembling on my knees, heaving and shaking with fear at what I’d seen in an evil man’s eyes. So, don’t insult me by calling the monkeys ladies.

Now, about the downvotes? There are a few people here who downvote some of us here because of their own pettiness. They have no desire to let truth and falsehood grapple, just to self-promote. And, by the way Hollywood, you are a little quick to slash out at .
those who rely on faith to help them stand against evil. Just because your belief system is intact without reliance on the Divine really does not give you blanket authority to lash out at those who do believe there just might be Something guiding us after all. So, when you’ve told people they can shove their tin god up their butts or however you put it from time to time, you might expect them to resent your words on sight, without even reading them. Personally, I’d hoped people would stop this kind of nonsense and I am betting TMWNN’s efforts at controlling the thumb plugin is meant to help rein it in. It really got crazy for a while, with dozens of thumbs up or down appearing almost instantly on certain people’s comments. Silly? Maybe, but we did have some fun with it for a while. I had my son disable the thumbs (couldn’t see them even) because I found them distracting and annoying, but even I would go downstairs to the PC JUST to downvote someone a few times. LOL… pettiness is a luxury we all subscribe to once in a while, isn’t it?

Now that I am able to read and keep up again (I should have never let anyone else direct my attention, but like others, I took the shortcut for convenience, hoping the pointers would help me stay abreast of priority topics) I like what you are writing more and more. There’s hopium for you too with the moonbeam, I suppose.

I hope to edit this, but have to stand and walk. I know you understand.

September 2, 2018 1:04 pm

mags, what will happen to “the nations” after secession?

Unless the Osage [ for example ] secede they will always be under the federal heel. Are they still living on “territories”?

September 2, 2018 11:29 pm

Oklahoma has become a nation of casinos, owned by the “nations.” Yes, there are territories, but if you haven’t visited Oklahoma in a few years, I think you would be shocked to see all the “Indian Owned” Casinos. What a scam!

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2018 12:18 pm

Beautifully put mags. And I do expect them to resent my words on sight. I write them, as do you, as a slap on the face. A splash of cold water that I hope will awaken some dim light inside their world of darkness. Just as you do. Some of us write with a purpose. Some of us write to unburden our conscience. Some of us write to reinforce our efforts at shoving a square peg into a round hole. It never actually works but the effort is comforting.

  Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2018 12:29 pm

Thank you, Hollywood Rob. I think if you and I can have this discussion, perhaps a few others might be willing to seek shared goals to help progress, rather than impede, the conversation.

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2018 12:38 pm

“I have proposed that a one term limit be imposed by the electorate. It’s a simple rule of thumb and nobody can deny that they were in washington already so they don’t get another term.”

ReElect Nobody

Been saying it for decades. So simple people think I’m retarded.

September 1, 2018 10:10 am

“The people of any given state must rediscover what it means to chart their own course.”

This requires that people develop the ability to be self regulating and self directing. That is a tall order considering people have been mesmerized into thinking by the ruling class that we must live by the rule of law. Living by the rule of law means living by administrative law which was introduced into the country in the 20th century. People have been lulled to sleep by this form of law. Waking up means taking responsibility for our own life and living by our conscience as guided by natural law. As I look around me at the social consciousness of the hive mind I don’t see an inclination of the general population to want to be self regulating and self directing.

“The power to restore the nation resides primarily with the legislative power of the sovereign states.”

As you well know from the discussions at the constitutional convention to establish a federal government the states demanded equal representation in the republic if the constitution was to be accepted by all. This requires two senators from each state picked by the state legislature to represent the state in the congress. This was changed by the 17th amendment to the constitution which called for senators to be elected by the people. This amendment stripped the state legislative body of representation and allowed the senators to go rouge and as a result today they represent corporations that are fictions; but by administrative law are called persons.

The States are no longer sovereign. The state legislatures’ by accepting the Administrative Procedures Act gave up sovereignty of the state and follow federal statutes written into administrative law. Just look at your own state statutes. All 50 states have the same statutes. All administrative statutes codified into federal law.

The mindset of all state legislation is in administrative law (Uniform Commercial Code) and legislators, judges of the courts, and lawyers follow these statutes without question. How is one to break this mindset?

Conclusion: There is only one way for our country to be restored. Mindfulness requires that we wait for the federal public corporation called the United States to go bankrupt and then dissolve it.

This would free the States to go their own way without violence.

September 1, 2018 5:36 pm


Thank you for this most important distinction between what people were taught as the Supreme Law of the Land and Administrative law with the UFC.

Until we recognize the conflicting systems working and how they are run, what you suggest, waiting for the completion of the United States of America corporation to finish the bankruptcy it began during the Great Depression of the 1930s…

Thanks to the Creature from Jekyll Island.

The scary part about what is to come will be the power vacuum that will occur once the reset button is pressed.

Lawlessness, anarchy, along with all the Holly Wood predictive programming will turn ugly like some of the most recent blockbusters, The Walking Dead and the Purge!

Much weeping and gnashing of teeth…

But on the bright side I saved a ton of money on my car insurance this month by switching to Geico.

September 1, 2018 7:01 pm


When the corporate United States finally succumbs to it’s eternal fate so will much administrative law go with it. There is still State and Local governments that are much closer to the people. Some States may fail due to their mismanagement.

When the federal bankruptcy happens again it will take a lot of big corporations with it. This will no doubt cause a massive depression affecting the professional class these corporations employ. The common worker is already living in semi-depression levels so street level people will survive. Why? Because administrative laws, rules and regulations that have suppressed them up to now will become unenforceable due to a lack of enforcement money. This will open up small business opportunities with no regulations to control it.

States who can will print their own money. Probably other forms of currency will become available along with barter. No FEDs means no IRS.

I see a positive outcome in all this. Take the State of Texas for example. With it’s own energy, manufacturing, many machine shops, agriculture, it’s own electrical grid, water resources and independent type mentality I think this state would fair well.

Other States that are not so well off because of years of mismanagement will have to scrap the administrative laws they foolishly followed holding them back from fiscal responsibility and start over from scratch. It will be a good thing for them.

One thing I learned from my escape and evasion course in the military is that people follow the path of least resistance. This will have to change when the bankruptcy comes. Not all will make it but this is the weeding out in nature of the weak and lazy. It is not a bad thing.

