And people wonder why I practically run my cart through the car wash with those cleaning wipes before I use anything at Walmart.

People laughed at the Squatty Potty and it has probably made millions. Maybe this dude just invented a better way to shit?!?!

Not looking forward to seeing the status of those pistol fingers when they come out firing.

Feel like that outfit really only makes sense if you’re somewhere between 2 – 4 years old. After that it’s just weird.

What the shit? That thing is gigantic. Ignoring the fact that a raccoon is chilling on your shoulder like you’re the weirdest pirate of all time, that thing looks like it could take down a adult deer.

I’m just assuming you’re going on a carb run for you and the rest of the weird free spirit middle-aged swingers you’re sharing a tent with.

Naked & Afraid season 19: Wally World.

You can definitely tell the “non-racist” part was a late add-on after the fact. Like he definitely didn’t see that being the first reaction he got from this children’s drawing on his truck but once he did he had to figure out a way to combat that notion.

Want that classy look of dress socks without the uncomfortable feeling of socks? BOOM my man broke the code.

Just dipping a toe (on in this case a butt cheek) in the waters, testing the temp.

Not gonna lie, I know exactly who I’d call to handle my upholstery needs now.

Ehhhhh ohhhhh! Nothing like a good pun. Take that PETA. Shots fired. Ohhh, there’s another one!

See more freaks at People of Wal-Mart

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 6, 2018 10:10 am

Regarding the disparaging remarks about the truck, he is right that there is huge (official government) racism today, only it’s called Diversity and Affirmative Action. He is the one that is not being fooled by the Cultural Communist Double Speech.

Steve C
Steve C
October 6, 2018 11:02 am

The raccoon probably heard that Stucky was in the store and was looking for cover…

October 6, 2018 11:39 am

Geez, where to begin? Let’s just go down the list, and get a 2nd wave of witty comments, k?

-Ass man…really? How fucked up do you have to be, to either not realize, or willfully display that?

-Sideways shitter: never seen a better opportunity to piss all over someone’s shoes, well, for invading another’s space, in a place where shit happens, and urinators routinely miss the porcelain target.
“Hey!!!” Whoops, Sorry. I was texting while tapping a kidney. Shoe shampoo’s in aisle 7.

-Dirk Dastardly is literally in it up to his neck. Need more mustache wax? Nah. Plenty right there.

-Donut gal: What’s with the tie died scarf tail? You on a run for the local cop shop? Lard & Lace.

-The streaker: Somebody tried to cleanse this, maybe by dipping him in bleach up to his waist?
Check out the tan line separation. Odd, but then, we all have our quirks, perhaps.

-On Goober’s General Lee: 10 bucks says there’s a carcass or a stiff of some kind under the bed tarp.

-Permanent Argyle socks: Do you golf, too? Disqualified.

-Flip Flops sans Undies: That whole picture shoulda been scribbled over with a black Sharpie.

-Seamstress: The term needledick comes to mind, and the scene from Porky’s, where the house Madam says to one of the giggling boys eyeing the available girls: “Don’t laugh, needledick. We might have to strap a board to the back of your ass, so you don’t fall in.”

-Pops-Hunter-Carnivore: Yup. Should be another notch tighter on that belt too, Daddyo.
Pull up your drawers. Nevermind, Graybeard. You’ve prolly earned the right to some breathing room for your package, at your age. Carry on.

October 6, 2018 3:29 pm

That douchebag running thru the store naked would have his testes kicked up to his shoulders if I was there with my kids. How much of that shit are we supposed to put up with.

October 6, 2018 9:04 pm

From my childhood, I remember the shopping carts being steam cleaned in the parking lot periodically. Not sure when that stopped.

The markets could probably earn some extra cash by offering a freshly cleaned card for a few bucks. It would be nice to not have to wonder just what that stuff on the cart is.

Looks like someone is already there: