How Democracy Is Losing the World

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

How Democracy Is Losing the World

If Donald Trump told Michael Cohen to pay hush money to Stormy Daniels about a one-night stand a decade ago, that, says Jerome Nadler, incoming chair of House Judiciary, would be an “impeachable offense.”

This tells you what social media, cable TV and the great herd of talking heads will be consumed with for the next two years — the peccadillos and misdeeds of Trump, almost all of which occurred before being chosen as president of the United States.

“Everywhere President Trump looks,” writes The Washington Times’ Rowan Scarborough, “there are Democrats targeting him from New York to Washington to Maryland… lawmakers, state attorneys general, opposition researchers, bureaucrats and activist defense lawyers.

“They are aiming at Russia collusion, the Trump Organization, the Trump Foundation, a Trump hotel, Trump tax returns, Trump campaign finances and supposed money laundering.”

The full-court press is on. Day and night we will be hearing debate on the great question: Will the elites that loathe him succeed in bringing Trump down, driving him from office, and prosecuting and putting him in jail?

Says Adam Schiff, the incoming chair of the House intelligence committee: “Donald Trump may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time.”

And what will a watching world be thinking when it sees the once-great republic preoccupied with breaking yet another president?

Will that world think: Why can’t we be more like America?

Does the world still envy us our free press, which it sees tirelessly digging up dirt on political figures and flaying them with abandon?

Among the reasons democracy is in discredit and retreat worldwide is that its exemplar and champion, the USA, is beginning to resemble France’s Third Republic in its last days before World War II.

Also, democracy no longer has the field largely to itself as to how to create a prosperous and powerful nation-state.

This century, China has shown aspiring rulers how a single-party regime can create a world power, and how democracy is not a necessary precondition for extraordinary economic progress.

Vladimir Putin, an autocratic nationalist, has shown how a ruined nation can be restored to a great power in the eyes of its people and the world, commanding a new deference and respect.

Democracy is a bus you get off when it reaches your stop, says Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan. After the attempted coup in the summer of 2017, Erdogan purged his government and military of tens of thousands of enemies and jailed more journalists than any other nation.

Yet he is welcomed in the capitals of the world.

What does American democracy now offer the world as its foremost attribute, its claim to greatness?

“Our diversity is our strength!” proclaims this generation.

We have become a unique nation composed of peoples from every continent and country, every race, ethnicity, culture and creed on earth.

But is not diversity what Europe is openly fleeing from?

Is there any country of the Old Continent clamoring for more migrants from the Maghreb, sub-Sahara or Middle East?

Broadly, it seems more true to say that the world is turning away from transnationalism toward tribalism, and away from diversity and back to the ethno-nationalism whence the nations came.

The diversity our democracy has on offer is not selling.

Ethnic, racial and religious minorities, such as the Uighurs and Tibetans in China, the Rohingya in Myanmar, minority black tribes in sub-Sahara Africa and white farmers in South Africa, can testify that popular majority rule often means mandated restrictions or even an end to minority rights.

In the Middle East, free elections produced a Muslim Brotherhood president in Egypt, Hamas in Palestine, Hezbollah in Lebanon. After this, a disillusioned Bush 43 White House called off the democracy crusade.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, relates how one minority is treated in much of the Muslim world:

“Christians face daily the threat of violence, murder, intimidation, prejudice and poverty…”

“In the last few years, they have been slaughtered by so-called Islamic State. … Hundreds of thousands have been forced from their homes. Many have been killed, enslaved and persecuted or forcibly converted. Even those who remain ask the question, ‘Why stay?’

“Christian communities that were the foundation of the universal Church now face the threat of imminent extinction.”

And all the while this horror is going on, Ronald Reagan’s treaty that banned all U.S. and Soviet nuclear missiles with a range between 310 and 3,400 miles faces collapse. And President Trump’s initiative to bring about a nuclear-free North Korea appears in peril.

Yet, for the next two years, we will be preoccupied with whether paying hush money to Stormy Daniels justifies removing a president, and exactly when Michael Cohen stopped talking to the Russians about his boss building a Trump Tower in Moscow.

We are an unserious nation, engaged in trivial pursuits, in a deadly serious world.

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December 11, 2018 7:16 am

The USA is not now nor has it ever been a “Democracy”. It is SUPPOSED to be a “Constitutional Republic”. Now it is neither.

December 11, 2018 7:50 am

Soooo democrazy ain’t quite working out like THEY told you?? That’s because THEY suckered you. They played you like a fiddle. But, never worry, you’ll get the chance to vote again real soon.

December 11, 2018 8:03 am

It is rather amazing, given how much they are detested, how politicians have managed to maintain their standard of living and status quo whilst doing absolutely nothing but stealing our money.

One doesn’t have to read too far inside the rabbit hole to discover there are either more than meets the eye to some things OR those very exact “some things” are big fat lies.

The idea that elected politicos are more democratic than self-appointed politicos is ludicrous. All power corrupts, whether democratically bestowed or seized by tyrant.

