Anger Mismanagement

A new bull market is coming that will wipe out many of the current bull markets.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Its chart looks good—building a base for decades, lately bursting through the top of its range. The ascent has been steep, pullbacks minor, and it looks like it’s gathering steam for a long run.

Anger is lifting off in what market technicians would call the first impulsive wave of a new bull market. That’s the technicians’ way of saying this is just the beginning. Punctuated by brief remissions, there are many more and much larger waves to come before this trend is exhausted.

One of the best technicians of them all, Robert Prechter, has spent his career analyzing the indicators and dynamics of social mood, his touchstone term that has yet to make it into the popular lexicon. By the time this trend exhausts, perhaps there will be more widespread recognition of both the term and its awesome power. The anger waves will lay waste to the best laid plans of mice, men, women, and whatever you want to call those witless, arrogant creatures who inhabit central banks, governments, and globalist fronts…and those who pull their strings.

Financial markets, particularly equity markets, are indicators of social moods. In the US, equity markets are at or close to all time highs, indicating buoyant optimism. They have rallied for almost ten years since touching bottom at the nadir of the financial crisis. However, the losses suffered by many investors and homeowners from the crisis, the bailouts of connected financial institutions, and the perpetrators’ escapes from punishment have not been forgotten. If they had been, Donald Trump would have never been elected.

That was anger’s break out moment, a clear indicator of an impending social mood trend change. Since then, the rancor has escalated, engulfing those who both despise and deify Trump. The internecine bloodletting has a long way to go, and it’s not confined to the US. Brexit was the European break out. Nationalist movements increasingly challenge the elite consensus on immigration and EU integration.

All this while economies are still supposedly expanding. $250 trillion in direct global debt and $1 quadrillion or more in derivatives and unfunded liabilities hang like a dagger over the world economy and financial system. Most income streams and assets are pledged as security for debt repayment, every debtor’s debt is a creditor’s asset in the interlinked global financial system, global debt is at an all-time high, and the finance industry is more concentrated than it was in 2008. It won’t take much for a financial brush fire to become a roaring conflagration.

When a trend reverses, there are portents before the reversal. If anger is blossoming during the so-called good times, imagine what happens during the bad. In relationships gone sour, there’s often a terminal moment when the partner who once could do no wrong can no longer do anything right. Every underlying motive is put in the worst possible light. The relationship is over.

Such is the nature of the world’s long-running infatuation with government. The average citizen is unaware of the intricacies of government debt issuance and central bank monetary policies. What they do understand is that since the global financial crisis, low interest rates have destroyed the return on safe saving—supposedly to rescue the economy and financial system—and encouraged debt and speculation.

The debt-with-more-debt rescue was never going to work. When the economy and financial system again fall apart, this time beyond rescue, and people are stuck with underwater speculations, debt they can’t repay, bankruptcy, and unemployment they’ll connect three dots: their troubles, low-interest rate policies promoted by governments and central bankers, and the beneficiaries of those policies, the much despised one percent.

There will be much less patience this time—practically nonexistent—when the architects of this impending disaster tell us how they’re going to get us out of it. The political and financial establishment will be the estranged lover at whom most people will just want to scream, “Shut the fuck up!” every time it opens its mouth. Anything the establishment does other than keep quiet—which won’t happen—will be anger mismanagement.

Angela Merkel is getting a taste of that. For many years she could do no wrong. Then she had the George Soros-inspired bright idea to allow a flood of mostly Islamic immigrants into Germany. The country’s indigenous birthrate had fallen far below replacement levels. The immigrants would supplement the shrinking labor force and fund the bloated welfare state. Except many of the migrants weren’t blessed with Germans‘ famous work ethic, they instead wanted to soak up the benefits, and many didn’t share Germans‘ famous devotion to law and order.

Angela’s entreaties to the better angels of Germans’ nature now fall on deaf ears. Her poll numbers are plummeting and seemingly every defection from her Christian Democratic Union party is a new member for the Alternative for Germany, which has a radically different view on Islamic immigration.

As often happens with former favorites when the crowd turns against them, Merkel and her dwindling band of supporters are calling the other side names—right wing extremists, crazies, fascists, neo-Nazis and the like. It’s having little effect. Who are you going to believe, religion of peace propagandists or the Fräulein next door who was raped by a Syrian refugee? This is all occurring as the German economy is one of the Europe’s strongest performers, before things head south.

There is an obvious connection between the inflow of Syrian refugees and the US’s incredibly botched strategy and execution in that tormented country. This has been a Deep State fiasco from day one, midwifed by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain. If Trump takes the Deep State bait and uses the impending invasion of Idlib as an excuse to stay in Syria, he deserves the knife they’re sticking in his back. Not one jot of the anger that propelled Trump to the presidency was because the US wasn’t involved enough in the Middle East.

