Democrats Win Control Of US House As Republicans Keep Senate

Via ZeroHedge

Nearly an hour after Fox News predicted the Democrats would regain the House, moments ago NBC confirmed as much, and called the House for the Democrats.

As Bloomberg adds, the projections from NBC and Fox reflect good trends for Democrats in the recent calls: namely, that they’re continuing to flip the races where they were favored, and picked off the occasional toss-up. CNN is projecting that Democrats could win up to 35 seats. Republicans have picked up 2 Senate seats, though 11 races remain undecided.

Assuming those trends hold, they should be able to take the Speaker’s gavel. But there’s a lot to be decided about what kind of governing majority Nancy Pelosi will have.

And, as we reported earlier, NBC also called the Senate for the Republicans, which means that after the 2016 fiasco, this time conventional wisdom was correct, and consensus – Dems get House, GOP keeps Senate – was right.

Which means that in addition to Nancy Pelosi, who is set to become the new House Speaker, Adam Schiff taking over the House Intelligence Committee, and Elijah Cummings becoming the news Oversight Committee chair, the new chair of the House Financial Services committee will be none other than Maxine Water. 

Waters has frequently clashed with Trump, calling for his impeachment – and earning a nickname as “low IQ” from the president.

She’s signaled she’ll likely be an aggressive watchdog on the panel, as she sought (unsuccessfully) to subpoena Trump family records from Deutsche Bank AG and opposed a bipartisan effort to scale back some elements of Dodd Frank.

That hasn’t stopped President Trump from spinning the night as an unmitigated win.

Here’s a roundup of some other key late-breaking races.

  • In what was perhaps the biggest House upset in Democrats’ favor, voters in the normally red 11th Congressional district on Staten Island and in South Brooklyn gave the upset to Democrat Max Rose, who topped the former Staten Island District Attorney 52% to 48%, with 92%.
  • Democrat Andrew Gillum has conceded to Republican Ron DeSantis in the tight Florida governors race dealing a major blow to Dems hopes of retaking governorships. Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, was vying to be Florida’s first black governor.
  • Former Tennessee Titan Democrat Colin Allred defeated House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions in his Dallas-area district, winning another major victory for Dems.
  • Fox News is projecting that Democratic incumbent Senator Claire McCaskill has been defeated by her GOP opponent Josh Hawley.
  • Former CFPB head Richard Cordray lost his bid to be Ohio’s next governor.
  • Jared Polis has become the first openly gay man to win a governor’s race, besting Republican Mike DeWine in Colorado.
  • Boston’s Ayanna Pressley has become the first black woman elected to Congress from Massachusetts (she famously defeated a long-time Democratic incumbent in a primary earlier this year. On the same tip, “girl from the Bronx” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become the youngest woman ever elected to Congress at the age of 29. She defeated Democratic leader Joe Crowley in a primary in the spring.
  • Democrat Laura Kelly defeated Kris Kobach to turn the Kansas governorship blue.
  • Republican Brian Kemp is ahead of Stacey Abrams in the race for Georgia governor by 10 points with 81% of precincts reporting, according to CBS. Abrams, who was endorsed by several celebrities, including Oprah Winfrey.
  • North Dakota Democratic incumbent Heidi Heitkamp lost to Republican challenger Kevin Kramer.
  • Democrats are presently winning all four Iowa congressional districts, including the seat of Rep. Steve King.
  • Democrat Kate Brown is projected to win election to Oregon governor

In one silver lining for  Republicans, Denver Riggleman, a man who once wrote bigfoot-themed erotica (a published a novel entitled “Mating Habits of Bigfoot and Why Women Want Him”), has defeated his Democratic challenger Leslie Cockburn

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not sure
not sure
November 7, 2018 7:19 am

