Trump Pulls Fast One Pulling Out of Syria

Guest Post by Tom Luongo

I’ve been hard on President Trump recently. He’s deserved it. But, his decision to announce without any prearranged warning a complete pullout of all U.S. forces in Syria is something I can unreservedly applaud.

Whether he actually goes through with it or not is another story.

But even just his tweaking the D.C. establishment on this issue is enough for at least a golf clap. Nothing unites D.C. like the start of a new war or the threat of ending an old one.

And apparently Trump blind-sided nearly everyone on this. From the our NATO allies like France and the U.K. to his outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, all of them found out when Trump took the bully pulpit and informed the world.

This is the guy we elected. This is Loki-like behavior, not the weak-kneed appeaser that we’ve seen since Helsinki, tweeting like a madman trapped in a cage of his own making.

So, keep doing this Don and you might earn some trust.

The reality is that Turkey and Russia now set the terms of what’s happening in Syria going forward. Trump just acknowledged the U.S.’s untenable policy there is over.

In my latest piece for Strategic Culture, written before Trump’s Syria announcement, I talk about this weekend’s events leading up to Trump’s surprise announcement.

If these things weren’t enough Turkish Prime Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said recently that Ankara was now willing to work with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad if he survives “democratic and credible” elections. This is rich coming from Turkey, but whatever.
The importance of this statement, however, cannot be overstated. Turkey was one of the major partners in the mission to destroy Syria. And now they have joined with Russia, Iran and China in negotiating the peace process.
They have gone from “Assad must go!” to “Assad can stay.” It is an admission that the US plan for balkanization of Syria will eventually fail and that their best bet is putting maximum pressure on the US to give up its regional plans.
Russia, of course, stands behind Turkey in this and themselves are now upping the costs on the US and the Israelis. Because, it is now Russian policy to assist Syrian Arab Army forces in proportional retaliation against Israeli aggression in Syrian territory, according to Elijah Magnier.
No longer will the Russians stand aside and allow Israel a free hand over bombing what it says are Hezbollah and Iranian targets within Syria. The SAA will now strike back with a proportional response.
An airport for an airport, as it were.

Trump just admitted that the Bolton/Dunford strategy of balkanizing Syria has failed and he’s done subsidizing it. Hopefully, this will lead to something better and a more coherent strategy to rescue U.S. foreign policy from the cesspit of neoconservativism Trump still deserves heaps of scorn for allowing to rule his administration.

But for now, I’m taking a ‘wait and see’ approach. So too, is Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump had to put something concrete on the table.

I’ve always said that there will be no resolution to the situation in Syria until the U.S. takes responsibility for some of its actions there and makes a move towards de-escalating it.

The U.S. had to act first. So, declare victory and get out of there.


Trump’s track record of threatening, sanctioning, insulting and bullying has put him in a very bad place to negotiate the U.S.’s withdrawal from Central Asia. There is no reason why anyone should sign an agreement with him or believe a word that comes out of his mouth or that of his staff.

So, the two years he’s been in office have seen an administration with few cards to play throw them down on the table for all the world to see and still try to bluff their way to winning the pot.

It’s all so unbelievably amateurish and sad.

The best move here is to stop the bleeding, end the destruction of what’s left of U.S. foreign policy credibility and bring the troops home before the next financial crisis leaves them even more vulnerable than they were before.

I’ve always argued that we wouldn’t have WWIII with the Russians over Syria or Ukraine unless a massive mistake was made. Trump’s staff maneuvered him into a position where the probabilities of that mistake happening rose to an unacceptable level which culminated in the downing of that IL-20 reconnaissance plane over Syria.

Putin took control of the situation there and Erdogan used the gift handed to him by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman perfectly. Now, Trump is talking about handing over Cleric Fetullah Gulen as well as a Syria withdrawal.

On this point I agree with Bernard at Moon of Alabama that Trump decided to choose keeping Turkey in NATO rather than allowing it to jump to the alliance of China, Russia and Iran formally.

And it looks like he finally had enough of trying to appease his generals who have been bleeding him dry since he took office.

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Erasmus Le Dolt
Erasmus Le Dolt
December 21, 2018 5:00 pm

Tom, shut the fuck up. You simply don’t understand what is going on. We’ve just hammered Israel and A.I.P.A. C via Trump. This is historical…get used to it.

Ellington Coyotington
Ellington Coyotington
  Erasmus Le Dolt
December 21, 2018 5:46 pm

First, you stupid fuck, a a week or two should have passed before you can call something historical. Second, dumbass, Tom is lauding Trump. Damn, you are dumb.

