$116 Billion A Year

Via the Raconteur Report

$116B per year.

That’s how much money we set on fire annually to pay for illegal aliens in this country.

Enough to build, arm, crew, and deploy 6 new supercarrier task forces every year, forever.

(Hint: That would have doubled the current number deployed, in just the two years since Trump has been president.)

Or, enough to keep the Social Security/Medicare Ponzi schemes solvent for another century.

Or to hand out nearly $7000@ in grants to every one of the 16.9M college students in the U.S., every year. (As 1/3 of them are at 2 year J.C.s, that would virtually make college attendance free, for all but the students at the most expensive institutions.)

Half the entire budget for the state of CA. Nearly the entire annual state budget for TX.

Or, a $400 annual tax refund to every man, woman, and child in the U.S. Actually $800, if we limited that refund to those among the 49% who actually pay taxes.

(It isn’t like that money is earned by government workers actually producing anything, or getting a paper route.)

Cost of Trump’s Great Big Beautiful Wall:
$30B, first year.
$0, every year after that.

America makes a profit of $84B/yr, forever, the moment we start tossing the 30-40M illegals over it after it’s built.

Rule One of Boats: First you plug the holes; then you bail them out.

Build. The. Wall.!!!

And leave those excess federal employees furloughed until it’s built.

If necessary, until Hell freezes over.

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December 27, 2018 4:41 pm

David French will crap himself when he sees this. He’ll probably start saying math is a Russian conspiracy, now.

December 27, 2018 7:06 pm

Illegal or legal immigration what’s the difference?

Business has a cheap labor model . From loans to the purchasing price of the business , everything is dependent on it.

Open your eyes. Ask yourself . If the wages were double of what are being paid so that a person could save $500,000 at the time of retirement. The predicament of having to eat cat food for the next 20 or 25 years on that $500,000 will be painfully obvious .

America is one big Ponzi Scheme . One day people will relise what has been done.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 28, 2018 6:37 pm

You know it AC 40% of Wal Mart profits come from EBT cards and other welfare assistance programs . The pay at Wal Mart is shitty enough for many that they qualify for welfare benefits . Turning America into a shithole nation inch by inch !

December 27, 2018 8:32 pm

Big business takes the benefits, but all the costs are dumped on the taxpayer, and the social costs, including voting for Democrats, are incalculable…

December 27, 2018 8:29 pm

Way too low, counting everything including crime, medicaid, private charities that bill the taxpayer…I’ve seen $300 billion as an estimate..But the real question is ALL immigrants, because many legal immigrants also take huge amounts of welfare and medical welfare.

December 27, 2018 8:47 pm

Hmmmm….,wouldn’t a “solution” be cheaper?

Big Ed
Big Ed
December 27, 2018 10:42 pm

Fucking wetbacks are expensive!…And the women are hidious..

December 28, 2018 8:16 am

Since we dont notice the government is even shut down, we need to start firing federal employees until we do notice their absence. We dont need drones vacuuming up tax dollars if we cant notice when they arent at work.

December 28, 2018 12:24 pm

Detain and deport.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 28, 2018 6:33 pm

But they are all such honorable hard working people seeking a better life blah blah blah . Then there are the parents that dragged their minor children thru the desert and unfortunately 2 so far die from illness related to dehydration , malnutrition and the leftist idiots in congress blame the border patrols for not being able to save the children the parents abused and failed by dragging them thru dangerous terrain that cause people injury and death when prepared . Next today an illegal was finally arrested after murdering a police officer during a DUI stop the Mexican national Gang member was not reported to the Federal Immagration enforcement because of California’s sanctuary state laws on 2 previous DUI arrests . I’m sure his family feels better knowing he died in the line of duty thanks to more liberal lunacy and it’s getting worse not better .
Build a wall round them all up and ship their asses out no amnesty no excuse be gone !