What’s A Few More Dead Americans If It Means The Dems Can Score A Few More Political Points?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

What's A Few More Dead Americans If It Means The Dems Can Score A Few More Political Points?

Corporal Ronil Singh is dead, apparently murdered by a gangmember who was here illegally, and who stayed here illegally despite having been busted twice for DUIs. Thank you for ensuring that happened, Democrats. And thank you too, Fredocons, for so ably doing the bidding of your corporate donor cronies who desperately want to keep the foreigner spigot open.

Liberals need pliable, reliable replacement voters to buy off with your tax money, and the captains of industry want a pool of eager serfs. The illegals themselves just want to get out of the crummy countries whose policies Democrats expect they are willing to vote for here in El Norte. Gosh, it seems the only people who want the tsunami of illegal aliens to subside are us Normal Americans. But then, as with the elite’s endless wars and ruinous social experimentation, we Normals get stuck with the check for the costs and have to pay it with our money and our blood.

Kate Steinle. Jamiel Shaw. Mollie Tibbets. Now Corporal Singh. Oh, and let’s not forget the tens of thousands of our sons and daughters ODing on the  fentanyl that flows over the wide open border. But all that death means nothing.

It’s much more important for the Dems and Never Trumpers to score some points on Donald Trump…and on you.

No wall, because Trump promised it and if they can break his will then they can “Read my lips” their way to a victory for whatever pinko heartthrob wins the 2020 donkey nomination.

No wall, because they gotta replace you uppity American voters with new ones who are willing to submit.

No wall, no matter how many American citizens have to die.

Every day that they refuse to allow the man we elected president to fulfill the most basic function of a national government – securing its national borders – they make a deliberate choice to accept more dead Americans. Oh, and more crime, poverty and welfare costs too. They are willing to let it all happen because their power means much, much more to them than your prosperity, your security, or your life.

They won’t say it aloud, of course, but the way to out liars is not to listen to what they say but to watch what they do. And what they do is everything they can to ensure illegals can get in, and that once they get in, we can’t get them out.

In a country where the ruling class gave a damn about those it governs, the scumbag who murdered Corporal Singh would never have snuck in, and if he had, he would have been tossed before racking up two DUIs. But he wasn’t. California is a sanctuary state. It’s just not a sanctuary for citizens like you.

When they want to strip American citizens of our Second Amendment rights (and, not coincidentally, our ability to resist them), they howl that disarming all of us would be worth it if it saved just one life. It’s a stupid talking point with regard to the Bill of Rights, because even if rights were subject to a costs/benefits balancing test (they aren’t), the fact is that only a fraction of a fraction of the 300 million-plus arms that our citizens keep and bear will ever be used in a crime.

But what about saving just one American citizen’s life from murderous foreigners who, as opposed to our freedom-preserving weapons, are not even   supposed to be here? Unlike the American patriots exercising their gun rights, every single illegal alien is a criminal just for illegally entering and/or remaining. Then they also need fake IDs to function. Identity theft is a crime, at least for you and me. Then there’s the voter fraud, the welfare fraud, the property crimes, and the violent crimes. Oh, not all illegals are violent criminals, but every single one spits on our laws, laws we the people enacted via our elected representatives.

So what do you call it when the government ignores the law, which is the will of the people expressed through the legislature we voted for? It’s sure not “a republic.”

In order to keep those illegals flowing in, our miserable elite is as willing to let democracy die as it is to let you die.

Who thinks this will end well? Anyone?

It won’t. It can’t.

The American people are not blind. They see the truth, and they are not going to be denied justice forever. The election of Donald Trump was not the worst case scenario. It was the first case scenario. What comes next, if the elite keep denying the will of the people, will be even more disruptive, even more divisive. They might win today’s skirmish over the wall, but tomorrow there will be new corpses and greater anger.

The elite’s selfish and cruel sacrifice of the lives and lifestyles of America’s citizens risks tearing apart the United States. My novels about our country splitting apart into red and blue nations, and the resulting chaos, are supposed to be fiction. Treating us as acceptable collateral damage in the liberal quest for power could make those horrors a reality.

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December 31, 2018 9:00 am

The criminality of the elites in politics & Hollywood are rampant, but justice will never be served, because it does not serve their agenda. They are in control, whether we have Trump or any other official (like Rand Paul) working to keep government our of our home. Hard working, gun-totin’, garden-growing, church-goin’, red-blooded, true-to-their-neighbor good ‘ole Americans have little opportunity to right the wrongs against our liberty, freedom and Constitution. WE are too burdened with earning our own money, paying our taxes, and making sure we don’t get so much as a parking ticket in our local community.