I don’t think there will be a lot of lawlessness of the moral laws. Administrative law yes. There is much to be discarded in this form of law to clean it up.

All in all I think financial bankruptcy of the United State corporation will do the country good.

September 2, 2018 12:56 pm

“You shall not run with a multitude to do evil.”

I was sold into slavery by my parents. They did not know they had been lied to about the contract. When you say “administrative law” it is equity law. Contracts you are forced to perform, all along thinking you have rights. Your rights given by God [ natural ] are turned into privileges, and you pay out the nose for them.

Fraud vitiates all contracts, but you must recognize the fraud and resist it. Resisting it means getting off your arse and growing a garden [ for example ]. Stop asking for ANYTHING from those we allow to run things for us. This includes asking PERMISSION to do what you have a natural right, as well as a responsiblity to do.

September 2, 2018 2:59 pm


Your body was sold into slavery when you were born at the hospital when your parents were given the contract called your birth certificate. Your soul still belongs to God. You can reclaim your body by filling out a UCC1 financing statement and submitting it to the state you were born in. Your soul is the transmitting utility for your straw man.

As you know administrative law has been the law of the land since the latter part of the 20th century. It has nothing to do with constitutional law. Using it for criminal law enforcement has been a failure causing the ruin of many lives and the largest prison system in the world. The for profit prison system stocked by the administrative courts has become a lucrative industry that thrives on really cheap labor; outside the protection of labor laws.

The important thing to remember is ourselves and that our soul is not bound by administrative law. Knowing this and knowing the essence of our soul we can live under this law but not of this law.

This administrative law has the most effect on those that don’t believe there is a higher intelligence; such as we call God, that runs the universe. These people live in a material world under the rule of law. Their fate is in the hands of the state.

God made no promise that everyone would make it to the promised land. The road to hell is wide. The road to heaven is much less traveled. So live free in your consciousness and thank God for what you have in both spiritual and material substance.

If we are mindful and focus our attention and time in the present moment and what matters most we can live happy meaningful and fearless lives.

September 2, 2018 4:54 pm


I’m amazed at the depth of substance with what you wrote above. You explained much better than me, the dual systems running and delineated between our corporate STRAWMAN and our unalienable natural god-given rights.


Thank you.

Cmdr. Burticus
Cmdr. Burticus
September 1, 2018 10:11 am

Thomas Jefferson, Resolutions Relative to the Alien and Sedition Acts
10 Nov. 1798Writings 17:379–80, 385–91

1. Resolved, That the several States composing the United States of America, are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their General Government; but that, by a compact under the style and title of a Constitution for the United States, and of amendments thereto, they constituted a General Government for special purposes,–delegated to that government certain definite powers, reserving, each State to itself, the residuary mass of right to their own self-government; and that whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force: that to this compact each State acceded as a State, and is an integral party, its co-States forming, as to itself, the other party: that the government created by this compact was not made the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself; since that would have made its discretion, and not the Constitution, the measure of its powers; but that, as in all other cases of compact among powers having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infractions as of the mode and measure of redress. (Later – 8. Resolved, …In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.)

FedGov’s abuses and usurpations are too many to list, resulting in a mixture of free enterprise, fascist, socialist & communist economic systems under a political oligarchy enabled by central banking, war mongering foreign entanglements and exponentially growing debt. This is destroying the states in the process, reducing The People under absolute despotism.

Understand that it’s much easier to control one behemoth consolidated government than 50 sovereign states, especially when direct unapportioned taxes taken from The People are rebranded as “federal money” and used to puppeteer their own state legislatures.

History shows us that tyrants never relinquish power voluntarily. As suggested by the author, accept that FedGov cannot be reformed, leaving secession as the only political solution available in the time remaining.

Why Southern Nationalism

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 1, 2018 10:25 am

Voting WDC Criminal X out and Y in will not solve The Problem. We need to restore the 12th Amendment, States Rights, because what pleases NYC crooks and Hollywood nuts will never be acceptable to Southerners, Westerners, Mid-Westerners, etc; one Political Ideology will not fit all Americans. With Americans Freedoms Restored, the Hollywooders can move to California and New York to Play Progress; the Patriots to Tennessee and “Live Free or Die” states to be Free of WDC and the infernal Yankees; the Aztecs to the Painted Desert states; and Blacks to Chicago or Baltimore etc. Otherwise, America will explode just as sure as constantly mixing and grinding charcoal, sulfur and potassium under the WDC Tyrants boot.

  robert h siddell jr
September 1, 2018 11:35 am

Bob Siddell- That is just a new call for secession, which is fine but the owners and the banks will still find a way to muck it up for you, they will still find a way to make you pay for the dindus. The answer is decentralization of the government, it would be a real plus to get blacks out of the south but you are dreaming.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 1, 2018 2:07 pm

How can we decentralize Hell on the Potomac? What means better than the 10th Amendment?

  robert h siddell jr
September 1, 2018 6:24 pm

Bob Siddell-States need to show muscle, take back control of schools to start. The sheep would scream that we can’t do without federal funds, YES WE CAN. Can states mandate that federal withholding from workers pay is voluntary? Imagine if you had a choice? We need to defund the criminal DC cartel.

Robert, if we bused millions of kneegrows out of the south, do you think the Yankees would not return them post haste? Where could you send them (millions of them)?

September 1, 2018 9:22 pm

Quit fucking around and just say “niggers”.

You know you want to.

September 1, 2018 9:33 pm

Niggah please!!….are you happy now?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 2, 2018 1:06 am

I am White, my wife is Yellow, Indians are Red, Hispanics are Brown, Negros are Black…What was wrong with saying Colored Folks?

  robert h siddell jr
September 2, 2018 1:19 am

Bob- Rdawg directed that barb at me. He and JayWirth like to give me shit about saying kneegrow (which Stucky invented here way back). Speaking of Stucky, where is he lately??

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 2, 2018 1:45 am

JayBird and Ratdog are birds of a feather. Sad to think what level these niggers will sink TBP to.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 2, 2018 1:01 am

The Damned Yankees need to go back home first; converts can stay. Nobody wants Black settlers; you couldn’t pay another country to take them. Give each Useless Idiot in the FSA 4 acres in a National Forest and a tiller, stop all their Welfare, and any other Useless Idiots that object can join them.

September 1, 2018 10:40 am

Because Montana has been and likely always will be a welfare state suckling at the tit of the federal government.

