Doug Casey on Brett Kavanaugh

Via Casey Research

Justin’s note: Today, Casey Research founder Doug Casey and I discuss the biggest story in America right now.

I’m of course talking about the Brett Kavanaugh scandal. Now, I realize you might be sick of hearing about this. But I guarantee you haven’t heard anyone speak as unapologetically on this topic as you’re about to…

Justin: Doug, what do you make of the media circus surrounding Kavanaugh?

Doug: Disgusting and degrading. First of all, nobody knows who’s lying. My gut feeling? Christine Ford is either lying or deluded. The other accusers are shameless publicity seekers, at best.

How can any reasonable person even dream of bringing up what may or may not have happened at an alcohol-fueled party 36 years ago? The supposed witnesses can provide zero relevant corroboration. Her testimony, outside discussions and records, were inconsistent. Her sham fear of flying says she had serious second thoughts. Her timing in making the accusation at the last minute is highly suspicious. Especially when she doesn’t remember who invited her, where the party was, when it was, how she got there, how she got home from the party (she was too young to drive), or any other common sense, practical details.

The accusation seems like a fabrication from out of nowhere. Really fishy. The talking heads in the DC echo chamber all say Ford sounded credible. I’d say she sounded ridiculously and embarrassingly incredible.

Trump is to be congratulated for drawing these facts to the public’s attention. Up until this point, Christine Ford has been treated with kid gloves, simply because she’s a woman making an accusation against the most despised of all humans: a white male.

Alleging a crime against a public figure is a tailor-made opportunity for anybody and everybody to have their 15 minutes of fame. It might be a complete and total lie—as may be Kavanaugh’s denials. But if charges are made in the right political atmosphere—like now—it’s a ticket to fame.

Christine Ford is no doubt going to get a million-dollar book contract, lots of fat speaking gigs, and God knows what else. It’s going to work out very well for her from a financial point of view. The other accusers will pick up whatever notoriety their PR reps can cadge.

What they should all get, however, is a lawsuit for damages. It’s an outrage that someone can make allegations—with basically no proof whatsoever—ruin a man’s life, and profit hugely from it, with no consequences.

Another thing that amazes me is that there’s been basically no investigation into Ford’s life, habits, associations, character, or views. It seems pretty clear that Kavanaugh was a party animal. But what about Ford? She apparently has strident left-wing views and has worn a pussy hat. My guess is that we’re not talking about Mother Teresa here. But the chances are close to zero of anything negative coming out in the anti-Trump media.

This is all a degrading and irrelevant sideshow for everyone involved. A political witch hunt. Why is nobody talking about Kavanaugh’s actual legal views? The entire charade is a sign of the complete corruption of the American political and judicial systems.

Frankly, I don’t much care whether or not Kavanaugh is guilty of these or other indiscretions when he was a teenager. There are undoubtedly hundreds of potential candidates for the Supreme Court who would be as good or better than him. He’s fungible. He’s just another guy wearing a black robe.

Justin: And what don’t you like about Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court nominee?

Doug: Kavanaugh seems to be a decent enough guy. But remember, he’s spent his whole life within the Washington Beltway. He’s no libertarian. To the contrary.

When he was working for the Baby Bush, he was a huge supporter of the criminally intrusive PATRIOT Act. In addition to the fact it’s one of the most anti-freedom laws ever passed, it’s clearly and completely unconstitutional. Forget about him being a “Constitutionalist.”

Nobody heard a word of protest from him about Guantanamo, or the torture that occurred during the Bush tenure. No comments on Americans being designated “enemy combatants,” and sent off to be tortured in places like Syria. All of that is immoral, as well as unconstitutional.

He had no problem with the railroading of Edward Snowden, or the government spying on American citizens. Unconstitutional and immoral again.

In brief, this guy is not a friend of freedom. Nor does he actually follow the Constitution from that point of view. He’s just another DC pol. He’s a minion of the government.

Look, apart from Kavanaugh’s questionable legal and philosophical principles, the U.S. Constitution itself has already been interpreted out of existence. The only parts of it that are really observed are procedural things like how many senators or congressmen come from a given state, or that the vice president breaks a tie in the senate. Only trivia like that is observed in the Constitution anymore.

Forget about these procedural things. The Constitution is supposed to protect the individual from the State. In that regard, the whole thing has been interpreted out of existence.

Apart from that, if you believe in legal precedents, which they like to say Kavanaugh does, then you have upheld all the ridiculous and highly political rulings the Supreme Court has made over the last 200 years. The Supremes aren’t preternaturally wise. They never have been. They’re just political appointees.

What’s more important is the nature of the Supreme Court itself. As is true of everybody in politics, these people aren’t the best and the brightest. They’re just nine political appointees chosen for whatever reason—often venal and political reasons—by the president.

