Guest Post by Ol’ Remus

What’s happened to survival websites? It’s not just the offensive popups, the finger-wagging about cookies, or the blackout if yer running an ad blocker. It’s the content. What kind of survivalist writes about dental floss for dogs? After all, you don’t eat the teeth. Nor will solar powered sprinklers be uppermost in your mind when the Death Squads For Democracy are hunting you in the hills.

“Keep it simple, stupid” used to be the common wisdom. Survivalism was mainly what you carried between your ears, not in your pack. It came from hard experience, not from Amazon. Survivalism was understood to be an in extremis proposition where death was the probable outcome even for the skilled and prepared. Now it’s country living with endearing retro practices from grandma’s day, a sort of Better Homes and Gardens for Inconvenient Times.

The Nearing’s adventure is the unalloyed endpoint of preparationalism, a worthy goal no one can legitimately gainsay. Such an attitude could see entire communities of like minded people through hard times. It puts things in their proper order. But back-to-the-land homesteading is more Thoreau than survivalism. Such preppers presuppose the Great Depression’s mannerly destitution rather than a Bosnia redux and thus own the same chancy assumptions as their neighbors.

Lesser bad assumptions have also trickled unchallenged into preparationalism. For instance, even the federal health hucksters have dropped the notion that diet influences, in any significant way, a person’s cholesterol level. And other than a few outliers, there is no negative link of any consequence between cholesterol and heart health. A decades-long study in England has concluded that statins are not only useless for any other than a small subset of the population, but actually contraindicated. Yet allegedly knowledgeable preppers offhandedly repeat baseless bromides to condemn the healthiest and most necessary of foods, fats namely.

I knew a bad end was assured the first time I saw food labeled “low calorie”. A people who intentionally degrade food has lost sight of shore. But wait, there’s more. Another assumption preparationalists choose to own concerns gluten. One, maybe two percent of the population is gluten intolerant, yet the supermarket shelves are full of pricey product that announce themselves as gluten free. Incredibly, another useful component of food is now officially a dangerous contaminant.

These are merely the more recent examples of self-destructive nonsense. The more egregious are too well known to flog here, “no salt sodium free” for one and overhydration for another. Push it all into a pile and you have today’s wisdom. If nutritionists actually knew all there is to know about food, they’d have to wrap it up and find another career. Yet they keep making new “discoveries”, and at ever shorter intervals, which means the half-life of their received truths is also shorter. They’d have us believe last year’s approved diet will kill us this year before we can push away from the table.

Sometimes I despair of the nonsense otherwise sane people can believe until I remember, they’ll be my competitors when the SHTF. And no, survivalists are not a brotherly band, nor can they be. Relying on survivors I have known, of slave labor camps for one, survivalists are not selfless patrons looking to pitch in for the common good. The root word “survive” is the tip off. Preppers believe themselves to be goal oriented cooperatives, and they will be until the way ahead narrows and darkens and hard choices become no choices at all. Then they become survivalists.

Mere hard times come to an end, and survivalism begins, when the word “hungry” reclaims its original meaning. Hunger is an experience that never leaves you, and in that sense it’s a gift. It’s the survivalist’s all-purpose knife for any Gordian Knot. It’s the supreme teacher, and it appears when the student is least ready. Hunger doesn’t value your preferences, nor does it arrive dressed in gingham with recipes to make shrimp creole more tastey. But be assured, you’ll recognize it when you see it.

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Rocky Raccoon
Rocky Raccoon
November 6, 2018 12:37 pm

Survivalist KISS advice- a semi-auto .308 and the will and skill to use it

22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
  Rocky Raccoon
November 6, 2018 2:20 pm


My AR15 in 7.62×39 has a .308 bore and shoots great with .310 bullets.

If you were referring to .308 Winchester, that has it’s role too.

November 6, 2018 12:43 pm

Survivalism has become a marketing strategy to sell people stuff they otherwise would never buy. The death knell was probably when the female ‘survival experts’ showed up selling tactical knitting supplies, and the guys from Camp Darby were sidelined.

22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
November 6, 2018 2:26 pm

The death knell of what?

The death of credibility?

I came here from ZH 2 or 3 years back to escape the doom porn… but it has migrated here too.

Elections have Consequences, Bro
Elections have Consequences, Bro
November 6, 2018 1:32 pm

Trump killed survivalism. People were so looking for something after hearing the bum previous President spout “hope and change” for 8 years they finally saw some hope and change when Trump was elected. They became immeditely complacent because living on their golf course whilst sticking cans in their basements was at a minimum an oxymoron. They had stocked a few cases of food and water went and bought a .22 pistol and a few boxes of ammo (1,000 rounds) and then Trump was elected and all is good now. Once the next democrat is Potus then its death by a thousand cuts and slowly until they realize they waited too long and still have no skills. I decided i would become a socialpath and non remorsefully take what and when i need things once i run out of what i already have. The idea of changing my entire life, moving to redneckville with no conveniences and plowing the land is BS. I cant hide or move the homestead and eventually someone stronger would just take it from me after i bought it and spent years cultivating it. What a waste. Its easier to become the taker if shtf. A lot cheaper too. You are much more mobile with much less regret for having lost your homestead etc. so just go take one and when you lose it go find another….in the meantime i will stack cash instead of buying and building a homestead.

arm chair squadron commando
arm chair squadron commando
  Elections have Consequences, Bro
November 6, 2018 1:51 pm

Thanks for telling us, up front, that you will be trying to steal from us, when the shtf.
you just painted a huge bullseye on your back.

Rocky Raccoon
Rocky Raccoon
  Elections have Consequences, Bro
November 6, 2018 2:48 pm

See first comment

  Elections have Consequences, Bro
November 6, 2018 3:00 pm

Yea, I’m sure there will be plenty of evil grasshoppers wandering around that will have to be hunted down and killed by the well armed community ants.

  Elections have Consequences, Bro
November 6, 2018 6:55 pm

Good luck with that. I highly encourage you to come take my homestead.
I will be above the gate on the grassy knoll.
Good luck getting past Goober and Sarsa.
They love the taste of stranger-especially the elbows and knees for some reason.
Big meaty joints to chew on I guess.

November 6, 2018 1:54 pm

I have been badgered by physicians for over 10 years about my cholesterol and imperative that statins are the way, the truth and the light. I’ve always declined. A recent heart cath showed 5% occlusion.
They would have been a total waste and loaded with possible side effects
It’s big pharma touting the unnecessary to IYI physicians.

oldtoad of gReen acRes
oldtoad of gReen acRes
November 6, 2018 1:59 pm

Watched a Netflix movie Rent Kings about living in LA during the Rod King stuff last night. Now that was a survivalist movie.
Of course it was Hollywood b.s. and all but it drove home a point. People do dumb stuff while under stress. Something easily seen most days. Cops do cop stuff, kids do brainless things, adults can act dumber than kids and with real emotion.
Take a nap, then get up and get ready because it is a coming, the good times, with Jesus and the 4 horseman of the apocalypse.

22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
22winmag - PFC Frank reporting for duty
November 6, 2018 2:10 pm

CORRECTION: Survival websites and the blogs who repost their bullshit as if it’s news.

November 6, 2018 2:29 pm

Trust after the SHTF is going to be a big deal. Robert Gore poo-poos precious metals due to the attention they might bring when trading, but it seems to me that anything worth trading, be it silver, bullets, socks, potatoes or toilet paper, is going to raise attention from anyone who has not. Is everyone in your prepper group equally prepared? If not, there’s a new source of friction; a potential for conflict. Who do you trust, and how far?

November 6, 2018 9:59 pm

My dad wrote his folks from Iwo Jima and the hometown paper published what he wrote as he was with the group that raised the flag. I found it funny that he mentioned that he took socks off of dead japs and remarked that they didn’t have any heels in them. Original tube socks I guess.

comment image

He is the one looking towards camera with his hands in his dungree pockets. 3 March 45. His shore duty ended the next day.

November 6, 2018 10:25 pm

Wow! The Old Breed.

I have a picture of my Dad in 1944 behind a 20 MM on an aircraft carrier I treasure.

November 6, 2018 10:46 pm

Thanks Mark. I found this picture online on the 70th anniversary in 2015. Dad passed in 2011 so I wasn’t able to show it to him. He was with 2nd Batt. 28th Rgt. of 5th Marines. Spearhead was their division patch. One can see the 2- painted on the concrete on the right of the picture. Dad was a navy corpsman and a marine.

