Is the White Male Victimizer or Victim?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In my October 2 column I pointed out the disparity in treatment of the male football coach at the University of Massachusetts and a radical feminist professor at Georgetown University.

The disparity is amazingly extreme. The football coach had no intention of offending anyone when he used the word “rape” to express his opinion that his players had lost the game due to home team officiating. However, the Georgetown feminist professor had every intention of offending the male members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Supreme Court nominee when she said:

“Look at this chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement. 
All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”

There is no evidence whatsoever that Kavanaugh is a “serial rapist.” By calling him one, she is guilty of libel. Kavanaugh should sue her for damages.

Now we have another example of the extreme double standards universities apply to males and females. Dean William Rainford, head of the Catholic University of America’s School of Social Service raised an appropriate legal question about the allegations of Julie Swetnick, another woman to come forward with allegations trying to connect Kavanaugh to sexual misbehavior. According to Swetnick she was at unchaparoned parties at which Kavanaugh was present where females were gangraped, herself included.

Her story was dismissed by everyone except the most crazed male-hating feminists as simply unbelievable. She claimed attendance at many gangrape parties. Why did she continue to go to the gangrape parties? Why didn’t she and the other numerous victims report the crimes? As Swetnick is several years older than the underaged teens whose parties she attended, as an adult engaged in sex with underaged males, was she a victim or a perp?

According to the way law has been enforced, she was a perp. It is fortunate for Swetnick that no responsible person believes her, or she could be indicted for statutory rape.

Here is what Dean Rainford twitted: Swetnick is 55 years old. Kavanaugh is 52 years old. Since when do senior [high school] girls hang out with freshmen boys? If it happened when Kavanaugh was a [high school] senior, Swetnick was an adult by her admission drinking with and having sex with underage boys. In another universe, he would be victim and she the perp.

This is a correct legal point.

For making this correct point which definitely should be part of the evaluation of the credibility of Kavanaugh’s accusers, Catholic University of America president John Garvey, who is as intimitaded by radical feminists as Georgetown’s president, declared Dean Rainford’s remarks to be “unacceptable” and suspended Dean Rainford for the semester. The cowardly Garvey went on to declare Swetnick to be a “victim” toward whom Dean Rainford “demonstrated a lack of sensitivity.”

See these news reports:

There is no evidence whatsoever that Swetnick is a victim. Apparently Garvey has paid no attention to the Kavanaugh affair or has been brainwashed that Swetnick is a victim. Garvey has apparently given no thought as to how he has undercut the authority of his dean when he is reinstated. A man forced to grovel like this for introducing law into the discussion is ruined:

“I offer no excuse. It was impulsive and thoughtless and I apologize. … Victims who suffer assault and abuse need to be heard, respected, and provided treatment and justice.”

Do note that in the total absence of any evidence that there was any sexual assault, assault is now accepted by President Gravey and Dean Rainford as a fact. So here we have two high administration officials in a Catholic university who think that accusation alone, even a vague one without witnesses or evidence, suffices as evidence.

It also did not occur to Garvey that it is just as likely that Judge Kavanaugh is degraded by false, politically-motivated charges against him. Why isn’t Garvey concerned about the verbal assaults on Kavanaugh? How does Garvey know that Kavanaugh is not having his life ruined by false politically-motivated charges?

When we cannot find respect for evidence and rational inquiry even in our universities, we know the country is lost.

The situation is as bad or worse in elementary schools even in the South, where it is tradition to teach children to show respect to adults by using “yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am.” A 10-year old boy was disciplined in North Carolina for addressing his teacher as “ma’am.”

How did this come about? Perhaps the answer is that Identity Politics has taken over public and private universities and the public school system.

Identity politics with the proliferation of “victim groups” has succeeded in diverting university resources away from teaching to policing “microaggressions.” Consequently, bureaucracy has exploded while students are taught by adjunct professors hired on the outside to teach courses for a couple thousand dollars. There have been a number of reports that 75% of university budgets are spent on administration.

