Kavanaugh v. Feinstein — Flawless Victory

Guest Post by Tom Luongo

Yesterday’s dramatic cloture vote to push SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh to a final confirmation vote is one of those political moments of pure victory.  It was messy and it was tense, but the ultimate outcome was better than I could have ever originally expected.

Because it’s pretty clear to me that we’re looking at the kind of big operation run on the Democrats and the Soros Group to expose not only their tactics, the classic “Nuts and Sluts” shaming technique, but also in the process crush certain powerful members of the Democratic party which have been the conduit through which ‘the Resistance’ has driven our political process to the point of no return.

Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation was supposed to create the kind of uproar that would have Kavanaugh withdraw well before any of the dots could be connected by Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley and others.

The rapid succession of accusers was supposed to overwhelm the news cycle with outrage porn and the Rebpublicans were supposed to fold like they always have in the past.

But we’re well beyond that point.  I’ve been warning about this since Trump began rising in the polls.  He out-Alinsky’s the Alinskyites and by doing so gives spine to the spineless and energizes a frustrated conservative/libertarian base of voters to go after these obviously corrupt, venal, power-mad freaks that run both the GOP and the DNC.

So, to me, it looks like some form of ‘operation’ was run on Feinstein and the Democrats here.  That the chum that was Brett Kavanaugh — young, rich, white, successful, etc. — they couldn’t ignore.

Like flies to a bug zapper they flew too close to the light and were fried unmercifully.  Feinstein knows she’s done.

This letter tells you so much about what is really going on behind the scenes.  DotyRHxVAAAFtBR.jpg


Grassley is telling this group of feckless jackasses he has has them dead-to-rights.  He has their texts/IM’s and knows this was all coordinated through Feinstein’s office.  That’s why DiFi looked like she was crying while Chuck Schumer handled the press.

Feinstein’s done.  The woman should have been arrested for treason after the scandal about her driver working for the Chinese broke earlier this year.  But, we should be able to connect a dot or two here and see that that was used as leverage against her to hold Blasey-Ford’s accusation until the most politically-damaging moment.

Wait for the fall-out from this.  The Republicans had a win/win situation on their hands here as long as Kavanaugh was 1) not guilty and 2) willing to endure the process.

It looks like he was able to do both.  Because if the Democrats force a failure of the vote, it will energize people to go to the polls in numbers unheard of for a mid-term election.

Or, if the Republicans finally fight back the way they are supposed to, then they 2) energize the base to finally crush these venal scumbags that so richly deserve it.

One of the two major parties has to fail for the Swamp to truly be Drained.  Old power structures within the Senate and House need to crumble.  Diane Feinstein is staring (with tears in her eyes) at censure, being stripped of her seniority and possible forced retirement.

All of those relationships get shattered. There are ripple effects up and down the lobby circuit in D.C.

What’s sad is that they really thought the rules hadn’t changed.  And if I’m right that this was an operation planned from the beginning to frame Kavanaugh with a known liar, not only Ford but Julie Swetnick as well, then by the time this is done everything in Washington will look very different over the next six months.

George Soros and Tom Steyer will have to spend even more money on their next losing battle.  And at some point, the situation in D.C. will turn against them far enough for asset seizure and possible imprisonment.

While watching the livestream keep all of that in mind as well as anything else I’m not catching in my initial read on this most fascinating political victory.

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Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
October 6, 2018 10:41 pm

Americans have learned nothing from history.

Rome was an immoral bankrupt, warmongering, tyrannical empire. Now the US is an immoral bankrupt, warmongering, tyrannical empire.

The US stock market crashed in 1929 and the USA made the depression worse by having a trade war. The US economy collapsed in 2008 and now the US will make the depression worse by having another trade war.

The US was stuck in a quagmire Vietnam and now the US is stuck in quagmires in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, and Niger.

The USSR was a police state where everything illegal so the Russians gave up and the Soviet Union collapsed. Now the US is a police state where everything illegal so Americans have given up and the US will collapse.

Not Sure
Not Sure
October 6, 2018 10:49 pm

Nothing to add, just celebrating a rare victory with Justice Kavanagh advancing to a seat on the Supreme Court. The victory is watching the foxes get outfoxed by the normally defeat loving republicans.
But will the vanquished democrats be happy with their new status as the minority in the legislature, judicial as well as the executive branches of government? Apparently they can’t even cheat and win, so what will become of them? Stopping Kavanagh from becoming a Supreme Court justice was their last Hail Mary before the mid terms and they have failed miserably.
So my question; how many years will it take for the democrat party to reform itself into a formidable opponent to the GOP? To me, it would be a miracle if they could field a candidate to run against Trump that would have any hope of winning, so I’m guessing nothing until after 2024.

