Guest Post by Ann Coulter
The left is very close to having a governing majority due entirely to immigration. Despite the promise of the Trump campaign, there isn’t much standing in their way. Now, they’re just running out the clock. Soon, we will have admitted so many immigrants that it will be too late to do anything.

Although liberals pretend to have no idea where conservatives got the idea that immigration was designed to change the country and bring in new voters, they weren’t always so modest.

In a 1998 article for Cornell University’s Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, Democratic political consultant Patrick Reddy exulted that the 1965 immigration act was “the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.” Changing the country’s demographics through immigration would be “George McGovern’s revenge,” liberal political strategist Ruy Teixeira announced 16 years ago — and then celebrated as a fait accompli upon Obama’s election in 2008.

The very reason the left loathes Trump is that he promised to stop their hostile takeover of our country. But instead of sticking it to his enemies by blocking their depraved agenda, he has fallen into their trap.

Obsessed with the Robert Mueller investigation, the president spends his days tweeting attacks on his attorney general, Jeff Sessions — the one member of Trump’s Cabinet making good on his campaign’s immigration promises.

It’s a win-win for the left. Either they drive Trump from office with an unending harassment campaign disguised as a legitimate investigation, or they keep him too distracted to thwart their plans to flood the country with foreigners.

The Swamp has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams. Trump seems to have completely forgotten about the one policy the left fears most.

Evidently, the media have decided Trump is no longer a threat to their inevitable conquest. The Washington Post cheerfully touts the “growing diversity” — i.e., non-whiteness — of Democrats’ nominees. (“Black and Latino Democratic nominees boost their ranks by merging insider organization and outside money,” Aug. 29.)

The New York Times is already doing a victory dance on the corpse of historical America. Recently, the newspaper hired a white male-hating bigot, Sarah Jeong, for its editorial board. In the past week alone, the Times has run articles with these headlines: “Who’s Afraid of a White Minority?” and “The Religion of Whiteness Becomes a Suicide Cult.”

The gleeful destruction of our country may be less annoying than the insults to our intelligence necessary to pull it off.

To keep the mass migration flowing, we get lies, half-truths, insults and cliches. The citizenship of anchor babies is a lie (see “Adios, America”); the humanitarian need of so-called “refugees” is a lie (see “Adios, America”); the lower crime rate and welfare consumption of immigrants is a lie (see “Adios, America”); the Trump administration’s policy of “separating children” from their parents at the border is a lie.

About 80 percent of the “children” are teenaged boys, many of them MS-13 gang members. Recently a child rapist tried to enter the country, claiming the rapee was his daughter. Don’t separate children from their rapists!

The left doesn’t care about child rape or human trafficking. They just want an end to America and its infernal white people.

“Children” captured at the border have to be released from custody after 20 days, pursuant to an ACLU-forged court order. Twenty days was the number the ACLU settled on after determining that it would be impossible to process the illegal border-crossers’ asylum claims within that time frame, so the kids and their alleged “parents” would have to be released into the country.

I could process the claims in 10 minutes. Anyone who shows up on our border after “fleeing” El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras isn’t fleeing anything. There are about 20 countries closer to their homes than the United States — and they speak the same language.

Among the countries closer to them than the U.S. is Mexico.

You’d think that, just as a PR matter, Mexico would say, We’re currently involved in this PR thing with the U.S., so let’s be REALLY nice to any illegals coming into our country. … He beats you? Oh, that’s awful — of course, you can stay here!

But no. Mexico says, Screw off, illegals. We’ll help you get to the U.S., but that’s the end of our beneficence.

The whole border surge is a hoax, intended to overwhelm the system and get Democrats their last needed non-American voters.

When they’re busted on their lies, liberals turn to cliches. “Diversity is a strength!” After four decades of mass immigration from the Third World, I think we’re all set on diversity. Any more diversity would be like bringing snow to Eskimos. We’re drowning in diversity.

Even if diversity were ever desirable — as opposed to what it is, which is “undesirable” — surely it’s not themost important value to a country. At best, diversity is a luxury, adding “vibrancy,” as The New York Times is constantly telling us.

It’s like having a rule that men need to set aside a certain amount of money each week to wear carnations in their lapels. Carnations are nice, but when you’re unemployed and the carnations are wormy, would you make that Priority No. 1?

Similarly, “diversity” is a luxury we can’t afford in a time of massive income inequality, stagnating wages and a raging heroin epidemic — with 90 percent of the heroin coming from Mexico.

