
Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

And so the Golden Golem of Greatness re-enters the hall of mirrors that Syria has become. The US intelligence “community” has informed the US Media that Syrian President Assad is planning a new gas attack on Idlib Province, where a ragtag army of US-backed “rebels” (ISIS, etc) remain holed up against Assad’s forces backed by Russian air support . Have we seen this movie before?

Is Mr. Assad truly that dumb? — since the last time a gas attack was alleged (and actually never proven), Mr. Trump averred that he would attack Syria. And what did he even mean by that? Send a barrel bomb down the Assad family chimney, or just blow more stuff on the ground? And for what? To birth another failed state in the Middle East (just what the world needs), or perhaps start World War Three with Russia? (Ditto, with a cherry on top.)

Excuse me if I am skeptical about anything the US intel “community” dredges up these days in the way of breaking news. Branches of that sprawling vine are already infected with creeping rot. I speak, of course, of the upper echelons of the FBI especially and their counterparts in the CIA orbit (ex-Directors John Brennan, Michael Hayden, ex DNI James Clapper and their cronies still on-the-job). Just as there is loose talk about an Assad gas attack, there’s also a lot of loose talk around the Internet that a large number of US intel communitarians are about to be busted for their political misconduct around the 2016 election. I’ll believe that when I see it on Glenn Greenwald’s Twitter feed.

Anyway, the Assad gas attack story does raise the question whether the intel community is ginning up a gigantic and ugly distraction from its own inconvenient legal exposure. Mounting evidence shows an orchestrated campaign by them to meddle in the 2016 elections, and continue meddling afterward to thwart, discredit, delegitimize, and defame Mr. Trump, for the purpose of leaving him little room to act. To a considerable extent, the Golden Golem of Greatness has managed to act anyway. For instance, transforming the Supreme Court.

The likely confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh may be a “last straw” for the “Resistance.” It would certainly effect the adjudication of any new disputes that arise over relations between Mr. Trump and Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the weeks ahead. The Mueller investigation into 2016 election “collusion” between Russia and Trump looks more and more like a case of displacement-projection syndrome, since dumpster-loads of evidence now point to collusion between the Hillary campaign, the DNC, a cast of rogue spooks from the CIA, various FBI officers, and British Intelligence in a scheme that is now going to grand juries.

All that nasty business, starting with the news that a grand jury has been secretly grilling former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for weeks, suggests that events are about to unspool dramatically. The story has been coiling for months as fresh documents emerge and officials such as the DOJ Inspector General confirm what they mean. It remains to be seen whether the Web chatter about dozens of “sealed indictments” coming down is horse-shit. The baffling part is the role of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. I’m inclined to doubt that Mr. Trump’s regular vilifications of Sessions are a ruse, meant to mislead the media about the AG’s activities in these matters. But the DC Swamp is unnerved by Sessions’ extraordinary absence of presence on the scene. Has he actually been involved in any of this, or is he playing animal lotto on his desk?

There is a certain balance between the new hostilities in Syria — possible existential threat — and the anxious disquiet about a so-called “soft coup” against the chief executive. What really might turn over the whole groaning table of national tribulations will be the discovery that the Trump economic boom is fake. The current “boom” story rests on more than a trillion dollars of money-pumping enabled by tax cuts and racking up evermore debt. Mr. Trump was foolish to take “ownership” of it, and when reality re-enters the scene, the Resistance will finally have something real to hang him with.

Most unsettling about these trending events is that they appear on a path to converge this fall, along with the midterm elections. The public is already confused and angry enough. I’m worried that we can’t handle what’s coming.

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Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
September 10, 2018 9:51 am

If Trump wants my vote again, get the hell out of Syria and give me my damned wall.

  Crimson Avenger
September 10, 2018 11:19 am

Trump knows that he must not get into a war, and the base is demanding the wall (though legal immigration is an even bigger problem)….But when you see what the Dems nominate in 2020, you’ll be voting for Trump regardless….Trump did give us two of the best SCOTUS nominees in Republicrat history, and that is no small achievement.

September 10, 2018 1:16 pm

Kunstler knows but is reluctant to say it: His Democrat Friends
are going to crash the market to insure a Democrat Congress in November.

September 10, 2018 3:55 pm


I have often thought that is a strong possibility also.

22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
  Crimson Avenger
September 10, 2018 1:40 pm

You vote?


September 10, 2018 10:01 am

His last sentence is prescient. The federal government has been rogue for decades now. Public opinion is barely a speed bump. The owners will do as they please while the rabble bicker about the latest establishment homeboy to join the others on the supreme court or woodward’s latest cia fed bullshit story. THEY will invent a pretense for war in Syria and we’ll be left to grapple with the consequences and I agree with Kunstler, it’s bound to be a ground shaker. How I fucking hate government.

Vote, my ass.

September 10, 2018 11:21 am

Because voting for someone who at least doesn’t want to genocide you is just sooooo… much work.

September 10, 2018 12:07 pm

“Want to genocide you”. What the fuck does that mean? How about provoking Russia that can bomb a crater from Atlanta to Boston with one unstoppable missile? Take your straw man and stick it up your ass. I don’t believe in taking part in my own destruction at the hands of a 2 party duopoly. Work has nothing to do with it except to provide a cheap and easy way out for those who hack at the branches.

