Guest Post by Ann Coulter

For decades, voters have been lied to by politicians promising to crack down on immigration. We vote and we vote and we vote, and nothing ever changes. Wage-lowering, culture-destroying policies manage to appear in every bill Congress passes.

We finally got sick of it and voted for Trump. He promised to build a wall, deport illegal aliens and end the anchor baby scam. No matter how much the establishment screamed at him, he never backed down.

To call Trump’s promise to build a wall his “central campaign promise” routinizes it. That promise was indispensable to his election in a way that no other president’s campaign promises ever were.

Trump had none of the qualities voters typically look for in a president. He hadn’t been vice president, a U.S. senator or governor of California. There was little about his character to inspire a nation.

Trump’s mandate on immigration was the loudest bell ever to be rung in American politics.

While I admire people’s loyalty to the first presidential candidate to speak honestly about America’s problems, what if they’re being loyal to a false front?

The bill President Trump signed last Friday is worse than anything Hillary could ever have gotten through Congress.

To mention the two most shocking examples, the bill prohibits Trump from using any Homeland Security funds to build a wall anywhere along the border. Only bollard fencing is permitted — and even that is allowed in only one small section of the border with the approval of local authorities.

Inasmuch as the “local authorities” in that particular sector are liberal Democrats and/or beholden to Mexican cartels, the bill Trump just signed effectively prohibits any barrier whatsoever from being built on the border.

The bill also expressly prohibits the deportation of any illegal aliens who are part of a household, or thinking of becoming part of a household, that contains an “unaccompanied minor” — i.e. any illegal alien who claims to be under 18 years old with no parent in the country.

This is why the bill is being referred to as the Pedophiles-Go-Free Act.

Trump — and those hoping to be invited to the next White House Christmas party — refers to this as a “deal.” Gen. Custer struck a similar “deal” at Little Bighorn.

The 3-D chess crowd has heaped obloquy on me for pointing out these facts. He’s doing his best! He’s fighting! No one has ever come under such sustained attack as our president! It’s not his fault! It’s Paul Ryan’s fault! It’s Mitch McConnell’s fault! It’s Robert Mueller’s fault! It’s the media’s fault!

I have a different yardstick, which is a harsh yardstick, but the only objective one: The only thing I’m interested in is results.

So far, Trump has spent 25 months not building the wall, capped last Friday by his signing a bill that will make it monumentally more difficult to do so.

Today, the Hail Mary presidency is down to a Hail Mary pass. Trump has declared a national emergency and stated his intent to use military funds to build the wall.

This is absolutely the right thing to do. Now that all other opportunities have been egregiously squandered over the past two years, it is, in fact, the only hope left.

There is an ever so slight cause for concern, however, that the person issuing these orders is Donald J. Trump.

— Right before the midterm elections, Trump also promised an executive order on anchor babies. As with the wall, we’re still waiting.

— Trump still hasn’t hired Kris Kobach — probably the only guy in the country who could make the Hail Mary pass work.

— Since Trump signed the bill, Vice President Pence has re-hired Koch brothers’ shill Marc Short, whose main mission seems to be blocking a wall and passing an amnesty bill — just as the Koch brothers would want.

— And Jared is readying his big amnesty plan!

From the looks of things, I’m not worried that Putin has kompromat on Trump. I’m worried that the Koch brothers have kompromat on Trump.

Trump’s other top advisers just turned away the Angel Moms from the White House.

The Angel Moms — Americans with children killed by illegal aliens — supported Trump back when his White House staff was calling him a boor, a joke, a fraud. But when these devoted Trump supporters showed up at the White House last week to lobby Trump against the open-borders bill, there was no room at the inn — as the Washington Examiner’s Ryan Girdusky has extensively reported.

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told the Angel Moms to go away, saying Trump wouldn’t sign this wonderful bill if he saw pictures of dead kids. Next, White House advisers Mercedes Schlapp and Kellyanne Conway called a representative of the Angel Moms to scream at the group for planning to protest the bill outside the White House.

Schlapp’s husband is another Koch brothers alumnus.

I’d love for the 3-D chess crowd to explain to me how it’s Paul Ryan’s fault that Trump filled up his White House with staffers actively opposed to his agenda and — until he won the nomination –- actively opposed to Trump.