Bob Woodward’s book excerpts and the anonymous New York Times editorial are products of Deep State desperation and weakness, not strength. Woodward’s book Fear: Trump in the White House, has an unconsciously revelatory title—they’re certainly afraid. Russiagate is dying a lingering death and the recent Hail Mary—Campaign Finance Violations—has suffered a quick demise. Now they’re tossing a Hail Hail Mary: use the 25th Amendment to drive Trump from office.

There’s a tiny chance they realize that many Americans are indifferent to their stratagems and are tuning them out. They may be dimly aware their tactics are counterproductive. That could be why Fear and the editorial were not brought them closer to the elections. Probably not, though—they have to know these excretions will be forgotten long before the election, and will only stoke Trump supporters’ bitterness. Thus, the 25th Amendment Hail Hail Mary is the probable Deep State motive.

The stock market looks due for a tumble, but SLL has been saying that for months. If it does tumble, history and Prechter’s theory of social mood suggest Trump’s support will tumble with it. That would be the Deep State’s best hope for a 25th Amendment coup. However, things may be different this time.

Trump was the anger candidate and he’s still got the field to himself. A stock market crash will enrage millions, but he’s the quintessential outsider and expert persuader. He may be able to direct that anger towards the insiders. He’s already criticized Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve’s recent interest rate hikes, and there’s no more of an insider than the Fed. It’s not hard to imagine his argument: we had a great stock market going, but the central bankers killed it

The Washington Post reported last week that a secret grand jury is investigating former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired in March. That may well be a first shot across the bow, the start of a concentrated legal fusillade. A Trump counterstrike, timed for the election, would focus attention and resentment on the powers the be and further solidify his, and by implication the Republicans’, support this fall.

The first wave of anger is cresting, to be followed by larger, more powerful waves. Whether Trump can surf them remains to be seen. No doubt, however, they’ll deluge the status quo potentates and their sand castles on the beach.

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Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 12, 2018 12:08 pm

Excellent column Robert. I would add that Trump is not sitting in the dark brooding without a plan. He lives “The Art of War.” Of one thing I am certain and it is he knows how to leverage his enemies against themselves when they least expect or understand it.
“The Art of War” kicks “Rules For Radicals” ass every time they come into conflict.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Robert Gore
September 12, 2018 12:20 pm

My copy is the Samuel Hart translation. I am told there are a few different ones. Sort of like various versions of the Bible. The same story with a few differing nuances. We all know about “nuances.” LOL!

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
  Robert Gore
September 12, 2018 1:01 pm

Mr. Gore, you are a great writer.

The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
  Harrington Richardson
September 12, 2018 1:20 pm

Sun Tzu is rolling in his grave.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
September 12, 2018 2:45 pm

You assume he is still whole, the old boy turned to worm dust long ago.

  Harrington Richardson
September 12, 2018 1:57 pm

The Art of War is something my son and I read when studying Tae Kwon Do together under the fine tutelage of Grand Master Won, whose TKD school in OKC has served many young and old students in the fine practices of self-control and wise thinking practices.

It will defeat Rules for Radicals easily when deployed.

My bad botz trackers are not yet deployed but when they are, they will track all replies to my comments. Not picking on you Robert, since I think you know I respect your writing and your position of respected contributor here. But, I did want to let you know I’m cleaning up some TBP cooties.

Don’t reply to me directly.

Oh, and THIS is the training center under which my son, my husband and I trained. My son is second degree black.

I’m a green belt.

September 12, 2018 3:56 pm

There are no bad botz trackers. I have responded to Admin’s request that I admit I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about.

I don’t have botz tracking tools and do not expect my son to install any such tools for me. I do expect him to make recommendations on being more careful with my online presence.

But, about the threat to free speech out on these interwebs. It is real and there are some really nasty or stupid people masquerading as Thinkers here on TBP. Now, I’ve been pretending while I’ve been very sick. But, I’m healing and should be on my feet completely very soon. So, I intend to continue writing the occasional post here from time to time, although I may use a completely new moniker. Perhaps some obscure pair of initials that doesn’t make people’s eyes cross and snot drip out their booger holes. I may just keep Maggie.

But, folks, as far as signals intelligence and there being real opportunity for your data to be exploited?

Well. SIGINT. It is a real thing.

Admin, if you would like to summarize this in an “Sorry for the PsyOps” from Maggie, be my guest. You are the fireman.