Montana is largely populated with, a) current/retired government employees and labor union members, b) coastal collectivist transplants, or c) junkies and alcoholics.

These parasitic leeches have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.

Oro y Plata it no longer is.

September 2, 2018 1:13 pm

This is why I wonder about Oklahoma [ the nations ]. Many here hold grudges [ worthy ] for being relocated and want Sam to pay, and pay hard.

I want to pick a date, any date, and after this, no more tribute.

September 2, 2018 5:10 pm

“Many here hold grudges [ worthy ] for being relocated and want Sam to pay, and pay hard.”

Shoot. They get paid every month. Most ‘native’ children here figure out by the time they hit 4th grade that hey, they actually won’t have to work so they don’t need any further education. That’s a generalization of course and there are many exceptions. But, it is also the rule as far as I have observed.

September 2, 2018 11:09 pm

If the jungle bunnies knew how much $ Sam gives the tribes…..

September 1, 2018 11:04 am

The first order of business is new state, federal and local constitutions. The first amendment. No government employee shall be able to vote in an election to which they are employed.

Therefore, your local teacher, policeman, or government drone paper pusher shall be permitted to vote in a local election.

As you will notice that all these government drones vote which makes up for the majority of the people who don’t vote.

September 1, 2018 11:11 am

@ robert h siddell jr

Do you mean the 10th amendment?

September 1, 2018 12:21 pm

College football today, so this comment will be short & sweet:

Good ideas, but it would be like junkies parting with their dealer; or a ho saying bye to her pimp

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 1, 2018 12:24 pm


  Hollywood Rob
September 1, 2018 8:34 pm

More like this

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2018 12:28 pm

Let’s Do It. So who is going to make the big cake car? I have the marbles, although I may have lost a few.

September 1, 2018 12:51 pm

“We must learn to think of ourselves as Montanans, Virginians, Vermonters, Georgians and Minnesotans first and Americans second.”

Not gonna happen, Americans have never been more mobile, moving from state to state to state and back again. Peaceful buy in will be limited to nonexistent.I don’t see any chance of any separation unless initiated by catastrophe.
The article presents a good overview of the Fed/State paradigm but omits perhaps the most important governing factor, finance. Or the relationships between the sovereigns and the banks, seems to be the controlling paradigm to me.
If we are going to focus on solutions and actions, it seems to me that this fundamental relationship must be the foundation of our focus.

“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”- Lord Acton

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws” — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

Just some thoughts, thanks for the work.

September 1, 2018 2:03 pm

It’s amazing how most of you leave out any mention of God as if He doesn’t matter. America is under the Judgement of God. Nothing is going to save us except national repentance which could happen but the Luciferian elites will never allow it. When you begin to understand who really rules this country and the world then you see we are truly doomed. A violent separation is coming as we face one catastrophic trial after another . States from the government . From each other and a separation of the races .This is really what the One world Luciferians want. This will make their goals much easier to accomplish. Go to the ” Overlords of Chaos ” website. Whether you believe it or not we are in a spiritual battle which will turn into a physical civil / race war and this is what they want. Read the ” Planned Take Down of the World Economy ” Read the other articles and you will begin to understand.This includes you Meatball.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 1, 2018 4:13 pm

Yeah BB you are exactly right. You can wait forever for your puny god of the jews to come to your aid, but until he shows up in a big gold cadillac of fire and smoke I have to say that we are likely on our own. Let’s face it, you worship the god of the hebrews and he already has a home team and it isn’t gonna ever be you. So if you want to wait for your god to help, by all means have fun, but we are not talking about the second coming here. We are talking about getting the filthy slimballs out of washington, and sacramento, and every other state legislature and town council. Either you do something or you shut the hell up and wait for geebez to come bail you out. Let’s face it, if you want your god to help you out you might have an awful long wait.

I personally will not be waiting.

  Hollywood Rob
September 2, 2018 12:34 am

See, HW Rob? Why attack BB for his beliefs? Does it harm YOU if he bases his life plans on something you don’t believe in? If, at some point, that shit really does start splattering on the plain, fanned by giant windmills and hydrogen or whatever the energy source de jour is, if he holds a shield before him and calls it faith and you hold yours and call it titanium or vibranium, does it matter as long as he’s standing there beside you instead of running like a cowardly lion?

Of course not.

Now, I hate to say this but I wish we could discuss some issues around here without inviting a full scale invasion of the meme queens. As much as I admire Admin (is why I’ve stuck it out here whilst dumping other blogs) for his open speech policy, sometimes people go overboard. I tried to never do silly stuff (much) when I was better able to contribute, except I do love the Toast Song. Hmmm. Since that is a main staple in my diet now, maybe, just for Maggie? Kidding. I love to poke fun at me and the idea that I deserve a “big thumb” or the “toast song”…

So, other blogs and forums I got involved in had just a few enthusiastic readers piping in with Here Here (that was PRE Thumbs days) and then the topic would just die. At KICKTHEMALLOUT, I tried asking a few of the folks I KNEW were smart questions to start a discussion, but there were just NO takers. When I landed here at TBP, I sensed a difference in tone and not just the despicable language and all the titty ads. I sensed some real mutual respect amongst the long term readers and pretty soon, I discovered the archive and did some real character research. I missed a few, as it turns out, but all in all, that helped me develop my TBP Origin Theory, complete with characters and plot. It is a unique blog with a unique attitude. Part of that is because of the monkey chatter, which is vital to that free and open discussion we need to have about out country’s current situation.

But, that is for another day. I mention the archive because archives are really great things for a blog to have. You can learn a bit about BB in the archive here and when you do, you might reassess him and perhaps, you might be able to stomach his devout faith albeit poor spelling and typos. He’s actually not much of a toad at all.

Archives are a good way to understand perspective, I think. At the kick them all out project site, there is an eclectic phlethora of videos and articles to help anyone realize why the bastards really do need to be kicked out, but as we all know, there is so much information out there that is fraudulent it is hard to know who to trust. I think their archive is quite good.

I think some of the articles on Cognitive Dissonance there are the best I’ve seen and if you could see what I see NOW looking through the eyes of the woman I was back THEN, you would perhaps be just as shocked to the core as I am. I tried to get them to discuss reality: No one was going to kick them all out. Incumbency is too strong a predictor for many reasons: Name recognition, assumption of seniority privilege, attitude. Kicking them all out sounds doable… all it takes is a majority of voters to vote against every incumbent, but it will never happen. You can commit a felony and still get re-elected in almost every region of this country.