It’s not as if Trump doesn’t fire people over issues he cares about. Annoyed with the (idiotic) Russia investigation, he’s deep-sixed James Comey, Andrew McCabe and Jeff Sessions. To promote Jared, he’s fired Corey Lewandowski and Steve Bannon.

The obvious conclusion is that immigration isn’t one of the issues Trump cares about.

Those are the facts. I know there are people who are tired of hearing it. I’m tired of writing it. But we can’t shrink from uncomfortable truths any more than Trump did in 2016.

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February 21, 2019 5:05 pm

Did you get the part about the Angel Moms trumpsters? He parades around these mother’s of kids killed by illegal aliens virtually non-stop on the campaign trail. At every stop, in front of the crowds, he looks sincerely at those moms and earnestly vows in a reverential tone “I will never forget you”. Then he has his minions scream them off the white house lawn the 1st time they come to talk to him on the subject he used them to promote. What do you call such a man?

A hypocrite and a prick.

Old Shoe
Old Shoe
February 21, 2019 5:17 pm

+ 1,000 CC

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 21, 2019 6:53 pm

I call him, and others like him…..The Hollow Man

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- get a rope !!!!

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
  ordo ab chao
February 22, 2019 12:28 am

Lots of rope!

Heavy duty rope!

February 21, 2019 8:12 pm

BUT! BUT! He’s playing 93 dimension-underwater-zero-gravity-chess! We’ll be sick of winning! You’ll see!
Did anyone really, honestly believe that Trump was anything but owned, from the very beginning? He will do his owners’ bidding, nothing more.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 22, 2019 12:29 am

Not me!

Trump full AIPAC speech (March 2016)

I fucking dare you to listen to it end to end!

February 22, 2019 7:49 am

Yup he 93 chesses us on NDAA, and just hung gunowners out with RED FLAG LAWS. TREASONOUS words came right out his mouth!! LET’S GO TO WAR!! There was another law had TREASONOUS CRONY written all over it. Infrastructure or something. Buncha letters,2-3 months back. Started kill cities under NIXON. HE SIGNED THAT ONE TOO!!

February 22, 2019 10:32 am

Don’t forget the sotu, he boasted how the po po are getting all this great military surplus equipment to “protect us”. And just heard Ben wants to rush deploy 5G or even 6G if possible..

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 21, 2019 5:10 pm

Again, and again, and again, I say: “ITS ALL PLANNED”

Then we have the ‘oathkeepers’, founded by a toy soldier-Stewy Rhodes- supposedly a constitutional lawyer- who organizes little picnic protests at the border, all along excusing Trump exactly the way described in this article. What ‘oath’ are they ‘keeping’? The blood ‘oaths’ the freemasons take to ‘keep’ the secrets of the lodge and the Most Worshipful Master ?

And then the AlexJones/RogerStone “patriots” that just need your help financially to keep the information war going…….what a bunce of self-aggrandized asses !

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- YES, it’s all about empire….and DC wants to rule the world ! All in the name of spreading freedom, of course!!

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
  ordo ab chao
February 22, 2019 12:32 am

Please tell me you are coming to NH in July!

I was calling out the Oath Keepers years ago… many years ago!

Alex Jones and Roger Stone smell to high heaven. A stage play… again?

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao

22- there’s nothing I would like better ! The random date selected will mark the one year anniversary of my passing out, falling off a ladder, and waking up with two stints and a quadruple bypass in what they called “the widow maker”.
Discharged on Fri. the 13th, my brother-in-law died in his sleep that very night, and now my wife and I have taken on the ‘care’ for her mother (she had been living with my bro-in-law for past 11 yrs.)……haha, I may not even make it to this July !
Lost my daddy’s house to the reverse mortgage company and the rest home ($6500 month for my mother) to fight over….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- I see things as being so dire in this nation/world, that I hope things stay together long enough for you like minded folks to spend time together as planned !

When Jones lied about the late William Cooper, who was shot dead by LEO at his home, I knew once and for all he is a snake ! A Hollow Man !

  ordo ab chao
February 22, 2019 8:06 am

DANG!! that dark cloud follows you around too??

Check Six
Check Six
  ordo ab chao
February 22, 2019 12:40 am

Not sure what your problem is with Stewart Rhodes, but I have had the pleasure of discussing several items with him, followed his organization (Oath Keepers) a year or so before I joined, and have contributed to several of his projects.