November 7, 2018 4:26 pm

Double wow on him being a Corpsman…some of the bravest Marines I fought with in Nam were Corpsmen. Had three of them work on me. We were super protective of the Doc.

God rest your Father. I lost mine in 08, miss him every day.

November 6, 2018 3:10 pm

A while back I didn’t eat for 22 days.

Knee still giving issues but I still haven’t started smoking cigarettes yet.

Going for a RBC test tomorrow…

Hunger is a mind game if you have family freaking after day one we’ll tie them up until they have chilled and came back to their senses after day 3 or 4 so just get them to drink lots and lots of water.

One gulp at a time and everything will be fine…

You have no idea how alive you become after not eating for five or six days, if you think your smart now do eat for a week and you’ll outsmart yourself with a grand mind of being alive and in the moment…

You won’t need to much sleep either…

Just remember when you do start eating take it easy and slowly for your body will take all the food you stuff in it but since it hasn’t ejected any for while that back end needs time to start working right or you’ll e so blocked up it could kill you…

Lastly the water fasting will help most of your loved ones to overcome whatever they are phisically addicted to some may take quite a while but don’t lose faith….

I hope the demons crats are wipe out tonight…

Either way…

God Bless to those that believe….

To those that don’t well best of luck…

I hear this Nov 11 could be D day economically…

Time will tell….

November 6, 2018 4:43 pm

Way to go Al…fasting is truly amazing. I have been doing it since the 70’s. I remember your posts.

I did four days last month. Sat in my sauna twice a day…drank a lot of water with a little unfiltered Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and a pinch of Baking Soda. Next time you fast try it. Here is what is does for you. Google it:


Apple cider vinegar is a great medicinal food that’s capable of cleansing and revitalizing the body thanks to its abundant nutritional values. It contains vitamins A and B, essential fatty acids, enzymes, and multiple minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, zinc, iron, and silicon, as well as many others.

The Most Important Properties of Apple cider vinegar:
• Helps you eliminate toxins thanks to its sulphur content. It also acts directly on your liver, helping
you metabolize fats better.
• Prevents urinary infections and takes care of your kidneys because it helps you keep your urinary
tracts clean and your urine acidic.
• Boosts your metabolism and eliminates excess fat from your body, which will help you lose weight.
• Is a great diuretic, which allows you to eliminate excess fluids from your body.
• Prevents eye dryness thanks to its vitamin A content.
• Improves your digestive processes because it is rich in enzymes. It is very useful in cases of
flatulence, acidity, bloating, etc.
• Fights constipation, which improves the state of your intestinal flora.
• Reduces gum inflammation. We recommend swishing a little bit in your mouth before swallowing it
in this case.
• Eliminates mucus in cases of colds and sinusitis.
• Reduces levels of cholesterols, triglycerides, and uric acid.
• Relieves coughing and throat pain.
• Prevents muscle cramps thanks to its mineral content.
• Improves the state of your skin and hair thanks to its vitamin and mineral content.
• Reduces the risk of suffering from any kind of stones, whether they are gallbladder, liver, or kidney.
• Fights gastric hyper-acidity and relieves it immediately. It also treats and prevents gastric ulcers,
which are produced when there is too much acid.
• Soothes urinary infections.
• Improves dental health and prevents problems like cavities, gingivitis, or plaque.

The ideal proportion is the following:
• A glass of warm or hot water, because cold water could be harmful to your liver.
• A tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar.
• A pinch of baking soda.

November 7, 2018 3:28 pm

Knew a guy years ago who would periodically go on a water fast to lose weight. In addition to the regimen you detailed, he would also drink a quart of hot water with a teaspoon (or tablespoon, I forget) of sea salt in it. He said that the hot saltwater would race thru the digestive tube like a rocket and come out the other end within 30 minutes.

For a week after he thought his gut was totally cleaned out, he would still see little chucks of fecal material floating in the porcelain bowl after his morning flush. Apparently everybody has little pockets where “stuff” becomes stuck, staying put while it putrefies and rots. Really good idea to periodically clean out that “stuff” and give the gut a chance to heal.