October 7, 2018 12:09 am

this writer is just a run of the mill conspiracy theorist with a positive outlook–

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 7, 2018 12:36 am

Reading this after Judge Kavanaugh has been confirmed so my perspective will be altered a touch .
I am certain all of us wishing to witness the Shumer Fienstien machine and there obvious spider Webb weaving evil ilk crash and burn were surprised by 2 events that took place in this circus of a process turned upside down . 1) many republicans locked arms against the democrat onslaught and actually spoke like they had developed a spine . 2) a good man stood strong against insurmountable efforts to twist and turn him into withdrawing and instead called all the low life democrat bags of shit out and told them bring it on .
As the left twisted and slimed everything to entrap and bring down a good man it blew up in their leftist socialist faces and there it was for all who care to see just how low the democratic side of this system really attempts to work .
It’s time for many of them to be relieved of their cushy bullshit position in our government . For far to many decades people like Fienstien and her ilk have ignored their real responsibility to the American people and as for accountability , virtually non existant . It’s time for feet to be held to the fire and Nuremberg style trials for those infecting our nations Capitol from Capitol Street to K- Street to Wall Street there needs to be a giant sucking sound as the once Washington elites find themselves in orange jumpsuits and chains and of we are lucky some will be swinging from a rope !

  Boat Guy
October 7, 2018 4:08 am

They are both fucking liberal progressives Jews. What do you expect from treasonous shit like them. I hope I live to see most of this shit voted out of office by brown people.

October 7, 2018 4:51 am

I don’t care a shit weather he and the rest of the football club bonked this “lady” when they were kids.
But I am concerned about this one:


October 7, 2018 7:34 am

a deep state man of the swamp.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
October 7, 2018 9:20 am

And one who can’t spell to boot.

  Hollywood Rob
October 7, 2018 1:52 pm

Sorry for that. I stand corrected: whether it is.
I am german you know.
But when I phoned my english teacher for a spell check, she hung up on me after I asked her if I spelled “bonked” correctly.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
October 7, 2018 6:01 pm

“Bonked” is as correct as “boinked”. It depends where you come from, and when. Britain 30 years ago it was all “bonked”.

  Socratic Dog
October 7, 2018 6:39 pm

It probably still is.
I could not find “boink” in the Oxford however, but nevertheless thanks for the heads up!
“Boink” sounds like kind of alright, kinky I mean.
Life is complicated sometimes.

October 7, 2018 5:19 am

We are observing the death rattle of a dying government with no vision for the people. The victory of Kavanaugh; a spinner of administrative law, that has put us all in chains is really an empty victory because it will not change anything for the better for this government. This administrative law with all it’s codes, rules, and regulations has stopped all progress in this country. The people are suffering under it. Kavanaugh is part of the problem with this law. He certainly is not a part of the solution with it. The decay and rot in this government will only increase. One cannot put new wine in an old sack cloth. Kavanaugh is part of the old sack cloth.

I have been reading about the new Silk Road Project. It is a sixty year vision for the world. A very exciting project that is picking up momentum. It is an infrastructure project for the world that is designed to bring the world out of poverty and provide opportunity for the world population. It goes beyond nation state. It is the wave of the future.

Our government is dying because it no longer serves the people. It serves itself and the people who run it. It has no vision for america nor our hemisphere. Our infrastructure is crumbling while vast amounts of money is poured into military projects of world domination and fighting. We are fighting ghosts and made up enemies. This insanity will not go on much longer. It cannot because it is against nature and natural law.

We are entering a new epoch in human history. We are an empire in decline. The vision is clear for those who can see it. The world we live in is moving in a new direction. Make America great again is a slogan with no vision. There is a greater vision for the world that is happening now and america is part of that vision. Only most in america don’t see it because our controlled media won’t let us see it.

So for those who are savoring the victory of Kavanaugh to the supreme court and those bitter over his victory it is a non event in a dying system. It is really a reflection of wasted energy in a vacuum of self interest.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 7, 2018 6:50 am

I find myself both agreeing and being at complete odds with your assessment.