September 10, 2018 5:33 pm

I’m obviously talking about the “whites should die” section of the Democrats, which is growing by leaps and bounds, along with discrimination against whites. No straw man there…

September 10, 2018 7:49 pm

Fair enough. I will admit to a hair trigger on the subject. This country’s infection will never be voted out of existence. It’s going to take infinitely more effort than a friggen vote.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
September 10, 2018 1:43 pm

Voters and taxpayers will be the death of the Republic.

I used to wonder which was worse, but since voting is much more optional than paying taxes, I’m going with voters.


I completely agree. I’m always baffled when someone accuses me of not being a ‘good citizen’ as if I value the position. It’s more shameful and degrading to me than calling yourself a slave. Slave doesn’t smack of obedience, leastwise not from us field negros.

September 10, 2018 10:06 am

“I’m worried that ‘we’ can’t handle what’s coming.”
yo Cuntsler, ya gotta turd in your pocket?
Perhaps the most serious worry is the hordes of desperate zombie “citYzens” trying to escape urban war zones of no power/water, over-flowing toilets and [Fast-and-Furious-supplied] roving gangs. For the already inland, rural, GUNNED, GARDENED and GATHERING R-E-P-E-N-T-A-N-T-S – NO FEAR! Break out the ammo and be ready to take IN additional repentants and take DOWN the no-longer Soros-subsidized lib-turds.

September 10, 2018 4:14 pm


“I’m worried that ‘we’ can’t handle what’s coming.”

Shoot – Shot – Shit – I’m in the cross hairs of Florence and the future zombie “citYzens”are running around the stores like proverbial headless chickens…all the fools 9 meals away from starvation are in a sudden desperate panic! What the hell are they going to do during Kunstler’s Long Emergency???

A buddy just called for a couple dozen fresh eggs to avoid the mayhem…sounds like the grocery store he left in disgust was like a scene from a Marx Brothers movie.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 10, 2018 10:12 am

Did the US intervene in Aleppo? No. Will the US intervene in Idlib? No.

  Iska Waran
September 10, 2018 3:58 pm

Aleppo? What’s an Aleppo? (snarky snark…)

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
September 10, 2018 10:59 am

Instead of saying that the US is the land of the free, why not just cut the bullshit and put every American in prison when they’re born?

  Free Speech Forum
September 10, 2018 1:33 pm

They already are .. it’s called the MSMatrix !

Time for the plebes not already unplugged to disconnect from those unicornified umbilicii ..

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 10, 2018 11:44 am

Is Trump going to build The Wall OR get US into another stupid war for Israel, this time with Russia? What’s coming out of his mouth and what’s happening on the ground are not good. Many of US stood by him because he said he opposed our warmongering but if he wants to double cross US like LBJ did in Vietnam, he can be replaced; I don’t know by who but most of US Conservatives will vote for someone else because of this one issue.

September 10, 2018 1:44 pm

“Is Mr. Assad truly that dumb?” He’s as dumb as they can convince the people he is. And with tomorrow being 9/11, (((they))) might be willing to do a fair bit of convincing.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 10, 2018 10:55 pm

He’s really stupid. He’s only an Opthamologist. Some of the top doctors in the world are from Syria. There was a world class medical school in Aleppo which no longer exists and was referred to above.

September 10, 2018 2:25 pm

I doubt this will go far. See, the Russians have evidence that two F15 fighters used White Phosphorous on Syrian soil which we most certainly love to use but it is internationally banned as a chemical weapon. The Russians can take this to the UN Security Council. To make sure Assad didn’t use chemical weapons, we used chemical weapons. How crazy is that???

It looks as if both sides are going to accuse one another of War Crimes.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 10, 2018 10:57 pm

Is this why Bolton is going off about the need to withdraw from the International Criminal Court (ICC)?

September 10, 2018 6:12 pm

Mr. K continues to surprise. We’re contemporaries, but I’ve always been on the right while he, once a card-carrying lefty, seems to be drifting further to starboard with every passing month, a pleasant surprise indeed. Will he morph into Ron Unz, who dropped two big truth bombs on his site today?

When Mr. K begins to describe the genuine “long emergency” as having been brought about by central bankers (NOT all Jewish, but yes, most importantly) and decides the emergency can be shortened or even prevented by writing off national “debt” supposedly “owed” to them for their legerdemain with the ledgers (please forgive the pun), THEN I’ll believe he’s fully on board the good ship subsidiarity.

Break up the media oligarchy, let Israel fend for itself, eliminate nearly all federal regulatory agencies, cut out the handouts both corporate and public, restore locally-funded, pay-as-you-go sanity to education, repeal the income tax amendment and protect USA borders while leaving other nations to do the same for their own… Ah, Mr K, there’s a program to endorse! If your sneered-at GGoG (aka Prez DJT) were to somehow accomplish that, I’d be glad to start a you-fund-me project for sculpting Pike’s Peak into an orange-topped memorial that’d leave Mount Rushmore looking like a grade-school play-dough project!