Yellow Vests win and force French Government to suspend planned fuel tax increase

Via Voice of Europe

Yellow Vests Movement win as Paris announced a suspension of the Fuel Tax Hikes after three weeks of protests. 

Protests beginning on 17 November against Macron’s government’s increase in fuel tax, having risen 23 per cent in just 12 months, the Yellow Vest movement has literally spread throughout Europe as ordinary people have taken a stand against their elitist governments, with France having completely lost control over its people.

Macron has threatened to not back down on the ‘anti-pollution’ fuel taxes which put the burden of his climate change budget on households across France, whilst cutting tax for the wealthy.

He had also been considering calling for a state of emergency and potentially a ‘strong response’ to the protests, which have seen some incidents of violence but also resulting in a hit to France’s economy.

The Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced today a suspension of fuel tax increases planned for January 1 in a move to end the yellow vest protests.

This is the first significant change in policy since Macron won the Presidential election in 2017, however, the protests sparked by the fuel tax have had the secondary focus of demanding the resignation of the beleaguered president, who’s approval rating has sunk to record lows.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 4, 2018 9:11 am

While I’m not generally in favor of government by mob, it’s always good to see that little dweeb Macron be humiliated and always good to see the global warming fetishists be told to fuck the fuck off.

  Iska Waran
December 4, 2018 9:29 am

How about patriots. Seems like this is the only thing governments listen to.

December 4, 2018 2:03 pm

The french finally won a battle. But it was against other french. Now eat your freedom fries and tank up the citroen.

December 4, 2018 9:27 am

A freeze of planned fuel tax increases was one of a number of measures called for in an editorial by 10 self-proclaimed gilets jaunes representatives published on Sunday in the Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper. They also demanded the holding of countrywide consultations over taxes.

I like this line: countrywide consultations over taxes.

One of the principle reasons for the founding of our country was taxation without representation is tyranny.

It’s time to change. All tax increases should be by referendum – and voted on by the people who pay the taxes.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
December 16, 2018 3:32 pm

Only property owners should be allowed to vote on proposed tax increases. For proposed tax decreases everyone should vote!

December 4, 2018 9:32 am

SUSPENDED: give the masses enough time to go back to sleep and then do what ever in the hell we want, just a little later.

December 4, 2018 9:36 am

I was just thinking the same thing.

December 4, 2018 11:47 am

Macron has said as much.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
December 16, 2018 3:36 pm

So weren’t the french masses already asleep? What woke them up this time? Outrage over increases to Joe Blow and tax cuts to the 1 percent. The only way to keep Joe Blow asleep would be to levy a heavy tax on the 1 percent then 5 or 10 years down the road repeal the heavy tax on the 1 percent leaving the fuel tax in place. This is the avenue they will probably take. However, Macaroni is done in french politics.

December 4, 2018 10:08 am

The Frenchies voted for what they want and will get it good. It’s not the gas tax they object to it is that the other guy isn’t paying it. Typical socialist crap. “We want free shit and we want anybody but me to pay for it”.

December 4, 2018 2:08 pm

I was thinking the same. They voted for strong government and free shit. Now, they are shocked that it has to be paid for?????? About half of the next 2 generations in America endorse socialism. Have they not been exposed to the horrors of the twentieth century? You out yourself as ignorant endorsing socialism and open yourself to great harm.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 5, 2018 12:36 am

In this case this “tax” wasn’t about paying for free shit. It is about the elite fuque married to a child molestor deciding on his own that the people must give up private travel because HE has bought into the warming bullcrap. Europeans had no rights. That has just changed. There is no going back. The establishment blinked. The crowd smells the fear.

Old Shoe
Old Shoe
December 4, 2018 10:08 am

I don’t view this as a win for the people. This was a tactical retreat by Macron. He and his globalist masters saw a populist bomb about to explode. Too bad. The people had a good push going. Now that momentum has been stalled.

  Old Shoe
December 4, 2018 10:24 am

I think the odds favor your view but maybe not. The deceit you ascribe to that sniveling little turd is certainly justified and proper. There is no mistaking his rothschild roots. But they were tax riots and that scares the shit out of the globalists-hense the capitulation. They are the chains required to keep the rabble corralled. But if this taste of freedom makes the french rabble wonder what another week of riots might bring……

Anyone else notice how much more effective these riots were than voting?

December 4, 2018 10:16 am

Notice how the yellow vests went for the choke point. Very smart. A lesson learned.

