Dear President Trump: About that wall ….

Three weeks for CONgress and Trump to avoid another shutdown.

Let’s support Trump … and warn him also.  Will it work?  Who knows? But, it’s worth trying.  It doesn’t take a lot of time to write a short letter.

Mine is below.  Add yours!

I will reformat the responses in a nice manner, and then send it to the White House.  I will share any response they send.

I will only send responses in favor of a physical barrier.  I reserve the right to slightly edit responses for spelling, grammar, profanities … In other words, just be professional.

I will wait until Wednesday in order to give as many people as possible a chance to submit their request.

Let’s git ‘er done!!!

======================================= =

Dear President Trump.

I voted for you for three reasons.

First, you promised to install conservative Supreme Court judges.  Great job!

Second, you promised to get us out of the Middle East and endless wars. I know you’re trying, but you are failing.  (What would you expect when you pick people like Bolton, Matthis, Pompeo, Haley, etc. who have never seen a war they don’t love?).  Still, that’s not a showstopper.

Third, and most importantly, you promised to fix our immigration problems … including some kind of physical barrier. 

— You MUST get this done.  This is a showstopper. If you don’t get it done.  Not only will I not vote for you in 2020, but I will try to convince as many people as I can to also not vote for you.

— I know you are trying hard! Keep it up! I know all of MSM, academia, Democrats, and even some Republicans are fighting you on this. So what!  They are not your base, and never will be.  They will continue to hate you no matter what you do … so, please stop pandering to them.  Work for your millions of supporters; people like me.

— Again, you MUST get this done.  If a physical barrier hasn’t been started by 2020, then you have failed. I won’t accept excuses, and neither should you because, as another great President once said:  “The buck stops here.”

Please give me a reason to vote for you in 2020.  BUILD THAT WALL.


N.K. in New Jersey

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Bob McDoanld
Bob McDoanld
January 27, 2019 5:26 pm

A wall where it makes sense and other security measures where it makes sense

January 27, 2019 5:47 pm

Does not matter what it is or what it is called……..just stop the inflow of illegals and get the ones already here…….out.

January 28, 2019 11:26 am

BSHJ- Good point, but why don’t you call for Trump to stop the free rent, EBT free food, free education, free healthcare for the illegals? Don’t go into the song and dance that it’s out of his hands……BS.

January 27, 2019 6:15 pm

stucky,it’s a great idea-
the 2 most effective ways to influence any politician other than in person,which isn’t going to happen,are either a phone call or a letter–
might i also suggest that people directly contact your congressman & senators,even if you know that it’s a waste of time–
the link below will take you to a website that will give you contact info for your state/district–

Rob Clark
Rob Clark
January 27, 2019 6:17 pm

Trump has been a total disaster when it comes to the wall. His base is now fractured. If I’m reading between the lines correctly, the only people still supporting him, are the idiots who have a child like faith in Q.

January 27, 2019 6:37 pm

Stuck – you are far too kind.

That lying sack of shit has no intention of building the wall. If he did, he would have done so when he controlled both houses, and when he could have screwed the Repubs blind to make them build the wall. They would have been shit scared if he had had a shutdown over the wall. But what did he do? Nothing. He thought that he could make political gain by making the Dems look bad over the wall, and instead he got his ass handed to him.

And I would say much that in any letter I wrote.

I said he would not build the wall when this started. And so far I am right. He is a coward, a liar, and has proven unworthy of the office as a result.

When the shutdown started, I said he should not say another word about it and let it run until he got the wall and go on vacation, or until the republicans folded like a cheap tent to side with the dems. Instead he has become a laughingstock.

Fuck that lying dishonest bastard.

January 27, 2019 8:23 pm

Why is llpoh getting thumbs down for this. Truth hurts but its the truth! Trump could have done what he is doing right now two years ago when, like he points out, the Repubs controlled both houses… he didn’t then because he needed an excuse that he couldn’t. Now he has one and voilà, suddenly there are shutdowns..

OrangeMan could surprise us all yet.
Write an EO.
Build the fucken thing
but I ain’t holding my breath..

