Needless Escalation Over Registration “Violation”

Guest Post by Eric Peters

The other day in Arlington, TX, armed government workers stopped an SUV over a trivial statutory violation – that is, a manufactured “offense” against the Authority of the state. The driver and passenger of the SUV weren’t bothering anyone and certainly hadn’t harmed anyone.

But they were harmed – to death – by the armed government workers.

It all began over an out-of-date registration. The SUV’s papers were not all in order, essentially. This became the pretext for everything that happened next –  and which did not have to happen and almost certainly would not have happened, had the men simply been left in peace –  instead of being made the victims of armed government workers.

Of course, leaving peaceful people alone is not what armed government workers do. They look for and create non-peaceful situations.

Then escalate them.

So, they pulled the SUV over – euphemism-talk for using threats of deadly violence to compel the SUV driver to interrupt his peaceful, harming-no-one travels and submit to a mulcting by armed government workers on the prowl for manufactured offenses such as papers not being in order, in order to relieve the victim of money at the least and – hopefully – find other “offenses” in the process of mulcting the victim for the first “offense.”

Which is just what happened.

The armed government workers claimed they “smelled marijuana” – the say-so pretext for more-than-just-mulcting. These magic words – along with other magic words such as “officer safety” – endow the armed government worker with the legal authority to escalate the violence meted out to people who’ve done no violence themselves.

There is a war on some drugs (but not others, such as alcohol) which has manufactured the offense of possessing or using the dried leaves of a plant, regardless of the harmlessness of either act insofar as any harm done to others. And it is enough of an offense for their to be any “smell” of the arbitrarily illegalized dried plant matter to provide legal pretext for dragooning the occupants of a vehicle out of their vehicle, subjecting their persons to the indignity of a rough physical search as well as a search of their vehicle and its contents by the armed government workers.

If, in the course of their rooting around inside the vehicle, they discover arbitrarily illegal other things, the victims – the people dragooned from their vehicle – will likely be arrested and caged as well as mulcted.

In other words, the trivial initial offense of papers not being in ordnung metastasizes into a major “bust” leading to handcuffs and jail. It’s enough to instill in the minds of the victims of such a prospect a non-compliant attitude, even thoughts of attempting to get away from their tormentors.

Which is exactly what happened.

The two men in the SUV did not “resist,” in the argot of armed government workers – unless by “resisting,” one means attempting to avoid being victimized by armed government workers.

They first rolled up their windows, which resulted in immediate gun-drawn lethal escalation by the armed government workers. At this point, things spiraled out-of-control. The panicked driver starts the engine of his SUV, attempts to drive off – and a fusillade of lead ensues, leading to the summary execution of the driver, a man named O’Shea Terry. The armed government worker pumped five rounds into him.

Hut! Hut! Hut!

It did not used to be a capital offense to attempt to get away from armed government workers – especially over trivial, manufactured offenses such as papers not being in order or even the smelling of arbitrarily illegal drugs.

It was later reported that a gun was found in the car – and news coverage implied this further exonerates exonerates the armed government workers who shot Terry to death.

But possessing a gun is – as such – no more a crime in the moral sense (as opposed to the legal sense) than possessing dried plant matter or not having one’s “papers” in order. None of these offenses create victims, the essential defining element of any truly criminal act. They are merely transgressions against the Authority of the government, which employs armed government workers to victimize peaceful people who have affronted its Authority.

Which is the most serious “crime” on the books.

Note that a scumbag on Wall Street can fleece thousands of their life savings and never face a Taser, much less a Glock. He creates legions of victims – but does not affront the Authority of the government – and so is physically safe from life-ending repercussions.

Observe what happened to VW… but not to Takata.

And god help you if you’re caught without your papers by an armed government worker.

Especially if he “smells marijuana.”

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September 12, 2018 12:03 pm

Every Officer returned home closed!

September 12, 2018 12:40 pm

People don’t appreciate that this is yet another reason the war on drugs MUST END!! It is the foot in the door for so many other far worse crimes by government.

September 12, 2018 5:11 pm

“… war on drugs …” is mere camo for the War On US.

Wasn’t Hitler enraged when he kept making more and more senseless laws, and the Good Germans, ever obedient, did NOT violate them?

Just wait until the tyrants, beta testing new weaponry overseas on brown people, bring them home to use on the people who paid for them!

September 13, 2018 1:42 am

Seems pot turned out to be a “gateway drug” drug after all.
… A gateway of government inflicted crimes.