I took a whole lot of extra classes in PoliSci and Constitutional Law History and American Diplomatic History (the VA paid my tuition and I could take all the extra classes I wanted to…it was fun and I learned a lot), after I went back to college post USAF. I knew that the only way the KTAO project would make the slightest difference in any election was by getting communication lines open via other channels and trading and sharing information to help educate people about what was really going on in our country.

But, Bruce (I think that was one of the founders there… don’t know for sure now) really thought that if they could get just ONE STATE to kick them all out, it would make a difference and it would have a dominoe effect. I didn’t go there much after I realized they were so focused on the goal, they were never going to get any closer to it. I think I corresponded with him a bit, perhaps sending him a link to HERE!, but he had his agenda which was to kick them all out and wanted to focus all his energy on Kicking the Bastards Out.

Now, I’m not trying to do anything other than provide some observation and comment as blandly as possible, seeing as it is me. I’ve had a rough couple of, um, months? No YEARS, now that I realize what happened to me, I am up late at night again, unable to sleep because we’ve had a malfunction of the wound vacuum and while that sounds like a minor little setback, for a 57-year-old woman with adult onset hydrocephalus, it is life-threatening and I’ve talked to the nurse, who will be here around 7 a.m. As long as I do not run a fever, she said, I can stay upright but inclined, but if my fever rises, I will be waking my weary devoted husband who deserves his rest but will get up, glare at my little vac in a sack and take me where I need to go.

So, forgive me Rob if I whisper a little prayer to Heaven, thanking the Father for giving me Nick in Iceland 26 years ago, for plopping my dear friend in Maryland at basic training 35 years ago because she has taken my son to her lovely home in Columbia to celebrate his graduation in style instead of having to help care for me here in podunk. And forgive me, Rob, if I tell you that God must not be finished with me yet because if you had a really good understanding of how many times my husband and son have seen me almost die then arise and walk just days later, you might grasp that for some of us, it isn’t a belief in a puny god of the jews at all. It is a connection to the Divine and, yeah, turns out I am a Believer.

But, I don’t care if you are not. I just want you there with your vibranium shield. People need to learn how to separate church and state. If we can find shared principles with someone, like a shared desire to push back against tyranny and oppression, why can’t we just move along and stop trying to remake everyone else in our own image.

I am feeling a lot better for having the wound vac, all in all, but I am ready to stop it with the complications, Lord. Please hear my prayer.

September 2, 2018 9:35 am

This was midnight. Thank you Lord. I made it through this ordeal. Nurse arrives in 5…4…3…2…?

i forget
i forget
September 2, 2018 12:10 pm

People need to learn? Hmmm.

Church is state. & vice versa. The DFW pupfish: “what the hell is water?”

Invisible is the continuous molestation. Background raid•iation.

Winds & waters are sown. By tax farmers who believe its sewn (up). Which it is. But, again, not what they had in beliefmind: vortexes are the shrouds they sew.

The medium is the message: codependence is what puts the sim cards, all marked, in symbiosis.

The fix is in there. Which is why its out there.

Sorry you’re having health problems. That too, is part of the “learning defectiveness” that marks the cards. It is a crooked deck.

Belief is the air that actors, acts, actions float upon. X-Files marks the spot.

Learning…has nothing to do with it.

September 1, 2018 3:12 pm

Never say never.

I spent my adult life moving here, there and where the USAF sent me until settling into the burbs of OKC to glom onto the government contract dollar spigot and save enough to show my son(s)* there is a way out of that never-ending dollar chasing race.

Saved, bought ground, drove the U-Haul while Nick pulled the trailer with the truck, all carefully packed with enormous packages of toilet paper which I am still sure will barter as well as gold to folks trying to keep their women happy and family clean in a world where only the perfect union of man and woman can provide the seeds to regrow the tree of liberty. Man and woman bond to form family, which is the cornerstone of freedom. Whether the social scientists demand their data sets replace reality or not, the truth does indeed set us free. Fact is, in the end, fact and can not be compromised to those willing to face truth without fear.

We proceeded with the plan, built the barn and home, realizing we were still “out here” with little connection to others. Met some of the wrong kind, scraped off hangers-on from the past which do not belong in our future and planted our feet on solid ground ready to face the future as only a family abandoned by fate to their own best efforts can do: fearless.

Then, one day, the community took note that we were here and that we weren’t afraid of hard work. My background is dirt farmer’s daughter carried from state to state and back again; my husband’s is city boy turned USAF career sergeant. Our community raises longhorn cattle for rodeo. It is a way of life unfamiliar to me, but these rodeo folks know why we are here. They have watched us survive the build and the move and, finally, they’ve taken us into the enclave as one of their own. The community embraced us as if part of the plan after all.

Pockets of good people exist all around, albeit many reluctant to expose themselves to the kindness (sic) of strangers. You can join a collective, but you can never join a community. The community accepts you, if the community decides you are worth its effort. The collective swallows you and makes sure you are not worth anything if it can.

The field of dreams said build it he/they will come… really, we all know that when one builds it there are some who will always come, hoping to take what it is you built and act as if they have claim to it. Learning to spot them and shut them down is vital to protecting community, though some can not be shut down easily. The one who will ALWAYS come is the tax man, empowered by evil empire, seeking to destroy community by organizing it into servitude and despair. Perhaps the tax man and the Grim Reaper are simply dual reflections of the local politician, greedy for your life’s worth and life’s blood, but the two of them, tax man and grim reaper will come. One can not be avoided, but the tax man can be controlled and contained by community. Community helps you be aware and ready; the collective helps themselves to your property.

It does not take a village to overcome the tax man; it takes a community. And a community united is not as easily divided as the politicos hope. I try to suggest that the idea of community is a worthwhile pursuit as long as you grasp that it truly is regional, as our founders understood. Common interest merged with self interest provides all the incentive necessary to prevail over evil. One must be very careful, however, to make sure you are using the right terms for the right sentiment. Mr. Clemons told us the difference between a word and the right word can be illuminated by the difference between lightning versus lightning bug.

Community and communism are two very similar words with almost nothing in common. Community binds people together in likeminded effort, protecting each other to protect self. Communism is pack of people demanding they own part of what you have worked so hard to build, proclaiming themselves entitled to their fair share of your effort. True community helps their neighbor stand, while communism pushes their neighbor aside, greedy for the last morsel of his food.

