Fred to Take Wheel of Ship of State: Will Implement Thoughtful and Reasonable Measures

Guest Post by Fred Reed

I have no choice. I must don the mantle of greatness and take the reins of the country. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I will run for the office of dictator, or President in American parlance.

Readers may ask, “But Fred, what makes you think you are qualified to be President?” To which I respond, “Nothing. But have you seen what we have now? You want a White House with John Bolton in it?”

You see.

I append here a few of the enlightened policies which I will effect. Hold your applause until the end. Interspersed for perusal are a few slogans that I may use to incite your fervor.

One: I will end all policies hostile to Cuba. I will not make life difficult for eleven million perfectly good people to please a ratpack of phony Cubans afflicting Miami. In fact, I will offer Havana a twenty-billion-dollar loan if they will take the bastards back. Cuba poses no danger to anyone. They have good cigars. They should be left alone to live as they please and drink mojitos. If nutcake Republicans protest my policy, I will have them stuffed into an abandoned oil well. Along with the pseudo-Cubans.

Two: Elizabeth Warren will be required to take a DNA test to see whether she is a wild Indian. If she is, she will have to wear feathers. Otherwise, to see a psychiatrist.

We have nothing to be afred of but Fred hisself! Has a classic ring, don’t you think?

Three: I will end the Afghan war in an afternoon, relying on use the exit strategy proposed by James P. Coyne, the Sun Tsu of our age:

“OK, on the plane. Now.”

If  Lindsey Graham complains that we need to kill more puzzled goatherds, I will have him inserted into the oil well on top of the Republicans and pseudo-Cubans, with Oprah tamped down on top as a sort of cork. There is nothing in Afghanistan that Americans need or want, except opium products, and private enterprise now provides these in abundance. Check the nearest street corner, or ask your kids.

Four: I will make membership in AIPAC a felony, and remind its members that I could have Oprah temporarily removed from the oil well to make more room. Aipackers can act as they please in their own country–I will not meddle in foreign affairs–but leave ours alone.

Fred! Ahhhhhh…. This has a nicely orgasmic quality that will appeal to the younger demographic. It represents the satisfaction that my rule will bring to the entire country.

Five: I will end all sanctions against Iran.  Then I will sell those Persian rascals airplanes and cars and electronic stuff and towel softener and lock them into the American economic system. This will make Boeing and AT&T and Intel  love me with the deep sweet love that never dies, at least as long as the money flows, and there will be lots of jobs in Seattle.

Six: I will bring charges of treason against the contents of the Great Double Wide on Pennsylvania Avenue. The evidence is incontrovertible. The first rule of empire is Don’t Let Your Enemies Unite. Everybody who has an empire knows this. Except us. Inside the White House a bunch of apparently brain-damaged political mostly left-overs, suffering from Beltway Bubble Syndrome, push  China, Russia, and  Iran together like some kind of international spaghetti-grope LGTBQRSTUV threesome. Who are our dismal leaders  really working for? China?

A Fred in Every Pot This makes no sense, you may say. No, but we are doing politics. It is almost iambic pentameter, like Shakespeare. It will lend class to my campaign.

Seven: I will keep the F-35 program. It provides a lot of jobs. However, I will but get rid of the airplane. Isn’t this brilliant? Instead of building the thing, workers will dig holes and fill them in, but keep their current salaries. It will improve their health, and make America safer. The fewer dangerous things the children in the Five-Sided Wind Tunnel have, the less trouble it can cause.

Better Fred  than Dead! Some readers will dispute this. What do they know?

Eight: I have been urged to end affirmative action on the grounds that things should be done by people who can actually do them. This is racist. I will have nothing to do with it. Instead I will make affirmative action democratic and inclusive. Everyone will qualify for it. Special privilege should not be restricted to a minority. It isn’t the American way.

Fred! Good as Any, Better’n Some. Good thinking.