He is somewhat more that your “toy soldier” description, in fact, he was significantly injured in a military night parachute operation, and changed careers as a result. He then entered Yale Law School, and while a student received Yale’s Miller Prize for the best paper on the Bill of Rights.

Rhodes has continuously asked his Oath Keeper membership to regularly contact the President to encourage him to keep his promises regarding border security and the removal of illegals.

The Oath you have questioned is as follows:

“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

I took that oath in the early 60s…something about Vietnam…

War is when your government tells you who the enemy is.

Revolution is when you figure it out yourself.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Check Six
February 22, 2019 4:34 am

I know people who got DEAD from Vietnam; no disability pension, no school allowance (let alone a Yale education), no opportunity for ‘veteran first’ status in the unemployment line. Yale, home of the ‘Skull and Bones’……

That aside, he teams up with Alex “I WANT THAT LIFE EXTENSION TECHNOLOGY” Jones. And as for Roger Stone-Roy Cohn’s protégé-need more be said?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- it’s a masonic theocracy, and the entire construct of DC is designed to invoke the return of a ‘golden age, where gods once again co-mingle with men’

  Check Six
February 22, 2019 8:32 am

So arrest the assholes via UCMJ, for treason and sedition, or sit down and shut the fuck up.

February 21, 2019 5:12 pm

Seems that way. Meet the New Boss. Glad I quit voting in 2006 … everything’s clearer now.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 22, 2019 12:32 am

Glad to hear you kicked the poison.

February 21, 2019 5:34 pm

I really can’t stand this cantankerous cat woman. So I guess Hillary would have been the better option? Trump is just one heavily imperfect man with no prior experience in the internal morass of the fed gov. He’s surrounded on all sides by enemies. The fact that someone hasn’t taken a literal shot at him simply amazes me.
But none of that matters to Ann, who wants 100++ years of shit gov wiped out yesterday.

February 21, 2019 6:51 pm

But Brian, at what point do we say “enough is enough!!!”??? At what point do we hold the Republicans feet to the fire??? At what point do we say “enough!!!!!!!!” and simply quit voting because it just doesn’t do any good??? At what point do we tell the Republican Party to quit stabbing us in the back??? At what point do we tell the Republican Party that we will not vote for you anymore??? Please tell me Brian, I really would like to know!!!

February 21, 2019 7:48 pm


February 21, 2019 8:15 pm

Just give them one more chance, they’ll do the right thing…

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 22, 2019 12:34 am

Said the Qtards in unison.

February 21, 2019 8:33 pm

I don’t fucking know what all the right answers are, short of a reset revolution. If she’s so fucking clairvoyant, perhaps she should run or you should run for office Mustang. The R’s and D’s are all bankrupt, so fine, stop voting for them. They’ll still win because they’ve set the rules against 3rd party or independents in most cases. Not that I like it, but that’s what I’ve observed to be the case. So save your venom for someone who gives a shit. I don’t.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 22, 2019 12:33 am

At what point?

I don’t know… 40 years ago?

February 21, 2019 8:00 pm

“Ann, who wants 100++ years of shit gov wiped out yesterday.”

That’s a great point.

Not necessarily defending Trump but EVERY Dem and a lot of Repubs, and the libtard Courts (9th District) are against the wall. It’s as if Ann “Adam’s Apple” Coulter wants Trump to simply bypass all aspects of the Constitution and force him into behaving as a dictator.

OTOH, her idea about only caring about results is also a valid one.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 21, 2019 9:29 pm

Of course she cares about results. I have often questioned her gender but she is behaving just like a woman. She gave her consent and now she’s pissed off that she didn’t quite get there.

Drunken Sailor
Drunken Sailor
February 21, 2019 10:22 pm

This is to support Brian and go from where Stuck left off. It was originally going to be a “Dear Ann” letter in which she was quickly informed that her message is understood, but now boring. Ann, Dear, do you know anything about team sports? Do you know-like it or not-that at this point we are stuck with the President, whether he be a Republican, a Democrat, or a puppet of Israel or (chuckles) of Russia? Whether he be a straight shooter or a charlatan?

Can he be influenced? I suspect so. Can any of us-or you-influence him? Doubtful.

