Shutdown ‘Crisis’

Guest Post by John Stossel

Shutdown 'Crisis'

This government shutdown is now longer than any in history. The media keep using the word “crisis.”

“Shutdown sows chaos, confusion and anxiety!” says The Washington Post. “Pain spreads widely.”

The New York Times headlined, it’s all “just too much!”

But wait. Looking around America, I see people going about their business — families eating in restaurants, employees going to work, children playing in playgrounds, etc. I have to ask: Where’s the crisis?

Pundits talk as if government is the most important part of America, but it isn’t.

We need some government, limited government. But most of life, the best of life, goes on without government, many of the best parts in spite of government.

Of course, the shutdown is a big deal to the 800,000 people who aren’t being paid. But they will get paid. Government workers always do — after shutdowns.

Columnist Paul Krugman calls this shutdown, “Trump’s big libertarian experiment.” But it’s not libertarian. Government’s excessive rules are still in effect, and eventually government workers will be paid for not working. That makes this a most un-libertarian experiment.

But there are lessons to be learned.

During a shutdown when Barack Obama was president, government officials were so eager to make a point by inconveniencing people that they even stopped visitors from entering public parks.

Trump’s administration isn’t doing that, so PBS found a new crisis: “Trash cans spilling… (P)ark services can’t clean up the mess until Congress and the president reach a spending deal,” reported “NewsHour.”

But volunteers appeared to pick up some of the trash.

Given a chance, private citizens often step in to do things government says only government can do.

The Washington Post ran a front-page headline about farmers “reeling… because they aren’t receiving government support checks.”

But why do farmers even get “support checks”?

One justification is “saving family farms.” But the money goes to big farms.

Government doesn’t need to “guarantee the food supply,” another justification for subsidies. Most fruit and vegetable farmers get no subsidies, yet there are no shortages of peaches, plums, green beans, etc.

Subsidies are a scam created by politicians who get money from wheat, cotton, corn and soybean agribusinesses. Those farmers should suck it up and live without subsidies, too.

During shutdowns, government tells “nonessential workers” not to come to work. But if they’re nonessential, then why do we pay 400,000 of them?

Why do we still pay 100,000 American soldiers in Germany, Japan, Italy and England? Didn’t we win those wars?

We could take a chainsaw to so much of government.

The New York Times shrieks, “Shutdown Curtails FDA Food Inspections!”

Only if you read on do you learn that meat and poultry inspection is done by the Department of Agriculture. They’re still working. And the FDA is restarting some inspections as well.

More important, meat is usually safe not because of government — but because of competition.

Food sellers worry about their reputations. They know they’ll get bad publicity if they poison people (think Chipotle), so they take many more safety measures than government requires.

One meat producer told me that they employ 2,000 more safety inspectors than the law demands.

Lazy reporters cover politicians. Interviewees are usually in one place — often Washington, D.C. Interviewing politicians is easier than covering people pursuing their own interests all over America. But those are the people who make America work.

While pundits and politicians act as if everything needs government intervention, the opposite is true.

Even security work is done better by the private sector. At San Francisco’s airport, security lines move faster. Passengers told me, “The screeners are nicer!” The TSA even acknowledged that those screeners are better at finding contraband. That’s because San Francisco (Kansas City, Seattle and a dozen smaller airports) privatized the screening process. Private companies are responsible for security.

Private contractors are better because they must compete. Perform badly, and they get fired.

But government never fires itself.

Government workers shout, “We are essential!” But I say: “Give me a break. Most of you are not.”

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January 16, 2019 9:05 am

The supposed shut down is the REAL manufactured crisis. I hope the beast starves and have zero empathy for anyone that chooses to work for government. It would just be “tough shit” for any of the rest of us who lose our job. This has the potential to burn out a lot of dead brush and buereaucratic creeps from the whole cursed system. I hope it lasts a year.

January 16, 2019 9:10 am

We should keep in mind the public is better served if some of these people are paid to stay home.

January 16, 2019 9:18 am

“Columnist Paul Krugman calls this shutdown, “Trump’s big libertarian experiment.” But it’s not libertarian. Government’s excessive rules are still in effect, and eventually government workers will be paid for not working. That makes this a most un-libertarian experiment. ”

What never ceases to amaze me is that this sad excuse for an economist was given a Nobel Prize. I wouldn’t put him in charge of a hot dog stand. Is everything now corrupt?

January 16, 2019 11:43 am

Like Obomba, that fraud got the IgNobel Prize because he was wrong. The only reason those Bozos get ANY airtime is because they mouth their Globullist Masters’ lines.

January 16, 2019 9:23 am

“More important, meat is usually safe not because of government — but because of competition.

Food sellers worry about their reputations. They know they’ll get bad publicity if they poison people (think Chipotle), so they take many more safety measures than government requires.

One meat producer told me that they employ 2,000 more safety inspectors than the law demands.”