At the junction of community and communism are the treacherous politicians and bureaucrats who sniff out true community in order to steal what is rightfully yours. They pillage and promise the community’s hard-earned produce to the collective to co-opt support in order to wield power, that ultimate corruptor of souls. At some point, I suspect we will call them revenuers again and our grandchildren will tell stories about grandfathers and grandmothers burying bones out in these hills, returning calcium and phosphorus to the soil to at least make a congress critter and bureaucrat have some value at the end of its pathetic life.

So, get yourself ready for catastrophe. Get ready to stand. Get ready to fight for brothers and sisters in community, but beware the collective. They want what is yours and they will do anything to take it. They will hire a community organizer and bleed you dry.

Instead of lamenting the dying of the light, build a campfire and make a plan. As simple as it sounds, having a plan to pull out of your pocket should the “What If” come your way is the only way to get yourself prepared for the worst. I’m still hoping for the miracle, but prepared for the catastrophe.

*I have only one natural child, but my husband’s son is my son and I do not delineate between the two of them, though they are a decade apart in age and even further apart in personality and skill. They are both my boys and I want both of them to know that when the going got tough, their mother, a woman, stood strong and fearless. As if wearing an armor.

September 1, 2018 4:45 pm

I wanted to edit this a bit, but it is just a comment, fine as it stands. However, a re-read of the second full paragraph offers this

… in a world where only the perfect union of man and woman can provide the seeds to regrow the tree of liberty. Man and woman bond to form family, which is the cornerstone of freedom.

Should probably say “Man and woman bond to form family, which is the cornerstone of community, which is the foundation of freedom.” Nitpicking, perhaps, but I do quote the hillbilly wordsmith himself later in the piece.

And, to clarify the next?

“Whether the social scientists demand their data sets replace reality or not, the truth does indeed set us free. Fact is, in the end, fact and can not be compromised to those willing to face truth without fear. (add) The social scientists in their padded cells in ivory towers will redefine family to form a cornerstone to the collective, which is the greatest freakshow the world has ever seen.

Until we shut down the academicians in their ivory towers, there is no reason for Constitutional Convention. They won’t allow it. They, like the congress critter and bureaucrat, will need to have their bones returned to the earth to prove their real value to us all.

September 2, 2018 3:03 pm

best comments so far this year.

September 2, 2018 11:32 pm

Why, Per/Norway! Thanks for that.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 1, 2018 4:57 pm

Truly a great sentiment expressed here by you. I also got a smile from “revenuers.” As a kid I remember reading the Sunday “funny papers” and Snuffy Smith was always worried about Revenooers while his wife was always proclaiming “Land o’ Goshen” and “Great Balls of Fire.” A much happier time indeed.

  Harrington Richardson
September 1, 2018 5:12 pm

Thanks, Harrington. I just get frustrated by people who just want to pick apart everyone else’s opinions and ideas without offering some sort of alternative. I’m not saying giving up urban/suburban life if the only way to “find” community as safe haven, I’m just telling you all what we planned, what we did and how it appears to be working out.

It appears to have gone completely against plan, but having that “plan” to butt up against to regroup and refocus has allowed the plan to come to fruition in ways I could never have guessed possible.

I LOVED Snuffy Smith and know exactly what you mean. I expect flack for using the term “revenuers” but it just seems to fit more and more. I didn’t even comment on the Speed Limit post the other day, because all government laws, rules and regulations have become a limitless source of money for the “revenuers”.

September 1, 2018 5:48 pm

Right you are. If I have a plan I have something I can change as needed.

September 1, 2018 8:10 pm

Exactly. I told someone recently that even having a direction in mind is a plan. Not a good one, but a start.

By the way, I do know you declined my invite to Narnia. The invite is withdrawn because you said you really couldn’t be trusted. I’ll take your word for it. (I do like your sense of humor, but when TSHTF, we won’t be laughing a whole lot around here.)

September 1, 2018 9:24 pm

I was invited to Narnia?? When?

September 2, 2018 1:28 am

some weeks/months ago you put something particularly clever on here and I think I told you there would be a place for your tent in the event of a crisis

you assured me you really couldn’t be trusted and that struck me as extra funny

But, I believe you would indeed come for the wrong reasons, so I have rescinded the invite LOL

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 2, 2018 1:50 am

Hear that, Fleabo, your scum, same as Sensetti. Shit, I’ve been dis invited by better broads. Hi, T4C!

September 2, 2018 12:01 pm

I enjoy self effacing humor. It took getting over myself to recover so now I see it as a gift to cheer people up.
Hope you clear up soon. Didn’t realize it was that bad till you just explained it.

i forget
i forget
September 2, 2018 12:25 pm

The plan is to stay on the board. Beyond that it is a liquid environment. Constant proprioception, in the moment. The waves direct.

One of those guffaw questions: where do you see yourself in 5 years? Still surfing, if I’m still here. Beyond that, ask me in 5 years. Cuz I can’t see the future. Nobody can. That’s the territory; plan-maps ain’t.

“I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”

“I Am an Old Man and Have Known a Great Many Troubles, But Most of Them Never Happened.”


I Am an Old Man and Have Known a Great Many Troubles, But Most of Them Never Happened

i forget
i forget
September 2, 2018 12:16 pm

Despite Mayberry & Walton’s Mountain experiences – & misunderstandings, fundamental attribution errors – “a family is a tyranny ruled by its weakest member” (GB Shaw) is correct. True. Again: the fix is in there. & it ain’t goin’ nowhere. There is no alternative. There is only this spherical continuum.

Revenuers (to whoever characterized copperheads as mean – not true):

that was the song. this is the singer:

Catalino Vargas Hinojosa (EC)
Catalino Vargas Hinojosa (EC)
  Harrington Richardson
September 1, 2018 5:27 pm


September 1, 2018 6:34 pm

Mags, you say, “So, get yourself ready for catastrophe. Get ready to stand. Get ready to fight for brothers and sisters in community, but beware the collective.”

Well said because the system is broken beyond repair. I’ve been watching the decline for more than half a century and I realized long ago, there’s no fixing it. By the time we get to the other side of this Fourth Turning, nothing will ever be the same, so we have only ourselves to rely on. By “ourselves” I mean selective family, friends, and neighbors. But, brace for triage as some must be jettisoned.