Have you ever studied logic? And do you understand-again, like it or not-that we are bound by rules, though some bend the rules while others smash them? And that the overcoming of obstacles best define a leader? The logic: DJT won, #2 did not. Are we better off? Who knows; does it matter now? Listen closely: life seldom allows for do-overs.

Where do we go from here? Let’s start with your stale message: how does that help? Are you getting paid by the word to put the “woe is us” stuff out, repeatedly, or do you misjudge tactics and strategy?

Look girl, you have a platform, why not better use it-as both you and Stuck suggest-to get results.

Yes, the game is complicated; it is also entirely about results. I mention teamwork: did you ever play with a team and experience the positive benefit of working together, of working toward a better goal? Even that ditz on the SOTUS who played softball with her girlfriends at Wellesley knows how to unify, go with the flow, and keep her mouth shut when prudent. As do most of those on that side of the fence.

Ann, we expect more from you. Get out of attack mode and start using your pulpit to help make things jell with the masses who have made this country great and who still care; our only shortcoming is we cannot seem to find and support a truly great leader who gets results.

Quite frankly, there are others who write about immigration whom I would rather read-not because I feel good about what they write but because they are more coherent, more constructive, and more realistic with their message. I suspect on an employee performance evaluation form they would get a much better ranking in the Obtains Results section than would you.

My take is that you have a one dimensional view of “the wall”; why can you not articulate a multi-dimensional view that kick starts some meaningful discussion of other methods for strengthening and hardening our lax immigration policies-maybe we would move to more of a virtual wall (however that is defined) and less of a physical wall. The “wall”, as a campaign tool, was solid, impenetrable, and quite useful for getting support and votes. In reality, it is past high time to be moving on to a concise redefinition of the concept and a rapid deployment of fresh ideas and enforcement of the older, neglected parts of the puzzle. You can help; you are smart, you have a podium, and you have an audience. We expect and demand better of you. If you cannot, or are tired, or don’t care then do all of us a favor and move on. You are correct: it is now all about results.

Ann, we guys have a time tested saying for getting results: Girl, piss or get off the pot.

Enrique Covarrubias EC
Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 21, 2019 6:16 pm

I skimmed Horse Face’s article. She says she won’t lie (anymore). Since she backtracks a bit to several months ago, it seems she’s been lying for quite a while.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
  Enrique Covarrubias EC
February 22, 2019 12:36 am

Who the fuck is downvoting you? The IIDF again? I didn’t think they read that deeply.

February 21, 2019 6:42 pm

All I can say to you Ann is you hit the nail on the head!!! That’s exactly how it is and how I feel. At first, I wasn’t going to vote anymore because I was so tired and fed up with Republicans stabbing me in the back for the last 20 years. But along came Trump and I thought he was different. He wasn’t a professional politician or a member of the backstabbing Establishment Republican’s. I thought he could finally get some things done that Republicans has promised for years and years but never seem to get done. I thought since Trump wasn’t a professional politician and a Alpha male, he wouldn’t be beholden to the Establishment Republican’s nor let the Liberal Democrats run roughshod over him. I also voted for Trump just to keep Crooked Hillary out of the White House. Eight years of BO was bad enough!!! Now I’ve found out that Trump is no different than the rest of the Establishment Republican’s who constantly get outmanovered and even vote for the Liberal agenda of the Democrats. When, oh when will the Republicans get a backbone and stop stabbing their constituency in the back?!?!?!?!
Ann, I don’t always agree with you but you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for your courage in speaking the truth. America is finished.

February 21, 2019 6:58 pm

If Ann were to read the essay I’ll finish tonight and put up tomorrow for a late Friday/early Saturday post – she might see that, actually, Trump might be succeeding. Just in ways she might not like or understand

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
February 21, 2019 7:16 pm

More Hopium?

  Donkey Balls
February 21, 2019 7:43 pm

Not. In fact, I would suggest any sharp instruments be placed in a locked room and all opiates in the house flushed before reading. ?

richard wood johnson
richard wood johnson
February 21, 2019 7:17 pm

day 762:

wall still not built
swamp still not drained
asteroids still haven’t struck washington
ann coulter activates our collective almonds

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
  richard wood johnson
February 21, 2019 10:11 pm

Fucking hilarious.

I’d say Ann tried to rock our “collective almonds” to sleep saying Trump’s idiocy alone was the problem.

How about 424-0 for Israel CONgress?