I watched the fights here and entered very gingerly, early on. Then I came out flinging shit like a big dog. So, if your readers are scared of a little girl who says she has a tracking tool, is that really my fault? Or is it just an eye-opening experience for us all to realize how easily people can be deceived? and divided.

Mostly divided.

Thank you for continuing to post my items when I could not get down the stairs. I know you are a busy man. I admire you for everything you do to promote the idea that people need to get off their asses and learn something. Anything.

I apologize for doing this today. But, I got your attention.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
September 12, 2018 4:53 pm

“My son has a tracking tool that he will install without Admin’s permission” has got to be the most inventive of looney tune tales since Iravani. Of course, doppling Hollywood Rodent was killer nutso. And picking a fight with half the regulars was not too shabby a performance for a fruitcake. What will you come up with next? Directed solar flare attacks, voodoo bunnies, saying mean things about certain commentators…?

  EL Coyote (EC)
September 12, 2018 11:13 pm

Voodoo bunnies…

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Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  EL Coyote (EC)
September 13, 2018 7:02 pm

Sometimes infections can cause mental issues. A lot of oldsters get referred for Alzheimer-like symptoms but it turns out to be a UTI, and a round of anti-biotics clears things up and they get back to normal.

Don’t really know who Maggie was when she was “herself”, but a charitable view might entertain that she is not that person at the moment.

  Chubby Bubbles
September 13, 2018 11:33 pm

Yes. Shortly after the operation she was batshit cray-cray.

She seems to be chillin’ out of late, though.

September 12, 2018 8:36 pm

And again. I don’t give a fuck. We are sustainable. My FF group says get ready. I’m ready.

  Robert Gore
September 12, 2018 2:06 pm

Good article. You caught me by surprise … based on the first paragraph ….

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  Robert Gore
September 12, 2018 4:57 pm

HF gets credit for his brilliant articles, you should get double billing for your momentous missives (Uncola got the most improved nomination – somebody said his writing was better than usual).

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
September 12, 2018 12:15 pm

A Western financial crisis might put Trump in the fire, but at what cost?
The rich would see a huge loss of wealth during a financial reset along with everyone else. The only way they’d be able to preserve wealth would be to convert it somehow.
Oh, gee … I wonder why central banks are accruing gold reserves …
Trump “being able to surf” is hyperbole. What really matters is whether or not his security detail is loyal and his people can protect him legally and physically from the demented idiots out there whose fortunes go up in smoke.

September 12, 2018 12:38 pm

“Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.” Napolean and Sun Tzu…

Trump, as the hated outsider, will not take the hit from a stock market retreat…

September 12, 2018 1:10 pm

I agree.

When TSHTF …………… DECLARE WAR (any country will do). Seriously, wars have saved many POTUS asses. You know how it works; rallying around the flag, coming together as one, defeating a common enemy who wants to kill us all, …. rah rah sis boom bah. It really works.

If Trump declares war on Russia he could be President For Life.

The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
September 12, 2018 1:23 pm

The faith that the goys on this site have in tRump is truly schocking to me.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
September 12, 2018 2:22 pm

Since you have opened the door, feel free to elaborate, oh wise one.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
  The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
September 12, 2018 5:19 pm

Don’t expect the democratic socialists or national socialists to offer up any credible alternatives beyond retirement home grifters or stupid Hispanic bartenders …
Simply upending 8 years of Obama is a positive, IMO.

September 12, 2018 2:15 pm

It seems the stars are aligning for some sort of black swan or combination of disasters leading up into the U.S. midterm elections, doesn’t it?

Hate, anger, frustration, impatience seem to be a common theme in my neck of the woods lately.

I pray nothing significant happens on American soil but don’t see it in the cards…
Let us not forget the Economist magazine cover from 2017

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The Trump card?

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Nor this card from the Illuminati card game

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The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
September 12, 2018 3:03 pm

What do you make of this Plato

  The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
September 12, 2018 3:36 pm

I saw that last night. I have no idea. Wonder if it has to do with the coronal hole that has opened up on the surface of the Sun and the subsequent geomagnetic storm hitting Earth?

Wonder if the recent illnesses on airline flights are actually showing signs 0f radiation sickness?

What do you make of it?

The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
September 12, 2018 4:28 pm

I have no clue, however, it seems pretty fishy to me. I think we are getting hit with UV-C radiation, though I don’t know cause.

  The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
September 12, 2018 7:10 pm

The cause isn’t just from one thing I believe.

The warmer occurring on all of the planet’s in our solar system along with a 6 degree tilt of the planets suggest an external force is perturbing them….many speculate it is Planet 9, Planet X, Nibiru, the Nemesis system, what the Ancient Egyptians referred to as the Destroyer, the planet of the crossing…making its backwards elliptical orbit through our system.