There’s a much better way to dispense justice.

Justin: And that would be what? To privatize the justice system?

Doug: Yes. In our conversation last week, I said that the court system is one of the only three legitimate functions of the government. The other two are a domestic police and a military.

However, those three things are so important to the running of a civil society that, even though they’re the only legitimate functions of the government, they should all be privatized too.

Justin: How would a privatized court system work?

Doug: Decisions would be made by independent, commercial arbitration agencies, run for profit. They would compete based on the speed, fairness, low cost, and intelligence of their decisions in adjudicating things.

In such a system, both the accused and accuser would abide by the decision of a mutually agreed upon arbiter. The market is a much better judge of honesty and competence than a bunch of politicians in the Senate.

Justin: So, you don’t think people should be focusing so much on Kavanaugh’s past? And I don’t mean the sexual assault allegations. I’m referring more to whether he was a big drinker in high school and college.

Should these things be considered when evaluating whether a 53-year-old man is fit to do a certain job?

Doug: Well, I’m not a Christian. But Jesus wisely said, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.”

Does Kavanaugh’s teenage drinking make a difference? Well, everybody’s done things that they wished they hadn’t, or even things they’re ashamed of.

This world isn’t full of saints. I don’t think it really makes much difference unless somebody is universally acclaimed to be a criminal personality, or has been judged a serious criminal in a court of law. Kids have bad judgment sometimes. But they can reform.

This is why the arbitration idea is important. You can choose what aspects in a person are important or not important. You don’t have to be stuck with whoever the court assigns you. Many judges are dishonest, lazy, unintelligent, or just incompetent.

Justin: What about the mainstream media’s role in this sideshow? It certainly feels like a lot’s been blown out of proportion. What do you think?

Doug: There’s no question about that.

Whether you’re a college student, or someone listening to a TV show, you tend to believe what you hear. You believe what somebody in a position of authority tells you.

In general, the media has a strong “liberal” bias. They usually have a collectivist, statist, neo-Marxist viewpoint. That’s who these people are. They’re products of the corrupt American university system where all the professors have the same views. That’s the general philosophical tenor of the media today. They have basically anti-libertarian views.

I believe very little that I read or see in the media.

Justin: Yeah. You need to take everything the mainstream media reports with a grain of salt or tune it out completely.

Doug: Mark Twain was absolutely right when he said, “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.”

None of today’s reporters do actual field research and report things firsthand. They basically repeat what other people have said. Or they repeat what the FBI, which at this point has turned into America’s national police force, announces. The FBI is becoming kinder, gentler version of the KGB.

Justin: In past conversations, you’ve told me that you watch the news for entertainment. So where do you get your information? How do you stay informed?

Doug: It’s extremely hard because we all live in our own little bubbles today. Most everything we get is second and even third hand. It’s extremely hard to make accurate judgments on what’s actually happening in the world. The “news” is selectively reported, and almost always with a spin.

Justin: The quality of journalism is clearly in a state of steady decline.

Sadly, the average person hasn’t noticed or doesn’t seem to care. Misinformation and bad ideas have infected society. They’ve become part of the collective consciousness.

Doug: There’s no question about that. People should be asking themselves why it seems like 100% of the Democrats are against putting Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court, and why close to 100% of the Republicans want him in there. It’s not a question of right or wrong. It’s not justice or injustice. It’s a question of which party gets to rule and enforce its opinions on the rest of society.

I listen to talking heads discuss this on various TV shows. It seems like justice and common sense have nothing to do with any of this. Nobody is trying to parse out what may or may not be the facts. Everybody is just looking at their talking points.

From that point of view, what’s going to happen to the U.S.? The country is very philosophically polarized at this point. In addition to the fact that identity politics—which is to say race hatred, sex hatred, and class hatred—come way before anything else today. It seems we’re on the ragged edge of a civil war. The prognosis is not good for the U.S.

In any event, I hope Kavanaugh isn’t confirmed. A much better man can be found—for reasons that have nothing to do with Ford and his other accusers.

Justin: Thanks, Doug.

Doug: No problem.

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October 6, 2018 9:10 am

I am glad to hear someone else asking why Kavanaugh’s record as a judge has not been the topic of discussion in the Senate. So it is not just me wondering.

October 6, 2018 9:40 am

Kavanaugh himself made that obvious point, but in fact Kavanaugh was quizzed for weeks about such things….Casey is a shallow nincompoop.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 6, 2018 11:01 am

Shallow nincompoop are not the words I would have used but it works for me. Not only that, really, does he really believe that privatizing the court system is the answer? Right..there is no reason to believe that private courts would not be corrupt. The system we have is very flawed but private would not make any difference and might even be worse.

  Mary Christine
October 6, 2018 2:43 pm

Exactly, how has the private prison systems worked out. It is just another opportunity for more corporate greed. There would not be anymore fairness; probably less.