How about dual-citizens and traitorous cocksuckers in every flavor of unelected government post that you can shake a stick at?

February 21, 2019 7:33 pm

For decades, voters have been lied to by politicians promising to crack down on immigration. We vote and we vote and we vote, and nothing ever changes. Wage-lowering, culture-destroying policies manage to appear in every bill Congress passes.

The Clinton administration was a continuation of the Bush Sr. administration.
The Bush Jr. administration was a continuation of the Clinton administration.
The Obama administration was a continuation of the Bush Jr. administration.
The Trump administration is a continuation of the Obama administration.

Trump’s other top advisers just turned away the Angel Moms from the White House.

It’s called an “AGENDA”.

The bill also expressly prohibits the deportation of any illegal aliens who are part of a household, or thinking of becoming part of a household, that contains an “unaccompanied minor” — i.e. any illegal alien who claims to be under 18 years old with no parent in the country.
This is why the bill is being referred to as the Pedophiles-Go-Free Act.

Section 224(a):

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22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 21, 2019 10:08 pm

Funny, I first thought ALIPAC meant “A lie PAC” as a play on words for AIPAC.

February 21, 2019 7:42 pm

Add to all this the fact that trump might just be the most antigun president in history……..As Trump said. “If congress can pass a gun law, I will sign it”.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 21, 2019 10:06 pm

How many bumpstocks were turn in after the statewide ban in Vermont?


I didn’t stutter… 2.

How many “assault weapons” were turned in after the ban in Connecticut?

A small handful.

When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes DUTY.

Drumpf and his unconfirmed fucktard AG are in over their heads. Israel, believe it or not, is in way over it’s head. Bought and paid for 424-0 CONgress is in way over it’s head. It’s all a paper thin house of cards—> FOR THEM, NOT US.

February 21, 2019 8:24 pm

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In light of Trump’s new world-faggotry drive, it’s clear he is the wrong man for the job. The best-case scenario is that he has absolutely no clue what the fuck is going on, and no capacity to fix it if he did.

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So, when you get sick of the country being flooded with brown idiots, and the Left raping children, you should have an idea of what it’s going to take to put things into proper order again.

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 21, 2019 9:22 pm

Alpha Charlie, keep in mind that when they do arrive, you might be the first on the trains to the work camps. No, maybe the death camp due to your age. Or did you think everything would be peaches and cream after the Nazis took over?

  EL Coyote
February 21, 2019 10:55 pm

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22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 21, 2019 11:49 pm


You need to be 13 to create a FuckBook account!

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 21, 2019 10:01 pm

Again- the first image is AIPAC an AIPAC donors getting antsy over all the HANGINGS BY THE NECK UNTIL DEAD in Iran of child rapist fags.

After all, a whole lot of AIPAC donors are child raping fags themselves, and they don’t want risk the noose- so they’re on the RED EMERGENCY PHONE with Drumpf.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 21, 2019 9:06 pm

Ann is another softballer-smokescreener.

As she ages, “she” is also looking more and more like a tranny, just like Lara Logan is. Her arms are a fucking mile long and that’s just not in keeping with the proportions of the female body. Lara’s receding hairline and broad shoulders aren’t helping her case either. But I digress…

Trump is not an idiot as she says, and Trump is not America’s “only national emergency” as she came out saying recently.

Drumpf is a talented actor, nothing more, nothing less.

If Ann had come out and said “America’s only National Emergency is our President is a Crypto-Jew Teleprompter Reader”, I would have all the respect in the world for her and sing her praises from the rooftops… but I’m not.
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OMFG. So some Jews are behind it all. So fucking what? If it’s not them it would be some other folks. Human nature. When you have a gun to your head, who gives a fuck who it is, too late to do anything about it. What is your a particular solution to the ((problem)) 22? Not trying to be an ass to a fellow NHerite, but shit, what is your solution. I did not get on the mega Jew blaming essays for a reason. Sure Israel has alot of control over our country. Every country tries to do the same. Same as it ever was. Who cares what religion they are, they are evil humans period. Evil Humans.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 21, 2019 9:59 pm

I agree it might be some other flag or group with it’s hand on the rope if not the j00s.

I don’t peddle solutions, nor do I claim to be able to predict the future.

I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said!

We’re from NH and we “get it” better than most people.

I just believe the cartoon is an accurate portrayal of the present day situation, thanks in no small part to the Smollett fiasco which made this cartoon possible.