Some have speculated that this brown dwarf is the binary twin to our sun.

The Higher Truth YouTube channel gets into specifics about what they speculate is the interaction of our sun and the Earth’s magnetic fields with a helium cone….

Very interesting times we live in. Lots of doom and gloom and lots of distractions and rumors of wars and wars on the ground keep our attention diverted from the stars…

September 12, 2018 8:40 pm

My family of families emails have a sort of coded message in the subject line. FF1 and FF 2 are of interest to all but not anything pressing. FF 3 and higher (never been higher so far) means you might want to take a peek it is from THEM.

Well, it was an FF3 and so I opened it and said… EMP? Again, dammit. Screw that.

So, I’m not even attaching the podcast. Just telling you others are sensing something in the skies as well…

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  The Anons are a circle jerk of fuckwits
September 12, 2018 4:41 pm
Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 12, 2018 2:24 pm

To quote Sun Tzu, “No nation has ever benefitted from a protracted war.” I hope the Donald has that passage bookmarked.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  Harrington Richardson
September 12, 2018 4:42 pm

Ha! Harry Dick made a funny!

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
September 12, 2018 4:38 pm

assuming he’s got terminal donrickleitis

Junior Samples
Junior Samples
September 12, 2018 4:41 pm

Yes. Trump declaring war on Russia will end the same way as the message indicated on a co-worker’s wall art. It says, “Give a man fire, and he will be warm for a day; Set him on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.”

September 12, 2018 12:54 pm

Sorry, but fearless leader has never read The Art of War and his narcissism wouldn’t allow him to understand it even if he had. Moral Law is the first of the five constants. Being moral, fair and predictably just, inspires others to follow the ruler regardless… The only thing DT and The Art of War have in common is a Chapter 11, and Sun Tzu only needed one chapter 11.

September 12, 2018 1:40 pm

I always read your articles even if I don’t comment. This one I’ve had to re-read twice just because the article and replies seem to be loaded with several interesting topics.
The anger waves for instance. Having spent many many years on the coast or on tidewater water watching the tides come and go came to mind. High tides spend most of their time building up to a climax, then as if by magic it’s over and you get dead calm in the ebb. Same as my own anger. I think it fits here somehow. I’m always spent afterwards.
People underestimate Trump at their own peril. While reading some books on Napolean I took time to read His letters to friends and associates. He credits his alleged Genius to methodical war gaming in his mind. He would consider a goal and how he might achieve it and then consider all the many parts and surprises that it would entail. Then he would count his resources at hand and decide how to allocate them if this or that should happen. He apparently new Mr. Murphy quite well because he always expected lots of things to go wrong and what he would do about it. But even he couldn’t predict weather a year in advance.
Derivatives will be his and everyone else’s undoing. I believe. Twice on here Iv’e tried to explain them in simple terms as being Futures Options on steroids. The awkward part or maybe the nefarious part of them is finding to Owe-ee of last resort. An Auditors nightmare. When they begin to unravel the implosion will create a real time Black Hole that sucks all paper and digital Faux-money out or rather into the hole.
I’ve read that the black hole is quite dense. Perhaps dense like Gold, Silver and Lead.
Not sure what got me going on all that.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
  Robert Gore
September 12, 2018 5:32 pm

Can anyone say Deutsche Bank?
It’s the financial equivalent of a rectal thermometer. Hank Paulson and Tim Geithner won’t be around to backstop that mess with Fed bagholders when the time comes – and it’s coming.

ursel doran
ursel doran
September 12, 2018 1:54 pm

Excellent work as usual Sir!

Art of War is one of my favorite all time books. There is a reason it has remained in constant publication, and with many many interpretations over the years since it was written in 400 B. C.! Trump may not have it memorized like Putin has, but ALL his generals pals will know it well.
There was a little noticed story in Forbes about Ron Reagan visiting the Pope, and the Pope, I believe was Polish, and was wringing his hands over the Russians. Ron said not to worry, as I am going to escalate, they will escalate, I will escalate with the phony Star Wars stalking horse and they will go broke. Yup that is how it went down.
My favorite version of the book is a $12 paperback with the foreword by James Clavell, “Shogun” book author.
Obama lackeys tried to suck Putin into a larger conflict in Ukraine, but Putin KNOWS the first rule of the “Art of War”, is do not go to war, as all lose.

Our 17 year and still running debacle for profits in the Afghan debacle is living proof of the first rule of follow the money.