Make a plan, adjust as necessary, prepare as best we can, hope for the best, expect the worst and always remember the best wilderness survival advice I ever learned; NEVER GIVE UP!

September 1, 2018 8:06 pm

Thanks Gator

September 2, 2018 9:54 am

You are welcome, I am sure, but thanks for what?

September 2, 2018 9:58 am

For understanding what I meant about having a plan. Some people don’t grasp that the plan doesn’t have to be perfect and it doesn’t have to be detailed, but it really needs to be IN PLACE.

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 1, 2018 8:34 pm

Ahh princess on a steeple and all the pretty people
They’re all drinking, thinking that they’ve got it made
Exchanging all precious gifts
But you better take your diamond ring, you better pawn it babe
You used to be so amused
At Maggita in rags and the language that she used

  Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 2, 2018 2:12 am

I really am just tired of the banter. It helped me pass some painful evenings, but the annoyance detracts from my ability to use what little of my brain is left. I appreciate the long days’ journeys into mayberry, but the best thing for me to do right now is exactly what I know I need to do. TTFN. That includes the other.


September 2, 2018 9:59 am

This is my plan right now.

September 2, 2018 8:46 am

Great comment mags… Chip

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
September 2, 2018 10:56 am

Maggie, Sometimes I read something and it’s like a divine light there in front of me to be assimilated in the right place at the right time. Your comments on this thread are such. You have a lot of profound wisdom and insightful understanding of human nature. Thank you.

  Grizzly Bare
September 2, 2018 11:07 am

Well, sir, if you are the praying type, the wound vac has now officially “failed” but still sealed. The nurse, having overslept, feels terrible but will get here asap. I am sure it couldn’t be helped. It is a holiday weekend and, while she volunteered for the on-call duty, she really must not have expected to be needed. Poor thing.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
September 2, 2018 1:35 pm

Knowing you only from your written words here on this blog, I only have a virtual sense of your self, rather than of an actual friend or acquaintance, but I suppose that can be nearly as strong a connection at times. I do pray to God that you will enjoy robust health and happiness for many years to come.

September 1, 2018 1:45 pm

Thanks for getting something stirring.
We have defined the problem Ad nauseam. After we turned Montana Red in the 90’s the Reds promptly acted like Reds and voted for more communism. They used a threat by the feds to withhold our highway funding to justify it. The following month I wrote a guest editorial for a gun rights newsletter suggesting the then unheard of solutions of Recall Elections and vigorous Primary Challenges. It fell on deaf ears and was replaced with a useless call to write your congressman and express your outrage. Years of republican cowardice in Helena has allowed the Dems to turn Mt. hopelessly Purple.
My next Soap Box was and still is Nullification by way of the County by electing Sheriffs who have the authority to nullify federal laws but the must be supported faithfully when they do. I have been a member of the Tenth Amendment Center since it started up as an obscure website but that’s not enough to make it work. However, it’s a doable option that can start small and local. I’m not sold on Article V but I’m all in favor of discussing it along with any other reasonable solution because I don’t want to become ruthlessly violent again but will be forced into it by sitting around waiting for the Hopium Project to fix 250 trillion in liabilities and 250 trillion in derivatives based on that debt bomb or waiting for this mess to collapse and turn into something unspeakably horrible.
Thanks for having the kahunas to go first and catch bullets.
Looking forward to the next installment.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 1, 2018 5:08 pm

You are close on the unfunded mandates but the derivative exposure is freaking $1.2 QUADRILLION. Wonder if Hank Paulsen could get away with ordering AIG to pay that?
There was a discussion on the Mark Levin show on FOX a couple of weeks ago about Article V that made me feel it was worth taking a very serious look at it. I had always been told it meant a Constitutional Convention which would vanquish the Bill of Rights and all that. The constitutional scholars were saying that it did not have to involve that and could be used to declare courts did not have a right to prohibit laws passed by Congress and the administrative deep state had no authority to make laws and a lot of other stuff many of us would like to do. I am of the opinion that we are threatened with statements about things an Article V convention of the States might take away in order to prevent calling such a convention because of exactly what it would allow us to do to the asshats who are ruining everything.

  Harrington Richardson
September 1, 2018 5:45 pm

I low balled the derivatives to avoid derailing the topic but looks like no danger by the number of replies.
I agree the fearmongers try to prevent discussing article V. How could a botched attempt give us anything worse than what we have. I just don’t think we could get the numbers we would need on the many items that would be needed to clean it up but discussing it might produce a solution. I myself have never been able to get a discussion going on any solution.

  Harrington Richardson
September 1, 2018 11:07 pm

NOT a great time for a Constitutional Convention. Too many vultures waiting to swoop down.

September 1, 2018 5:31 pm

I, too, question the notion of a constitutional convention. That actually sounds like a terrible idea to me. Several reasons abound. First and foremost, the constitution clearly isn’t worth the parchment its printed on. It has largely been relegated to meaningless. Plus, as Spooner said, the constitution either authorizes such a government to exist, or is powerless to stop it. Either, it is not fit to exist. Keep in mind the times when he said that. Hard to imagine what he would say about our present state of affairs.

Another problem with the constitutional convention- the most likely outcome, in my opinion, is that the snakes running things would simply change the constitution to make the unconstitutional things they are doing ‘legal’ in a constitutional sense, a la SA’s land grabs from white farmers. They will just keep on doing what they are doing, like warrantless mass surveillance, but it will now be ‘constitutional’.

Before we even THINK about having a constitutional convention, 90% or more of the elected officials need to replaced. Doing so with anything resembling our current crop of miscreants will result in a further loss of freedoms, and more subversion of the constitution’s original intent.

I long ago abandoned the fanciful notion that our ‘founding fathers’ were angels, or even exceptionally great men. Some of them probably did what they did with the noblest intentions, and even after reading more on my own outside of mainstream history, I do still like a few of them. But for the most part they were nothing more than wealthy, powerful men looking out for their own best interests. Sure, the war itself was a massive risk, as they stood to lose everything absent victory, but after victory was won, they set about to secure their own power, nothing more. But, as flawed as the founders were, they were unquestionably better and smarter men than those who presume to rule us these days. Allowing these treasonous scum to make changes to the constitution will just make the boots on all our necks even more ‘legal’.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 1, 2018 6:51 pm

An Article V Convention of the States is different from a Constitutional Convention as it was designed as a housekeeping method or a means to tune things up. It was the only article passed with no debate. No one disagreed with the concept.