So sad, will have to re evaluate how I look at the country now. There was a time when one man appeared to be willing to take a stand by draining the swamp and building the wall. His secret and his power were the Americans who grew tired of the PC BS and longed for an end of the elites control of Washington DC.
Last night the people chose to allow business as usual, with any hope of justice to be in the hands of Schiff and any attempt to rein in government spending in the hands of Maxine Waters. And welcome to the world of endless subpoenas courtesy of Pelosi; when she isn’t confused or distracted by tricky questions. Her vision is “to stop the GOP.” Does that mean throwing a wrench into any gains the GOP has accomplished in restoring America over the last 24 months?
Time to re evaluate. Q is already saying stuff like no matter what happens, trust the plan. WTF? Like Obama, Trump had his chance to build and drain, now he will be on the defensive for the rest of his political career. Its not the end of the world; maybe it will be better to allow the Democrats to fling the crap and wear it when it flies back at them when TSHTF. For me, I will just be an observer and piano player on the Titanic, as the ice berg looms in the distance.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  not sure
November 7, 2018 9:39 am

There’s lot of fegulas and jagoffs, but then we knew that.

Bob P
Bob P
November 7, 2018 7:20 am

Although the thought of those shrieking Democrats in charge of the House committees makes me sick, they can’t do much to Trump other than harass him still more, which may backfire on the Democrats in 2020 (especially if they try to impeach him or Cavanaugh). Too bad they won’t try to halt some of Trump’s overseas misadventures since Democrats are now as bad as the neocons in terms of warmongering. All in all, much ado about nothing since the two parties are practically indistinguishable at the policy level; in that sense it doesn’t matter who’s in power. It’s just that the Democrats are so much more corrupt than the Republicans, so the less power they have the better, IMO. May I suggest firing/jailing all current politicians along with the entire deep state, and establishing a dictatorship with Ron Paul in charge?

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
November 7, 2018 8:30 am

Looking at the silver lining here. With he communist in control of the House of Reprehensibles, Trump now has the perfect target to pin the blame on when the stock market goes to shit. Nancy Pelosi and her henchmen caused the crash! Yeah boy!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  None Ya Biz
November 7, 2018 9:43 am

With the House flipped, I’m gonna have to learn Mexican. On the plus side, it looks like the McRib is back. Also, with a bigger GOP margin in the Senate, we can probably still have the Supreme Court force women to wear those handmaid dresses and bonnets.

November 7, 2018 9:03 am

Please, someone tell the Millennials to wake up and refuse to buy into the impeachment waste of time for the US House.

It gives ALL of the CongressCritters extra time for fundraising with lobbyists, which is the main reason they ran for office. If that aging old bag of Botox insists in impeachment investigations, there will be nothing done by the House for another two years except money grubbing from lawyers and pharmaceutical companies.

If the Millennials recognize their power and start sending a message, perhaps Trump might still accomplish several of his stated goals.

November 7, 2018 9:15 am

with D’s capturing control of the House, I expect to see more gridlock in D.C.,
and much more mud slinging and public disagreement, courtesy of the biased MSM.
Nothing will get passed in the way of constructive legislation, and the shift in power will only
embolden the loudmouths.
The thought of having to hear anything from Maximum Ugly, Schitt, and Pale Horsey will only serve to drive me further away from tuning in to anything political in the news.
I’ll cue up more music while driving, and resist the conservative talk radio, which will just put me
in grouchy moods, if I absentmindedly let it. Likewise, any other broadcast media, and the tripe they peddle. The MSM and social media have proven their effectiveness at influencing the idiots, yet again.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
November 13, 2018 8:35 am

I’d rather nothing get done than crap that fucks the people of the country like banning firearms.

November 7, 2018 9:14 am

The end of libertarianism. It works fine in Norway. As a matter of fact so does socialism. But neither will work in Haiti.

In the same vain,
Republicans won’t do much more for Democrat cities. And nothing can be done with their schools.

RIP. Ron Paul.

Vote for Beto
Vote for Beto
November 7, 2018 9:59 am

What, no mention of the red tide I predicted? 100+ women headed to congress and all we hear about is Ocasio-Cortez. That people responded to her impeachment message is not going to be part of the punditry. It should be. Trump worked hard to keep the Senate red, he built a sort of wall to protect him from impeachment. The women are here and they are after his poon-grabbing ass. He ought to have learned in that Russian hotel; two women in your bed is awesome, more than five and you are dead meat (heh).

November 7, 2018 10:18 am

The Jewish billionaire donor class bought the House. Shocker. It’s time to finally go after the Carried Interest rule and let the Dems put their money where their mouth is.

