Blasey Ford’s Kavinaugh Testimony Unravels After Ex-Boyfriend Refutes Key Claims

Via ZeroHedge

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) fired off an intriguing letter to Christine Blasey Ford’s attorneys on Tuesday, requesting several pieces of evidence related to her testimony – including all materials from the polygraph test she took, after her ex-boyfriend of six years refuted statements she made under oath last week.

Grassley writes: “The full details of Dr. Ford’s polygraph are particularly important because the Senate Judiciary Committee has received a sworn statement from a longtime boyfriend of Dr. Ford’s, stating that he personally witnessed Dr. Ford coaching a friend on polygraph examinations. When asked under oath in the hearing whether she’d ever given any tips or advice to someone who was planning on taking a polygraph, Dr. Ford replied, “Never.” This statement raises specific concerns about the reliability of her polygraph examination results.”

Ford’s ex-boyfriend also claims that she never told him about any type of sexual assault in almost a decade of knowing her (of which they were romantically involved for six years).

“During our time dating, Dr. Ford never brought up anything regarding her experience as a victim of sexual assault, harassment, or misconduct. Dr. Ford never mentioned Brett Kavanaugh,” the ex writes, adding “While visiting Ford in Hawaii, we traveled around the Hawaiian islands including one time on a propeller plane. Dr. Ford never indicated a fear of flying.

Ford’s ex goes on to note “Dr. Ford never expressed a fear of closed quarters, tight spaces, or places with only one exit,” further refuting her testimony. “She ended up living in a very small 500 sq. ft. house with one door.”

The “second door” story has separately come under scrutiny in recent days, as some have suggested the second door she installed due to “clausterphobia” as well as “anxiety, phobia and PTSD-like symptoms.

That said – RealClearPolitics‘ Thomas Lipscomb notes that the door may have actually been installed to accomodate a renter at her house.

since 1993, and  through some listings even today, there was another tenant at what is now the Ford property. It is listed as this person’s residence from 1993 to July 2007, a week or so after she sold the house to the Fords.

Her name is Dr. Sylvia Randall, and she listed this address for her California licensed practice of psychotherapy, including couples psychotherapy, until her move to Oregon in 2007.

Currently she only practices in that state, where she also pursues her new career as a talented artist as well.

But many existing directories still have Dr. Randall’s address listed at what is now the Ford residence.

Randall was evasive when Lipscomb called her – refusing to answer whether she sold the house to the Fords or was a therapist to the Fords. Perhaps the FBI needs to interview Randall before they conclude their speedy investigation.

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October 3, 2018 7:38 am

Are we still cheering for Lindsay Graham or can we put him back in the shitter where he’s alway’s been?

October 3, 2018 3:59 pm

I was getting scared there for a while with the Lindsey cheer leaders, but common sense usually prevails itself on the Platform.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 3, 2018 4:08 pm

I haven’t been a fan but he sure stepped up lately. McCain is gone and he has pitched camp with the Deplorables. Okay for now.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Harrington Richardson
October 4, 2018 2:37 am

Maybe his love for McCain hindered him and made him worse than he really was, trying to please. Now that his love is gone, may we’ll see a different Graham. If not, I say run him out of office.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 4, 2018 2:34 am

Since John McCain died, I’m wondering if the real Lindsey can finally come out (not of the closet, we already know he’s really a *ussy.)

I hate Lindsey Graham, my so-called Senator, but I do admire his ability to not let anybody get to him. Whenever I tried to contact him about something, he always sent me a letter that began, “You and I may not agree…” I don’t think he truly represents his constituents, but he does stand his ground and won’t be intimidated, even when he sucks.

