Double Debt Problem

Guest Post by John Mauldin

The selloff in GE is not an isolated event. More investment grade credits to follow. The slide and collapse in investment grade debt has begun… (and later) Don’t be fooled by bond prices holding up, because trading volumes are down. There are fewer bids in the market, and the dispersion of bids is wider. It is time to jog—not walk—to the exits of credit and liquidity risk.

– Scott Minerd, Guggenheim Partners Chief Investment Officer

From a 50,000-feet viewpoint, we’re probably in a global debt bubble…Global debt to GDP is at an all-time high…This is going to be a very challenging time for policymakers moving forward.

– Paul Tudor Jones at the Greenwich Economic Forum in Connecticut, November 15, 2018

Last week, I talked about Ray Dalio’s new book on debt cycles. He describes how debt is inherently cyclical, because it enables more spending now that must be offset by less spending later.

Ray’s book helped me refine my description of The Great Reset. It’s a critical refinement, too. After reading the book, I realized it is entirely possible we will have another debt crisis before what I think of as The Great Reset. I firmly believe the latter is still coming, but there may be another “mere” credit crisis beforehand.

Understated Problem

In last week’s letter, we began reviewing Ray’s book called Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises in which he examines those debt cycles and what we can do about them. The book is a must-read resource for anybody who wants to understand the economic and financial world we are living in and what increasingly looks like another debt crisis around the corner. I read it on my recent trip to Frankfurt, and I highly recommend you do the same. (That link is for Amazon, but you can also get a free PDF copy here. I read it on my Kindle so I could highlight and save notes.)

I referred to the section I bolded below, promising a deeper dive, which we will do today. I’ve included some preceding text and chart for context.

The chart below shows the debt and debt service burden (both principal and interest) in the US since 1910. You will note how the interest payments remain flat or go down even when the debt goes up, so that the rise in debt service costs is not as great as the rise in debt. That is because the central bank (in this case, the Federal Reserve) lowers interest rates to keep the debt-financed expansion going until they can’t do it any more (because the interest rate hits 0 percent). When that happens, the deleveraging begins.

While the chart gives a good general picture, I should make clear that it is inadequate in two respects: 1) it doesn’t convey the differences between the various entities that make up these total numbers, which are very important to understand, and 2) it just shows what is called debt, so it doesn’t reflect liabilities such as pension and health care obligations, which are much larger. Having this more granular perspective is very important in gauging a country’s vulnerabilities, though for the most part such issues are beyond the scope of this book.

Source: Ray Dalio

Close to the beginning of the book, Ray tells us that his debt cycle descriptions are just that: a description of past debt cycles. He excludes government liabilities like pensions and healthcare that, which while not technically “debt,” look and act just like it to those who are planning on it. People assume those payments will appear. If they don’t, then some sort of deleveraging, default, or liquidation process must occur. It will be painful to everyone.

Ray clearly knows about the government debt problem but compartmentalizes for the sake of analysis. The book looks specifically at private-sector debt and how it interacts with the economic cycle. Government debt is a different problem with different characteristics. But as we all know, it’s still debt, as most of us think of debt: an obligation that must be paid in the future… and it is definitely still a problem.

The fact that government pensions and obligations are not on the balance sheet doesn’t change the fact that millions of people around the world expect to get them. Those future payments are part of their retirement planning, every bit as much as a 401(k) or other savings. For most people, at least in the United States, it is almost all their retirement planning. Without those payments already-bleak retirement prospects would look even worse. So it’s hard to overstate their importance.

Endless Guarantees

Let’s review how big this problem is.

The US government on-budget deficit was $100.5 billion in October. It was $63.2 billion in the same month a year earlier. There are always revenue timing issues comparing any previous months, but that’s the wrong direction. I see little hope it will reverse. There is no appetite in Congress or the public for lower spending. Nor will we see the kind of tax-policy changes that would generate more revenue. (I still think my VAT idea is the best answer, but I’m way out on a limb there.)