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 27, 2019 8:41 pm

Trump didn’t control the House. Republicans did.

  Iska Waran
January 27, 2019 10:08 pm


sez everything that needs said.. lol

January 28, 2019 11:33 am

You can keep the sheep holding on to pipe dreams with theater for four years til the next selection for potus puppet, no honey or vinegar needed. The next puppet will be the REAL DEAL, promise. The next puppet will be what the people want and will have no strings attached to TPTB….really. Believe…..Believe…..Believe.

January 28, 2019 12:20 pm

Stuck – the thumbs only allow me to kep track of the number of idiots that run around here. That Rob and you agree with me tells me I am right on this. Thanks for the article.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
January 27, 2019 6:45 pm

The pro-wall message to Trump says nothing about removing government-provided or -enforced incentives: jobs, education, housing, health care. This is just blather of Hegelian dialectic. Suppose after much heroics and lost time, demographics is destiny, there is a glorious Trump wall. CIA builds tunnel under wall or puts in arch or leaves a rope ladder (which will filter for strong labor units). The Left conquers pretending to share and the Right, pretending to ultimately win as always, shares political power and process as if moral process necessarily leads to the good guys winning in the end. lmfao All those other civilizations never fell either. Long-lived institution is mammon.

  'Reality' Doug
January 27, 2019 8:27 pm

Then why are the other nations walls not having the same effect?

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
January 27, 2019 9:41 pm

Israeli men and even women will not hesitate to shoot a trespasser. China and Russia and North Korea will likewise kill, sometimes just for the fun of it. What are these glorious other walls that magically work on their own? In Europe? Are you even trying to make an intellectual argument or do you just want to be right with no search for the truth? The police state we live in does not allow us to defend ourselves, get it? Yes, it’s scary. Trump does not use government force like Mueller does, and physical force decides this contest. Passive help from a wall is not at all reliable, and neither is Trump a savior. You may now hit your Jesus easy button. All other answers, poorly reasoned palatable hopes, have been exhausted. AOC is better than you. Elizabeth Warren is better than me. This is hardly a nation and more hardly one to save at this point. Those of you who counted on Jesus, you’re all in. Relax already. No need to squirm.

Middle Aged Mad Gnome
Middle Aged Mad Gnome
  'Reality' Doug
January 28, 2019 6:47 am

I too am very disappointed. However, consider:
1. A southern border wall is, a very real thing, really only a representation of our government’s commitment to defend and protect its people. It would be a mistake to focus so much on the wall that we fail to take note of Government’s very real refusal to commit to the real meaning of the wall. Who hasn’t noted this as it has become obvious?

2. In the face of so much disappointment and betrayal, most writers and commenters wail and moan about Trump without really knowing anything about what the challenges he has to deal with everyday. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t know how to be President, let alone how to be a President who could reverse 100 years of conspiracy and treason by most of the elites in Washington D.C.

3. Ultimately, the real problem seems to be that political leadership and other enemies of liberty (wherever they may be found) are not afraid of the people whose cause is liberty. It really comes down to raw power. Whining and wailing doesn’t address this.

January 28, 2019 11:42 am

Here is a short letter to the WH/El Trump:

Stop the free shit and you will stop the freeloaders from coming. When can you get this done?

We are Screwed
We are Screwed
  'Reality' Doug
January 29, 2019 10:58 am

You wont need a wall if you stop rewarding criminals. They are illegal. They committed a crime. And we give them food stamps, welfare, a fucking house to live in. Birth their babies and give the illegal kid sanctuary and citizenship, and then the same to the parents then to the parents extended family; stop all this bullshit and you will not need a wall as nobody will want to come here because coming here means they would have to fucking work, pay taxes, and live within their means of what they provided for themselves. Like all the citizens here have to do, imagine that. They eat what they kill like we patriots do. They will either assimilate, acclimate, and fold into the culture because they want this culture not want to change it. If they dont like then dont fucking come here. Go somewhere else that you already like. Otherwise expect push back from the peoples cukture you are trying to change. It not rocket fruckin science..

January 27, 2019 6:56 pm


Of all people on this blog you should know that the constitution is dead. The government was hyjacked by the corporations in 2000.

