No Consent Given

Guest Post by Joel Bowman

“Libertarianism: The radical notion that other people are not your property.”

We don’t know who first authored those words, but we’ve noticed the pithy meme doing the rounds on social media sites again recently.

Could people finally be catching on? Probably only the “radicals”…

It sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? A kind of “do unto others…but not without their consent.”

Of course, there are other ways to express this basic principle: live and let live… to each his own and his own to each… and, our personal favorite, mind your own [insert expletive of choice here] business…

Alas, some people cannot leave well enough alone. They feel the need, the impulsion, the “hand of history,” as a conspicuously invertebrate British politician once described it, to intervene… to “do something.”

Whether or not that something is the moral thing is, to their mind, beside the point. Just so long as it is not nothing…

And therein lies the root problem with every brand of collectivism, be it socialism, republicanism, monarchism et alia. Each and every machination is, in one way or another, inherently coercive. That is, they all rely on the initiation of force against another.

So, you try to mind your own business. You try to live a quiet and decent life…but there’s always someone telling you there’s a better way: their way.

Oh, and they require your money and/or person to realize their utopian dreamscape. No permission asked. No consent necessary.

But what about self-ownership? What about the non-aggression principle? What about “live and let live” and all that (apparently) uncommon sense stuff?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau thought he found a neat little justification for State violence: The “Social Contract” he called it in his waffling, 18th century treatise of the same name.

In a nutshell, the Social Contract holds that, because we are considered part of “society,” we must therefore accept the terms — whatever they may be — of said “society.” In other words, Rousseau posits an implicit consent on the part of the individual to be governed by the State…simply because the State exists, and because the majority have willed it so.

Of course, thoughtful individuals recognize that truth doesn’t derive from consensus. Truth is not subject to opinion, whether that opinion happens to be favored by a royal minority or held in the collective palm of the sweaty majority.

Recall that it was the Ancient Greeks that bestowed democracy on the Western World… shortly before they used it put their greatest philosopher, Socrates, to death, by a vote of 280 – 220. (Recall, too, the charges against Socrates – “Corrupting the minds of the youth of Athens” and impiety, or “not believing in the gods of the State.”)

Call it “tyranny of the mob-jority.”

But what kind of agreement is this “Social Contract” anyway? A “contract” that makes up for lack of consent by simply presupposing it, is no contract at all. What court of true justice would uphold such a flimsy non-agreement… besides one owned and operated by the beneficiaries of such an absurd ruling?

Not that the enthusiastic Genevan is to blame any more than the Ancient Greeks. Rousseau was simply building on the misguided works of previous meddlers. Hobbes, for example, gave men’s rights to the government. Locke gifted them to God (But which God? Interpreted by whom? And what for the agnostics?)

Few thinkers throughout history have proven brave enough to leave individual sovereignty where it belongs… in the hands of free men themselves.

Ah, but what about man vs. nature, you may be wondering? What about the Hobbesian notion of a life without government as being, necessarily, “nasty, brutish and short?”

What about…gulp!…anarchy!

Hobbes argued that, without the State, men would descend into a tyranny all of their own making. The State, therefore, is required to “maintain order.” But is this really true? Are we simply to take Hobbes’ word for it, to give away our most precious freedom – self-ownership – because of an arrogant, violent supposition?

Is there any hope, in other words, for self-governing men and women? The State — along with its favored class of crony banksters, faux economists, prattling politicians, warmongers, tax attorneys, social parasites and the rest of their rotten ilk — has long feasted on the wealth and toil of the “free” and productive class.

So long have they feasted, in fact, that they now control all the guns, all the courts and all the cages.

How, then, to buck the “Statist-quo,” to rage against the dying of freedom’s sweet light?

For starters, we needn’t take to the streets in acts of angry teenage rebellion, the preferred historical strategy of the young and the reckless. The streets, as government apologists never cease to remind us, are the State’s home court advantage. Rather, it falls to peaceful, voluntary individuals to actively withdraw the consent that those in power so righteously claim of them.

Those who feed off and control the State depend on its growth for their survival. Productive individuals do not. Better, then, that we focus on building our own, decentralized society, a dynamic economy that stretches beyond political borders, replete with all the goods and services the market demands and that cooperative, profit-seeking individuals are only too happy to provide.

