How Do We Change Our Lives In A System That’s Broken?

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Rather than fight a system designed to thwart us, we need a model for our own lives that bypasses the perverse tides and obsoletes the impediments in our path.

Everyone wants to change their lives for the better (or preserve what’s positive), and this is relatively straightforward in a healthy system with positive incentives and a transparent, productive set of rules and feedbacks.

But what if the system is broken? How do we change our lives for the better in a dysfunctional system of unearned privilege and perverse incentives? Needless to say, it’s difficult, and this is why we see a rise in inward-directed solutions.

If we can’t change the external world we inhabit, then the “solution” is to nurture an inner tranquility. It’s no wonder that Taoism–perhaps the ultimate inner-directed philosophy–arose during the Warring States era in China, when social unrest and conflict were endemic.

But what about real-world changes such as improving our health, fitness, resilience, work/career satisfaction, income security and psychological well-being? When it comes to affecting real-world changes in a broken system, it often feels like we’re swimming against the tide: the system doesn’t make positive improvements easy, despite an abundance of lip service to individual goals such as losing weight, improving our career options, etc.

There are number of reasons for this; here are a few:

1. The economy, society and systems of governance are all changing in fundamental ways. I’ve written a lot about these forces– AI, robotics, globalization, financialization, the concentration of wealth and power at the top, etc. –and how we can respond positively, particularly in my books A Radically Beneficial World and Get a Job, Build a Real Career and Defy a Bewildering Economy.

The point here is that even if our system was fair and functional, the structural dynamics are generating uncertainty, instability and a diminishing number of winners and an expanding multitude of losers.

2. But we don’t inhabit a fair and functional system; the status quo is dysfunctional, dominated by self-serving insiders, the Protected Class and various elites. Actual inflation (loss of purchasing power) is under-reported, and other metrics are gamed or distorted to improve the optics–that is, the perception.

Markets have been grossly distorted to reward the already-wealthy; stocks and housing are been transformed into signals of economic strength when in reality they are signals of excess and asset bubbles that increase wealth and income inequality.

3. Maximizing profit and convenience via marketing is the core of our economy now. Unfortunately, what’s highly profitable and heavily marketed is often unhealthy or deleterious to our physical, mental and financial health: fast food, packaged food, social media, high-cost, low-utility higher education, medications with serious side-effects, and so on.

Accomplishing changes often requires declaring war on convenience, as convenience is the enemy of everything required to swim against the tide:discipline, sustained effort, sacrifice, etc.

So how can individuals and households manage positive changes in a destructive, perverse and broken system?

One place to start is to eliminate as much marketing as possible, and as many negative, deranging distractions as possible. This means limiting media and social media exposure to a bare minimum.

Another is to focus on value rather than convenience. This goes against the tide not just of marketing but of “progress,” which is implicitly defined as an increase in convenience and a decline in drudgery, effort and discipline.

Ironically, most of life’s most rewarding things are not convenient at all:fitness, real food prepared at home, acquiring skills with steep learning curves, etc. These are all terribly, horribly, irrevocably inconvenient.

Third, look outside the mainstream and status quo “solutions.” Solutions outside the mainstream status quo tend to be inconvenient, wrenching and difficult, and there is very little institutional support for anything outside the mainstream. Rather, the entire weight and force of the status quo is put to bear in support of passive compliance with the approved “solutions.”

For example, the approved “solution” to ill health is surgery or costly medications that haven’t even been tested for interactions with other powerful medications.

The “solution” to the high cost of housing in desirable cities is to surrender the household income for the next 30 years and buy a decaying bungalow for $800,000 or more (or $1.8 million in bubble-mania neighborhoods).

These are simulacrum solutions; they only worsen the initial problem, not solve it.

As Bucky Fuller noted in his famous dictum, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

This is as true of our individual lives as it is of systems. Rather than fight a system designed to thwart us, we need a model for our own lives that bypasses the perverse tides and obsoletes the impediments in our path.

*  *  *

This essay was drawn from Musings Report 25. The Musings Reports are emailed to subscribers and patrons weekly.