The Kavanaugh victory is not a “non-event” in that it demonstrated that they- the cabal/Derp State/Globalists can be beaten and that their formerly impregnable strategy of victimhood has been proven to be vulnerable. That’s huge when you speak of a formerly high trust society that prizes it’s altruism above all other things.

As with agriculture, globalism is a loser of a proposition no matter how much money/NPK you throw at it. Over time you must take into account the ground on which you stand. There aren’t enough bullets in the world to compel a livestock as flighty as human beings into compliance on a global scale without destroying their environment in the process. Ditto food production. Both are forms of strip mining the source without thought to the long term. People prefer their families, clans, tribes, in-groups, congregations, communities because they are nourishing. These things build a fertile soil for future generations. Trying to convince people that all mankind is somehow interchangeable widgets is the stuff of fever dreams and psychosis, not reality. Each place with it’s unique circumstances and inhabitants will inevitably figure this out without intervention from the poobahs and potentates in Brussels and every attempt to re-educate them or manipulate them will only further erode the levels of compliance that were once possible, like depleted fields that need ever increasing amounts of inputs to produce ever falling levels of production.

That’s what we saw in D.C. this week, the end of a decades long, self-imposed stupor and the rediscovery of meaning in a world overfilled with fantasy. This was a reckoning half a century in the making and it marks the beginning of a sea change, not the continuance of what has been.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 7, 2018 9:31 am

“This was the reckoning half a century in the making and it marks the beginning of a sea change, not the continuance of what has been.”

Don’t know what you mean by that statement. If you think Kavanaugh’s victory to the supreme court will improve our system I have to disagree with you. The system has become rotten and just like a rotten fruit it will die and become nourishment to a new form. If this is what you mean then I agree with you. But it won’t be because of Kavanaugh. With or without him it is dying.

Administrative Law is a system based on facts; not values. And I mean human values not material value. This system regulates everything in our lives. It is cast in stone and does not have a mechanism for criticism of it’s statutes, regulations or rules. It has put this country in a strait jacket. Going into an administrative court to petition for a change in it’s laws for the good of development in a different direction for the good of society is like petitioning a tiger who has you in it’s grip not to eat you. It is futile. It is a system of opposing poles. It does not reconcile opposing views. This is why the supreme court is evenly divided and the nineth judge is the tie breaker. Is this the supreme court that our founding fathers wanted? I don’t think so. When this form of law was created in this country and put into operation during the later half of the 20th century it went to work regulating everything we were free do do until the present when it finally put us in a situation where we are not free to do most everything. It is a dead form of law run by dead people. What I mean is this law; right or wrong, is set in stone and the people practicing this law are identified with it like it is the word of God; when it is not. This is what I mean about dead people.

Man was created a free spirit. This form of law has killed that free spirit. Why do you think so many people are walking around with no purpose to their existence and no vision for self direction. Their only direction determined by administrate rules and regulations is to acquire material objects and consume under the rule of this law.

When this oppressive government dies; and I know it will, people will be released from the chains of this oppressive form of law. It will be the financial ruin of the professionals who now make their salaries in service to this law with all it’s regulations that they are in service in it’s cost of enforcement. Like the insurance industry in it’s wide scope, the building codes, the food industry, the transportation industry, the healthcare industry, and on and on. This is what has caused poverty and lack of initiative for the common man.

This new epoch started with the explosion of technical development. I am looking a corresponding explosion of spiritual consciousness coming from our very young population. With this consciousness administrative law is obsolete.

In my previous comment I mentioned the new Silk Road Project. Do you know anything about this project? If you don’t then you should look into it. I believe it is the wave of the future.

The government we have now has become to rotten to fix. It is infiltrated by too many dead people and getting rid of them is impossible. To many parasites kill the host. And that is what is happening. But a new form of government will be created. Humanity will carry on. America will get a fresh start. That is the good news.