The wall will not go up and President Trump can dance all he wants but nothing will change. He cannot even increase the border patrols because no one wants the low paying job of putting one’s life in danger not to mention no home life due to the job requirements along with the requirements for even qualifying for the job. The low pay alone will not attract interest.

The constitution requires a State of the Union address from the president in the house chamber. This is not going to happen. This should be proof enough that the constitution is dead.

The congress is dis-functional. The government appears to be dis-functional. What more proof do you need to see that we have no legitimate government?

Which means we no longer are ruled by the “rule of law.” We are ruled by despotism in the form of administrative law. It is not going to be much longer when the public gets the drift and order is going to fall apart.

I am already hearing from people about what is going on in France with the Yellow Jackets with people wondering if this Yellow Jacket movement is coming to america.

Whenever anything is changed and leaves its bounds, instantly this brings death to that which was before. LUCRETIOUS

History doesn’t lie. It repeats itself. I think you know as well as I that the status quo is breaking down. America is on the highway to hell.

Better buckle up because the future is uncertain. On top of this a new generation of uninformed and history deficient people are entering into the halls of our dis-functional government.

January 27, 2019 11:18 pm

The Constitution died in 1865.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 28, 2019 3:01 am

The Constitution requires a written State of the Union to Congress. Many presidents also read it to Congress but that part is not in the Constitution. It was only televised after TV was invented.

January 28, 2019 10:21 pm


Every dog has his day just like every generation has it’s day. Our generation had our day and it is fast coming to a close.

I am OK with that; finally.

It is sad to see what is coming; maybe because I am a history buff, but history does repeat itself and the new generation has to learn the hard way.

It appears that our reptilian brain has taken control of our Limbic (feeling) and Neocortex (thinking) parts of our brain in most of us so humanity is not balanced in our brain function. We are reptilian brain dominant which means we live by the law of the jungle. Christianity tried to change that but failed.

What is coming will not be pretty. I’m glad I won’t be here to see it in it’s most dramatic manifestation.

All our leaders around the world are reptilian brain dominant. They are taking humanity on the road to hell.

Humanity is no different than any of the other species in the biosphere. Many are born but few make it to maturity. In a spiritual sense for humanity only a few become saints and have a chance of eternal life. The rest of us will be recycled back into the hyle.

Load have mercy on me; and you too.

January 27, 2019 6:59 pm

He had the first 2 years of his Presidency, when he had a republican majority in the Congress, and there was nothing done about a wall. He also had 6 weeks after the November election, when the house was lost to the democrats, to push HARD for a wall — nothing. Then, he starts in the new year with Pelosi at the gavel again and he tries for a wall!
There is not going to be a wall, there never was going to be a wall. The PTB, the elite, the globalists, the NWO, however you want to label them DON’T WANT NO STINKIN’ WALL! You can’t have barriers and open borders. Period.

January 27, 2019 7:51 pm

Brewer – you are 100% right. Lots of idiots disagree with you here. Not sure why. I guess they cannot take the truth.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 27, 2019 8:43 pm

He didn’t have shit. Wait, actually he did have shit – Paul Ryan, a giant piece of shit.

  Iska Waran
January 27, 2019 8:51 pm

Iska, I couldn’t agree more. However, he did not try — at all. The fact is, both sides of the aisle are nothing more than highly paid actors in Kabuke Theater. It’s all a show for the sheeple. It’s all about the Hegelian Dialectic.

January 27, 2019 10:12 pm

he’s done a lot behind the scenes–

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 28, 2019 9:42 am

Perhaps you have a different definition of Hegelian Dialectic.

It would seem that what we have here is not at all an Hegelian Dialectic, but rather, as you point out, a farce perpetrated on the majority by the ruling class. Perhaps it is most clearly stated in this:

As much as I hate the actors, the dialog exactly explains the dilemma of what you think is democracy. The idea that the will of the people has value is polluted by the distribution of intelligence through the population. It is no different with communism. The concept of from each according to his ability is polluted by those with no ability. The concept of to each according to their need is polluted by any definition of what each person may need.