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 1, 2018 6:57 pm

Fleabo, your representatives hire on as cucks, the whole lot of them. The Steve Carell movie Evan Almighty gave the public the impression that congressmen are like corporate new hires that have to make a good impression on the power lords. If you transmit that idea into the minds of the masses, soon all newly elected will go to Washington in defeat instead of victory.

They have been cucked and will henceforth cuck on every piece of legislation. Immigration reform? – cuck. Budget reform? -cuck. Curb military adventurism? – cuck. Welfare reform? -cuck. These fuckers go to Washington and immediately assume the position more eagerly than a gay man in Golden Gate Park on a Friday night.

  Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 1, 2018 7:40 pm

Elsie may..
I thought I said that.

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 1, 2018 8:24 pm

Which is why I posted as a reply to you, Miss Fleabie.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
September 1, 2018 2:37 pm

See, Uncola has college football. I have my grandson here this weekend and still have a painting project to finish. So I am not throwing stones at Doug. This is what you will run into until things get painful, see. That doesn’t mean that you should be discouraged. This is worth discussion because the pain will come. Then it gets personal. I thought maybe the Bundy Ranch thing might be the start but it just wasn’t time yet. Some other incident will come. I’m not even sure we will know it when we see it. At least, not right at first,anyway.

I told someone I would be off line and I will. So I’m just going to leave this right here. If Bill Still doesn’t put you to sleep with his rather monotone-ish style, I thinks it’s worth watching. Someone take it apart and tell me how Bill is wrong, cuz I can’t find fault with how he explains a Con-Con is a bad idea. I’ll have to check in much later. I do look forward to your next installment, Tim.


  Mary Christine
September 1, 2018 5:31 pm

I tried. Fell asleep.

  Mary Christine
September 1, 2018 5:50 pm

Didn’t watch the video you posted, but I don’t need to in order to agree with it. Terrible idea, as long as the current people would be making changes to it. It would most assuredly end up worse than it is now. Also, there’s the often discussed problem of the government, at all levels, simply ignoring it whenever they want. Then you have the problem of robed lawyers finding things in there that aren’t even written, such as a constitutional right to an abortion and a host of other things that clearly aren’t in there. I could go on, but I already did above.

  Mary Christine
September 1, 2018 8:01 pm

MC- Agree, very bad idea.

  Mary Christine
September 1, 2018 10:03 pm

The colosseum had all the emotion, sound, and fury, surely, as did ancient Rome. Have you ever noticed how much groupthink occurs at a football game?

Imagine a con con. How did the founding fathers do it? What is missing today?

September 1, 2018 11:54 pm

Common sense?

comment image

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
September 2, 2018 11:07 am

It don’t make much sense
that common sense
don’t make no sense no more

September 2, 2018 6:13 pm

The Founders EARNED what they did.

i forget
i forget
September 2, 2018 6:42 pm

They, with a little help from their subjects – I mean “friends” – urned the brit king, & then took his place. The king is deus – I mean “dead” – long live the king…& the ex machina that props his\their silly ass\es up.

  Mary Christine
September 2, 2018 9:06 am

All the power to control an article V convention is controlled BY THE CONGRESS! Really BAD idea. I’ve studied this and other videos on the subject. Bill Still has it right, it’s a scam… Chip

David Erickson
David Erickson
September 1, 2018 4:24 pm

EXCELLENT article. I couldn’t have said it better myself. This article is one of the few I have seen that mentions secession, which is the only realistic option we have for a long term solution to our current situation. Unfortunately, as I have said before in comments to other articles on TBP and other websites, most people dismiss secession out of hand, if they even bother to consider it at all. Leftists dismiss it because of their overwhelming urge to tell others how they must live, and also because they have been brainwashed in the government indoctrination centers (public schools) to believe that secession is only an option for white racist Southerners. Those on the right dismiss it because they have bought into the Pledge of Allegiance crap (one nation, indivisible, etc.) and will allow the entire country to be destroyed before they finally figure out that they should have seceded. If the red states secede, then the crazed leftists and Deep State can destroy their own country without affecting us much. Consider secession to be a divorce. At this point it is just better to get a divorce and go our own way than to try to salvage the relationship. It is unlikely, at the present time, that any state(s) would have the moxie to secede. However, after our next economic meltdown (which will make 2008 look like a walk in the park) there may be a few states fed up enough to try.

See https://mises.org/wire/secede-and-decentralize-open-letter-clinton-supporters for a good description of three possible new countries that could be formed from the current Unites States. However, I would go further to say secession wouldn’t necessarily have to be along existing state lines, or even county lines. The best boundaries to use for dividing the two or more resulting countries would be congressional district boundaries, which in most places have been thoroughly gerrymandered to separate left voters from right voters, so these would be ideally suited for creating the new state/country borders. So, for example, instead of the whole current state of Oregon being in the new country of “Cascadia”, it would only be a strip of western Oregon roughly coinciding with the land between the ocean and the Cascade Mountains. (Any secession will obviously end up with some people being in a country that they don’t like politically, however by using existing congressional district boundaries, those people will be kept to a minimum, and they will obviously have the option to move to the other new country if they end up in a country they don’t like.)

Also, as Tim Stebbins mentions, the new United States should go back to something similar to the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution of the United States was a big step in the wrong direction, and is largely responsible for the huge overbearing federal government that we have today.

  David Erickson
September 1, 2018 4:38 pm

we don’t call it secession here; we say community

September 1, 2018 6:12 pm

You probably needed to nap?

  M C
September 2, 2018 4:43 am

desperate, but am almost home free now. I am hoping the nurse was serious and not just yanking my chain or drain tube. Am trying to distract myself from myself, if that makes sense. am looking for a really funny picture of Simon I took but never uploaded to a hosting site.

September 2, 2018 5:37 am

Could not find, but passed another hour.

In typical crisis building mode, the wound vac alarm has been going off the last fifteen, indicating there may be a breach in the seal. Of course. Why should the emergency nurse agreeing to come first thing a.m. resolve the problem when I can add the stress of losing suction to the damn wound. “Worst case scenario,” Nurse Ami said yesterday after telling me what to do if there was malfunction and the seal was broken, ” is that you unpack the wound carefully, tossing the black surgical sponge, then repack the wound dry gauze until the emergency nurse comes. But that is unlikely to happen.”