Not Sure
Not Sure
October 7, 2018 1:09 pm

Let me help you, there are two thoughts on your post, the Kavanagh confirmation and the sweeping summation of humans entering into a new era; I’ll only address the first, as to me, it wasn’t a non event.
What triumphed this weekend was more than a conservative victory, it was the victory of truth prevailing over all the smears and calls to believe a report devoid of evidence. To you, a nothing burger, but to me a long awaited trashing of feelings over the rule of law. I cannot draw a line to say if this will be the new reckoning of politics, it’s only one point, but it is a starting point none the less.
When reality wins, I see hope for the future. When I see the tearful cries of false accusations of the “victim” be exposed under the light of evidence, as well as the political machine that seemed to use her for their own nefarious purposes be exposed publicly, I see a hope that America may be shifting in its path of destruction to becoming a stable system where common sense rules the day. It’s early I know, but it is a step in the right direction.
I would say that your second diatribe seems to be the the next page of the globalist playbook of ignoring the gains of a Kavanagh confirmation in establishing a national identity of America as it was intended in the constitution, to a belittling of borders and embracing the notion of “the collective” being the wave of the future; to which I do not agree.

  Not Sure
October 7, 2018 4:22 pm

First of all I am a realist. You indicate in your post hope in a dying system and you have not indicated any substance to this hope. If you just have feelings of hope; that is nothing but slavery to what was and that is all. Don’t place your hope in a man that is part of the present Washington establishment. We cannot go back to the past and must look to the future and the possibilities it holds for us as a country. This ball and chain we call our government is infested with parasites that only serve themselves. And this man called Kavanaugh is part of it. Read up on him!

This government is doing nothing for us. It is sucking all the money it can out of us for military adventures. Read up on the Silk Road Project. This is what we should be doing in our hemisphere. I did not say I was in any way on board with the globalist playbook the western bankers are into.

How can you buy into a rotten system that does nothing for us and let’s our national infrastructure crumble? It seems you are brainwashed. What do you mean about the collective? Your mind is on the left right rubbish being fed to you by the media. The left right is not the national mind. Most people do not vote because there is nothing to vote for. People want change; not empty slogans and politicians bashing each other.

You have not read my posts very well. You focus on the picture presented to you by the media rather than the total picture. Look at what is happening out there in the world rather then our small part in it. The world is moving on in spite of our political and military bullying. Read foreign websites to see what is really going on.

The people of the earth do not want anymore war. They want peace. All the resources we use up making war could be used for infrastructure development.

We are a declining super power. We better get used to that and use what is left of our wealth to recreate our system.

This system you are hoping to restore is dying and cannot be revived. It went out of it’s original bounds and there is no going back to it. You have to face that reality and the sooner you do the sooner your outlook will change for the better.

In the biosphere of which we are apart of; everything including systems, have a lifetime in existence. We are born, we mature, we decline and then we die. From that death another life is born. It is a law in nature.

So don’t think this dying system can be revived. Look for the rebirth of a new system out of the ashes of this one.

Not Sure
Not Sure
October 7, 2018 6:16 pm

My thoughts are of an immediate nature, as such I see a glimmer of righteousness in the Kavanagh confirmation, it is as I said before, only one point. I do get your point however, things have been showing signs of deterioration since the ‘20’s and possibly before, so my one point against one hundred years of the country going to pieces tends to point to a continued demise.
Concerning entering into a global new age, it could be possible with prosperous countries aligning in agreement, but I think the momentum is moving in The opposite direction, with instability among the nations ushering in a time of isolationism, with global unification way off in the future.
I think the Silk Road points to this, where each region taking care of its own, as the US will have no working part in that enterprise, but it will be an entirely Asian construct. We will be left to our own issues with Russia, the Middle East and Europe fending for themselves.
Thanks for your thoughts, in the end I do hope we can manage some comfortable standard of living in a post empire environment, without the anarchy that usually settles in when a country goes bust.

  Not Sure
October 7, 2018 7:16 pm

Thank you for your point of view. I enjoyed sharing my point of view with you. It was a positive discussion.

October 7, 2018 7:18 pm

“Flawless victory” unless you count the fact that Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court justice. He is a champion of the Patriot Act, supported nearly every unconstitutional action by Bush and Obama, and generally is no friend of the Constitutional limits on government power. You could not have played the republicans better. To keep them from paying attention to all the negatives about his guy that were REAL, and deserved attention (and disgust), the sexual abuse narrative was introduced and every republican blindly came to his side, simply to NOT side with the psychotic liberals who were cheering on the cadre of lying women from Kavanaugh’s past. Seems more like the Globalists won again. They got their man on the court, got Americans to never trust a woman accuser, got the two sides to want to kill each other instead of uniting against the federal government and the globalists, and further destroyed the principle of “innocent until proven guilty.” “Mission Accomplished???”