I wonder sometimes if a person’s body is just a long digestive tube with some meat attached to it. Maybe we are just worms and don’t realize it. Food for thought.

After recovering from the morning flush, the guy also took a shot of blackstrap molasses mixed with some lemon juice. Blackstrap molasses is the last pressing, the cheapest, but ironically the best because it is chock full of all sort of minerals that the body needs in various amounts.

Of course, as soon as the fast was completed, he always went back to his crappy diet and gained back the weight and took on another toxin load. Learning is a multi-step process. Don’t stop after the first step.

November 7, 2018 4:27 pm

NBQ, (I’m a Civil War buff too – great handle)

Some people consider black strap molasses an inexpensive underrated super food I’m one:

I have been using it moderately since the 70’s.

Men need to be careful using too much black strap because of the iron content as it is so high in it:

But many women could use a little now and then.

November 6, 2018 6:39 pm

My longest was 20 days then I thought, “Gee, I should probably eat something,..”
I was buzzing, very little sleep, mind clear as all be.
I would drink a little maple syrup with cayenne and lemon juice and feel the surge of sugar coursing through me.
My first two days coming off were miso soup with apple cider vinegar, then some watermelon.
Talk about a recharge!
PS I have tactical knitting needles but we call them bayonets around these parts…

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 7, 2018 9:09 am

All very interesting, thanks for sharing.

November 7, 2018 3:15 pm

Pray tell us more about the approaching D-Day. Inquiring minds want to know.

November 6, 2018 3:47 pm

This is kind of what happens near the end of a business cycle. Lots of really dumb crap was plastered all over the web in 2006 and 2007.

John B.
John B.
November 6, 2018 5:35 pm

Ah, there hasn’t been a decent survivalist since Krazy Kurt Saxon.

  John B.
November 6, 2018 6:25 pm

Well , I got enough food and water for 4 people and a cat that should last right at 6 months . After that it will be time to take out my M1a and go ” hunting ” if I’m still alive. At 57 years of age I don’t want to hurt or kill anyone over food. I’m hoping I can avoid all the bad things. I hope the Democrats lose tonight. If Trump can hang on to the house we should be ok.

Guy White
Guy White
November 6, 2018 6:14 pm

I, 70 y.o., grew up with the Nearings’ Foxfire Books and took them to heart. I am in place in the last best bug-out dugout, with 10 miles of Lake Michigan for a moat and a ferryman’s tariff’s entry fee.

  Guy White
November 7, 2018 10:51 am

Are you on one of the islands in Lake Michigan? Is it too late for me to buy a few acres there? Are the fish in Lake Michigan safe to eat? I am convinced that most lakes and rivers in the US are contaminated with pesticides, herbicides, and other waste.

November 6, 2018 6:23 pm

Well the author has proven to everyone that he knows absolutely nothing about survivalists. Real survivalists are realists who know they prepare for real situations that affect peoples lives every day. Survival lifestyle is what allows you to be comfortable and help your neighbors when the floods, fires, blizzards, mass layoffs, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, and the multitude of everyday disasters strike every state in every part of the country.
There are plenty of survival websites that still exist to help people become more self sufficient and regain the skills that were commonplace just a few decades ago. It is only the wannabe morons who are prepping for the zombie apocalypse or end of the world scenario.
Survivalists are for the most part people who understand that survival skills not only act as insurance if disaster does strike, but it makes incredible financial sense by allowing people to save their hard earned money by using their survival strategies. That allows them to save and invest money non peppers spend through the nose for due to their ignorance and dependence on a immediate need system

November 6, 2018 7:21 pm

The author differentiated survival from self sufficiency, having known people who survived life and death circumstances. Our self sufficiency may be exploited by others such as the “elections have consequences, bro” commenter with many having this mentality. When we consume the last bit of stored food, when our homes are looted and burned out by spoiled godless hordes or soldiers, then we have survival.

November 6, 2018 8:35 pm

Read One Second After for a realistic view of staying alive long term

November 6, 2018 9:42 pm

After I read it I doubled the size of my pantry and long term food stored.

November 7, 2018 1:10 am

Eat bird seed if you want, I’ll stick to human food. Good luck to you.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 7, 2018 2:34 am

Ol Remus always has good advice.