October 6, 2018 9:10 am

“Decisions would be made by independent, commercial arbitration agencies, run for profit. “… BULLSHIT. Decisions would go in favor of the highest bidder… Chip

October 6, 2018 9:13 am

AND, if Kavanaugh is not confirmed, we will have given a green light to more of the same ridiculous behavior from the demoncrats because their tactics worked… Chip

October 6, 2018 9:40 am

I disagreed w the premise of that pipe dream too. Mutually agreed upon arbitrator? Like in jury selection, where the prosecutor and defense teams get to allow or reject a given juror or arbitrator after vetting?
Hell, getting a fair one that both parties think will rule in their favor would be a delay filled frustration.
Unbiased 3rd parties are hard to find, loathe to serve, and subject to the manipulative double speak of lawyers with the better talent for BS, with truth and rule of law a rarity in judgments.
Private for profit justice systems would also fall victim to the highest bidder. It would be follow the money there, too.
But overall. I like and respect how Doug thinks.

October 6, 2018 9:12 am

Kavanaugh is the impetus that inspired Gerald Celente to coin the phrase: White Shoe Boys. You know the type who sucked up to all the teachers in high school and ran for class president. He’s the establishment boy of their dreams.

But experience has shown while THEY run some passion gorged shit show to detract the rabble, behind the scene they hatch their plots. War with Iran? Russia? Take a look at the Concerned Atomic Scientists doom clock now 2 minutes to Armageddon-closer that during the Cuban missile crisis. And I’m suppose to give a shit about this state run Kabuki Theater? Fuck em all.

October 6, 2018 9:39 am

Casey says we don’t know who’s lying? …Of course we do, because she has changed her story, lied about her “fear of flying”, lied about the apartment door, lied about her life long (former) friend, and so on. FBi report confirms her friends’ statements that they know of no such party and had never heard of Kavanaugh.

October 6, 2018 10:00 am

Thousands of newspapers from coast to coast have printed millions of words in hopes of keeping Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.

Thousands of websites on the world wide internet have printed billions of words in hopes of keeping Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.

MSM Cable News (except OAN and Fox) have spent tens of thousands of hours trashing Kavanaugh in hopes of keeping him off the Supreme Court.

99% of Hollywood cunts&cocks have crucified Kavanaugh in hopes of keeping him off the Supreme Court.



He will be confirmed today!!!!


I know Kavanaugh isn’t an ideal candidate. Less than two weeks ago I made a short post questioning some of his decisions, and wondering if he was secretly part of the Swamp.

However, this is irrelevant. What matters to me as I advance deep into old age is following The Conan Way: —- “to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their libfuk women”

October 6, 2018 10:53 am

Although, after this ordeal Kavanaugh knows from experience the value of the Constitution. And he will change from a moderate to a staunch conservative.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 6, 2018 11:06 am

I wondered to myself if he might have been in contact with Clarence Thomas getting advice. I don’t have anyway of know for sure what Thomas is really like, he keeps to himself but I have a feeling he is not so in love with the establishment. Maybe he will be a good mentor for Kavanaugh.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
October 6, 2018 11:13 am

There’s not much difference worth noting between Libfuck women and men, and their lamentations attend their every utterance, win or lose. Nothing short of neutering everyone into equality could sate their neurotic hunger for social justice.

In Conan’s world, a women’s lamentations always attended one man’s victory over another. Lose and everything you owned was forfeited and you became a slave. Ask Crom for His Divine intervention – or just a little help, and He’d spit hail at you.

There aren’t any wails of anguish attending the loss of our individual and collective sovereignty over our government, guaranteed by a now worthless Constitution. It was crafted by a bunch of White, Old, Privileged, Patriarchs (WOPPs with mostly southern accents) who knew that a rugged, self-reliant, independent, well-armed populace was the bedrock of personal freedom. But “freedom” is just an idea. It has no woman to lament its death.

There won’t be anyone listening to the lamentations of those whose “idea” of governance is our Cruella DeVille Nanny-State, who demand a Universal Basic Income, on-call sex-change clinics, and Dalmatian loincloths.

When the idea that the Individual is Sovereign (and responsible for its sustenance in every way) was poisoned by Mammon, it didn’t leave a wife to rape and sell into slavery, it left an entire nation.

October 6, 2018 11:42 am

And why, really ? I think this guy may have struck something:
In watching the Kavanaugh circus, and the clown show that is the US Congress, I’m surprised at the level of hatred and venom from the left. This has made me realize the depth of danger decent people face in these days. Of course, the root issue with Kavanaugh is the possibility that Roe v. Wade will be overturned or limited, perhaps correcting a decades old legislation-from-the-bench debacle, but also eliminating a perceived “right” of liberals. If Mr. K. is confirmed, you know many states and localities will immediately pass laws and regulations to generate test cases for the Supreme Court. It won’t be two years before the first challenge reaches the court. If Roe is overturned, the petulent crybabies on the left will take to the streets in violence, I’m sure you will agree.