Drunk Sailor
Drunk Sailor

Something I never could understand: how is it that VT and NH coexist side by side?

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
  Drunk Sailor
February 22, 2019 12:46 am

BORDERS, sky high property taxes, and a boatload of good old NH skepticism for starters.

Better yet, how can “free weed, welfare shithole, gambling addicted, no guns” Massholechusetts and gun crazy freedom crazy NH coexists north to south?

Those cocksuckers in Mass are still spouting off about how the Boston Tea Party was the first act of resistance against the British.

It wasn’t.

The first act of resistance was in NH and it was violent.
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Drunk Sailor
Drunk Sailor

My limited interactions with professionals from both states suggested that NH rocks while VT sucks.

Bernie confirmed my guesses.

February 22, 2019 10:22 am

The only people talking about an actual solution. Legally end parasitism. End untruthful speech. End usury.

February 21, 2019 9:54 pm

who among you who are participating in this bitch fest have called or written a politico at any level in the last 2 years?
how many of you who have lost faith in the republicans have supported a 3rd party candidate?
crickets,ain’t it boys & girls–

in other news today,smollett was charged today in chicago w/a felony and in palm beach,jeffery epstein’s plea bargain was overturned by a federal judge–

February 21, 2019 10:36 pm


Hmmm…I hope this is a crack in the dam with these sick bastards.

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 21, 2019 11:56 pm


I’ve been screaming about this for over a year.

Trump’s labor secretary Alex Acosta is the fucker who crafted this illegal deal for Epstein.

Trump gave him a fucking cabinet position years later to return the favor!

Trump = Pedo protector and Pedo promoter

Trump = Not a Pedo prosecutor

February 22, 2019 12:00 am

i doubt epstein can be prosecuted since he served time in state custody contingent upon the feds not prosecuting,plus it was 10 years ago–but maybe he can be forced to answer questions under oath & we might find some other slime balls who were his guests–
i wouldn’t hold my breath though,clinton is involved & ex potus are almost untouchable–

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
February 22, 2019 12:49 am

Perhaps this development is a small part of a greater scheme to out Trump and pave the way for Pence to take the reigns later this year?

I mean come on, Trump knowingly gifted a Pedo protector with a fucking cabinet position.

February 22, 2019 2:09 pm

did you hear about the big prostitution bust today in palm beach by the Feds,not the locals?
robert kraft,owner of the nfl patriots was busted,but rumor is that there is an even bigger name about to go down–
coincidence,who knows?
edit–it was actually jupiter,same county as palm beach

Drunk Sailor
Drunk Sailor
February 22, 2019 12:21 am

Three times in the last two months I called and e-mailed our RINO senator that his performance is not acceptable and that like minded as I will be looking elsewhere in the upcoming primary season (he will get the nod at precinct/county/state) and go on to the general election. He has recently started back tracking; whether he listens to his constituents or was reacting to a blistering editorial by an opposition columnist is unclear, but the asshat seems to be worried, as he should: the Dems will retake “their” seat. One more notch for the Ds in the senate. The dumb fuck was at the right place in the right time, got elected, and will get his ass kicked after going RINO.

I grilled the lib city council candidate on my front porch about his “vision” for how to fix our state’s pension plan; his answer was predictable (he, a retired government “educator”); wasted 20 minutes of his precious time and voted against him. Sadly, there was a 3rd party hack who screwed things up and the “tax the rich” asshole is now my councilman.

Newt and his “Contract for America” in 1994 convinced me it is all a charade. I still vote; sadly I usually vote for the lesser of two evils, and usually feel bad about even voting. Going third party is a wasted vote-even for those who are filled with altruism and think it will “send a message”. Write-in is likewise a waste. Not vote? Not ready to do that yet; I feel that is for the brain dead (don’t get offended)-just a reflection of how necessary it is to be involved some how, some way. Otherwise, one gets lazy and no longer cares; not good in so many ways.

So, does the epstein news mean slick willie can visit the island again?

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
  Drunk Sailor
February 22, 2019 12:51 am

Good grief man!

Instead of voting you could do something useful, like watch paint dry or oil your guns.

Get ahold of yourself!