Thought Pop-Up…
I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a false flag event, where public people are harmed some way,
and the cause will be sabotage by a laid off government worker / group, so they can blame ‘Trumps’
shut down as the reason.
e.g. people get sick eating poisoned food, because the FDA supposedly wasn’t on duty.

Their evil goal is simple. Cause mayhem, so their gravy train paychecks can resume. Re-invigorate the status quo.

The longer the shutdown drags on, the more likelihood we’ll see some type of FF, and of course,
the ((mainstream media)) will be vomiting their usual whine, to go with their gubmint cheese & crackers.


January 16, 2019 9:58 am

Re. your thought pop-up: don’t give those bastards any ideas.

January 16, 2019 10:21 am

simply citing history, not fomenting new ideas, paykeestay. the evil’s already inherent.

no one
no one
January 16, 2019 4:19 pm

Remember poison Tylenol capsules and what that did to the medicine bottling industry?

  no one
January 16, 2019 5:06 pm

And every “safety improvement” comes with a cost to the consumer…..AND an extra profit for the manufacturer….especially if everyone MUST comply. What’s a few dead consumers if it means more profits for the arms, banking, oil, or pharmaceutical industries…..right?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 17, 2019 4:03 am

The state could always hire food inspectors, in fact, some states already have them. No U.S. government inspectors needed.

January 16, 2019 10:09 am

Trough feeders the lot.

Screw the chain saw, burn it to the ground.

Old Krank
Old Krank
January 17, 2019 12:10 am

Every day, I see stories about how the poor, downtrodden .gov workers have to, you know, actually find jobs that make them work for a change – and I’m like:

January 16, 2019 10:19 am

You can’t separate church and state if the state is your church.

January 16, 2019 10:43 am

Remind everyone you speak with that mentions whatever aspect of the shutdown that is making their life horrible, that the ONLY way to ensure that this never happens again is to take whatever that function is, OUT of the hands of the politicians and government. Simple.

If the Consumer is supposed to be king, and not the politicians and the lobbyists, they ONLY way that will happen is if a truly free market of competitive businesses, is allowed to address what is now handled by the government’s monopoly.

Never let the opportunity pass with your friends or others. If these tasks (food safety, national park operation, water safety, etc.) are that critical, why are we trusting a bunch of folks who cannot even balance a budget when they are already stealing nearly 3 trillion dollars from the productive sector of the economy?

January 16, 2019 11:51 am

Why all the Mockingbird hysteria and misdirection about the shutdown?
X22 Dave said yesterday that after the 30th day, Trump’s crew can start permanent layoffs – RIF’s. They have to go thru an agency admin process, and can’t use it to fire the worst, but if the worst get caught in the shuffle of 40% or 60% their peers getting FIRED … oh well. Sucks to be them. If the “Senior Trump Official” article is right about the “patriots”, we could get less of “the government we deserve”. Real misdirection is required for that! 4 or 500k of new unemployment claims and no announcement from Trump? Hopium?

January 16, 2019 11:59 am

At what point in the shutdown will EBT stop being funded?

January 16, 2019 12:17 pm

EBT’s are funded thru the first week of February at this point. I’m buying popcorn for the prospect that they don’t fund past that date.
EDIT: ASIG posted below that it is funded thru February. Originally, it was not.

January 16, 2019 5:11 pm

I would buy ammo, then popcorn. Most certainly the show will be entertaining….from a distance:
comment image

January 16, 2019 12:13 pm

The Trump administration pledged Tuesday that Americans will receive food stamps through February despite the partial government shutdown, but officials could not promise those benefits will continue if the shutdown lasts until March.

January 16, 2019 12:36 pm

LOL – “crisis”.
Every additional day that the farcical, so-called “gov shut-down” continues is another day that more of “We the People” realize just how much LESS “government” is needed to “transact” DIRECTLY 1-2-1 – no “coercing middle-man” with “its” hand in your pocket for whatever reason! It’s a sad fact that “government” attracts the least reputable, least productive, most incompetent, indolent, parasitical portion of a national populace. Force the sorry slackers to go find REAL PRODUCTIVE “activity” that will contribute to the “Common Benefit”. Doubt such an outcome is possible? Think again, cuz it already happened in Spain!

January 16, 2019 12:47 pm

This will probably delay my replacement birth certificate so I can renew my DL. Which expired 30 days ago.

A jack booted armed government scum bag violated my 4th amendment yesterday and scanned my tag at a convenience store and pulled me over as soon as I left.

Scum asked for DL, registration and proof of insurance, I complied and asked why he pulled me over and he said I’ll tell you in a minute.

I was respectful to gov scum and he gave me ticket for 116 bucks, I told him I haven’t had one in 20 years, scum didn’t care. When scum pulled away there was another pirate behind him guarding his latest victim.

I’m going to fight ticket.

January 16, 2019 3:32 pm – listen to a couple of his podcasts. Worked for me. It also helps disrupt their orderly $50k per day of the fleecing of the sheep.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 16, 2019 7:59 pm

I saw a t-shirt that said something about pirates and ended with: why work for a living when you can plunder?

