Why do Cycles Work?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

That is a question I get often and it seems to me to be up there with is there God and what is the meaning of life? All I can say is the foundation of EVERYTHING is a cycle. Here is how sound travels known as the Doppler effect.

Sunlight also travels in waves. Change the frequency and you get a different effect. There is a cycle to absolutely everything around us. The Arrays are composed of a correlation of 72 individual models. Then there is a global correlation to the frequencies of all other markets. So there is not a single cycle that you can reverse-engineer from an array. It just does not work that way. We simply do cycles differently than most people in the cyclical analysis arena.

So why do they work? Perhaps that is just the key to the universe itself. The earth travels around the universe and reaches the same spot once every 25,800 years. We also are born, we live, and then we die – the cycle of life. Then at the core of everything lies the fractal design within nature. It is more than just a Mandelbrot Set. We have children who are copies of ourselves taking bits of both parent’s DNA and combining them. That is the process of cyclical reproduction by self-referral – the offspring is a DNA copy referring back to the source.

Then there is the Lorenz Stange Attractor which was the fascinating cyclical behavior of weather systems, which of course are ignored by the Global Warming people. In effect, they are no different from the people who executed others who dared to say the earth was round instead of flat. They demonize anyone who denies Global Warming.

Absolutely everywhere we turn, we are confronted with cyclical behavior no matter what the system we have under study.

Just go to the beach and pay attention to the waves which crash upon the shore. Count the number of waves between a large wave and you will suddenly be confronted with a pattern.

Cycle are the blueprint of the Universe. It is how energy even moves. You have brain waves and your heart beats to a cycle. The absence of a cycle means you are dead.

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grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 28, 2018 9:50 am

An enjoyable look at life’s biggest questions.

Chart Lesson: The Big Questions in Life

December 28, 2018 11:26 am

Thank you. Very good.

December 28, 2018 11:27 am

to grace country pastor

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 28, 2018 11:34 am

I am not at all sure that I can divine the intent of this article, but there are a few things that I actually know because it is what I spent my whole life doing. Martin tries to conflate physical waves with cycles. Some times this works, but in general it most surely does not work. The reason is that cycles in nature are natural phenomena and cycles in economics are physiological phenomena. It is the needs and desires of individual humans that make up the cycles of fear and greed that drive economics. There are cycles but you can never know why any given cyclical pattern emerges because you can never know the hearts and minds of mass of humanity.

Just as a starting point, let me point out that the Doppler effect is not what defines how sound travels, and let me add that while there are cyclical aspects of light it is generally acknowledged that light is transmitted as photons. The relationship between the concept of a physical photon and the wave characteristics that it displays has not been prized out of the mysteries of physics.

  Hollywood Rob
December 31, 2018 8:18 pm

Wrong, but I see you full marks for sounding like you know what you are talking about.