Nine: I will abolish NATO. America should find a cheaper way to control the vassals. There is of course the bedtime story that NATO exists to confront the Russkies, and only incidentally provides a compulsory market for American armament.  Nuts. Russia cannot seem dangerous  to anyone who wasn’t dropped on his head at some formative juncture in life. Smallish population, low military budget.

Likewise South Korea, which has twice the population and forty times the economy of the North. If it wants to defend itself, it has my blessing. If it doesn’t, it isn’t our problem.

Tippecanoe and Frederick Too! This may require exhumation, but for this we have backhoes.

Ten: I will make a modest reduction in the military budget, say seventy-five percent. To keep the soldiers  happy I will invest in high-throughput roller coasters, a shooting range with BB guns, and really loud speaker systems that say Varoooom and Bangbangbang and fzzzzzzzzboom. These will provide psychic emoluments of marital life without the murder.

Eleven: The money thus saved I will use on pressing domestic problems. LA has 68,,000   homeless people on the streets, San Francisco loses conventions because of so many homeless defecating on the sidewalks, Portland has homeless riots,. The lower primates in Antifa and BLM rend such social fabric as any  longer exists. Dams are aging. Our trains are out of of the Fifties. And we spend a trillion a year on goddam aircraft carriers?

Fred? Well, Got a Better Idea?

Twelve: As an educational reform, I will have the Department of Education filled with linoleum cement, the occupants being left inside. This will raise the national IQ by at least three points. I will pass an amendment to the fragments of the Constitution saying, “No federal entity or person shall say, think, suggest, or do anything whatever regarding schooling on pain of garroting.” Part of the savings from lowering the military budget will go to purchasing garrotes.  The duration, content, and nature of the schools shall be left to localities without exception.

Thirteen: The father of any girl subjected to genital mutilation will be awarded a free gender reassignment operation, preferably with tin-snips. Genital mutilation should be inclusive. The father will then be placed for two weeks in the bottom of a public latrine in Uganda. If this doesn’t suffice to deter the practice, I may be forced to adopt extreme measures. A country that allows such treatment of daughters deserves to go to hell. And seems to be.

Fourteen: I will impose a literacy test for voting. People too dim to find their way home should not be permitted to influence policies they have never heard of and can’t spell. Yes, this might be called illiberal. If so, it will doubtless be the only example of illiberalism in this meritorious list.

Fifteen: In higher education, I will prescribe horse whipping for anyone saying microaggression, white privilege, whiteness, patriarchy, safe space, people of color, racism, any kind of phobia, or “Resist” in a squalling voice with an exclamation point. No curriculum containing the word “Studies” will be permitted.

Sixteen: Anyone prescribing Ritalin for children under twenty-one will be thrown from a helicopter.

In conclusion, I say to my yearning public, There, you ,see, there is hope. Together we can do this. See you at the polls.

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September 16, 2018 9:12 am

Here is the text of the proposed 28th amendment to the Constitution…to wit:
“Congress shall make no law that does not apply equally to itself, the executive branch, the judicial branch, or any of its departments, agencies, political divisions or subdivisions.
This amendment shall apply to all government agencies, departments, political divisions and subdivisions within the united States, federal, state and localities.”

September 16, 2018 12:00 pm

I would prefer the following: all Federal laws and Constitutional Amendments passed since 1835 shall be null and void.

September 16, 2018 12:48 pm

Honestly, I think we would all be amazed at the difference if we just repealed the 16th and 17th amendments.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 16, 2018 9:20 am

We definitely need more garroting.