January 16, 2019 12:55 pm

NEWS FLASH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Headline today, 46,000 IRS employees called back to work to handle refunds- unpaid.

It’s a crisis.

January 16, 2019 5:13 pm

If the government is bringing them back to handle refunds rather than process payments, it explains why this country is so fucked up. I make a point to NEVER let the US Treasury be my banker. I will happy owe and wait until midnight on 4/15 to pay them before I will ever knowingly give them anything extra during the year.

January 16, 2019 12:59 pm

I live 35 minuets from DC, lack of traffic has been great !!

January 16, 2019 2:15 pm

gatsby- Always look for the silver lining, they say every dark cloud has one.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 16, 2019 2:10 pm

Since a huge percentage of the federal governments budget is laced throughout with fraud abuse and over staffing up to 90% especially when you include the department of defense 25% of government employees left to do what 100% of private sector employees must put up with when the company they work for either runs out of money or declares their position non essential you are on the street with your personal stuff from work in a bag or box and your final pay on its way to you unless the Mitt Romney company rescue plan is in effect then the company and the courts tell you what you are owed is an unsecured liability . Translation “FUCK YOU”!
The Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot has his panties in a wad because he is not getting the state income taxes from those federal employees that reside in Maryland . Funny their was no where near the concern on behalf of county state or fed officials as the tax base from the industries got the boot by corporate and government alike so these people really are stupid ! First they alloy the industrial job tax base that supported them to be murdered then they borrow to the moon to keep their ball rolling and now they are out of money , gee to fucking bad !

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 16, 2019 2:56 pm

If the RIF option actually occurs, several things are going to happen- The unions are going to lose some serious cred since they’ll be the ones forced to decide which 400K get the pink slip, 400K newly unemployed will now be on the open job market competing against the immigrant army that they had been patrons of as FedGov employees, it’s going to show everyone that the Dems really are powerless (or obstructionist, after all the budget is THEIR responsibility, not the President’s no matter how hard they try to spin it), and Trump will have close to half a million fewer obstructions working in his government.

The Dems dug in on the wrong thing. There aren’t enough Americans who are demanding open borders as they pretend there are, and if it gets really ugly all the President has to do is find a way to communicate that the Dems took the stand for the immigrants and against the Americans, not too much of a stretch.

If that’s really the plan, it’s pure Sun Tzu otherwise it’s one of the most complex cases of unintended consequences I’ve ever seen politically.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 16, 2019 3:14 pm

Admin doesn’t have a big enough smiley face 🙂 emoji for that first paragraph! He probably needs to add ROFL and LMAO emoticons for that! Especially Unemployment?!?
… find a way to communicate … He’s been communicating all along, but the Full Spectrum Dominance Mockingbirds have mostly silenced him. Imagine if he had the bootlick media Obomba had. The Q-Tippers will claim both deliberate typo’s for the media attention, and Sun Tzu for issue of waiting for this budget bill shutdown rather than vetoing the 2017 spending bill that (most) everyone here didn’t want him to sign. And then the layoffs if they occur. Draining the floating scum off the swamp first.

January 16, 2019 5:20 pm

Delta is whining about all the lost revenue (billions I think) from government employees and government contractors not flying during the shutdown.

So let me get this right. Money is STOLEN from my pocket and handed to government employees and contractors who then hand the money to Delta, and I am supposed to feel sorry when that flow of STOLEN MONEY to Delta comes to a halt?? Yeah, right.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
January 16, 2019 5:49 pm

An American throwing suitcases for $10/hr and now making $0/hr is someone to feel sorry for.

Where the $10 came from isn’t terribly relevant to the unemployed baggage handler.


We should not be running an economy that is dependent on the theft of trillions from the productive sector to support others in the economy. If there is a market for air travel, it should sustain itself. Not allowing all the rest of us to keep our money and spend it the way WE think best, is simply saying that all monies should go through the hands of the government first, because they know better how to spend it. Sorry, wrong answer. I would rather see the airline industry collapse because more money is in the hands of those who earned it in the private sector but they do not wish to fly, than it collapse because the government sector took so much money that the private sector was so impoverished that it could not afford to fly.

January 16, 2019 6:02 pm

Well they will get paid whether they worked or not. What about per diem, travel and conference fees for conventions they missed or truoa they did not Take? Oh! the humanity!

January 16, 2019 7:44 pm

I have said it many times: charity should 100% be a private matter. And so should most of the functions currently being undertaken by govt, including:

Airport security
National park management
Food inspection

Etc etc etc

If it really is needed, private citizens will pay for it their own damn selves. That is the test as to whether it is needed.

Damn, I hope it gets to the point of permanent layoffs.

BTW – I have a hard and fast rule. I NEVER hire an ex-govt employee. Never. I need one of those lazy, incompetent, paper-pushing, rude assholes like I need an extra hole in my head. Fuck them. They can remain unemployed forever far as I am concerned.

January 16, 2019 10:54 pm

At least the plastic straw inspectors are still on the job and getting a paycheck..