October 3, 2018 7:43 am
October 3, 2018 7:57 am

You beat me to it. This is an article on how kavanaugh led the effort to bury the Foster hit. Read it if you need another lesson on the evil we’re dealing with: frauds and thieves on all sides.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 4, 2018 2:42 am

I couldn’t finish that article because I’m not subscribed and don’t plan to.
Does anybody expect another Scalia on the court? They learned not to do that a long time ago.
If you want a good Supreme Court justice, Judge Andrew Napolitano would be at the top of the list because he’s a Constitutionalist. But the government doesn’t really want somebody that follows the Constitution. They only say that. All they’re worried about is power.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 3, 2018 7:48 am

Kavanaugh should get to dick-slap that lying bitch.

  Iska Waran
October 3, 2018 8:14 am

Repost but appropriate for this article…

Ford was NOT credible despite what both republicans and democrats are saying publicly. Her little girl voice and poses were well rehearsed. There is an excellent “body language” expert analysis available on line for anyone interested enough to search. Public support for Ford is politically correct speech for politicians, both republican and democrat, who do not want to anger half of their voting base (females). NONE of the “evidence” she provided is corroborated including witnesses she says were there. This was a well rehearsed theatrical con job.


October 3, 2018 9:51 am

And then there’s this!

“In a letter released last night from a former boyfriend of Christine Blasey-Ford, there was a name curiously not redacted. The name of Monica L McLean was revealed as a life-long friend who Ms. Ford helped with polygraph preparation.

The media has begun to focus on the letter as outlining a lie told by Ms. Ford during recent congressional testimony… But the backstory to Ms. Monica Lee McLean is an even bigger story.”

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 4, 2018 3:06 am

Absolutely great article, SmallerGovNow.
I notice the commentators in that article are blaming the last Great Recession on the Democrats, though. It’s actually due to the Federal Reserve. Just saying.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 4, 2018 2:45 am

Any woman that believes this woman is an idiot! If you’re that stupid, you shouldn’t vote for sure.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 3, 2018 8:14 am

Ford is an emotionally unstable individual with planted thoughts and false memories of a youth that did not exist .
Now she is a California vagina hat wearing mealy mouth lefty so blown up by the leftis idiots around her she cannot stop her self . All part and parcil to her over all mental disorders . Remember she instructs young college students in psychology classes that alone speaks volumes regarding the product we as parents end up paying for when we foot the bill for our children’s higher education .
My daughter had a white female professor that openly admitted to hating white males . Boat Guy went off like a chief engineer demanding a full head of steam ! That screwy fucking bitch does not need any of my hard earned dollars that me and my white privilege earned me working the deck of an oil tanker starting at 18 !

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Boat Guy
October 4, 2018 3:08 am

You’re right, Boat Guy. Unstable Liberal Lunatics teaching kids. Home school, people!

October 3, 2018 9:22 am

CTH has an article today describing how she coached her BFF fbi gal pal about polygraph tests. She was asked by the prosecutor during her hearing if she ever coached anyone b4 taking a poly, she answered “never”. Mrs Fraud repeated the same answer when questioned by Grassley. This dumb clam makes Chrissy from Three’s Company look like a Quantum Physics Professor.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 4, 2018 3:12 am

I’m beginning to wonder if Republicans had knowledge of this information from the ex-boyfriend of Ford’s prior to her testimony and then had him send it in writing, dated 10/2/18. Why else would they ask the question? Yes, she took a lie detector test, but nothing about others taking one that would prompt the question.

October 3, 2018 9:49 am

This entire debacle / train wreck / circle jerk / shit show / Klown Show / needs to end.

October 3, 2018 12:42 pm

Dutch, as soon as it’s over, another one will begin. This continuing farce of a shit-show is purely distraction to keep everybody entertained while the world crumbles into the ocean. Pay no attention to the landslide going on.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 4, 2018 3:12 am

I hope they arrest this woman.

October 3, 2018 9:50 am

Whose Kavinaugh?

October 3, 2018 9:52 am

Monica MacLean may be a current FBI agent. The polygraph training was for her interview to get the FBI job, so she wasn’t nervous when the time came. If so, she should have reported the fact that Dr Fraud perjured herself in her testimony. If she hasn’t done that, her security clearance can be revoked immediately.