Federal debt has grown with little complaint (except from a few of us curmudgeons) because it was mostly painless over the last decade. Interest rates and inflation were historically low, and the Federal Reserve was buying Treasury bonds by the truckload. Those helpful factors are now changing. Last year, interest on the federal debt was $263 billion, or 1.4% of GDP. The Congressional Budget Office expects it will rise to $915 billion by 2028, or 3.1% of GDP.

Let’s stop right there for a minute. You can review the CBO’s budget outlook here. The interesting numbers start about page 43, and then the actual projected deficits at page 84. The total projected 2028 deficit (on and off budget) is $1.5 trillion. Take that number with a grain of salt; they were only projecting the total debt for this year (2018) to increase $779 billion, when it actually rose $1.2 trillion including off-budget items. The CBO also assumes no recessions, wars, or other crises in the next 10 years.

And yet they still project, even with optimistic assumptions, that interest on the debt will overtake defense spending plus other “discretionary” expenses. It is quite likely that fiscal 2019 will see a $1.5 trillion deficit (assuming no recession), and that if (when) we have a recession, total debt will increase at least $2 trillion a year. Considering that we are already at $23 trillion of total debt, it is very likely that by the mid-2020s we will have $30 trillion worth of debt and already see that $915 billion interest expense they were projecting for the end of the decade.

And that’s not all. Look back at my June 29, 2018 “Unfunded Promises” letter for some staggering numbers on the various non-debt obligations that our political heroes have placed on “We the People” beyond Social Security and Medicare. They’ve made lots of other guarantees, explicitly or not.

For example, consider the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, which stands behind thousands of private defined-benefit retirement plans. The plans pay premiums but not enough to cover the number of failures we could see in a severe recession and debt crisis, much less the Great Reset.

If we learned anything from 2008, it is this: Congress will open the national wallet in a crisis, even if it means creating new guarantees out of thin air. They did it with TARP, the Troubled Asset Relief Program. No such program was anywhere on the radar until the big banks wobbled. If, say, some large state pension plans can’t meet their obligations, will Congress face similar pressure to fund the gap? You bet it will, and I have little doubt what will happen.

Now, if you are a Keynesian you might think that’s ok. The government is supposed to stimulate the economy through troubled times. But Lord Keynes also advised us to run surpluses in growth periods, so we could afford the stimulus. We haven’t, except briefly two decades ago. So even if the Keynesian path works, we are already way off of it.

As bad as all this is, however, I think Ray Dalio is right to analyze it separately from the more “normal” debt crises. That was the most important revelation for me in reading his book. We have two different problems that may or may not overlap.

Comorbid Crises

Physicians have an unpleasant-sounding term called “comorbidity.” It is as bad as it sounds. It is when two separate health conditions affect a patient simultaneously. They might be related but are medically distinct problems. Heart disease and diabetes often go together, for example. Evaluating them separately is important in making treatment decisions.

Such is the case with our debt disease.

  • We have a big problem with private-sector debt, with many overleveraged corporations likely to default if the economy weakens.
  • We have another big problem in government debt and unfunded liabilities, with politicians making commitments the taxpayers can’t keep.

Both problems are serious. To some degree they overlap, because the government draws its funding (whether taxes or borrowing) from the same population and wealth pool as private borrowers. But they are distinct problems we should analyze separately.

There may be at least a little bit of good news in this. Since these are distinct problems, maybe they won’t explode at the same time. That would make each one more manageable.

We saw this in 2008, in fact. Subprime mortgages and related derivatives led to contagion in commercial paper. As terrible and frightening as it was, the Federal Reserve was there as a backstop. So was the US Treasury. We had a lot to worry about, but I don’t recall anyone seriously thinking the government would collapse. (Whether it did the right things is a different question.)

Will the same happen next time? We should all hope so. I’m skeptical because federal debt is now roughly twice as big a percentage of GDP as it was in 2008. The Fed’s balance sheet is considerably larger, too. They have less room to maneuver, but maybe they’ll find some new tools.

