The Late Hit on Judge Kavanaugh

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

The Late Hit on Judge Kavanaugh

Upon the memory and truthfulness of Christine Blasey Ford hangs the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, his reputation and possibly his career on the nation’s second-highest court.

And much more. If Kavanaugh is voted down or forced to withdraw, the Republican Party and conservative movement could lose their last best hope for recapturing the high court for constitutionalism.

No new nominee could be vetted and approved in six weeks. And the November election could bring in a Democratic Senate, an insuperable obstacle to the elevation of a new strict constructionist like Kavanaugh.

The stakes are thus historic and huge.

And what is professor Ford’s case against Judge Kavanaugh?

When she was 15 in the summer of ’82, she went to a beer party with four boys in Montgomery County, Maryland, in a home where the parents were away.

She says she was dragged into a bedroom by Brett Kavanaugh, a 17-year-old at Georgetown Prep, who jumped her, groped her, tried to tear off her clothes and cupped her mouth with his hand to stop her screams.

Only when Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge, laughing “maniacally,” piled on and they all tumbled off the bed, did she escape and lock herself in a bathroom as the “stumbling drunks” went downstairs. She fled the house and told no one of the alleged rape attempt.

Not until 30 years later in 2012 did Ford, now a clinical psychologist in California, relate, in a couples therapy session with her husband, what happened. She says she named Kavanaugh as her assailant, but the therapist’s notes of the session make no mention of Kavanaugh.

During the assault, says Ford, she was traumatized. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me.”

Here the story grows vague. She does not remember who drove her to the party. She does not say how much she drank. She does not remember whose house it was. She does not recall who, if anyone, drove her home. She does not recall what day it was.

She did not tell her parents, Ford says, as she did not want them to know she had been drinking. She did not tell any friend or family member of this traumatic event that has so adversely affected her life.

Said Kavanaugh in response, “I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time.”

Mark Judge says it never happened.

Given the seriousness of the charges, Ford must be heard out. But she also needs to be cross-examined and have her story and character probed as Kavanaugh’s has been by FBI investigators as an attorney for the Ken Starr impeachment investigation of Bill Clinton, a White House aide to George Bush, a U.S. appellate judge and a Supreme Court nominee.

During the many investigations of Kavanaugh’s background, nothing was unearthed to suggest something like this was in character.

Some 65 women who grew up in the Chevy Chase and Bethesda area and knew Kavanaugh in his high school days have come out and spoken highly of his treatment of girls and women.

Moreover, the way in which all of this arose, at five minutes to midnight in the long confirmation process, suggests that this is political hardball, if not dirt ball.

When Ford, a Democrat, sent a letter detailing her accusations against Kavanaugh to her California congresswoman, Anna Eshoo, Ford insisted that her name not be revealed as the accuser.

She seemingly sought to damage or destroy the judge’s career behind a cloak of anonymity. Eshoo sent the letter on to Sen. Diane Feinstein, who held it for two months.

Excising Ford’s name, Feinstein then sent it to the FBI, who sent it to the White House, who sent it on to the Senate to be included in the background material on the judge.

Thus, Ford’s explosive charge, along with her name, did not surface until this weekend.

What is being done here stinks. It is a transparently late hit, a kill shot to assassinate a nominee who, before the weekend, was all but certain to be confirmed and whose elevation to the Supreme Court is a result of victories in free elections by President Trump and the Republican Party.

Palpable here is the desperation of the left to derail Kavanaugh, lest his elevation to the high court imperil their agenda and the social revolution that the Warren Court and its progeny have been able to impose upon the nation.

If Kavanaugh is elevated, the judicial dictatorship of decades past, going back to the salad days of Earl Warren, William Brennan, Hugo Black and “Wild Bill” Douglas, will have reached its end. A new era will have begun.

That is what is at stake.

The Republican Senate should continue with its calendar to confirm Kavanaugh before Oct. 1, while giving Ford some way to be heard, and then Kavanaugh the right to refute. Then let the senators decide.

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September 18, 2018 6:51 am

It is beyond ludicrous to accept these sorts of accusations from women or men.