The mega problem we face is the CIA and the neocon warmongers for profit now are running Trump. Trump says he will pull troops out of Syria, and like magic a phony non gas smoke bomb goes of and it is stumped as a gas attack by our White Hat goons, and there goes another hundred million of cruise missiles and bombs just for show.
Russia Russia Russia hoax is now detailed in a new book of that title.

“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”
Edward Abbey

September 12, 2018 2:24 pm


Not bad! No mention of Demoncrats or liberals or republicans for that matter. Refreshing.

Robert said,

If anger is blossoming during the so-called good times, imagine what happens during the bad.

I understand what you meant by this since the stock market is at all times highs, but I think the real anger arises from the blatant lies by politicians and the mockingbirds along with their expert shills, think Paul Krugman, that say ALL IS WELL!

It is the best of times and the worst of times….the Best for the upper 1% and the worst for the remaining 99% of us. Just look how this faux recovery has only magnified the wealth and income inequality, not just in Amurika, but globally!!

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
September 12, 2018 2:44 pm

Here I thought the title ‘Fear’ was an adaptation of HST’s book title ‘Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail’ that covers the re-election of Tricky Dick.

September 12, 2018 3:40 pm

Look everyone, Admin asked me to cut the bull shit. So here is the truth.

My son, who is indeed returning from Maryland this week, was just helping out with some busy summer back to school issues for kids and grandkids for a time to help give Nick and I a window to address this latest unexpected health crisis. He has no access to any of the databases he wrote tools for a couple summers ago.

He did use some of the academic facilities there to look at my laptop and assess what kind of cooties I’ve picked up. He doesn’t like TBP overall, but he says it is pretty tight as long as I keep the adblockers on. Which is fine by me but sometimes I have to turn them off to get to the site.

I do not know how any of us proceeds in a world in which we are so paranoid a little military psy ops conducted by an old ART (Airborne Radar Technician) and red rope managed to make you think that by replying to me, I was tracking down information on you or trying to, anyway.

I fibbed. There is no bad botz tracker tool and even if there is, my son is only in Cleveland. Nick’s cousins are up there and will wine and dine him for a night or two.

Now, I also understand a bit about how the information in connected databases moves around the globe or from Pentagon to base and back again. Or to satellite. Or to AWACS. But that is a different psy ops for a different time.

I saw what you did Mr. Clancy. I’m trying to one up you.

Go back to Maggie bashing, please, the rest of you. Stucky, you decide which goat to cook for the goat grab.

Robert, I am sorry once again for dropping a big dump on your fine and thoughtful essay. I think it will help exemplify your point though and will leave it to your sardonic and dry wit to address head on with a reply (Robert, there is no bad botz tracking tool) or to continue the well nice discussion about your points that I am, once again, so rudely interrupting.

As Gilda said…. Never Mind.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
September 12, 2018 6:31 pm
September 12, 2018 7:25 pm

“Robert, I am sorry once again for dropping a big dump on your fine and thoughtful essay.”

Shes not really sorry. Just fucking weird. Inane nonsensical lint on a fine suit.

September 12, 2018 11:28 pm

Maggie – I don’t think there was a single soul on this website that thought you were really surreptitiously installing “bad botz” tracking software on this site without Jim’s permission. Many of did think you were crazy, or over-medicated, or loopy as a loon.

It was like you were on the inside of your own private fantasy, and you expected us all to buy in, but we didn’t. Mostly, we saw you as a distraction. Although the shit-flinging was fun. I’m sorry I missed the comment and response about the duct tape.

Bad botz tracker? Really? C’mon Maggie. That’s ridiculous.

September 13, 2018 12:16 am

‘It was like you were on the inside of your own private fantasy, and you expected us all to buy in, but we didn’t. Mostly, we saw you as a distraction.’

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September 13, 2018 11:58 pm

Plus a lot more for catching the “distraction.”

You really can ignore a distraction. Just. Ignore.

September 13, 2018 11:52 pm

It really was, wasn’t it Tim? Really.

But Admin did email me and ask me to cut it out and admit I didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about. Jim Quinn really is as fabulously blunt as he appears to be and if he didn’t say it I’ll admit I misspoke and we’ll just move on.

Because, at some point, we all need to emerge from cyberworld and connect with the world around us, be it 40 acres in the Ozarks or 30 blocks of despair or a burning platform trying to signal a safe haven for speech and thought in a world grown increasingly mad.

I did not think I had convinced a single soul that by replying to me they would activate my bad botz tracker. However, if I stopped one person from wasting their time replying to me when they could just ignore me and my drivel, then it was perhaps worth it to plant that stimulus/response nugget in some minds.

I imagine the bad botz trackers would look like the trackers in the Matrix, using computer graphics that very much exist in the minds of many people who grew up on Keanu’s transformation into the ONE.