September 12, 2018 1:14 pm

Can’t say I disagree. Nothing I see would make me worry about my safety were I the officer. Now if they went on some high speed pursuit that might endanger others, but over a joint, who gives fuck. We just need to get over our fear of reefer-madness and just legalize grass like Colorado and all the others. Cop should be charged with manslaughter. Completely reckless. I still say those in blue should not be carrying lethal weapons, period. Remove the threat and people won’t fear (as much) those that allegedly “serve and protect.” I miss the 90’s when the cops just beat down criminals with their nightsticks.

ursel doran
ursel doran
September 12, 2018 1:57 pm

“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”
Edward Abbey

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
  ursel doran
September 12, 2018 5:56 pm

“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

-Paraphrasing some guy from revolutionary times

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 12, 2018 3:10 pm

Use of deadly force is a judgement call for those on scene . I dropped my daughter and her college room mate off at their apartment after they moved their cars to a guarded lot Sunday night . They are both final year nursing students and are drug tested because they are working in hospitals completing their training .
To the point as I drove away a few doors down the smell of pot , weed whatever could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon . I suppose these cops would view this as probable cause to attempt to nail everyone in sight .
As for O’Shea Terry , his previous brushes with the law apparently did not teach him shit . A convicted felon with drugs a firearm bad registration and toking a joint while cruising says a lot for this stupid nigger .
He probably did not deserve to die over this but now it appears there is one less dum ass wart on the ass of society !

  Boat Guy
September 12, 2018 3:46 pm

Driving off with a cop clinging to your car, never a good idea. I couldn’t tell if the cop’s hand was stuck in the window or not. From everything I can tell, the guy was no threat to society. “Police said a search of the vehicle after the shooting revealed just over one pound of marijuana, seven grams of ecstasy pills and a .40-caliber Glock with an extended magazine.” He was a good boy, said his mama. He was going to be an astronaut. As soon as he got off his felony probation

September 12, 2018 7:49 pm

A copfuk investigating a copfuk. What the hell did you expect them to find? That is CLEARLY manslaughter, and anyone that can’t see that is truly a dumbshit.

September 12, 2018 4:36 pm

These niggers are really stupid. Want to do drugs – fine – go home and do them – not in the fucking car. Carrying a hand gun – gun should have been in the rear compartment. Expired registration – another red flag.

September 12, 2018 4:49 pm

Many negro men do not have a home especially the street level drug dealer kind. The ‘baby mama’ might have public housing or some section 8 rental unit but it is risky for the drug dealing dindu to leave his stash there since other dindus seeing the baby mom, could find and steal it or the baby mama herself could help herself to some.

Thus in the dindu world of no trust or honor drugs must be carried with the owner as well as a gun to fend off robbery. Resisting or evading arrest doesn’t add much to a jail or prison term which is why the dindu invariably resists or flees.

September 12, 2018 9:15 pm

Sounds to me a whole lot like “just asking to be pulled over”, rightly or wrongly. But the expired reg was a valid reason.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
September 12, 2018 5:54 pm

So Eric Peters believes in sharing the road with kneegrows who don’t help pay (unregistered vehicle) to build and maintain the aforementioned roads?


It’s absolutely mindboggling that first-class writers are sharing space on this much-esteemed blog with Mr. Peters.


22win, I don’t know what you are taking but it needs to stop. Your IQ is dropping rapidly. See a Doctor.

September 12, 2018 9:12 pm

Man survives if he wasnt stupid and just gave up. Whats weed, a hundred dollar fine there? Then its just down to the gun. Legal or not? Man made a dumb choice. The cop however, seriously? Execute a man over weed? What is it, like a hundred dollar fine? Hope he dreams about it every night til he offs himself.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
September 12, 2018 9:33 pm

Arlington, Texas, you say?
Seem to recall one of my Army buddies ETSing from service and going down there.
He called me up on the phone a few months after and said his wife managed to run off a home invader with a 9mm pistol while he was at work.
“Time to come back to Virginia, Bob….hell, the Army is safer. You need to leave.”
That’s exactly what I told him and he took the advice.

Besides, it isn’t illegal to run a plate on a suspicious vehicle.
It is illegal to be running armed with dope, and driving to evade with an expired registration. Don’t tell me it isn’t, either, because the dumbass knew he was wrong… that’s why he ran.
Meanwhile, the rest of us with clean records and CDL’s have to be on the road with jackasses who weren’t buggin’ nobody.
Summary double-tap to the pumpkin? No problem.

  e.d. ott
September 12, 2018 11:02 pm

I use to feel sorry for negros while in high school but now I pretty much hate the fuckers.All of them.

September 12, 2018 11:07 pm

“Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

~1 John 4:8 (ESV)

Steve Anonymous
Steve Anonymous
September 12, 2018 11:52 pm

O’shitforbrains Terry got want he wanted. Dumbass