That means, at a minimum, leveraging the asymmetrical advantage of mass information dissemination, i.e., the Internet. Not since Johannes Gutenberg’s moveable type printing press catalyzed the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment, and the scientific revolution, have ordinary individuals had such a powerful tool for disruption at their disposal.

Specifically, this means investing in and developing peer-to-peer technology, which is already flourishing in the areas of direct loans, property rental, cybercurrency, startup fundraising, employment opportunities, micro-donations, dispute resolution tribunals, escrow services, land registries and entertainment… to name but a few mushrooming cyber-economics.

This we do instead of feeding existing and entrenched corporations currently hiring the gun of the state to protect, by force, their own fattened interests in each of the aforementioned sectors.

We reclaim our own freedom, in other words, with cooperation instead of coercion. With ideas instead of edicts. With voluntarism instead of violence.

Peel back the layers of any Statist argument and you will quickly discover, at its cold dark heart, the notion that you do not own your self. You are, to some degree, the property of another. As such, you are to be ruled, governed, harassed, intimidated, harangued, invigilated, searched, censored and taxed in whichever way the owner deems to be “in the interest of society.”

Such a brutish proposition is enough to make the questioning individual cry… or laugh… or both. Either way, the Statists’ message is clear: Free men are not to be trusted with their own lives.

It is time to tell these people to mind their own [insert expletive of choice here] business. We have an entire world to build, and precious little time to burn on violence and destruction.

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November 1, 2018 4:45 pm

The ‘Social Contract’ is a big fucking lie.

I have to pay taxes to support niggers who won’t work / breed indiscriminately / illegal aliens / Somali’s. How is this a contract – I have all this responsibility – while these ‘eaters’ have none.

November 1, 2018 5:03 pm

Legalized frauds backed with legalized violence, it’s fucking criminal.

November 1, 2018 5:22 pm

And never to be overlooked, your taxes are re-distributed to all of those groups only AFTER the govt apparatchiks have taken 90% of it to keep themselves and the bloated bureaucracy in power.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
November 2, 2018 8:26 am

Dutch- you are clearly a case of too much real world experience.


November 1, 2018 4:50 pm

Is this a treatise on the validity of ‘consent of the governed? How can consent which denotes voluntary action be married to governed which is the use of force? It’s a contradiction of terms. The Founders were right; democrazy is evil.

Vote, my ass.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
November 1, 2018 8:13 pm

Never have, never will.

Fuck VOTERS and voter participation- unless it’s scandalously low participation like in the US were the government has finally achieved ZERO CREDIBILITY.

VOTERS are much worse than TAXPAYERS who can at least claim the government would imprison or impoverish them if they didn’t participate.


Being an unapologetic non-voter has given me a great perspective. I don’t give a shit who steers the slave ship. I’m free to see the world as it is not as I wish I could vote it to be.


Non-voting is consent of another kind, no?

November 2, 2018 10:34 am

You’re never required to prove a negative. But don’t let me spoil your fun. Go ahead and vote-it doesn’t really matter.

November 1, 2018 4:53 pm

Libertarianism leads nowhere. That is it’s end goal: to keep white men preoccupied with circular philosophical bullshit while their world is burned down around them – when their time would be better spent burying their enemies.

The time for talking is over.

November 1, 2018 5:25 pm

Unless they are staining the soil with the blood of their enemies in defense of that Liberty.

Most forms of government, socialism and communism in particular, are doomed to fail because in the end it requires leaders. Silly college, socialist twats don’t understand that once leaders obtain power, they are NEVER benevolent.

November 1, 2018 6:30 pm

As matter of fact, Rand Paul was reading another treatise by John Locke just before his neighbor whooped his ass.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
November 4, 2018 8:19 am

Being intentionally blind sided by a thug is never an ass whipping. It is assault and battery without a chance to defend ones self.

I suppose you think that being intentionally shot by a person from cover is okay too? After all it is just another facet of an ass whupping to you…

November 1, 2018 5:55 pm

so what is your definition of statist? I’ve heard the term a lot lately, but it seems to mean different things to differrent users.