When the cliches fall flat, they just say, So you’re with Hitler!

You’re Hitler if you support Teddy Kennedy’s original claims about his 1965 immigration bill. At the time, he and his co-conspirators swore up and down that it would not alter the country’s ethnic composition one iota. Now, it’s “white supremacist” to say: “We liked our country the way it was.”

Has anyone ever criticized a black, brown, beige, yellow, red or green nation for wanting to preserve its ethnicity? No, only a white majority is pure evil that must be extirpated.

When facing your new overlords, remember: When there was 10 seconds left on the clock, we decided to get rid of Jeff Sessions for keeping Trump’s promises on immigration, rather than using his office to protect the president from a Russian investigation so stupid that no one outside of the Swamp cares about it.

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September 6, 2018 8:55 pm

One can dream, right?

comment image

September 7, 2018 2:43 am

Trump and Sessions doing a sting, right?

September 6, 2018 9:16 pm

And off to Russia we go?

September 6, 2018 9:28 pm

Yep. Either that or someplace where the white minority is so small that you are treated with the respect and reverence you deserve.

Love you Ann C.

September 6, 2018 10:57 pm

So, WIP… I have to sleep this night, but perhaps you and I can return to our discussion about government waste in a way that I can get the “whole story” of how the VA system has created an huge and burgeoning impasse of unfunded liability ahead by promising more to VETS than is possible. Sure, we deserve it, but it is not financially possible. I have decided to research HOW to tell the VA I’m good now with the wound healing finally according to the wound nurse. I want the little stipend that accompanied by “loss of creative organ” to stop, along with any other disability they want to bestow on me now that I’ve been to the edge and back several times. When I talk to administrative and service types at the VA, they all assure me it will be “easy” for me to get “my hundred.

My hundred. They are talking about hundred percent disabled for service connection. I agree with them. It would be easy.

I like doing HARD things.

.in a day or so… perhaps you could compose a WIP Wondering so that the haters don’t clutter the field of freedom with all their hatred of me.

perhaps something like… “How do we convince people that the term Wounded Warrior is a very successful propaganda campaign slogan custom made by Edward Bernays.” If you will exchange emails with me, we could discuss offline like I do with the tadpole on occasion. And Mary. I used to think open discussion was better but I am growing weary of the fight. MC, you are right. Who really needs the drama. I will finish this round and fade to black, emailing and staying out of it.

but, to tip my hand as to what I believe has happened… I think creating/naming a “suspect class” of people, say “wounded warriors” turns what seems to be a compassionate term into a guilt eliciting command. Such terms permeate our media controllers and advertisers conversations. But, as Jefferson proclaimed, a standing army is the first enemy of freedom. It gives the government an excuse to levy taxes onto the citizenry in the name of the common defense.

Since the common defense is the first and best excuse politicians use to take away the rights (and property) of other classes of people., it is, in my opinion, the standing army which is the suspect class needing the most intense scrutiny.

Constitutional Law History was a part I/part II class. Two semesters of VA paid for tuition. I think I spent the time well and can at least discuss the legal terms the SCOTUS members toss around.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 6, 2018 9:25 pm

That canary is already dead. TPTB intend to destroy the Right from Christians to Nazis. This video of Communist Revolution is like looking into a Crystal Ball of America:

September 6, 2018 10:53 pm

Hello, Ann. I get some of your diatribe, but honestly, you are a celebrity of the Main Stream Media, Conservative Talkers Niche.

In spite of your saying a lot of the right things you do not speak directly to most of us who are desperate for hope that the boot stamping on our face is not yours.

September 7, 2018 5:42 am

Again, Annand I are no strangers to idiots downvoting our ideas.

September 6, 2018 11:31 pm

Ann Coulter for President 2020.

September 7, 2018 12:14 am

Most whites are completely ignorant of history and this is by design.If whites don’t somehow wake up from their slumber America will turn into a blood bath.Maybe the coming economic collapse will get their attention.
One good thing whites are still the best armed people on earth.

September 7, 2018 12:27 am

Yeah. You and your “sniper rifle”.

Hey, where does li’l BB shit when you’re on the road?