Nevertheless, at some point the government will hit a debt wall and probably drag private debt down, too. That will lead to what I think of as actually the Great Reset. But we could have one (or more) smaller debt crises first.

The Great Reset will occur when global government debt grows so large that merely rolling it over becomes a problem. It will crowd out private lending, forcing interest rates higher, which is definitely not good for economic growth. Or else the government resorts to “unusual actions.” In either case, a private debt crisis at the same time could be really painful…

At some point, the private market will just not be able to fund such massive debt increases. Then we’ll have a “crisis” and the government will resort to “unusual actions.” Like Congress authorizing the Federal Reserve to buy Treasury debt.

That’s not crazy. The Bank of Japan is doing it right now. The BOJ has well over 140% of Japanese GDP on its balance sheet. It is now, like the Swiss National Bank and the ECB, buying equities and private debt in order to push money into the economy, with seemingly no consequences.

And so maybe that’s what the US will do. But once politicians and voters realize they can tap the central banks, will there be any motive to balance the budget? Maybe not, unless monetizing the debt creates yet another crisis.

One of the debt crises that Dalio describes in detail is the German Weimar Republic and the hyperinflation of that period. Germany was monetizing the government debt that they assumed from World War I. I’d like to ask Dalio whether he chose that particular debt crisis as a warning about what happens when governments play around with printing money.

It is very difficult to predict the path The Great Reset will take. We can’t know what the political environment will be as technology begins to eat into the employment rate. Will increasing productivity reduce consumer prices or will inflation rise? If it’s the latter, will the Fed react by raising rates and trigger a Volcker-style recession? Will Congress order the Fed to monetize the debt? Like I said, 2008 clearly showed that Congress and the executive branch will do almost anything in the midst of a panic to avoid accepting pain.

But in economic jargon, that yawning government debt chasm will have to be “rationalized.” Retirees and others receiving government benefits will expect to keep receiving them. There is no political will to reduce those benefits. The money will be found; the question is where? Hint: not under the sofa cushions.

When you begin to “wargame” the problem, the options are both limited and severe. Japan’s experience of Japan, even though it is apples and oranges to the US and Europe, will be so enticing. Just authorize the central bank to print money. When the world’s two main currencies begin to monetize debt at a significant rate—more than the small percentage of GDP that occurred in 2008–2009—and when that world is in a global recession, which is by definition deflationary, what will the consequences be?

The answer is we don’t really know. We only have economic theory as a guide, and we know how theory works in a crisis. I will admit that I have trouble imagining that whatever happens will be less than painful, no matter which theory you adhere to.

Dealing with too much debt, even debt of the “merely” promised kind, always involves some kind of pain to someone, and more likely to everyone, leaving nobody happy.

But that’s a story for another letter. To be continued…

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November 26, 2018 1:48 pm

Nothing is going to happen except a small % of people will grow wealthier and everyone is will get poorer.

Book it.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 26, 2018 3:49 pm


  robert h siddell jr
November 26, 2018 9:24 pm


November 26, 2018 2:35 pm

I give John Maudlin an A+++ for boring the ever-loving shit out of me. All those fucken graphs and charts and numbers and rambling explanations blah blah blah which basically mean nothing about anything.

Here’s what makes no sense whatsoever … and until it does … Maudlin can take his stock tips and explanations and shove them up his ass.

[imgcomment image[/img]

GE actually makes important, useful, high-tech shit. Like the Locomotive above. Their stock is at $7 bucks and change!


[imgcomment image[/img]

Chipolte makes a fucking BURRITO!!!! And a rather shit one at that. THEIR STOCK IS AT $464 !!!!


November 26, 2018 3:55 pm

GE is 2/3 debt. chipotle has no debt. if chipotle did a 62 for 1 reverse split tonight it would be $7 also. or conversely, if ge did a 1 for 62 reverse split they would be $465… would that make you happy?