Absolutely worst case, she said. Aren’t you glad I broke my camera?

September 2, 2018 6:59 am

Passing the time awaiting the nurse. I don’t know if you saw these “back when” but they are good little clips.

This is the project engineer one…

This is the classic explanation of the FED

And this one is about politicians lol… let’s just ignore the reference to keyser soze

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  David Erickson
September 1, 2018 6:11 pm

Eric, you makes a lot of good points. Haven’t seen you around these parts before. Are you new or am I not old enough?

I agree, the gerrymandering has made a mockery of the voting districts. It how we keep getting The Honorable Reverend Emmanuel Cleaver back into Congress over and over.

Hi Maggie! I gotta cook dinner now. Just resting I between painting and other chores. Been listening to that video. I can’t watch it but I look when I think it’s necessary.

David Erickson
David Erickson
  Mary Christine
September 1, 2018 10:45 pm

Hi Mary,

I have been reading TBP off and on for a few years, but only recently started commenting on any articles. I have made comments on secession, similar to the comment above, to 3 or 4 TBP articles over the last couple of months (in fact some of the comment above is copy and pasted from those previous comments).

P.S. It is David (or Dave), not Eric, which is the first part of my last name. But it is understandable, because a lot of other people do the same thing.


  David Erickson
September 1, 2018 11:17 pm

Oops sorry Dave. That’s what happens when I do a “drive by” comment. My reading comprehension sucks.
You can call me Chris?

  M C
September 3, 2018 3:35 pm

Now, I’m confused.

i forget
i forget
September 1, 2018 5:42 pm

States of nature is small to big to small to not at all.
Bullies & their pulpeteers & brontosaurus – b’bye.
Fruit pies, meat pies aye-aye.
Murican pietistic creamspittle pies – b’bye.
& all them other piebald states, & the horses they rode in on, too.

Montanan is more of the same, earthling.
Montanan waits to scale, gleam in eye, to Monsantoan.
But 1st it hadda be stole from Mexicanspaniards that stole it from indigenouslanyards that stole it from who knows who; big swingin homo erectus, maybe.

Met the new fuckstick totem pole, same as the old fuckstick dildo – all in 8 parts o’ speech harmony & Peckinpah Technicolor Wounded Knee…but no matter how slow-mo, the corn holin’ cannibals in the audience is even slower…them sparks is so retarded they fart combustible gas thru their pieholes. And hold bics & lit matches right in their own disposable faces.

I seen that movie, & all its sequels, too (you say Montana, I say Masada…do what ya’ want, but I’ve called, & nuthin beats the flushed royals – that septic tank is huge, packed to bulging, Ogallala Siouxpercalifragilisticness) :

  i forget
September 1, 2018 5:51 pm

I forget

I enjoyed This! One of your best!

i forget
i forget
September 1, 2018 6:13 pm

All funfunfun ’til the Tbird gets took away. ☻

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
  i forget
September 1, 2018 7:00 pm

There’s always Ripple. Mine’s down to 75%. Thanks, T4C!

i forget
i forget
  Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
September 1, 2018 7:07 pm

I do miss cracklin’ rosie. & redd foxx.

Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
Celestino Flores Amezcua (EC)
  i forget
September 1, 2018 8:28 pm

Rosie’s palms are not all there cracked up to be. Though Redd complained about white women cracking up.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  i forget
September 2, 2018 11:54 am

Anybody else remember Redd Foxx’ album “You Gotta Wash Your Ass?”

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
September 1, 2018 8:39 pm

The South was Right!

Thanks for the Lee quote.

Not Sure
Not Sure
September 1, 2018 10:38 pm

Noble presentation, one that would ease the national tension and by its implementation, would allow our focus to be on the exploring of the powers of statehood and create a new dynamic “Make (insert state name) Great Again.”
Why it will be difficult to implement.
Since the civil war, Americans have been fed globalism, federalism and the idea of a citizen of the world. Although Marx failed to push his idea that communism was the next great wave of political evolution, Americans have been fed a steady diet of federal programs, federal reserve, departments of education, defense, homeland security and the list goes on. For over 100 years we have been trained to accept federal bureaucracies with progressives promoting the next great thing, Globalism.
The idea of elevating statehood to pre civil war acceptance can be embraced by freedom lovers sick of big government, but for the average don’t upset the Apple cart American, it would take generations of re programming to make this idea acceptable in their eyes. It’s kind of like making a hard left on a container ship moving at full speed; only a national disaster would be the catalyst to create this new union. I commend your ideas and article, I just wish there were some practical way of pursuing its germination.

September 2, 2018 11:03 am

100. Because when you have been awake all night hoping for relief, picking the 100-banger plum is better than nothing.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 2, 2018 12:01 pm

Dear lady I think I would break camp and head for the hospital.

  Harrington Richardson
September 2, 2018 1:18 pm

nurse has saved my life… nearest hospital which will take me 1.5 hours. St Louie

a slight flaw in plan but making it function on the fly

September 2, 2018 12:36 pm

I probably refer to God more than I should .I realize we are all different with different experiences in life that develop our world view . I guess for me God ( Christ Jesus ) is all I have besides my mom and little bb. I still have family but most of them are liberal progressives types I would rather not be around. All my friends from high school died earlier so what to do . One thing for sure the reality of death has had a profound effect on me . Even more when I realized last summer I could die on the operating table during my heart surgery. I feel so much better now but I still have heart disease and there is no cure for it. I still like to play around with some of the people on this site . Meatball is fun because he is so serious . Stucky and El Coyote also come to mind. I guess it takes my mind off this fucked up situation we are all ” in “. I don’t have any answers or solutions so my fall back position is always God and His grace. God and His word in the Bible is all I got . I don’t know where else to turn.

September 2, 2018 1:56 pm


God and Jesus Christ is the only place one can turn. Spiritual substance is eternal while material substance comes and goes like the trade winds.

Putting faith in man is humanism. Putting faith in God brings harmony and eternal life.

September 2, 2018 7:06 pm

Thank all of you for your support . Tim ,you should write more articles. I’m on the road this labor day weekend so I got to keep driving . My 30 minute break is over.Have a great weekend.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2018 1:35 pm

I know this my be a bit of a shock, but That’s ma Boy!