Watch: Bannon Crushes Frum In ‘Explosive’ Debate On “The Rise Of Populism”

Via ZeroHedge

Update: Whether this provides any insight into next week’s midterms in the US is unknown, but for now the establishment is likely looking for a new spokesperson – one that perhaps can argue the liberal perspective without making it about #NotMyPresident…

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Tonight’s edition of the Munk Debates promises to be a provocative, and potentially “explosive” confrontation between two polar opposites – Steve Bannon on one side and David Frum on the other – discussing the future of democracy and the rise of populism.

Steve Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News and former chief strategist to President Trump will be arguing for the resolution that the “future of western politics is populist, not liberal.”

Arguing the opposing side will be Canadian-American David Frum, Senior Editor at The Atlantic, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush and author of the recent book Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Public.

It promises to be an exciting debate, especially since as Canadian Press reports, chanting protesters successfully delayed the start of the debate. Police intervened outside the downtown venue with batons and reportedly made several arrests.

Debate organizers explained the delay by saying they anticipated protests and want to ensure everyone is safe.

Critics, who accuse Bannon of being a white supremacist, wanted the debate scrapped. Protesters, some holding signs deploring racism, yelled “Shame on you!” and “Nazi!” as people tried to get in, reducing one woman on her way into the debate to tears.

“We are going to work diligently as a group to make sure this is a safe evening,” said Rudyard Griffiths, the chairman and moderator of the debate. “That is going to require us to wait a little bit.”

The debate is slated to play out just ahead of the fiercely contested US midterm elections on Nov. 6.

Organizers said about 2,700 people paid to attend, while about 2,000 others were expected to watch via livestream.

Watch it live below:

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November 3, 2018 9:06 am

Loved this! There was a point where the well-coifed neoliberal/neocon Frum talked about how we take in air pollution from China and how this should serve as the impetus for nations to come together . . . In 1992, no air pollution to speak of came from China. But within a few decades, the neoliberals had industrialized them using trade deals like GATT that exploited lax to nonexistent environmental standards. Now China is a polluted cesspool with its most productive farmland bulldozed over to accommodate manufacturing and cities. Now, 29% of San Francisco’s air pollution comes from China. These hypocritical bastards piss on us and tell us it is raining. . .

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 3, 2018 10:23 am

I’m halfway through, so far. What a horrible setting. 80% of the crowd cheered Frum’s globalist viewpoint. Bannon has had a hard time getting a word in edgewise. Frum is a wordsmith. He doesn’t make arguments. He crafts catchy, intelligent-seeming phrases. It’s why reasoned arguments can’t happen with Bill Maher or any comedian – because as soon as they’re on the ropes, they use a comic gimmick.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 3, 2018 10:38 am

Bannon refuted the assertion that Trump hates Muslims by pointing out that Trump aligned even more closely with the Saudis against Iran. That was unconvincing. The Sunnis have been our worst terrorist attackers. Of course no one in a setting like this could even broach the subject of whether Islam itself is incompatible with democracy.

Almost everything Frum says is a lie.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Iska Waran
November 4, 2018 9:15 am

I agree, Iska. If we associate with Islam at all, it should be the Shia. They haven’t caused any problems. They’re simply defending themselves when needed from the Sunnis and Israel, who work hand in glove with the U.S. against them.

November 3, 2018 10:53 am

Looks like David Frum stole his talking points from Bill Kristol.

It really goes to the heart of how diabolical these Joos are.

November 3, 2018 11:23 am

Bannon argues content, reason and class, and even adds a mention of the Fourth Turning. Frum bumbles along with ad hominem, strawman and irrelevant talking points. From a debate standpoint, it was a slaughter, which is exactly why the lefties tried so hard to shut it down. I’d vote for Bannon for president – the guy gets it.

Bob P
Bob P
November 3, 2018 12:34 pm

Excellent debate. Very surprised the liberal Toronto audience switched to Bannon’s position as evidenced by the majority supporting Bannon by the end. Gives me hope for both the US and Canada if a leftist-leaning audience actually listens to reason.

  Bob P
November 3, 2018 1:20 pm

Just shows how well white people have been Brainwashed by the Jews in the media. All Jews are liars that’s a given going into any debate . At least some white people are waking up.

November 3, 2018 1:26 pm

What debate? Tell me when Frum actually makes a debatable point?

So you see there really is nothing to debate. Trump and everyone who supports him is a racist. Therefore, it’s our way or no way.

November 3, 2018 1:37 pm

I’ve tersed out some questions I would use that could sway an audience or at least put them back on their heals.

1) What do you think of the banking situations among EU countries.

2) What do you think of the choice of Flanders as a geographical location in which to locate the European Union capital in.

Only by posing questions that NPCs haven’t been given a directive on can put them back on their heals. Inviting them think for themselves.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 4, 2018 9:17 am

I thought Bannon did well on discussing the E.U. and sovereign countries.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 3, 2018 1:30 pm

Frum actually wrote something insightful in his Oct 23rd column:

“If liberals insist that only fascists defend borders, then voters will hire fascsists to do the job liberals will not do.”