  Iska Waran
September 16, 2018 12:49 pm

How many people do you think would actually need to get garroted? Im guessing not very many. The message would be clear. Kinda like Pinochet only had to throw a couple thousand people out of a helicopter to save a million or more.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 16, 2018 4:10 pm

I can think of a lot of worse ways to go than being tossed out of a helicopter.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 16, 2018 9:46 am

Get rid of the Central Bank, the Income Tax and the IRS (IAW the Constitution). Currency must be backed by silver, gold, etc. Settle the National Debt for X pennies on the dollar. Reduce Welfare to Widows and Orphans etc who need it. Require all governments adopt only English; no Latin in Courts; simplify minor appeals so a Lawyer is not needed. No seizure of property without due process. No secret Courts and sealed documents; all evidence may be presented unless clearly irrelevant. The 1st Amend contains all that is needed to know about what is politically correct speech; porno is not speech. You do not have a Choice to commit murder. The 4th Amend applies to the Gov’t. Social Media may not be biased.

  robert h siddell jr
September 16, 2018 11:06 am

And end property taxes. Debt in perpetuity IS slavery.

September 16, 2018 11:05 am

I sometimes wonder if we couldn’t do better just picking people at random out of the phone books.

September 16, 2018 12:53 pm

It would have to be a little bit more strict criteria than that, but ya. Employed white people that graduated high school maybe?

sionnach liiath
sionnach liiath
September 16, 2018 1:12 pm

Actually, I was thinking of something like the draft. Everyone 18- 45 to serve when called, for a single term of four years – but you had to be able to read and write English.

September 16, 2018 3:42 pm

What’s a phonebook, is that the thing hanging in a phonebooth of yore?

September 16, 2018 7:10 pm

What’s a phone booth?

September 16, 2018 11:07 am

OK, Fred. You have my vote…

MN Steel
MN Steel
September 16, 2018 6:20 pm

He’d have mine, too, if he’d actually live in the dictatorship he advocates, mined both northern and southern borders (with MG nests where impractical), and physically removed both “citizens” and offspring thereof that do not qualify under immigration law circa 1964….

If not, he can stay and fling shit from the civilized land of cervezas and beheadings.

DaBirds (Si vis pacem para bellum)
DaBirds (Si vis pacem para bellum)
September 16, 2018 11:23 am

How bout “Fred … He’s not Red… Or Blue!”

Mic drop.

September 16, 2018 12:03 pm

Great platform, Fred! I would add mandatory voter ID, paper ballots, cancellation of all motor/voter laws, and a mandatory voting age of not less than 30.

September 16, 2018 12:22 pm

It is all in the tone.

September 16, 2018 12:26 pm
September 16, 2018 3:24 pm

Oh, Come on! Bea, you didn’t think this was funny?

September 16, 2018 3:40 pm

Aggie, that dude looks like a lady.

September 16, 2018 12:41 pm


Votes to restrict others rights.
Gets own rights restricted.
Gets really mad.
Votes again.

September 16, 2018 1:39 pm

Finally someone with ideas. Fred for dicktatar!

September 16, 2018 3:39 pm

WTF is dick tartar?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 16, 2018 4:14 pm
September 16, 2018 4:52 pm

The residue left on your teeth if you don’t rinse after giving a blowjob.

September 16, 2018 5:13 pm

Actually, a dentist once told me that a weekly dose of semen on the teeth provided some quite important enzymes for enamel. The dentist, a lovely woman named Mary Clayton in Choctaw (long retired to the lake home), told a couple of us trusted clients in a private discussion long after the dental clinic was closed and the deck of cards came out for some Canasta or Hearts.

Does anyone else remember those wonderful days when women could sit around with each other and talk trash just like the boyz?

So, Stucky, the ball is in your court.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 16, 2018 4:15 pm

Oh? and Trump didn’t have ideas?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 16, 2018 4:09 pm

Fred (and voters) makes the same mistake as every would-be dictator, he forgets that in America the ship of state has close to 1,000 captains grabbing for the helm.

September 16, 2018 4:46 pm

There would be great value in elevating Fred into the Realm of the Power Elite!

September 17, 2018 12:16 am

I never realized how close is the spelling of martial and marital before and how they might be mixed up in a sentence as in “Ten” above.

I’d vote for you Fred.

I suggest stumping in black-face in a dress and sounding queer so your message will come across as inclusive.