November 26, 2018 4:18 pm

correction GE’s split would simply be 1 for 62, not reverse

November 26, 2018 9:43 pm

I had Chipotle for the first time ever during a working lunch several weeks ago where my employer brought in lunch. I thought that I had grabbed a salad. There was green stuff, brown stuff and other stuff that I couldn’t identify. I managed to eat about 20% and threw away the rest. I had terrible indigestion the rest of the day.

I would never invest in a restaurant where I couldn’t eat their food regardless of the many mindless sheep that roam the streets of America and gobble that shit down.

November 26, 2018 3:11 pm

for those receiving (or expecting to) social security, realize that you will be means-tested if you have been thrifty and wise and hold invested assets. so you need to plan now to protect yourself. i believe housing will be exempted from means-testing (though not vacation homes.) while gold is an option, holders will be labeled hoarders and subject to confiscation as in 1933, or will be ham-strung by a new windfall profits tax. so silver may be a better option and more fungible. another option is to spend it all now, either frivolously or in stored items you use anyway. or pay off your kids’s house and have them pay you back on the sly.

a non e mouse
a non e mouse
November 26, 2018 3:53 pm

They can have the gold and silver after they eat the

  a non e mouse
November 26, 2018 4:03 pm

a nice sentiment, but unrealistic. i wish it were so simple. and it needs to be converted to fiat for most purchases.

a non e mouse
a non e mouse
November 26, 2018 4:21 pm

OK, but we might see that in a couple weeks after the SHTF in cities, one ounce of gold might be worth 100 thousand paper dollars, a case of bullets or sardines but be priceless in Credit Cards, Checking or Cryptos. The Tax Collectors will probably be in the Zionist’s DUMBs.

Prof. Mandelbrot
Prof. Mandelbrot
November 28, 2018 9:32 am

Credit, you are on the right track. Since there is an all out war on white males and that group holds 80% of the wealth it will be the narrative. But they may even take reparations leaving them destitute. Means testing already exist fir medicare. Social security is next. Guaranteed. Never been a gold bug but seems silver/gold may be the only way to hide assets. Ira 401k are toast or pay the tax now then hide it asap. This is coming guaranteed, means testing for social security.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
November 26, 2018 4:33 pm

Economic Experts keep making charts and projections as if the Basic Fundamental Macro Economic Rules in America prior to 1913 still existed. Treasury-Fed started printing a little; now they print half the money spent; and when the SHTF, they will print it all. Treasury Bonds are now a ruse; SS etc need never go broke but the dollar will deflate to zero. Does Venezuela mean anything to Useful Idiots?

November 26, 2018 5:01 pm

Japan gets away with BOJ bond buying because it has a lot of overseas investments, a trade surplus ( which its QQE helps by keeping the yen’s exchange rate down) and because its elderly people saved a lot of money during the Japanese boom decades of the 70’s and 80’s and bought Japanese government bonds with it.
Still, they are kind of hocking the family jewels with this policy.

The US doesn’t have much in the way of family jewels and our corporations have hocked their future earnings ( if any) with their ridiculous stock buybacks. Why the SEC allows a company to do this with borrowed money is insane. Look at GE, GM and AT&T etc. They have enormous pension obligations. Any company that has not funded its pension obligations should not be allowed to buy back shares or even pay a dividend until their pension plan is 90% funded. Problem is shareholders own the politicians and they like debt being used for share buybacks and using profits to pay dividends more than they give a damn about some lousy employees future pension.

As to our government debt. Congress has made it clear it doesn’t care about it and they won’t care until they can’t roll it over or issue more and that day won’t be long in coming. I’m not sure they can ‘order’ the Fed to print money to finance the government. Those Fed governors have fixed terms so you can’t fire them and appoint new ones. Since they represent the banks and financial interests the have no incentive to debase the currency to allow the US government to screw bondholders.