In the end, the only logical conclusion is that “these idiots are too stupid to rule themselves so I have to rule them.”

January 27, 2019 7:03 pm

Yes…..but then…..Q…..and the “Storm’……..and other such stuff

Rob Clark
Rob Clark
January 27, 2019 8:20 pm

Ah, Q. Nancy has 10 gloved fingers, Chuck has 5. Donald has 2 testicles. 10+5+2=17=Q is most likely a liberal trolling morons.

January 27, 2019 7:04 pm

Your advisors, Kushner in particular, seem to be giving nothing but extremely bad advice. This needs to be addressed by replacing these people.

Caving on the shutdown was an unforced error – when the welfare money stops flowing, the Democrat base will be burning the Democrat strongholds to the ground, and the Dem politicians will be begging for a declared state of emergency.

Not firing Mueller and Rosenstein is an ongoing mistake – fire them. Have Barr investigate them, with an investigative scope similar to Mueller’s. I’d love to see the next AG cut a deal with Mueller’s victims – their testimony against Mueller, Rosenstein, et. al., in exchange for whatever is appropriate.

Not using PL 85-804 (50 U.S.C. §§ 1431-35) to build that glorious concrete and steel Wall, from ocean to ocean, is an ongoing error. The President has the authority to contract for Wall construction, as detailed in 85-804. This needs to be done immediately.

The executive order ending birthright citizenship for the children of non-citizens needs to be signed soon, and the DACA illegal aliens need to be deported as soon as possible.

January 28, 2019 10:03 am

Houston we have a problem. Barr is deep state.

We are Screwed
We are Screwed
January 29, 2019 11:11 am

Are you just stupid or dump as a rock. Have you even google Barr and his beloved relationship with Mueller? They and trumpster are all working together to keep the kubake theater going as a distraction. Barr is Muellers friend if not one of his best. Been here 8 years and never seen so many braniwashed people or with false hope. Better get prepared as this shit is over and it will all be crashing down before the end of the next demcrat potus’ term. Guaranteed.

January 27, 2019 7:21 pm

Dear President Trump,
I won’t waste my breath on telling you what to do. Some of us know who you take your orders from, and who you and all the other blackmailed psychos ultimately serve. Hope you are enjoying all the fleeting pleasures that this prison planet has to offer. May you sit at the right hand of the Lord Archon after you have completed your acting job. As for me, fuck the archons and all their servants. From the Pleroma I can to the Pleroma I shall return.
Om Barbelo
Om Sophia
Om Zoe

January 27, 2019 7:41 pm

I could not have expressed my thoughts as well as you did for me. Consider this a “second” to your letter.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 27, 2019 7:50 pm

Ok -I’ll play along.

Dear President Trump,

As a Canadian citizen, I have become very aware over the past two years, that shit, far from rolling downhill actually flows north. We are a large country geographically but are a tiny population and, whether you realize it or not, the problem on your southern border (and with liberalism in general in the USA) is causing us no end of headaches here. The destruction of your own immigration system has led to a large influx of illegals (encouraged by our own white version of ex-president Obama) fleeing the hell hole of upstate New York to points Canadian.

With such a small population (less than the state of California) it will not take long for your problem (now ours too) to overwhelm us financially and culturally. Where things go from there can only be classified as very, very bad.

So on behalf of all of us, please build that damn wall and while you are at it declassify everything so we can expose the corruption here too. Globalists are notorious for sleeping with one another and we all know that once they are exposed on your side of the border that they will be exposed everywhere.

Please hurry. Because if Stucky makes good with his promise we may have President Pocahontas Warren to contend with in 2020. And the last thing we need is a beer-swilling Indian running the world. Sadly, things can only deteriorate from there if it happens.

Francis Marion
Concerned Neighbor and Friend

  Francis Marion
January 28, 2019 7:40 am

That was awesome post FM… the great thing about sarcasm and humour that has time and rhyme is that there is whole lotta truth buried in it.