  Erasmus Le Dolt
December 21, 2018 10:47 pm

El La Dolt..
Your the reason my doctor doesn’t like me logging on to TBP after 5pm.He hammered Israel with a 38 billion hammer. His daughter is going to be First Lady of Israel and Mayor of Jerusalem when Uncle Bibi retires. Trump, Ivanka, Jared and Bibi are, as we speak being chiseled into the side of the Jewish Mt. Jewmore.

December 21, 2018 5:10 pm

Yup. I’ll take a heaping mouthful of crow. I’ve savaged Trump in this site, especially lately. But 1st on my list of sweats for my newborn grandchild is warfare. The weapons are so horribly destructive and eternally consequential that it takes priority over all the other many government’s evils. Trump seems, at this point, to be jabbing the very puss of the MIC yanking these troops, as mattis has proven with his bullshit letter. If what seems, is true, that took colossal balls. I’ll still watch with bated breath to see what actually unfolds. But at this point Trump is acting like a hero.

December 21, 2018 5:51 pm

Too bad he can’t bite the bullet domestically. The true threat is internal. YES, he should have pulled out of Syria and Afghanistan January 21,2017.

Ellington Coyotington
Ellington Coyotington
December 21, 2018 5:52 pm

The title is misleading like an Uncola title. He didn’t discuss Trump pulling a fast one. I expected him to say Trump’s Syria pullout was a bargaining chip to get his wall. You know, no wall no war. I was almost pre-admiring the author for a piece I would have written if I could write at all. Alas, what we have is Trumpeteer porn. Rejoice, Trumpeteers, the great negotiator pulled an Ace out of his sleeve! Once he gets the funding for his wall plus a little something-something, then he will give them their war back.

note to self: Admins doesn’t pay me enough to try and keep the morons on the same page.

December 21, 2018 7:56 pm

Just how hard would it be to be Trump right now, or Putin for that matter? Having to put up with all of the duel passported Yippady yappady telling you what’s good for your country but it’s really just good for them. Imagine what their eyes see then what their ears here, how many times is it the same? How many lies are they told each day? Who can they trust (especially Trump because we have no Gulag)? He has his own money so he can’t be bought, not cheaply anyway. I bet that pisses em off, and he does belong to their club. Take the ball and run with it, let your conscience be your guide

December 21, 2018 8:29 pm


Erasmus le Dolt
Erasmus le Dolt
December 22, 2018 6:41 am

Ellington and Fleabags…thanks for your uplifting comments. Sorry for the delay, but I’m seven time zones to the east of my beloved homeland.
What bugs me about the article is Trump’s move in Syria is such a surprise. Even the title, ‘Trump Pulls a Fast One…’ Where was Tom and you guys when Trump was screaming out his intention to withdraw troops for the past two years to screaming, jam packed stadiums. That”s why the move in Syria is ‘historical’. He’s done what he promised even in the campaign.
‘A decision to pull out without any pre-arranged warning…’ You guys think that’s a viable comment? He even uses the term ‘blindsided’…really!!
‘Trump is in a bad place to negotiate. It’s all so amateurish and sad…’ Where does one start: Korea, China tariffs, Paris Environmental Accord, Nafta…need I go on? Did you guys really read this article?
‘No longer will the Russians stand aside and allow Israel a free hand over bombing what it says are Hezbollah and Iranian targets within Syria. The SAA will now strike back with a proportional response.’ And then no comment that this is the biggest slam against Israel and A.I.P.A.C dared by any previous President back to and accept JFK…and look what happened to him. Trump could have initiated troop withdrawals in 185 other countries, but he chose Syria. We have 85 bases in Germany…no, he chose Syria. This is a major historical message that is anything but amateurish and sad. Tom missed that and so did you guys.

  Erasmus le Dolt
December 22, 2018 6:27 pm

We didn’t miss those things. We just weren’t fooled by them.
However I’m impressed by your patient response to a couple of cronic flame throwers and you have one of the coolest handles I’ve seen on the net.
Erasmus La Dolt? Priceless.

December 22, 2018 9:43 am

Good. And it’s about time! We have no business being there.

The CIA, Mossad, Obama, The Lizard Queen, and McStain all created this little Frankenstein monster (ISIS) to keep Syria & the whole ME in turmoil for Israel’s & the Military Industrial Complex’s benefit, but they didnt expect Russia to jump into the fray. It almost drug us into WW3 – – one misfired missile, and it’s all downhill form there. And that threat is still very real until we are actually outta there.

And like him or not, pray, pray, pray for Trump’s protection. The MIC wont be happy about these withdrawls at all, and will triple down on efforts to take him out. So, bring the troops home… methinks we’re going to need them *here* soon enough….