November 26, 2018 5:51 pm

Everybody should invest in a common sense blueprint:

November 26, 2018 10:01 pm

you seem to be a hardcore prepper–
for someone of modest means who would need to shelter in place for everything except an oncoming hurricane and who has a spouse who thinks prepping is crazy,a few questions–
what are the first 5 steps you would take?the next 5?
if you only had $100 to begin prepping,where would you put it?the next $100,and so on?
i suspect i’ve just described 75% of the guys in the country so answering this would help many people–

November 26, 2018 11:40 pm


Be glad to offer some advice…check back I’ll post it ASAP.

November 27, 2018 12:53 am

You are right I am hard core, but I have also merged Prepping into a long desired and dreamed of rural, self-sufficiency, retirement lifestyle on a modest farm/homestead bought the land in 2012, retired at 65 in 2015.

I have been a Prepper a long time before shifting into high gear right after 2008 hit and I realized how close we came to total economic collapse and I was really not as ready as I needed to be. Then into an even higher gear when Obama was re-elected and I realized we were in an accelerating 4th Turning and I didn’t want to end up eating Alpo sitting in the dark.

Here is what I believe you should start prepping for in order of importance:

Water, food, security (guns and ammo) medical (extensive first aid kit). That’s a bare bones basic start. There is mountains of information for free on the internet.

Read up on involving and convincing your family and bring them in on it.

• How To Get Your Wife and Kids to Prep:

• How to Get Your Spouse on Board with Prepping

• How to convince someone about prepping
1. First 100 dollars.

• Buy the Prepper’s Blueprint it really is one of the best basic guidebooks on the subject. $30.00
Highlight parts of it you think you wife would find interesting. It is written by a woman who makes a solid case for Prepping in it.

• Next item a Big Berkley (couple of hundred bucks, it can make any water safe to drink, the number one issue).

• Start filling up a pantry. Join COSCO or one store like it and buy in bulk, so much less expensive. I bought 5 shelve snap together plastic shelving at Home Depot and put two of them in my basement…instant huge food pantry.

• Buy a campers portable toilet for when you can’t flush. My first one was a bucket with just a toilet seat on it and I saved all the plastic bags from the grocery store. With that and some washable sponges and a shovel you won’t drown in your own shit and piss during a long emergency.

• Next get a campers portable propane stove and plenty of propane bottles for cooking.

That’s a start…really the Prepper’s Blueprint will provide all the answers and lists you’re looking for.

November 27, 2018 8:23 am


Big Ed
Big Ed
November 26, 2018 8:40 pm

In the late 1960’s my Pop Pop (a business owner and an elected county comissioner) told me that debt was getting out of control and a massive turd tornado was picking up speed and headed for our little town..I believed him then and still do..Times 10…But When Albert, when???

  Big Ed
November 26, 2018 9:06 pm

Inevitable is a tricky word Big Ed…in the era of dark off the book trillions being secretly digitized by the Banksters and spent by Big brother.

This an’t your Pop Pop’s or my Grandpap’s economy…we’re deep into the matrix, they were living in reality.

Big Ed
Big Ed
November 27, 2018 1:12 am

Dat right!! Reality ain’t in da house yet..But I can hear the distant keening and smell the putrid stench just over the horizon.

  Big Ed
November 27, 2018 10:44 am

The putrid stench is inevitable!

Seriously Ed, I’m convinced that is how they have managed to drag this out and inflate the Everything Bubble to gigantic proportions. Digitized dark trillions secretly created off the books keeping the bubble from bursting while making it bigger beyond anyone’s comprehension.

  Big Ed
November 26, 2018 10:09 pm

dittos ed–
in the mid 70 s i used to go out to oklahoma & work for my granddad in the summer–he had closed his slaughterhouse because none of his kids wanted to go into business w/him–he spent the rest of his life as a rancher & horse trader–
he always kept at least 2 horses on the place that could be turned into plow horses,a plow,and a few bags of seed–
“boy,at least i’ll be able to feed your grandmother when this sob finally collapses.”