When I was 15, I was supposed to be either at home or with friends at the movies. If I ended up getting groped or mauled at a party where lots of booze was being consumed by young men hoping to get laid, then I was there of my own volition and was, ahem, ASKING FOR IT.

What a whore this bitch is to sell her story now.

And, as a woman who pulled a loaded pistol on a frat boy who tried to force me to have sex with him when I was 19? I still remember his name too and will not be concerned if he is nominated to any SCOTUS position. I still have that 22 revolver and can still make his pecker wilt.

September 18, 2018 7:16 am
September 18, 2018 7:48 am

page not found, when link selected on my pc, Card. what’s the gist of it?

September 18, 2018 8:23 am

I would bet that 90% of women think they’ve almost been raped. In an era where bumping into someone (remember during the election Trump(?) accidentally bumped into some bitch) and it became a huge story?

Women, you’re hurting yourselves and all other women with this bullshit. Women have been known to be hyperbolic.

Last night my wife and i took out the mother in law. She’s up from myrtle beach because of the storm. She’s been nonstop hyperbolic about florence. I mentioned how the media blows everything out of proportion (she is a weather porn fan) and that I heard florence had been downgraded to a tropical storm. That’s all it took for her to go apebitch right there in the restaurant. Pointing her finger, shaking her whole body as she spoke nonstop for the next 45 minutes. I wipped out my dick… er, I mean, my phone and ignored her for the rest of the evening.

Keep in mind, I never said florence wasn’t a bad storm.

September 18, 2018 9:41 am

Wip, I told a story here about pulling a 22 revolver out of my jacket pocket and making a frat boy’s erect penis wilt in an instant. I remember HIS name but do not think I will have to confront him in any SCOTUS proceedings any time soon.

I am willing to BET he remembers my name as well. My REAL name. I bet he still gets twinges in his testicles when he thinks about me.

My brother gave me that revolver when I graduated from high school. It’s a “southern thing.”

September 18, 2018 6:34 pm

And, I agree with you on one point. Any one of us can make the claim that we have been raped and any one of you men, having had relations with any one of us, would be hard pressed to prove you did not force yourself on us. I think it was one of the bull dyke Feminists of the 70s who said “All male-female intercourse is rape.” Was it that Betty bitch?

Lunacy. All part of the Marxist takeover plan. Eliminate the family as the cornerstone and the walls will come tumbling down.

Why is that? Skip to end to avoid ramble. ***

For instance, I had a really big bitchfest on my husband, who reminded me yet again that he had ended up taking care of all my animals during another hot season and so I reminded him he could have just been rid of me and then he could have been a rich widow attracting all the young eligible women around these parts. Really, he could have just let me die and no one would have known the difference. Not even our son, who has done his fair share of hauling Mom’s ass to the hospital.

Like that meth whore down the way that got our big farmer neighbor sent to the county jail for more than a year. A country of laws, my ass. They never did charge him with anything.

So, after a bit, my husband laughed and got my point. I may be a bitch, but I’m the real deal and we been through it all together.

*** Anything that tears down the family harms the idea of independent and sovereign man living together in community with other free thinking men. Because men and women bond to form family and procreate to form community. Then, extended bonds form and community becomes a polity.

What is so hard to grasp about that?

Everyone has become lunatics except for you and I.

old white guy
old white guy
September 18, 2018 8:40 am

even Pat put up the old line about the seriousness of the charge. I charge BS.

  old white guy
September 18, 2018 9:14 am

No mention either that Kavanaugh’s mother was a judge in the foreclosure of Fords parents home. I’m sure that has nothing to do with it. Sarc/… Chip

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  old white guy
September 18, 2018 9:38 am

These days you have to concede the supposed seriousness of the accusation – even if you don’t believe it is that serious. It’s among the many things one has to pretend to believe in order to function in politics and society as a whole: We can close the “education gap” with just a little more money, properly spent. A man who has his dick cut off is a woman. An unborn child at 7 months’ gestation isn’t a baby. An illiterate peasant who sneaks into the country is our “strength”. A Muslim from Somalia can blend into American society as easily as a Christian from England. Ghetto hood rats pose no more danger than suburban Sunday school teachers. It’s all bullshit and almost everybody knows it’s bullshit, although some libs want these things to be true so they act as though they believe them.

  old white guy
September 18, 2018 11:52 am

Total BS, she can’t even remember the year, and every one else contradicts her story. Apparently history of mental problems, and students say she’s “dark”

September 18, 2018 10:56 am

The women is also a democrat social “justice” warrior and anti-Trump while her attorney has ties to Soros. What is actually going here is pretty easy to understand. The problem is, the Republicans will probably cave like they always do and the judge’s reputation will be destroyed on mere hearsay. Democrats love to destroy people, that’s what they do.