Drunk Sailor
Drunk Sailor

When it is warm I go outside and watch the grass grow. Topless is allowed, by our Masters down at City Hall, though none of those young coeds ever pass by on my sidewalk. Doesn’t mean I can’t keep hoping, does it?

Oh yeah, guns scare half the population around here but luckily the other half are still armed.

Thanks for your insight.

Resigned 2 It
Resigned 2 It
February 22, 2019 6:46 pm

“who among you who are participating in this bitch fest have called or written a politico at any level in the last 2 years?”

God damn. I mean, God DAMN! How f’ing stupid and brainwashed ARE people!?

Yeah, you call your ‘politicos’, Jonny Quest. Keep blaming the ones smart enough to put their pants on without supervision for failing to go along with your touchingly childish beliefs in politicos, unicorns, Superman, pixies, elves, tooth fairies and 4 leaf clovers.

OBVIOUSLY it’s their fault that White America is being systematically destroyed.

GODDAMN!!! Support a third party candidate! What is it going to take to break through the programming in this Dystopia!?

February 21, 2019 10:15 pm

You ever try and make a few people happy? Now try a few million idiots. Trump can’t turn back years of bullshit. Look at the fools the Democrats are offering. It’s a mess!

February 21, 2019 10:39 pm

comment image

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 21, 2019 11:53 pm

Even the”class reunions” of the “survivors” of faked/hoaxed shootings such as Vegas are getting shot up.

You couldn’t make this shit up if you tried… but somebody IS making this shit up!

tango uniform
tango uniform
February 21, 2019 11:24 pm

Read Charles Lewis “The Fifth Risk”.

22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
22winmag - Yankee by birth-Southerner by choice
  tango uniform
February 22, 2019 12:58 am

I might take a bite on that book. I certainly like the cover art. The US Federal Government is certainly a patchwork of building blocks, top heavy as fuck, as easily blown over by a strong breeze.

400 million guns and millions of pissed of patriotic Americans is a strong breeze.

tango uniform
tango uniform

Ah, late night and botched author’s name: Michael Lewis. Some incredible facts that Lewis put together that should make any cognizant person take note. Like many, I voted against the beast-not for any other reason, as expecting some sea change is possible is just pure Hopium.

February 22, 2019 6:10 am

The closer the 2020 election gets, the more disinformation you will see.

“be careful who you follow”

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
February 22, 2019 10:30 am

American Politics is just TPTB playing Three Card Monty on the public. In 2016, it was the Democrats, the Republicans and Trump. We picked Trump but got more NWO screwing anyway: still no Wall, still illegal immigrants entering America like flies at a picnic, Welfare & Warfare doubled the debt, POTUS now pushing homosexuality globally, now Chem-trails are legal, constant KGB (FBI) political raids and Pravda (MSM) lies, US troops still fighting everywhere and growing, Vote Fraud still Rampant, and on and on. It’s Time. Turn their crooked table over and beat them with whips. Somehow we need to elect someone with real balls as POTUS; the only names that come to mind right now are Judge Pirro, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Ann Barnhardt, etc. Have all the Generals and Politicians been gelded (by Zionist)?

February 22, 2019 12:27 pm

I don’t buy this “he’s surrounded by his enemies” bullshit either. He surrounded himself with vampire squid bankers, neocon cowards, and faggot kikes like kushner and abrahms from the get-go. Surprise, he was a jew york dem for 50 years. dude has made more missteps than a clubfoot climbing el capitan. which saddens me because even though i did not vote for the cunt (or any for that matter), as i told a friend after the election, few men have ever been in the position to singlehandedly change the course of human history as trump was on nov 9. He’s been an abject failure, even by the low standards of his predecessors. Oops.

Also the ‘well hillary would have been worse’ is bullshit. that should make you even more pissed. you knew what hillary was so you fell into the hope trap and went for trump. and now that it is apparent to even Appalachian meth heads he’s the exact fucking same you should realize you’ve been duped. hat tip to stucky for his mea culpa.

February 23, 2019 9:02 am

Faux-conservative Ann Coulter…blathering about whuh? This is the woman who thought Mitt “super-RINO” Romney should be a good president. An obvious deep-stater and controlled opposition, I could not possibly care less about her well-funded-by-the-globalists perspective on anything. Right up there with Romney himself and Mark Levin. Lots of people hate Trump. Who cares? I just don’t want to hear a peep from idiot-Coulter’s bought n’ paid for mouth.