I wondered how there could be that many administrators, but Taki, citing the work of journalist Heather MacDonald (read her book, The Diversity Delusion), explains:

“For example, Berkeley budgets $20 million per year for 150 full-time staffers in its diversity nook, the Division of Equity and Inclusion. At UCLA, Jerry Kang, the Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and a leading advocate of the pseudoscience of implicit bias, was paid $444,234 in 2016.

“MacDonald notes the career arc of the new president of San Diego State, Adela de la Torre, who had previously built a power base at UC Davis consisting of 28 nonacademic departments such as:

“The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center; the Center for African Diaspora Student Success; the Center for Chicanx and Latinx Student Success; the Native American Academic Studies Student Success Center; the Middle Eastern/South Asian Student Affairs Office; the Women’s Resources and Research Center; the Undocumented Student Center; Retention Initiative; the Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services; and the Center for First-Generation Student Scholars.”

Notice that white heterosexual males have no “resource center” to protect them from aggressions, which in the case of white heterosexual males are real rather than imagined. Anything goes against white males. Just ask Dean Rainford and coach Whipple.

White male students both in the US and UK tell me that they are uncomfortable in their university environments. There are all sorts of speech code enforcers waiting to jump on them. They refrain from participating in class discussions out of fear of using a proscribed word, such as “girls,” that sends them to sensitivity training. They know that they can be framed up on any serious charge, just like the Duke University Lacross team that was falsely indicted for raping a stripper and Phi Delta Theta fraternity at Georgia Tech that was suspended on an unsubstantiated racist charge.

In history, anthropology, sociology, and social studies classes white males listen in silence to endless charges against white males, afraid to show any dissent. Indeed, under the reign of Identity Politics, the entire purpose of universities today is to demonize the white male. No white male is safe, not even deans of schools, and certainly not professors. A business school professor told me he received a warning for using the word “girls.” Jack Trotter writing in the August 2018 issue of Chronicles tells the story of being summoned to a meeting with his dean and the 30-year old female head of the university’s Diversity Office. Trotter had used the term “Anglo-Saxon” as an example of concise words as compared to “abstract, Latinate terms” in a lecture on concision in writing. A black female student concluded that Trotter’s preference for Anglo-Saxon words indicated racism and made her uncomfortable.

The dean kept looking uncomfortably at the Diversity Officer and told Trotter that the absurd charge would go into his personnel file in case there were further infractions. Trotter realized that universities are now in the hands of people “sniffing out diversity infractions, harassment claims, speechcode violations, microaggressions, toxic masculinity, and white privilege,” and were not places for white men to be. Perhaps the problem of the Catholic University and Georgetown presidents is that they are only figureheads.

There is, of course, the possibility that UMass and Catholic University are making cynical use of “sensitivity” to remove a football coach whose previous winning streak has departed and to increase “inclusiveness” at Catholic University by replacing Dean Rainford with the assistant dean who is female. Regardless, it is now an established fact that white males do not have the same range of freedom of speech that females have. What Identity Politics needs to explain is how is it that the easily persecuted white males constitute a ruling class of exploiters. Why are white males the ones who feel least welcome in universities and are the only ones who are punished?

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October 6, 2018 8:26 am

Because money and power.

“Wake up white people.” — Daniel Carver

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
October 6, 2018 12:18 pm

Howard Stern early 1990’s. That was the time to wake up. It never happened, about the time Xanax was marketed to the middle class for their angst, which they gobbled up. The last fuck was given by the turn of the century.

October 6, 2018 8:51 am


robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 6, 2018 11:00 am

Brett was the victim; liberals are the Victimizers.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
October 6, 2018 12:22 pm

The white man was doomed by two things, and two things only when you boil it all down, 1) Direct democracy and 2) women’s suffrage. The strong and fit are not supposed to voluntarily relinquish control to inferiors.

Everything we’re living through today was baked into the cake by 1920. Thanks great grandpa, you stupid fuck. Let me find your grave marker so I can piss on it.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  JR Wirth
October 6, 2018 12:33 pm

Don’t read the article, JR, just scroll down to the cartoons. They fought the suffrage movement quite mightily I am sure. The communists were just more crafty and somehow managed to win the propaganda war.

