Via The Feral Irishman

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December 1, 2018 12:40 pm

This post will be illegal in Eurotopia, soon.


Even complaining about your genocide is prohibited. Nice.

December 1, 2018 12:43 pm

F yeah! My grandfather/mother came with little and build/owned/operated 2 bakeries , 3 apartment flats from scratch and 200 plus people came to their funerals although there were pretty old and recluse at the time. They fit in and provided jobs and an important service to the community although the work was hard. You can read part of his story here… https://thetruthonlydementia.blogspot.com/2012/09/100-years-of-army-and-bryant.html

December 1, 2018 12:51 pm

Screw “undeveloped land” or similar. As recently as the 1930s, there was NO government-provided (obviously by first STEALING FROM OTHERS), welfare or similar assistance. So even folks who came to this country just over 90 years ago, came with only their skills, the support or sponsorship of others, or the VOLUNTARY support of fellow countrymen (mutual aid societies) to rely upon. So all of my “ancestors” that came here in the early 1900s, came and sustained themselves without being able to sign up for theft-based “benefits” programs and the like.

December 1, 2018 9:29 pm

My Dad, born in 1908, used to work hard labor on farms for $1 a day. The farmer’s wife would generally prepare a large breakfast and the guys would work til sundown. Feeding a threshing machine, throwing 100lb bales of hay from the ground into a horse-drawn wagon, or from the wagon into a hayloft where the temp is liable to be 110 degrees…most of us can’t imagine that, and he did it all day long. For $1 to feed his then 3 person family; eventually 7 person. And Mom used to do the wash on the porch, outside, when it was freezing, with just a Maytag wringer washer and no running water! She had to use a bail into a cistern, then manually haul the water up to the washer. And if she wanted “hot” water, she had to carry the bucket into the kitchen and heat it on the woodstove in the cold months, and on the electric range in warmer months. I still don’t know how she did it.

December 1, 2018 1:17 pm

Are we still calling a group of people that “burn our flag” and carry theirs, to our soil if possible, MIGRANTS? I believe the correct term is “Invaders”! I suppose I could be wrong but I sure never intend to P.C.

December 1, 2018 2:29 pm

You would think the takers of our society would want less competition.

December 1, 2018 3:48 pm

That’s why there has always been great animosity between blacks and mexicans.

December 1, 2018 2:51 pm

The Indians had no civilization? Bullshit. And the Americas already had Americans. A difference is that the Europeans came in and wholesale slaughtered the Americans that were there. That is not a proud legacy. What a bunch of maroons that put that shit out.

December 1, 2018 4:01 pm

Depends on what you call a “civilization”.

These were stone age people whose architecture was limited to primitive one story structures, had not discovered the wheel or simple machines like the pulley, very limited agriculture, no domesticated livestock (native American horses were brought here by Spanish), no written language (hieroglyphics not withstanding), very simple economies based on barter with no money (currency units that enable trade are hallmarks of advanced civilizations)

On the other hand, European civilizations built vast cities filled with epic structures like the Coliseum, Acropolis etc., mastered more complex machines and used them in combination, had vast agricultural enterprises and herds of all sorts of domesticated livestock, built complex economies, engaged in intellectual pursuits like philosophy, art and science, and on and on.

To try to equate these is a misapplication of the word ‘civilization.

December 2, 2018 12:28 am

Given the way the white civilization has progressed, paleface has nothing to brag about. Your civilization is fucked. You know that, right?

December 2, 2018 5:55 am

Hahahaha! Some white men think they can stave off the inevitable. So sorry, no. It will be like what happend to the Indians, except that paleface invited the non-pale in themselves.

Should have picked their own cotton and secured the borders 75 years ago. Now it is too late. Dark complexion folk breed like rabbits, and white man does not. It is an easy projection to make.

Numbers do not lie. And the numbers are now carved in stone. There are currently more brown skinned children than white skinned in the US. Uhoh. It is all over red rover.

December 2, 2018 3:36 am

Dirtscratcher says “These were stone age people whose architecture was limited to primitive one story structures“. Wrong on both counts. See mesa Indians, etc., for examples. Says very limited agriculture and no livestock. Wrong again. Again, mesa Indians are a prime example. Some of the other claims are largely correct. But the idea that there was no civilization is ridiculous.

Further, how did Rome go? Greece? How did they fare in the dark ages? How about from the end of the Renaissance up until say 1960? War, famine, pestilence, political upheaval were the norm.

In my book, the “great cities” have always been an unmitigated disaster. Look at the state if the world – it is vastly overpopulated. There are enormous ecological issues to come. There will certainly be an enormous financial reset, likely some significant wars, and a reset of the current socio-political system.

Has the white civilization been successful? Hardly. There were a few decades of success, and I suppose some relative peace in parts of the Roman era, as well as a few periods thereafter. But look where all that white civilization has got us now. It is a disaster.

And also, take a look at what is happening to white man. They are about to lose control of the civilizations they created. It is imminent. It is almost certain. The whites have screwed themselves beyond redemption. Demographics are ensuring it is so. As I am not one who includes Hispanics as white, the days of US as a white civilization are numbered. And Europe is in the same boat. Whites have been assimilated.

So please, spare me the ridiculous tale of how great the white civilization is. I hold in contempt the “great cities” (which are shitholes one and all, and which are destructive to the human spirit), the welfare states, the pervasive liberal attitudes, the masses of people everywhere. White civilization has indeed achieved, but it has not been good achievements by and large. Take a look around and tell me how good the achievements are. There is little there to brag about when the whole is considered.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
December 1, 2018 3:34 pm

A Christmas Poem by Blah (WIP)
Brown and slick,
sucks us dry
just like a tick…
Crossed the Border,
without a cent…
Now gringos buy
his food and rent.
Won’t learn to read,
but has the balls
to scrawl graffiti
on our walls…
Prays to god
both day and night,
but still steals
everything in sight.
His smelly wife
so squat and dear,
will spit out babies
twice a year…
Upon her Loins
A duty hangs,
to swell the ranks
of local gangs.
A trashy race,
A tacky culture,
save what you can,
from this bean-eating vulture!

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 1, 2018 9:55 pm

A Great Reset is coming. We are all about to be Overcome by Events (OBE, at least two): the GSM and TPTB Planned Economic Collapse (raise interest rates, crash the economy, reduce US to Venezuela line 6: http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx ). God has told His Prophets about the Survivors and it sure ain’t TPTB or any of their minions.

D. Dalip
D. Dalip
December 2, 2018 6:11 am

Thankfully only a fringe element of today’s migrants are as ‘blood-curdling’ as the occupier-settlor ancestors of today’s USAmericans..