The French Center Holds — In a World Coming Apart

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

The French Center Holds -- In a World Coming Apart By Patrick Buchanan

So terrified of Le Pen was the European establishment that before Sunday’s election, the leaders of Spain, Portugal and Germany intervened in France’s politics by imploring the French people to vote against her.

“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.”

So wrote William Butler Yeats in the wake of the Great War of 1914-1918 that had ravaged the Christian civilization he had known.

In France on Sunday, the center held, as President Emmanuel Macron rolled up a crushing 59% to 41% victory in the runoff election against ethno-nationalist Marine Le Pen.

Four years ago, Le Pen got 34% in the runoff. And the highest vote that her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the National Front, ever received was 18%. While Marine Le Pen lost Sunday, her positions continue to attract converts.

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Yellow Vests win and force French Government to suspend planned fuel tax increase

Via Voice of Europe

Yellow Vests Movement win as Paris announced a suspension of the Fuel Tax Hikes after three weeks of protests. 

Protests beginning on 17 November against Macron’s government’s increase in fuel tax, having risen 23 per cent in just 12 months, the Yellow Vest movement has literally spread throughout Europe as ordinary people have taken a stand against their elitist governments, with France having completely lost control over its people.

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