September 13, 2018 11:54 pm

Welcome back, Maggie.

September 14, 2018 12:20 am

“Jim Quinn really is as fabulously blunt as he appears to be.”

The problem is that you came in under the wire and never got a real education on how this blog works; bullshit at your own peril, you will get ass-raped. If you have something to share, most folks will tolerate a bit of levity but if you want to be class clown, your going to get kicked in the pussy (I’m not sure if JQ was that blunt in the email). You saw how Iravani was chased off for far less bullshit than what you dished out ever since Sensetti.

Admin being fabulously blunt:

September 12, 2018 4:05 pm

“Trump was the anger candidate and he’s still got the field to himself. A stock market crash will enrage millions, but he’s the quintessential outsider and expert persuader. He may be able to direct that anger towards the insiders. He’s already criticized Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve’s recent interest rate hikes, and there’s no more of an insider than the Fed. It’s not hard to imagine his argument: we had a great stock market going, but the central bankers killed it.”

Exactly right, Mr. Gore! Trump can also blame Obamacare, poor trade agreements that have hollowed out US manufacturing, trillion dollar intellectual theft abetted by HRC and others, unbalanced budgets for the last how many years and an inherited $21 trillion debt on the books. At least another $21 trillion missing. And although his efforts at preventing financial collapse will have fallen short, he did as much as he could have with both parties against him the whole time he was in office. Then there are all the witch hunts and the media aligned against him.

So, plenty of fodder for Trump to tweet about and direct the anger to the many perpetrators over a long time period. Indeed, I think this was the plan from the beginning thought up by decent men in the gov’t and military, impossible as that sometimes seems to sensible anarchists. But then you think, this is America and there must be some Americans with some leverage who do not want a new world order, but their country back as Jefferson and Madison described it and codified it. Something new is coming, though. Lots of people calling it a “reset.” I think it will be a revolution and fiat money will no longer be the method of exchange what with its history of failing in every instance throughout history.

September 12, 2018 5:12 pm

Your last comments made me our this together rather quickly….

“The threat of environmental crisis is the ‘international disaster key’ to unlock the New World Order.”

Mikhail Gorbachev

Phillip Paull wrote in his 1982 thesis on the conference, “International Terrorism: The Propaganda War”,

“Propaganda offensive to promote and exploit the issue of international terrorism.”

Remember what Henry Kissinger wrote in 2009 that Uncola highlighted in his recent piece here

Towers to Heaven: The Alchemy of Prophecy, Terror, and Unity

“The ultimate challenge is to shape the common concern of most countries and all major ones regarding the economic crisis, together with a common fear of jihadist terrorism, into a common strategy reinforced by the realization that the new issues like proliferation, energy and climate change permit no national or regional solution.”

Combine that with what David Rockefeller said,

“…The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

September 12, 2018 10:04 pm

We be FUCKED! but one quote always sticks with me…

It’s not what happens to us in life but how we react and deal with it that separates the chaff from the wheat

  Robert Gore
September 12, 2018 10:26 pm

I like that! Nicely sums up the variation in human behavior.

Reminds me of a fun game me and my friends used to play called

Acey Ducey… it usually started with each of us putting a single quarter into the pot …. each person was dealt 2 cards Ace high and Duce low….you bet that the next card you was dealt would be in between the two cards you were initially dealt, ties are considered losers….as the game progresses and people bet the pot and lost, it would get very interesting very quickly!!!

I’ve had the best two cards dealt to me, Ace and Duce and my third card be an Ace after betting the pot!

Ahhh…..great memories

September 12, 2018 10:37 pm

One characteristic of all Ruling Hierarchies is factional warfare. This time in spades!

September 12, 2018 4:31 pm

Dear Mr. Gore, I’m just a poor retiree trying to exist on Social Security and a small pension. What can I do about all the world’s problems???

Steve Anonymous
Steve Anonymous
September 12, 2018 11:33 pm

MUSTANG, Look to the book Prosper by Chris Martenson. You can do a lot to help yourself And community

September 12, 2018 5:18 pm

I believe the title of Bob Woodward’s book is actually its goal: “Fear”.

Right now, the establishment is hanging a placard around Trump’s neck with the word “Crazy” written in blood-red letters. I saw Woodard interviewed by Rachel Maddow last night and it appears the establishment is setting the stage to blame Trump’s INSANITY (inability to listen to advisors, focus, etc.) for whatever happens next.

Indeed, the stage is set. War? Trump is crazy. Economic crash? Blame his insane trade policies and tax cuts. If he tries to blame the Fed, then he will even look crazier to the hypnotized body politic.