But the French are still French , despite the attempted displacement by their government. I don’t think any of the invading horde joined the yellow vesters.

December 4, 2018 12:30 pm

One of the ZH articles about this has the following:

“… and is set to unleash even more protests as the emboldened French people now realize that taking to the streets will results in success.”

That’s exactly right and exactly what the fatfuks in this country seem utterly incapable of grasping. Did you see all the pictures of old people, fat people, nerdy looking people, etc in France out raising hell? Are we that fucking weak here that we couldn’t even summon some of our conservative pensioners for a little ruckus now and then? Parading around in pussy hats and leather chaps – that’s the face of American protest in the 21st Century. Looks like the frogs got us beat on this one, ladies and gents.

They weren’t successful for being violent as much as they were successful for being both right and loud about it. Violence was secondary once they were ignored and told to go back and be quiet little peasants by King Macron.
King sez: Shut it, I’m taking your money and you’ll fucking like it.
Yellow Peeps sez: Eat shit. I’m sick of your taxes, fuckface. And I don’t care if I crash your whole fucking economy while you’re preening in front of the other royals at G20.
King sez: Maybe we’ll talk about it when you calm down, but the taxes are going ahead as planned.
Yellow Peeps sez: Flame on, fuckface! We sez NO so now you sez YES or we go get that big fucking guillotine we’ve been saving JUST FOR FUCKFACES LIKE YOU.
King Sez: Well, in that case, ok.

And they don’t even have a 2nd Amendment. Just pansy little yellow safety jerseys you can buy at truck stops for $2.99.

December 4, 2018 4:40 pm

Hi E – long time no see. Nice post.

December 4, 2018 5:12 pm

Hello again, sir. Happy holidays to you and yours, wherever that may be these days. And thanks!

December 4, 2018 12:58 pm

“Reality”, keep up the fight, suspend is just another progressive term for , give me time to find a way to sodomize you. If you don’t believe that then I hope you have a bucket of lube. Just saying!

December 4, 2018 5:36 pm

The tax on diesel is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. So removing this incremental straw for six month lightens the load oh so slightly but doesn’t address the oppressive load on the backs of the French people that has accumulated since WWII. That load has turned them into serfs to be plundered at will by an evil ruling class that now includes Rothschild’s agent Macron. Therefore, this revolution will continue until the tyrants who now control France and the entire western world are totally destroyed and the stolen wealth returned to its rightful owners. Vibe La France; vibe La France Libra. We are all Frenchmen now because their war is our war; their cause is our cause; their fight for freedom is our dream too.

Note that the Yellow Jackets are dominantly White Frenchmen so below the surface is a growing understanding that 84 billion Euros are transferred each year from the French middle class to totally incompatible populations from Africa and the Islamic world. Put another way, the French people are being impoverished, dispossessed and their cities turned into ghettos by an alien people they are forced by government to support. If this doesn’t qualify as high treason, I don’t know what does.

December 4, 2018 6:20 pm

Wow, the stupid, brain-dead French don’t even know the color yellow from the color green. No wonder they let Hitler overrun their piss-poor country. SMH.

December 4, 2018 6:37 pm

I smell a rat. The minute they go home the counter attack will be activated. Either covertly or overtly. I’m glad to see it but I don’t expect it to hold up. They’ve outed themselves, now what. I hope I’m wrong.

December 4, 2018 8:15 pm

6 months and we’re right back at sq. 1.

December 4, 2018 11:07 pm

In my opinion, the governments of the western world do not represent the common people. Among their many functions a primary one is to manage and micromanage the people. And they do it through Administrative Law.

What the French government appears to be doing is making deals to postpone taxes to prepare it’s plan for an offense measure against the people and identify the organizers; if any, in this out of nowhere rebellion of their agendas.

People who are suffering from the inability to make ends meet because of heavy taxation want relief now; not six months from now. The government offering postponement to their intended actions is definitely not listening to the people.

And remember France is under the EU.

It seems to me a rebellion of the people is under way and this rebellion will spread legs and spread across borders.

A saying coming from a person some of us know is, “when people lose everything; they lose it.” This appears to be happening all over our society. This includes the mass shootings.

Times have changed and so has the people and their values; or lack of values.

There are timeless values that are eternal. People who still know and practice these values; and are awake, and see the eternal pattern, and realize that this is a passing occasion, will help many through this coming reconciliation of the events of the last 100 years.

Take care and pay attention.