November 7, 2018 10:56 am

“In what was perhaps the biggest House upset in Democrats’ favor, voters in the normally red 11th Congressional district on Staten Island and in South Brooklyn gave the upset to Democrat Max Rose, who topped the former Staten Island District Attorney 52% to 48%, with 92%.”
i wonder if that victory had anything to do w/ethnicity or skin color–
ocasio-whatever won because she is hispanic,not her ability–
here in fla.,we have had a huge influx of puerto ricans,it’s gonna be interesting to see how they voted–constitutional amendments & tax increases passed yesterday that i thought would go down in flames–
my local rep. state senator has been in for awhile & is in the senate leadership–this should have been an easy election for her but there is a very large bloc of hispanics in this district–the dems went out & convinced a former state representative w/a hispanic surname to run–she ended up w/ about 200 more votes then the rep incumbent,throwing the race into an automatic recount–this is where those people who are never taken off the voting rolls come in handy–if a few hundred are voted in each district,the occasional close race can be tipped into the demo column–
maybe it really is time to start voting our ethnicity & skin color–

November 7, 2018 12:44 pm

Never under estimate the Dems ability to create voters out of thin air. Remember when Scott was going to clean up Fla. voter registrations and Barry publicly threatened to send his goon squad down there to investigate? He changed his mind right away. He may have cleaned it up anyway when it got out of the National news but I remember it well. Being a local, You may know more about it.
How in the heck did Kansas turn so blue when they were so red in 2016? Talk about dead men voting!
I know how they turned Mt. blue because I watched it happen. University expansion and Software development companies after the blue collar mill and mine jobs were destroyed were the two biggest drivers that I noticed. Half of Seattle lives in western Mt. now.

November 7, 2018 4:01 pm

yeah,it’s been awhile but i believe they were threatening to sue scott/florida for voting rights act violations–
having extra voters on the rolls can certainly help the left–i have people who have moved out of my park 10+ years,some out of state, & they are still receiving sample ballots from the supervisor of elections,meaning they’re registered to vote–

November 7, 2018 4:56 pm

I wouldn’t mind the libs too much if they would let me be a Lesbian.

November 7, 2018 7:05 pm

are you off your meds again?

Not Sure
Not Sure
November 7, 2018 11:36 am

Minnesota will be the showcase of democrat ideals and implementations.

Pity the poor Minnesotans.

Sanctuary cities, here we come!

November 7, 2018 1:34 pm

NY is fucked, Dead Man Walking … can’t wait for their bankruptcy. As of today, EVERY aspect of government is now under control by Demoncrats.

The state with the highest total taxes in America just got a blank check to spend more for the poor, the oppressed, the fags homos lezzies and dickless men, illegals, and god-knows-what-else.

Cuomo is the most corrupt POS governor in all of America. Literally — and I mean that word LITERALLY — EVERY day in the newspaper is a new story of corruption either by him or those close to him. Didn’t matter one tiny little bit to NewYawkers …. just as slimeball voters from Noo Joisey decided to suck more mendacious Menendez cock.

Did you know that NYC alone has more Government Paid Workers than all but 5 of the largest States in America?! It’s a nice place. a place where it costs $2 BILLION to fix a 2 mile stretch of road, where it will cost $20 BILLION or so to fix just the subway system, where unknown multiple BILLIONS are needed to fix-up city (free) housing, and where cigs will soon cost $20 a pack. And now Demoncraps control everything BWAHAHHAHA!!

People in NY got the government they deserve. People in NJ got the government they deserve. This country got the government it deserves. Fuck ’em all. The end of Amerika can’t come soon enough as far as I’m concerned.

November 7, 2018 3:42 pm

Continuing resolutions and 1 trillion dollar deficits for at least 2 years and maybe longer. This kind of debt can’t end well. A Republican House would have done no better.

November 7, 2018 4:07 pm

actually cliffie,
trump can suddenly become a fiscal conservative,shut down the govt,and be a hero–when it was his own party,the optics were bad for the average voter–
he can also trade daca for the wall–
i would have preferred a rep win but there are some advantages to having the dems take the house,esp w/only a narrow majority–