Hurricane Florence fiasco? He’s in over his head. He’s arrogant. He’s dictatorial. He’s impetuous.

If I were a liberal, I would be very frightened of Trump because of the anonymous confessions of those in his inner circle; that he is a loose cannon, potentially mentally unstable, and that he coddles dictators around the world under the guise of seeking peace. Plus, look how his economic policies are overheating the economy. People need to vote in November in order to contain the Trumpian menace for the next two years until Elizabeth Warren, or Joe Biden, or Hillary, or any other classy and intelligent progressive can lead the nation once again with the type of grace and aplomb not seen since President Barrack Hussien Obama. But if Trump bombs Syria to save the children from chemical warfare, then he’ll be my president once again; for a while.

Who is actually crazy again?

And look how far we’ve traveled from Russian Collusion.

Even so, my personal concerns at this time are as follows:

1.) Rising interest rates, overall debt, and out of control deficits

2.) That the optics are set up perfectly for Trump’s downfall in the eyes of the masses

3.) That Trump may have been the establishment’s plan all along

4.) That Trump (God forbid) could actually be in on the ruse

How can Trump order the DoJ to make documents in the Russia investigation unclassified, or even indict the criminal cabal, this close to the election when he has warned Team Mueller for election tampering if they pull any stunts after September 1st?

If Trump takes any action now, it will only be used by his opposition to thrash him in ways the mushy-minded independents will punish him for in the midterms.

Or – is Trump pulling a sting with Jeff Sessions by castigating Mr. Magoo publically? But, even if the DoJ suddenly cooperates, would that not, too, (in the eyes of snowflakes) look like unfair pressure by a desperate and insane POTUS within 60 days of an election?

My main question, however, is this one: Why did Trump wait until it was too late?

Or will the Repugs win in November; thus setting the stage for the Mother of All Economic Depressions prior to 2020?

Risky business.

September 12, 2018 5:59 pm

Or it could be that Trump, understanding the cyclical nature of politics, desires to bang a Democratic Party controlled House like the proverbial drum in order enhance his 2020 vision.

Reality? Or Reality TV? In the middle of a turbulent Fourth Turning, what difference does it make?

September 12, 2018 6:53 pm

More questions:

Many are claiming that Woodward has tapes. But if I were an anonymous source, wouldn’t I take precautions against that? And, is it plausable that Woodward would risk his reputation by recording sources without their knowledge?

Perhaps Deep State is the new Deep Throat?

But, most importantly, if there are no tapes, then shouldn’t the book be entitled “Gossip” instead of “Fear”?

My bad for cluttering up your thread, Robert. Just typin’ out loud…

September 12, 2018 8:29 pm

I’ve done way worse. Am enjoying reading the real conversation.

September 13, 2018 7:14 pm

Bob Woodward says he would release book interview tapes if strongly challenged

BTW – I am really digging the little comment widgets. Much easier than using HTML code

September 12, 2018 8:34 pm

In desperation the fools are rushing in. Woodward tells lies in his book. Obama comes out saying he is responsible for the economy as is. HRC is everywhere looking more and more like the water thrown on her is reducing her to poison gas. Mueller’s self-evident delusion portends his demise. RR has much to repent as documents are released. McCabe, Comey, Strzok, and that miserable ogre, Brennan are doomed as courts adjudicate. Guantanamo and the number of sealed indictments continue to expand for some reason.

The country exists right now under a national emergency as of Dec. 21, 2017 which mentions corruption and sex trafficking as crimes where asset confiscation will be story of the day if it runs into the billions and rousts out some very big names. That proclamation also portends the use of military tribunals. Not too late for any of this to take place in full view of the world. Yes, the libs are out in full force, but do they have the numbers? What will happen even to these numbers when indictments come out against traffickers and pedophiles in the top liberal circles? Will Trumpeteers stand by and not vote when discoveries come out all over the place and they see libs acting like libs in the face of facts?

Dozens of members of Congress have resigned or won’t stand for election, including the Speaker of the House! Hundreds of others have quit their jobs as heads of companies and organizations. Something powerful made them do that which has never been seen before now. These folks are most likely going to shut the fuck up from now on and will not be stumping for anti-Trump candidates. Be careful out there you sons-of-bitches, the NSA has it all. Soon it will be time to dismantle that organization as well.

  Robert Gore
September 13, 2018 12:22 pm

I’ve got a feeling between now and the election is going to be Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.

Yessir. I most emphatically concur. And that’s just the warm-up lap.