My husband & I have engaged in multiple discussion in recent months wondering what we can do to stop the pillage of our Constitution. Though we live in a state (Texas) that is by far one of the most libertarian remaining in the US of A, we still see the influx of, not only illegals, but migrants from states such as Cali and ILL that bring with them their “ideals” of a better life. Slowly the above, citizens and non, are turning this Lone Star into a blue ocean of welfare, open border, mayhem that none of the true residents want. We are blessed to have a very conservative governor that withholds money from sanctuary cities (Houston/Austin), works with our Republican House to keep our rights, and guard our borders. But that too will not last forever. So the questions remains, what do we do??

Hunker down…… prepare….become as independent as possible…..know your neighbors and find like-minded people that you can depend on. And pray, pray often. This country has put God in a box and only opens the lid when a “tragedy” like 911 happens, and 6 months later, puts Him back in only to allow Him back in society when someone decides it’s time to turn the crank and see Jack pop up again. Someday, somehow, He will decide America is no longer the Christian nation it was founded on and will allow our greatest enemy to put us back in the box of Humility and Humbleness, if He allows any to survive at all…

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 31, 2018 12:45 pm

The sad truth, the thing no one wants to say, is that if it were to keep going down hill with a continuing flood of lawlessness and flaunting disregard for the people, is to kill shitloads of transgressors and not stop until they are all gone, surrendered or imprisoned. A war without boundaries in every town and neighborhood. You know the asshole down the street with the Hillary or Obama signs and a big Trump Sucks! sticker on all his cars? You are going to have to kill him or force him to submit to rule of law.
Thing is, I don’t see it happening as some organized thing. It would come without warning and we would all be in the midst of one of the worst tragedies in history. Make no mistake about the other side having any problem with us being harmed. We are constrained by our decency-for now.
HOPING FOR WAY BETTER IN 2019! Cause this sure sucks.

  Harrington Richardson
January 1, 2019 12:45 am

What’s wrong with that? If Jefferson were alive today, he would tell you the Tree of Liberty must be watered frequently with the blood of libtards. It’s the best fertilizer.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
January 1, 2019 3:53 pm

Very true.

December 31, 2018 10:03 am

The time for voting and talking is probably over. Trump needs to make good on the wall and pulling out of Syria at bare minimum. If not I think we can all see where we’re headed and the destination don’t look good… Chip

December 31, 2018 10:27 am

Cant The commander and chief can for national security, Put the military on the border? All the soldiers coming back from overseas, have a place to unwind.

December 31, 2018 12:02 pm

No disrespect to Singh and his grieving family, but this message sort of conflicts with the anti-cop vibe here. I don’t like illegals and I hate the crime they bring, but if Kurt knows his audience, he might find a better victim to hold up. Pretty Caucasian females will get better traction than cops any day.

That being said, from further reading, it looks like Singh was a great American. A Fijian native who came to the US and decided to join the Sheriff’s Department and help his community. So much respect to him for his service to his community. Being a legal immigrant law enforcement officer and getting killed by a criminal illegal immigrant is an awful irony.

Next- Trump has always seemed to me like a disruptor. Someone who is willing to destroy anything and anyone in his path to win. So I wish he would bring that spirit to this argument for the wall. If I were Trump, and I wish I was, I would go over to the FBI and demand the files on every one of the dummycrat leaders, the repube leaders, the media leaders, and pretty much anyone else in a position to influence people or cause problems. Every sphere. Politics, media, entertainment, high-profile lawyers, education, government, etc. The Klintons did this to the repubes in the 90s when they took over 400 files on conservatives and repubes. The difference is, I would then beat them over the head with the contents of those files. The only thing I’m not sure about is if I would slow-drip the facts of their files out, or if I would just dump them on the internet, maybe at Wikileaks, for all to see. But seeing all the thought-leaders of the nation outed for their crimes, on all sides, would be sooooo cathartic for our nation. Once everyone sees everyone in leadership positions at all levels and in all spheres wrecked… Wow. That’s what I call making America great again.

Wouldn’t you like to be in the room to see Nancy Pelosi’s botox faceplate crack when she’s told her secret sins are about to be released?

December 31, 2018 12:11 pm

If the wall doesn’t get built then Trump needs to PERMANENTLY place the military on the border.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
December 31, 2018 2:36 pm

Wow, now you can see how Germans were sold down the river in 2 world wars.

Illegals allowed to brazenly roam your country killing citizen and cops.

Did Trump defund the fuck out of CA and NY and other worst-offender sanctuary states, or was it all just hot air?