Monica is also one of Dr Fraud’s school friends who signed a letter supporting her claims against Kavanaugh. Wonder if she’s been interviewed by her bosses yet?

October 3, 2018 10:00 am

Boyfriend has been named and it appears that Rachel Mitchell knew about the polygraph training before she asked Dr Fraud the questions. Proven a liar by a prosecutor.

BUSTED! GOP and Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell Knew Christine Ford COACHED FRIEND on Polygraph Before Hearing — THEN CAUGHT HER LYING DURING TESTIMONY

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 3, 2018 10:23 am

“Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus”. Isn’t that what Blumenthal said?

  Iska Waran
October 3, 2018 4:47 pm

Yes. He was quoted as he was charging a gook position in Da Nang with a knife in his teeth (after the war was over).

October 3, 2018 12:39 pm

Rossie, a lawyer wouldn’t ask a question he/she did not know the answer to.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 4, 2018 3:14 am

OK, that answers my question above. I told you Rachel Mitchell was brilliant in her nice-nice interrogation of Ford. She got the goods because Ford thought Rachel was too easy. Rachel was brilliant and nailed Ford.

October 3, 2018 10:15 am

Grassley’s letter to her lawyers for the evidence may be another dupe as it’s not really necessary. The FBI hasn’t interviewed their client. Don’t need to as they already have her public and written testimony. So how and why are they able to wrap up this investigation so quickly?

Imperator Rex has done a timeline suggesting that the FBI investigation may have been started on 12 September when Feinstein passed Dr Fraud’s letter to them. When it appeared that they weren’t going to investigate, the letter was then leaked. The rest may make political history.

Bob P
Bob P
October 3, 2018 10:21 am

She can’t be lying; she’s a woman, and we all know women never lie. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, is a man, so he must be lying.

  Bob P
October 3, 2018 11:53 am

She just looks like a lying fruit cake surrounded by Jews and other liberals progressives who are putting thoughts in her head. Kinda like women in Hollywood .Doesn’t matter if these “things “never happened. It’s all show business.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 3, 2018 12:36 pm

Her Dad is/was a Deep Stater. Her brother was involved in founding Fusion-GPS. She is a commieass California Professor/beach bunny, pink pussy hat wearing, Trump and Constitution hating lunatic.
She co-wrote a paper on using self hypnosis to create false memories. Remember her bullshit about how this memory went from blah to blah to blah and is now in my hippocampus? A bit technical to say the least.
My personal guess is we soon learn about the blackout drunk whoring episodes in high school and college etc.
Still, she is a paragon of credibility compared to this criminal crazy person Swetnick and the other liar Ramirez. All three involved with Soreass groups.
The GoFundMe thing will be revealed as a method to bribe or compensate.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Harrington Richardson
October 4, 2018 3:23 am

Maybe GoFundMe for those involved in politics should be prohibited.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Bob P
October 4, 2018 3:22 am

I have to say, some of the most prolific liars I know are women. I would trust a man I know well before I woman I know well. As I’ve said before, women are cats, ready to scratch your eyes out.

October 3, 2018 1:56 pm

comment image

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 3, 2018 4:17 pm

Do you suppose we have to wait another 18 months to be proven right in all this just like we were about the Deep State Russia bs coup attempt and frame job?

October 3, 2018 4:08 pm

here is my theory:
she is addicted to anti-anxiety meds like “Xanax/Valium” and her primay Dr. cut her off. Then she creates this shit storm in her mind, to ensure she can get a new script for the next few years .

hell, I know a junky who had all her teeth pulled, one at a time, once per month, just do get Vicodin. They can usually do this in one sitting, but some people know how to manipulate the system.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 4, 2018 3:26 am

Wow. That’s hardcore addiction. Pulling a tooth is painful.