November 3, 2018 1:40 pm

David Frum, ahead by 72% to 28% at the beginning of the debate, lost to Steve Bannon by a vote of 57% to 43% which is a staggering reversal…despite using the Jewish card more than once and using loaded terms like hate and racism, which is sickening for someone claiming to be an intellectual. The reason for the early polling result is that the people of Toronto and Canada are lied to and deceived 24/7 by the corporate-controlled (and I would argue subversive) Fake News Networks but when exposed to the truth react logically. That is why Fake Conservative NeoCons such David Frum and the gangsters/thieves they represent are finished, caput, dead men walking. Let’s hear it for the return of freedom, peace and prosperity in a nation state, and the end of the treasonous globalists’ oligarchs who now run the US, Canada and most of the western world. So turn off your TVs, radios, Facebook, Twitter and stop reading the Economist, Time, Newsweek, MacCleans and magazines peddling lies…because there is no truth there but tons of propaganda and subversion. And home school your children because public education is a tool for brainwashing the next generation.

Frum enjoys the privileges of dual citizenship. And as a Jew, he is also a citizen of Israel due to the right of return for all Jews worldwide. Israel is the ultimate ethnocentric nation state, home of the chosen people no less, but this contradiction doesn’t seem to trouble Frum the (fake) intellectual. Also, giant walls to keep out the semitic Palestinians work very well in Israel but are a racist blight on the border landscape in the US. The staggering hypocrisy is too much to handle for anyone not brainwashed by the Jewish MSM. The good news is that Frum and the Jewish MSM have lost the narrative due to truth from a global brain connected by the internet which is why he looks a bit stressed out to put it mildly. The gig is up, the truth is out of the bag and cannot be put back, and the world will never be the same for those who rule over us.

p.s. My apologies to all my American friends for exporting this fake intellectual to the US. But your loss is our gain…except when he returns to Toronto. BTW, his mother the late Barbara Frum was even worse if that is possible, totally insufferable…something to do with the apple and the tree.

November 3, 2018 1:49 pm

The gig is up, the truth is out of the bag and cannot be put back, and the world will never be the same for those who rule over us.

This is why they are trying to start WWIII.

November 3, 2018 4:27 pm

Very true unfortunately. I have a lot of concerns about Trump, particularly in the area of foreign policy. He seems to be trying to jump-start WWIII which is contrary to policies he articulated during the presidential campaign leading up to the presidential election in 2016. It certainly raises a critical question: is Trump controlled opposition for the globalists? What about Steve Bannon? The Deep State’s most effective strategy has been the infiltration and subversion of honest and authentic grassroots movements. I noticed that Steve Bannon has joined in the demonization of Putin, Russia and Iran, and believes the lie that the US is fighting ISIS when we all know the US created ISIS and is currently protecting ISIS. What we have is a War OF Terror led by the US, Israel and NATO allies justified on the basis of a monstrous lie – the 9/11 False Flag event.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 3, 2018 5:17 pm

“What we have is a War OF Terror led by the US, Israel and NATO allies justified on the basis of a monstrous lie – the 9/11 False Flag event.”

This event is at the center of all modern tyranny. Wake people up to this absolutely monstrous lie and we’re getting somewhere.

November 3, 2018 2:17 pm

FYI, apparently there was a glitch with the polling results and the powers that be have denounced the fact that Bannon won the debate. I’m shocked I tell you, just shocked!

November 3, 2018 8:09 pm

Wow! What a flat out ass whoopin. The look on the puss of that smug, sawed off little prick at the end was priceless. The very good news is this makes it much harder for THEM shoving these deceitful, conniving bastards; kristol, boot, gergen and now frum, etc in front of us as some sages to be respected. I’m not sold on Steve Bannon but he delivered a massive kick in the balls to TPTB.

November 3, 2018 9:43 pm

i was a little surprised that frum didn’t shed a few crocodile tears after describing foxs’ depiction of soros. the fact that neither will (can?) denounce him is telling.
frum is completely out of touch with reality. bannon’s slightly better.
Steve sure looks like Marty Stuart:

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 4, 2018 9:23 am

I was hoping Bannon would go into the part where Soros helped the Nazis against other Jews during World War II. A bit disappointed that he didn’t, especially since it’s public knowledge and was actually aired on TV in an interview with Soros.

November 4, 2018 7:18 am

After digesting this for a day, the other thing that really jumps out is despite being demonstrably philosemitic, Trump and Bannon are branded as racist Nazis by Jews like Frum. This is very instructive to note – you can be the best friend of Jews and Israel, but if you take the slightest action or make the smallest statement that counters any part of the Marxist agenda, you get branded, like it or not.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 4, 2018 9:10 am

I watched this right before coming to this site. I thought Bannon did a great job. Populism is the future, but which one? Hopefully, a capitalistic one. Bannon made good points and, as he said, tough crowd.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 4, 2018 9:11 am

I also loved that he brought up the 4th turning. I wonder how many searches went out for the 4th turning after that. That was a great promotion for the book and the ideas.