My favorite is the last cartoon at the bottom showing the appeal of the homemaker as opposed to the crazed angry suffragette behind her. Seems it was quite accurate in it’s depiction of what the future would hold, wouldn’t you say?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
  Mary Christine
October 6, 2018 1:17 pm

That’s true, but it wasn’t just a communist thing. It was an entire generation, or two, or white men, who had been well trained by Victorian school marm spinsters to think that this was the inevitable future. So, fast forward 20 years, a suffragette gets run over by a horse while protesting at a horse track and he’s moved to support it.

The fascinating thing about that era is the deference that men gave to women, even when they were being destructive. A tradition that continues to this day. For instance Carrie Nation destroyed several bars with her hatchet. Yes, she was arrested and put in a women’s prison, many times, but I’ve never read that she was punched in the mouth, with all of her teeth knocked out, and then was pushed to the floor and kicked in the stomach when she went into the wrong bar. According to feminist logic, Carrie Nation should have been dead a thousand times over when she was committing her bar hatchet spree.

Compare that to Saudi Arabia or even India. The history of America is women being given everything they ever wanted on a silver platter, and they were never happy. And the more they were given the more they became cuntish shrews (not all of them by any means).

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  JR Wirth
October 6, 2018 1:20 pm

“The history of America is women being given everything they ever wanted on a silver platter, and they were never happy. And the more they were given the more they became cuntish shrews (not all of them by any means).”

Not just American women but western women as a whole. We screwed the pooch and when the going gets bad and we need men to protect us how are they ever going to tell the good women from the bad women?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
  Mary Christine
October 6, 2018 10:11 pm

Men can tell the good women from the bad after they get a few years on them.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
  JR Wirth
October 6, 2018 3:20 pm

Don’t blame grandpa unless you’ve gone out and cut the throats of a few university political officers. I doubt you have. We’re the ones faced with the in-your-face imminent destruction of white civilization, the greatest civilization that ever existed. We don’t seem to be doing a lot about it.

White sharia would be a good start. If we don’t get our women under control, we cannot win.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
October 6, 2018 3:14 pm

Reminds me of the political officers embedded in the USSR army during WWII. Sniffing out any politically-incorrect infraction by those who actually did the fighting, and put their lives on the line. Absolute power, life and death, over everyone on the fighting side.

Anyone who thinks communism hasn’t come to the US is a fucking moron. It’s time for any liberty-minded individual to break out his Solzhenitsyn, and then put the lessons learned into practice.

Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
October 6, 2018 9:51 pm

My son is a top junior student at a large midwestern university (apologies if the intro is starting to sound like a Penthouse Forum column from the 80s … and I never thought this would happen to me, but hubba, hubba, huba) and a few weeks ago, he told me that he had a paper due about ‘ethics in technology.’

Needless to say, when he mentioned it, I was salivating with a number of worthy ideas for the paper (illicit spying on CITIZENS by the government, Edward Snowden, shadow-banning, etc.). My kid is a smart kid and mostly gets it (… but, hey I am an ardent libertarian and stupidly questioned the NEED for the 2nd Amendment at age 20??), but he told me that there is no way he would turn something in about those topics because he’d ruin his 4.0. I told him it was worth taking a stand for this topic and told him I’d pay him a few hundred $$$ to write a paper that he believed in about any of those subjects, but unfortunately, he declined. He got his “A,” writing about some milque-toast topic.

This story doesn’t eliminate (or even diminish) my faith in him. He is the kind of kid who is his own ‘man,’ and I trust that as he grows older and gains wisdom, he will think back to the message the old man was trying to send.

Unfortunately, the trials that my kids (and all of us) are going to face are monumental and I trust that when challenged, my son will set his face like flint, determined to do His will, knowing that he will not put to shame!

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
October 6, 2018 11:00 pm

So Trump wants to prosecute truth-telling heroes Assange and Snowden and let Deep State criminals Clinton and Lerner skate?


  Free Speech Forum
October 7, 2018 4:35 am

They ( liberal identity politics types ) still have to step out into the real world where I work and live most of the time. They don’t do very well in the real world so they hide in a school or college. They always have to have protection.Take that away and they don’t do well.