I enjoyed reading that… cheers

I saw this on my twitter feed this morning.. thought you’d enjoy. It’s funny too!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 28, 2019 11:17 am

It’s actually been tens of thousands over the past two years but who’s counting? As for a wall I don’t think it is in our future as the RCMP have been dispatched to the border to act as bellhops for illegals so that they can better cope with their situation. I appreciate your concern though, I’m sure our PM will file your letter right next to mine under “G”.

comment image

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 28, 2019 11:57 am

In the past, they would deport you. Now, if you cross with the rest of the rabble you get help with your bags, a nice cozy hotel room next to a family Syrians with twenty kids and a monthly check for your trouble. There’s nowhere to escape to anymore.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Francis Marion
January 28, 2019 12:10 pm

comment image

  Francis Marion
January 28, 2019 12:37 pm

Moar of Justine’s culturale enrichement…

January 27, 2019 7:52 pm

Dear Mr. President;

This physical wall is a national security concern. Congress has thrown an obstacle to your efforts to carry out this goal in protecting the nations citizens, safety, culture, and economy. Certain congressional members (And you know who they are), are attempting to maintain a free flow of immigrants from socialist countries to set up a permanent democrat voter base in the U. S. for which their goal is to insure that there is never another republican president or congress ever again. They clearly want the U.S. to be like the country from which they came (socialism/communism). This is verified by the many photographs of immigrants fleeing their homeland on their journey to enter the U.S illegally and flying the flag of their home country instead of the American flag, to where they seek refuge.

It is apparent that The Cost of a Border Wall vs. the Cost of Illegal Immigration is far cheaper . Furthermore if the U.S. can supply Israel with $8 million a day in foreign aid and a recent $38 million lump sum foreign aid welfare check approved by congress, which we know said funds have had to pay for the wall to some degree to keep unwanted Arabs out of their country, then it is only reasonable to free up the funds to put “America First” instead of “Israel First” so that we can have the protection that our own citizens deserve first and if taxpayers have anything leftover, then maybe Israel or whomever.

Even Benjamin Netanyahu himself has admitted that walls keep out unwanted foreign invaders .

Mexico (which is far poorer than the U.S. ) has planned their own wall on their southern border .

It seems that every country on earth feels they need a wall and testifies that their walls are effective, but when the U.S. considers a wall for it’s country’s protection it is met with fierce opposition from democrats, utilizing the false accusation of racism as a lame excuse that no other nation that has built a wall has used.

I know that congress and certain democrat house members will not concede or compromise. I know the thought of invoking a presidential national emergency directive is the last resort and sparks fears of dictatorial power amongst Americans, myself included, but in this case I feel it is totally justified because it really is a national emergency. I hope that you will make a declaration of emergency presidential powers to accomplish this despite this congressional gridlock taking place while American’s safety hangs in the balance.

Thank You Sir

January 27, 2019 8:34 pm

$38 million
Mmm, major math malfunction. That’s $38 billion with a “B” for Israel, not $38 million.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
January 27, 2019 8:04 pm

Lest we forget, I would like to remind you of the Sir Winston Churchill quote “America always does the right thing after exhausting all of the other possibilities”…..Trump has epically screwed up by underestimating his enemies in the permanent establishment and they “walled him in” on the Mueller special counsel and surrounding him with deep staters. Not to worry, Trump fights back with our help and we prevail or the struggle continues with another figurehead. This is an existential fight to the death for the future of America. It has nothing to do with a wall….but instead of the future demographics of this country. Demographics is destiny and the left knows it.

January 27, 2019 8:07 pm

comment image

January 27, 2019 9:20 pm

I am immediately reminded of that Brad Pitt movie WWZ.

Maybe showing the Jerusalem scene of WWZ to The Man From Queens (it has it all for a Hebrewphile like DJT: heroic Jews, fancifully costumed and well-behaved Muzzies, Brad Pitt, lots of U.S. foreign aid equipment, zombie Democrats – the works) and some other short feature, particularly “The Zapruder Film”, might get his attention and motivate him to take some bold action?


October Sky
October Sky
January 27, 2019 8:41 pm

I would like to see a serious, on the offense, approach to border security.

Dear President Donald J. Trump:

What is your response to those on both sides of the southern border who say the drug cartels dominate the U.S. border?