I believe our government is broken beyond repair. That is why my focus is upon our health, our sons’ futures and their proximity to home (both within a day’s drive, so delighted) and working out our salvation with fear and trembling while we maintain our little sustainable piece of ground. At least I know where I’ll be standing.

I once thought the Political class actually intended to accomplish things to build a more harmonious polity. I was very naïve, wasn’t I?

Congress Critters post 1913: More than a hundred years of being on the take from the American people.

old white guy
old white guy
December 11, 2018 8:03 am

so slavery is making a comeback, just under different names and banners.

  old white guy
December 11, 2018 10:06 am

“…so slavery is making a comeback,…” Slavery never left. Since 1865 we have been either “tax slaves” or “welfare slaves.” The only difference is whether your working and paying taxes or on the public dole. Lincoln never freed the first slave; instead he made slaves of all men.

  old white guy
December 11, 2018 11:28 am

Slavery was dead long before 1865, because it imposed the necessity to feed and house workers, even when they couldn’t work..It quickly became apparent that sharecropping, in which blacks either produced the food or starved to death, was far more profitable for landowners..
The ancients regarded subsistence serfdom as no different than slavery, and probably worse…

December 11, 2018 8:06 am

If anyone thinks Trump should be impeached for paying off women he screwed around with in the past they are nuts. The left doesn’t operate on logic or reason. It all looks hate based to me.

December 11, 2018 10:16 am

Democracy? We are not a democracy. Democracy leads to tyranny.

Republic, Republic, REPUBLIC.

December 11, 2018 11:31 am

The only stable systems have proven to be Monarchy and highly restricted Oligarchy, as in Venice.

December 11, 2018 10:56 am

Let the circus begin with (((Nadler))). , (((Pelosi)))) and (((Sciff))) becoming household names.

With unbiased commentary from conservatives such as ((( Max Boot)))

December 11, 2018 11:23 am

The world doesn’t want democracy, and for good reason..The leprosy that is true democracy first made its appearance in the USA during the 1930s, when minorities began voting in large numbers, though female suffrage and direct election of Senators had been passed 20 years earlier. It has been straight downhill since then…Jefferson and the rest of the Founding Fathers were well aware that Athens, where the first World level coinage was created, was destroyed when it went full bore democracy, and didn’t intend that to happen here….

December 11, 2018 12:29 pm

Come on, Pat. Democracy really?

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
December 11, 2018 1:37 pm

A country where people have to pay the government in order to live in their own houses on their own land is not a democracy. Strictly speaking, there are no property rights in America. Everything has to be rented from the government. Americans have become a nation of slaves.

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
December 11, 2018 1:39 pm

“Christian communities that were the foundation of the universal Church now face the threat of imminent extinction.”

True Believers in Yahshua Messiah will never become extinct! In hard times belief, stronger faith in a Holy God, grows even more, even if it goes out of sight and “underground.” In the coming vile events there will be people in great need of hearing His saving message of the cross and His great promises to those who choose to receive particularly in the hard times, that are to get even harder. True people of God will spread the Word of love and truth despite the persecution and hate.

Whatever one believes about Trump – I say, let the man lead the nation where the most voted for him……and who voted AGAINST the hate-spewing demonic Democrats who continue showing their true anti-American, Socialistic, demonically coordinated principles. Its clear to see – like the Emperor who has no clothes.

Their agenda is against America and her people and toward total enslavement and annihilation of the people and into the full demonic NEW WORLD ORDER. Their agenda is very clear. Most (Pelosi, Waters, Schumer…and on and on) should have resigned their posts long ago but selfishly hold on to their “power” even though it is clear that they are no longer qualified – physically and mentally – to lead a nation.

ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY – as the majority of long-time Democrats very well prove as they so desperately cling to each little bit of perceived power they think they have left. Their ongoing treasonous hate-speech and continuous whining against a sitting President should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of what ever laws we have left.

EL Cinico
EL Cinico
December 11, 2018 1:55 pm

It’s all a put-on. They cut a deal with Clinton. Nixon resigned rather than submit to blackmail. The threat of impeachment is a bargaining chip. We shall soon see Trump waffling on the wall and twerking on the tariffs.

We must go easy and not impeach before he is reelected so that we can continue to bleed him for lots of goodies. A president you have by the cajones is better than a president of your own party. Much better. No blame to stand up to.

December 11, 2018 2:33 pm

In today’s NY Post ..

FDNY firefighter John Lepper, 45, is battling the town of Babylon in federal court for ordering him to rip down the structure — which he built out of wood reclaimed from a boat wrecked by Hurricane Sandy, according to a notice of claim filed Monday.

The city wants him to submit a building survey and architectural drawings — which could cost him up to $2,000 …. not to mention he already has been fined $475 … and more are coming.

He was ordered not to enter the tree house (pic below) or to let anyone inside of it.

[imgcomment image[/img]

All this over a tiny backyard goddamn tree house that’s bothering no one.

Democracy my ass.

December 11, 2018 5:07 pm

Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.