November 1, 2018 8:13 pm

I would say someone who accomplishes their goals through the use of force. Specifically, the force made available to them by the state.

November 2, 2018 3:09 pm

Someone who thinks the state has the right to to your person and or property for any purpose they choose

November 2, 2018 3:36 pm

then I’ve never met a statist.

November 1, 2018 6:36 pm

That means, at a minimum, leveraging the asymmetrical advantage of mass information dissemination, i.e., the Internet.

That’s happened and it’s now happening. The pushback by Google, Twitter, and Facebook over the last two years is proof. It’s like watching giant titans stab themselves in broad daylight. Pass the popcorn.

November 1, 2018 6:53 pm

The best example of where all this Libertarian Constitutional nonsense leads to is Lew Rockwell and Fox contributor Judge Andrew Nap.

Need I say more?

This guy has gone off his rocker.

November 1, 2018 7:03 pm

Wow. What are you doing here?

November 1, 2018 7:01 pm


22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
November 1, 2018 7:59 pm

I’m not a Christian and I’m not a necessarily a Libertarian, but I know a lot of them who are welcome to join my POST-IMPERIAL ERA fire team.


Combining libertarianism with constitutional is an oxymoron. We have an all powerful centralized government anchored with coercion and force thanks to that wretched document. Libertarianism’s anchor is the NAP.
Oh and btw, CCR, hope u don’t mind but I’ve taken to using your classic line, “vote my ass”…love it!

Rather, Not
Rather, Not
November 2, 2018 2:04 pm

I would grant that Constitutionalism as regarded by the ‘what the socialists achieved a decade ago’ perspective is inimical to Constitutionalism. I would say anyone who regards anything up to, say, the first 100 years of our federal government (relatively and mostly) Constitutional, and by then having completely slipped its leash is perfectly aligned with Libertarian philosophy.

The entirety of the dispute among our founding fathers on the federalist vs anti-federalist size, scope and limits of government would comfortably fit within the minarchist libertarian philosophy. Libertarian philosophy is not at all limited to the no government no-borders total anarchy extremists. Our founding fathers, virtually all of them, at least in respect of the federal level, were what today would be minarchist libertarians.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson

Since you don’t believe in voting how will you choose a leader for your little group?

  Harrington Richardson
November 1, 2018 11:20 pm

Nothing wrong with having leaders. Stuff gets done and organized by leaders. The difference is POWER and CONTROL over people. Just because you might elect a leader to handle a project doesn’t mean you have handed over your rights (as is the case with government). Voluntary is the key as well. That which you voluntarily join, you can also voluntarily walk away from (except government, the state, etc.).

November 2, 2018 6:36 am

Harrington, I don’t require a leader. I choose who I associate with and involve myself with on their merits as an individual all the while respecting their sovereignty and differences. This same criteria applies to a “group” of individuals.
The foundation of this is as Mr. Liberty aptly described; it’s totally voluntary.
Certainly most unlike “government”.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
November 2, 2018 11:29 am

An unorganized military group will quickly be a dead military group.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
  Harrington Richardson
November 2, 2018 2:09 pm

What makes voluntary synonymous with disorganized? Nothing could be further from the truth.

  Harrington Richardson
November 2, 2018 3:12 pm

Its quite possible for volunteers to self-organize, assuming basic intelligence, it is likely.

November 2, 2018 9:48 pm

And there is most certainly NOTHING that says that these volunteers might not still pick a leader to aid in organization. Government is NOT the same as voluntarily-chosen leaders. Because the voluntary aspect ALWAYS overrides the leader aspect.

November 2, 2018 9:52 am

I was once a Republican. Then I became a Libertarian. Now I’m not so sure that the modern LP hasn’t been co-opted into becoming merely a political blowoff valve for disgruntled Republicans. The biggest problem I have with the LP is that any discussion of limited governance ultimately purity spirals into anarchy. i.e. a pragmatic libertarian republic can not exist. The founding fathers got as close as you could get on creating such a government, but look where we are now.

November 2, 2018 9:50 pm

The Articles of Confederation might have been such, but the Constitution most definitely was not. It was nothing short of a document creating a central power structure from which there was no clearly documented, peaceful exit for any or all citizens (let alone the states).