That’s an easy prediction. But wait! There’s more!

You see, Stalin killed millions of his own citizens, but he didn’t know many personally. Same with Mao, Hitler, Castro, and all the socialists of the 20th century.

However, since 1973, liberals have killed 60 million of their own children. Do you think for a minute they would hesitate to kill conservatives or libertarians?

I always envisioned the horde as a bunch of hungry people, looting and pillaging to fill their own stomachs. Now I realize we have bred possibly 100 million morality-free liberals who have been trained through Hollywood violence, video game violence, and abortion clinic violence to have zero respect for life. It is now even more important for those of us who are prepared to keep a low profile, stay out of crowds, stay away from indefensible and confined areas, and not become another tick in the casualty column.

The Zombie Apocalypse is a most dangerous thing when the zombies look just like us, work with us, shop with us, and live next door.

October 6, 2018 2:50 pm

Agreed, he has made some questionable decisions and probably is part of the swamp. But, he seems to have a good 2nd amendment record, so for that alone I hope he gets confirmed. I can’t stand going through another one of these shit shows until RBG kicks the bucket; hopefully that will be sooner than later.

Abelard Lindsey
Abelard Lindsey
October 6, 2018 12:24 pm

Two thoughts on this. One, the democrats, and by extension,the left as a whole, are far too mentally ill these days to have opposed Kavanaugh’s nomination on these issues. Second, the alt-right is strangely silent and seems totally in the tank with Kavanaugh with regards to these issues.

  Abelard Lindsey
October 6, 2018 1:52 pm

There has been discussion about Kavanaugh in the Alt-Right media- he is obviously far from ideal from our perspective.

The hope with Kavanaugh is that his experience with the Left during the nomination and confirmation process will have irretrievably moved him toward us. He may tell himself that he doesn’t hate the Left, that he can be impartial, but it likely isn’t something that is actually true at this point, even if he doesn’t yet realize it himself.

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October 6, 2018 3:03 pm

************* BREAKING NOW ….. 3PM, Oct 6 *********************

Protestors have breached the barricaded Capitol steps and are being arrested, hours before Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation for SCOTUS. Protesters are screeching and yelling “Shame” and “We do not consent.”

Also, reports that MS-NBC is calling for actions/ideas to continue finding dirt on Kavanaugh, AND to examine any legal path to having him removed from the bench …. even after confirmed.

Reports that CNN has called for some type of Resist Kavanaugh movement whereby ANYTHING he rules on as a Supreme will be flat-out ignored …. much like the state of CA is ignoring Federal immigration laws.

Ho Lee Shit, eh? This may be all fluffy wishful thinking … or, it could mean this Shit Show is far from over. (I don’t know which is true.) I do know this is true … I fucken hate Libfuktards MORE THAN EVER … and I may de-relative my own seester.

October 6, 2018 3:13 pm


October 6, 2018 4:04 pm

Kavanaugh was just confirmed.

Those feminists might start thinking about getting fitted for their new wardrobe:

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October 6, 2018 6:08 pm

Hey Obama, elections have consequences, right CHUMP! WOw. I never realized how true Trump told it when he said we would possibly get sick of winning….damn you libtards really must be sick of losing; well get used to it! hey Obummer it seems Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents you asswipe, iphone drop now biotch. And kiss my ass Jimmy Kimmel. Not since 1934 have we had a conservative majority. Now the fuckin moron babyboomer legacy can be unwoumd as they fucked America real good their entire lifetime. Maybe we gen x can fix this shit for the millenials and give them a shot a real freedom as they have been brainwashed by obunghole and his communist faggots. It may take several years but once we normalize America maybe they will revolt againt the lies they were told in college and not allow their professors to ever have peace in public again. I mean afterall, those elitist fuckwad professors told their students to never allow conservatives to have peace in public and harrassed many in restaurants. Lets see if they can take what the dished out. Little skinny jean, pussy hat, snowflake wimpass professors. ANd just think when That brain cancer in RGB’s head makes her take the long dirt nap before 2020 and gets replaced by Amy Barrett, a female conservative, oh how RGB will spin in her grave for eternity. Interesting will be how the libtards attack a woman nominee, you know they will. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside knowing Trump wil probably get 3 SCOTUS picks! ABout the same warmy feeling I had when i learned of Janet Renos death. Damn that was a good day knowing her soul was buring hot in hell, and still is. Never forget Ruby ridge! Or Waco! Burn in hell bitch. Wow. That felt good. Such a nice pent up release those libards had me going and blew that steam off. I feel great! Fuck you snowflakes…..fuck you.