September 7, 2018 1:05 am

They want to force us into a civil war 2.0; they imagine that they can use it as a pretext to enforce top-down compliance with the New World Order.
Except that the white folks are (heavily) armed; capable of enormous compassion or enormous vengeance, take your pick. Once a few hundred million pissed-off white men and women decide ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, there is no force short of nuclear weapons that will stand them down. And even Madison Avenue and the MSM won’t be able to spin a use of nukes inside America, for any reason other than an invading army. It just won’t happen.
I’m pretty old and not as strong as I once was, but I am prepared for much and preparing for more. Since home invaders, gang bangers and dope heads aren’t usually up on defensive gear, I invested in something to help even the odds. You might be interested as well, since the price is within reach of most folks. If it isn’t, save up for it; you need every edge you can get. Beans, bullets, bullion, medical; don’t forget any of them.
We don’t have to be Rambo, just as you don’t have to be able to outrun the bear; just be faster than at least one of the others. By the same token, you just have to be tougher than the druggie / invader / gang banger that comes to your door; and better judged by twelve than carried by six.
Have the means available to dissuade the wolves who think you’re a sheep: be a sheepdog, with real fangs. And decide when, why, and for whom you will send an invader to the cemetery (or nearest ditch); when the time comes, you cannot hesitate and think about it, since your opponent won’t be.
Ann cannot imagine any way to reduce the numbers of illegals and invaders once they arrive here, this is a product of her lawyer training. But once the rule of law is totally abandoned and you must fight to preserve you and yours, the “way” will be intuitive – and widely adopted.
Find some useful gear here:

22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
September 7, 2018 4:13 am

Body armor is so misunderstood.

In warfare, it’s effective against shrapnel and that’s about it. In a defensive posture during wartime, it’s just an open invitation for head and thigh shots. Body armor is better employed in an offensive role, like kicking down doors and rushing the local meth lab or terrorist hideout.

For home defense? Maybe in a high threat urban area after the grid goes down, but seriously, if you’re close enough to the enemy to benefit from body armor, you’re simply too close to the enemy. Keep your distance, shoot and move, shoot and move…

  22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
September 7, 2018 4:12 pm

Yep, you seem to misunderstand body armor.
If you are armored and the home invader isn’t (roughly equally well armed) who is likely to win? The bug I see is having enough warning to get the armor ON and latched before you have to dance. But then, you can’t expect every break – so wear it as EDC once the shit hits and people start going hungry near you.
BTW, you might visit the website and view their “testing” videos – plenty of illustration of stopping rifle rounds, even after mechanical abuse, etc. It’s certainly not for decoration! And most druggies / invaders / gang bangers are the “spray and pray” type, so headshots are far from likely to be accurate. If your number’s up, your number’s up, though – in which case being Rambo won’t save you, so you pays your money and takes your chances.

not sure
not sure
September 7, 2018 6:07 am

Comments all seem to accept the inevitability of the influx of illegals as a given, so prepare accordingly.

FWIW, I appreciate Ann as a voice from our side, but I do not think Trump is obsessed so much by Muller as he is fighting for his existence from the main front of the direct liberal attacks against him; it would do no good to start the wall, only to have the Muller investigation move the countries opinion against the president and remove him from office as efficiently as possible, well before his goals are accomplished.

I hope the president is on top of the witch hunt and by turning the tables on his attackers, he will be able to move on his campaign promises; assuming he survives the 2018 election.

But I do not look on anything in life as a given ( sit back, grab some popcorn and watch the fireworks is a recipe for disaster), so prepare you must; physically and mentally, for the coming hostilities.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 7, 2018 8:26 am

Yep that covers at least the last 40 to 50 years of the entire White America demise . Just look at how successful the “THEY” have been . The Circle Jerk that is Wall Street to K-Street to Capitol Street is all humming along on auto pilot . It appears there is no fighting this leftist agenda as we circle the drain . The velocity increases as we reach that event horizon , you can hear it if you know what to listen for . It’s a sucking sound coupled with a finely tuned machine running at full RPM while some idiot in control dumps a bucket of sand in the gears !
Adios America

September 7, 2018 8:37 am

Good Morning Ann…if you weren’t so damn skinny and didn’t smoke like a chimney I’d think you were pretty hot.

Don’t worry….White folks make up 75% of this country. We won’t go quietly into the night ( or the dustbin of history ) without a hell of a fight. We are to heavily armed to have it any other way.

September 7, 2018 9:05 am

In the area where we’ve lived for 25 years, it used to be almost exclusively white. In the years since we’ve had a huge influx of blacks, Indians (Sikhs), and Muslims. The funny thing is that the Muslims and Indians have congregated mostly in their own separate areas, almost taking over exclusive ownership of the homes and apartments there.

It turns out that every group of people are most comfortable around people who look, think and act like themselves. It’s only racist when white people do it.