Travesty of a Mockery of a Sham Book Sale: (September only) Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform is now $2.99 for the Kindle ebook, a 25% savings, and $6.95 for the print edition, a 22% savings. Why Things Are Falling Apart and What We Can Do About It is now $2.99 for the Kindle ebook, a ridiculous 70% discount, and $10 for the print edition, a 50% savings. My new mystery The Adventures of the Consulting Philosopher: The Disappearance of Drake is a ridiculously affordable $1.29 (Kindle) or $8.95 (print); read the first chapters for free in PDF format. My new book Money and Work Unchained is now $6.95 for the Kindle ebook and $15 for the print edition. Read the first section for free in PDF format.

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Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
September 30, 2018 2:48 pm

Living in the US has become impossible.

When just murder and theft were illegal, obeying the law was easy.

Now everything is illegal, but no feels safe because everyone is a criminal and you must fear the Gestapo.

How the fuck are you supposed to survive when depositing or withdrawing less than $10,000 from your own bank account is against the law?

Starting a business is illegal.

No one will hire criminals.

Criminals can’t get welfare.

Begging is illegal.

What are you supposed to do?

What’s wrong with freedom?

People were born in the past without birth certificates.

People could travel without passports.

People can learn how to drive without driver licenses.

Business that don’t have business licenses will go bankrupt if they provide bad service.

People won’t starve if they don’t have food stamps.

People can find cheap doctors in the world without Obamacare.

People won’t have a vested interest in driving dangerously if there are no liability insurance laws.

People could travel in the past without being groped.

Would crime rise if everything was legal?

The government is destroying the US with wars, debt, and tyranny, but what do we need government for anyway?

If a private association like the MPAA can regulate movies, why can’t the private market regulate other things?

When the TSA fingers your asshole and pulls your cock, is the real purpose to protect you or to make you feel like a degraded slave?

When people smoke now, people just call the police on them, but people in the past either took some personal responsibility and ignored smokers, moved away from smokers, or asked smokers to go somewhere else. The problem with a police state is everyone now is either or a slave or a criminal. Who pays the taxes to pay for tyranny?

If smoking is dangerous, can’t nonprofits raise funds to pay for educational campaigns that warn of the dangers of smoking instead of outlawing smoking?

Can’t people use the BBB to verify if a business is good or not instead of forcing companies to pay fees to get a government business license?

Can’t private charities funded by volunteer donations provide homeless shelters and soup kitchens instead of being forced at the point of a gun by the government to pay taxes that fund welfare?

Can’t people use guns to protect themselves instead of relying on the Gestapo?

Can’t neighbourhoods hire private security firms to protect their homes?

Can’t the free market provide toll roads?

Can’t the free market provide private airports?

Can’t the free market provide private schools?

Can’t the free market provide private mediation services instead of being forced to use courts?

Can’t volunteer fire departments provide fire protection services?

Can’t the free market provide disaster relief instead of FEMA?

Can’t the free market run delivery services instead of the USPS?

Can’t the free market run railroads instead of Amtrak?


  Free Speech Forum
September 30, 2018 5:49 pm

That’s a post all by itself.

  Free Speech Forum
September 30, 2018 10:01 pm

The BBB is a pay to play joke. Their approval of a biz is worthless.
I’m noticing lots of changes. The Fourth Turning is becoming real and I sure don’t like it.

September 30, 2018 5:50 pm

The key paragraph imo:

“Accomplishing changes often requires declaring war on convenience, as convenience is the enemy of everything required to swim against the tide:discipline, sustained effort, sacrifice, etc.”

October 1, 2018 7:50 pm

The answer is reall pretty simple. Every child is born with the knowledge that if the game is not fair, you simply refuse to play and go home.
We as adults must learn to do the same. Government only has the power we vote to give it. At the point where less than 50% of the people participate in the vote, the government becomes illegitimate.
Refuse to go along with the establishment. Break the rules. Stop buying on credit. Stop watching television and beliving what it tells you. Grow at least some of your own food. Become more independent from the system. Educate yourself.

Doing these things will not only improve the quality of your own lives, it will improve our country and reduce government.