Former AG of Arizona, Terry Goddard, advised the U.S. to take the offense on matters of Border Security. In his 2012 article he described how the drug cartels manage ports of entry more effectively and how U.S. defense strategies will fail, as drug cartels will raise the cost of human smuggling along the southern border. Goddard was/is right. It is time for the U.S. to commit to an offense approach.

As Arizona’s Attorney General, I focused on cartel money transfers. Rather than wait for federal action, Arizona established the most robust and innovative state program in the nation. We were successful in driving hundreds of millions of dollars of proceeds from illegal activity out of our state. Through extended litigation, I forced reforms in the wire transfer industry so that the virtually anonymous transactions, which paid for much of the human smuggling in the past, are no longer available. One state acting alone did a lot.

In July 2010, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recommended a careful study of what we did in Arizona for implementation by DHS. It remains to be seen if the federal authorities will use this data treasure trove to uncover criminal operations along the border.

President Trump, build physical barriers at the southern border, take control at U.S. ports of entry and stop the flow of money and resources to the drug cartels.

October Sky
October Sky
  October Sky
January 27, 2019 9:59 pm

I would like to add a statement.

President Trump, the purpose of a border wall and physical barriers is to eliminate a weak spot. The drug cartels will continue to dominate the U S. Border unless this weak spot becomes secure.

January 27, 2019 9:07 pm

Write Trump? Write a Congressman? Llpoh tells the truth and gets booed? Are you shittn me! You guys would rather have your head cut off than take your mouth off Donnie’s Dick.

January 27, 2019 10:14 pm

llpoh is on the rag tonight,are you also–

January 28, 2019 2:21 am

Yes, and you have Stockholm Syndrome..

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
January 27, 2019 9:14 pm

Trump also promised to “clean out the swamp.” Sp far the same criminals Comey, Klintons, Soros, Obama and all the rest are still walking around free and easy making their easy $$$with their speeches that fools pay to hear their lies.

  Word to the Wise
January 27, 2019 9:44 pm

Stucky ,sad to say for me but I think Big Injun Chief is right. If Trump was going to build a wall he would have done it when the Republicans had both houses. Don’t misunderstand me I hope I am wrong but if he doesn’t build that Wall there is no need for him to run again. I have been reading alot of the comments on other Blogs and this is do or die for him. I hate being betrayed ( again ) by these people in politics and I got that same gut feeling as the last times . Unfortunately Trump was probably our last chance to save what is left of our republic . I’m just so disgusted. I can’t think of anything positive to say.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 28, 2019 3:09 am

I can no longer try to put confidence in people. I know better and it never works. I’ll pray instead.

January 27, 2019 9:46 pm

Mr. President,

As awakened and concerned American citizens, you and I both know the wall is a symbol of your promise to make America great again.

So build it, you must. Because if you don’t, you will look like Nancy Pelosi’s little bitch.

Which raises another point: Why didn’t you build the wall when Republicans had control of all three branches of the U.S Government?

Please let me know.

Here are some other questions for you as well:

Why did you say you were going to pursue prosecution for Hillary Clinton before the election and then, after the election, you said she and Bill were “nice people”?

Given your promise to drain the swamp, why have you you hired so many elite bankers and welcomed so many Deep State drones into your administration?

Why are you exponentially compounding America’s debt?

Why did you bomb Syria twice in response to obvious false flags?

Why did you not authorize the release of the Russia Investigation’s FISA applications, FBI 302 forms, and 1023 counterintelligence documentation prior to the 2018 Midterm elections? Do you think the headlines that would have ensued might have helped you with independent voters in retaining your party’s control of the U.S. House? What the hell were you thinking?

Why did you correctly identify stock market bubbles before you were elected and then after you were elected take credit for stock market highs? Because won’t this now make you look culpable in the eyes of the American public when the bankers crash the economy? Why would you do that?

Why won’t you audit the Fed?

If you could please respond and let me know the answers to these questions, I would greatly appreciate it.

In the meantime, I just want to tell you how much I have enjoyed your Tweets.