September 18, 2018 11:37 am

It is time the Republicans stood up to this kind of bullshit. The Left doesn’t care how they win. Lying and cheating are fine, just as long as they win.

WTF do you think 3 months of hearings, and releasing 100’s of times more documents than previous SCOUTS nominees? Why wait until the hearings are done? The Demorats call us the deplorables, dregs of society – that is exactly what they are.

Kavenaugh has been a judge for many years, 2nd highest court in the US, you can read his rulings.

I would tell the Dem’s: tough shit, we ain’t gonna put up with this ‘hand grenade’ style of your’s anymore. You had your chance. And I’d make a motion to censure that Feinstein bitch.

September 18, 2018 11:55 am

Pat fails to mention that she spent a week scrubbing all her far left rants from social media before this crap started…But DOJ can get them from archive with a subpoena..

September 18, 2018 12:31 pm

Republicans don’t want him elevated either. They hate the USCON as much as the left. McCain’s legacy from the grave.

September 18, 2018 12:43 pm

For 40 years the bride of Frankenstein(Feinstein) has been on the wrong side of what has been good for America. Her and her Satan worshiping followers need to go. Everywhere it seems you go today,people say how fed up with this shit they are. It just never stops with these people. If not for the media this nonsense would have no traction. They give this evil a platform.

September 18, 2018 1:39 pm

How true. Clinton’s 2016 campaign only existed in the media.

September 18, 2018 3:38 pm

Dear Patrick, we Conservatives and Christians are being sold a bill of goods by the Trump Administration and Establishment Republican’s!!! Kavanaugh is a Pro-Abortion, Pro-Obama Care Moderate who will vote with the Liberal members of the Court just like his boss, Anthony Kennedy did. Please read the article “Liberals Are Freaking Out About The Nomination Of Brett Kavanaugh But It Is Conservatives That Should Be Concerned” on

September 18, 2018 3:41 pm

I must be psychic.

I commented, in passing, several weeks ago to a friend that the the douche party would produce a sexual harassment charge against Kavanaugh, unprovable, made by a never Trumper, and at the last minute so as to delay any confirmation beyond the election. My friend somewhat agreed, he must be psychic too.

September 18, 2018 6:02 pm

Pretty Simple….have her testify under oath (with the penalty of perjury…if CONgress can really do shit anymore ). If she’s caught lying then 1 year in jail will help her remember in her own mind…how it never happened.

The Republican’ts hate this country almost as much as the Demorats. They both have the same desire… have a caste system in the USA like India. 98% are the workers and 2% are the Elite Rulers.

September 18, 2018 8:01 pm

Bingo, the US will become a caste system. Book it.

September 18, 2018 9:58 pm

Lots of info she can’t remember but interesting what she, selectively, can. And where was she when Kavanaugh was being vetted for the D.C. Court of Appeals? No where.
She’s the result of opposition research (which we taxpayers are funding), and the Dems have been successful in pushing one of her buttons. If this is the worst thing they can dig up on him, then unless the GOP are pussies, he’s a shoo-in.

September 19, 2018 6:44 am

Two things to add to the discussion.

1) the accuser did the same last year against Gorsuch.
2) Imperator Rex details the accuser’s connections via Anne Eshoo to Planned Parenthood. Number 1 target is Kavanaugh.

IMO complete set up for political reasons. She may have wiped her online content but you can guarantee stuff will be uncovered.

Also why does PB say “second highest court in the land”? I thought your Supreme Court was the highest court. If he’s right, may I ask which is the highest court in the US?

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
September 24, 2018 4:44 pm

BS Kavanah will be another Roberts.