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September 13, 2018 12:34 pm

“If I were a liberal, I would be very frightened of Trump because of the anonymous confessions of those in his inner circle; that he is a loose cannon, potentially mentally unstable, and that he coddles dictators around the world under the guise of seeking peace.”
And every one of these reports comes through a media complex that despises, detests and considers Trump to be Literally Hitler; cannot liberals see that bias colors every word they write? SIX COMPANIES control some 95% of the MSM, and they are all headed by liberals. Would you trust combat intelligence that was WRITTEN BY THE ENEMY, sent to you DELIBERATELY?
This is what will cripple them; NO ONE that the liberals read is writing the TRUTH. They are as mis-informed as it is possible to be about EVERYTHING; economics, government, morality, motives and everyday events that occur. Their censorship leaves THEM in the dark more than us; we, at least, know they are LYING.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
September 12, 2018 5:45 pm

When in doubt…


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The WWE President!! I think I’d rather have President Camacho

September 12, 2018 10:21 pm

Plato- I wondered when Trump bought into The WWE, what is he up to now? It was a training exercise for his POTUS character. It worked, he is almost that tacky…..tactless.

September 12, 2018 10:31 pm

Hahaha, couldn’t agree more.

This is why billionaire Linda McMahon is where she is in our government….helping small businesses…hahahahaha

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September 12, 2018 10:48 pm

Funny how the same people who piss and moan about “the elites”, think the collection of criminal billionaires in the Trump administration are all brilliant and, “people who know how to get things done”. Lawdy, we iz DUMB!

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 13, 2018 10:37 am

“Elites” are a frame of mind as much as anything else. I know super rich people who are regular guys and get down in the dirt and know how a shovel and hammer work. I see other people with the disease of “I went to an Ivy League school and all the rest of you should bow down” even though they are bureaucrats and not captains of industry or finance. Elites the way we use it is also a synonym for “abusive asshole.”


The Ying to the Aipac Yang.

Florence closing in has given me a good reality jolt…who ever Trump really is…all I can control is my level of prep for the consequences either way…and they probably will be identical?

September 12, 2018 6:12 pm

Great Article Robert…

Can’t write much as battery is going dead. Been thru thread and had this thought..

What if Trump knows it is all about to go to crap.
That soon the economy is to be a dumpster fire… for real.

Wouldn’t be better to have Dems to be controling the house.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
September 12, 2018 9:52 pm

Form of intense emotional response; antagonism towards someone or something, usually combined with an urge to harm..

Hmm, interesting..

Anger is a response to a perceived wrong against oneself or others who are close to you or otherwise important to you.

Lot’s of good comments, Robert. One hundred is definitely within reach. I won’t be around to try to reach for that golden ring. I need to get to bed. Not that I ever really cared one way or the other.

TBP has me all discombobulated lately. Kinda like this song

  Mary Christine
September 12, 2018 10:06 pm

Who is that fuckin clown

September 12, 2018 11:01 pm
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 13, 2018 12:27 am

No clowns!

  EL Coyote
September 13, 2018 5:34 am

They always send in the clowns.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  EL Coyote
September 13, 2018 1:56 pm

Puddles Pity Party. You should listen to the song I posted at least for a minute. He has an excellent voice, does shows all over the country and I’m not sure but I think he only does covers.
The one I posted is a mashup where he sings the words from Pinball Wizard to the music of Folsom Prison. It’s really quite interesting and done very well but at the same time you have this cognitive dissonance, too.

He never performs without makeup but he has posted youtubes of himself without it.

September 13, 2018 5:34 am

You mean the [usual] “Bull” simply continuing to “price-in” all the new [naked] bond generation and on-going PRIVATELY-held [NOT]Federal[NO]Reserve FIAT currency largess?

Cleveland Rocks
Cleveland Rocks
September 13, 2018 9:51 pm

The truth is the masses prefer tyranny to freedom. As the children of Israel preferred pharaoh’s leeks and onions to the milk and honey of the promised land. And pharaoh always wants to be obeyed as king and worshiped as God.

September 13, 2018 11:23 pm

One of your finest yet, Mr. Gore.

I actually read the free pages of Prime Deceit at Amazon and think I will try to find it in pdf somewhere really cheap or ask if you sell it for nook, which is archaic but is my storage device of choice for digital books. If you do have that abiity.. to send it to me pdf, I will ask Nick for his double dog secret password to Amazon so I can order something.

I almost wish I would have thought to contact you earlier today to see if you might not send me at least a chapter or two to read while I await another surgery tomorrow. Could you just attach a pdf of the first couple chapters here or in a link, Robert? I really will purchase it in digital form when I get my bad botz in my guts business resolved.

September 13, 2018 11:24 pm

And, 100, by the way.