Thanks again for all you do.



PS – My bad for asking all these questions, but I need to know. It’s just that I’ve been hurt before. I’m sure you understand. Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.

January 27, 2019 9:46 pm

this has turned into a bash trump thread–i posted the questions below on another thread & received no responses,maybe some of you on this thread will take a shot at it–

serious questions for you guys–
every potus seems to get pounded on this forum–
has there been a good potus in your lifetime?
was there a good potus in the entire 20th century?
how about since 1789?
what made them a good potus?

January 27, 2019 10:12 pm

They were good and bad; apportioned asymmetrically and to varying degrees.

Perhaps they were all two faces on the same coin?

Moreover, it’s such a big country.

People getting married in open-air venues pray for dry weather as the gardeners just down the street pray for rain

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 28, 2019 3:11 am

Every POTUS that has done good has also done bad.

January 28, 2019 11:11 am

1. no I had hopes for Reagan but his unwillingness to deal with his enemies in the republican party left him quite unable to deal efficiently with the democrats.

2. Coolidge is the only one that could have been, restricting immigration and finally 7 years after the treaty of Versailles stood the Army down and shrank it back substantially.
I’ll try to get back to this for 3&4

January 27, 2019 11:21 pm

The Trumpster didn’t have the votes in the Senate to pass a wall bill. Shit Stain McCain made sure of that. Hell he couldn’t get rid of Obozocare because of shit stain .

January 27, 2019 11:32 pm

Good letter, but he’ll probably never see it or hear about it.

January 28, 2019 2:00 am

No, don’t bother with the wall. Go across the street to the FBI and demand files on every DNC and RNC terd. Get them all. Get Hollywood people. Get lawyers and college professors. Get news terds and all the leadership of the media. Get every single terd in every area of thought leadership, entertainment, the government, etc. Get everything. And then release it to Wikileaks, the internet, 4chan, CNN (yeah, right), Fox, etc. Dump it.
I would have used the threat of leaking it to get the wall, but now, just knock over everyone’s sand castles and dump it all. From PeeWee Herman to Hillary to Soros to anyone. Hell, put the entire country’s files up online and make them searchable. Just tear everyone a new asshole. Like a parting gift. Then- Mic drop and retire to the International Space Station or China’s moonbase or a Dr. No lair.

January 28, 2019 2:30 am

You guys are being played and have developed Stockholm Syndrome. You’re actually enjoying playing the part of loyal Patriots and battered wives.
You know damn well you’re being played.

January 28, 2019 7:44 am

It seems that cognitive thinking skills have set a new low here. To say that “you’re being played” is putting it very mildly. Wake up people, open your eyes.

January 28, 2019 8:37 am

texas property owners are receiving takings letters from the feds,which is a prelude to eminent domain proceedings–

January 28, 2019 9:21 am

Border security will never happen because the status quo does not want it to happen. There are trillions of dollars in corporate profits that depend on cheap labor. Boosting the supply of labor by inducing millions of illegal aliens is what keeps labor cheap. It is what has kept the prosperity of the working class at a stand still while the upper classes have usurped all the wealth created by the technological advances of the past 40 years. The system is working perfectly for the people who designed it. Do not deceive yourself, your government works for the wealthy who purchase their loyalty, they do not work for me, and they do not work for you.

January 28, 2019 10:15 am

Wanna bet…..that even if he declares a ‘National Emergency’, they will find a judge somewhere to block it…..’cause, you know, those judges know so much more and have more authority

We are Screwed
We are Screwed
January 29, 2019 10:45 am

Trump is thenonly one trying to negotiate or have conversations. And every time he loses anyway. WHen or how much longer is it gonna take that thick skull of his to understand they will nwvr give him anything. He should steam roll things like obama did.

July 6, 2019 7:46 am

President Trump, we understand that you have to work with them Dems and Cuckservative’s and Hawaiian judges to build a wall. We do understand, but…

Announce on TV: If you have an illegal alien working for you, you will receive a visit from the FBI and the IRS. Criminal penalties of 10 years are common. If you are renting to an illegal and have not called us before we get there, you will face the same charges.